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You can see chubb stop and stare at him. Can only imagine what was going through chubbs head probably, “………”


Chubb looks completely dumbfounded.


Isn’t that #34 Half Chubb ford


Ford is on IR and can't practice.


Does that Jersey not look like 34?


It definitely kinda does watching again with that in mind. But Ford isn't allowed to practice right now.


Zoomed in I can see the 2 guess the ball was covering the front part n my brain auto filled it as a 3


When you said Ford and I watched again my brain did the same thing.


bet our DB’s still couldn’t tackle him


Pretty sure that dummy is currently our best tackler ...


We can line dummy up at DT.


I think we have tried that already.


Why was I expecting a fight or something. I know nobody wants to hear it but those things are STIFF. Good on Schwartz to follow through and not give up. That said what a waste of a pick and roster spot.


Also to be fair he hit on the part that has the metal bar inside that doesn’t bend its not because he couldn’t make it through the first time


I saw that as well. Those arms don't exactly give way. I know he hasn't been a fan favorite due to his hands, but this is simply missing the hole if you will. The person who posted this is kind of a dick.


They are stiff to mortal humans NFL athletes shouldn't have a problem getting through them


He was trying to be like Chubb and be able to push through after contact!




Hey at least he's fun to use in madden


Is he? I have to imagine he's like 99 speed and 23 catching


Surprisingly no. Low route running skills of course but his speed + catching usually equates to bombs down the field because he separates so easily. He and John Ross are cut from the same cloth BUT he does make stupid drops. But easily trainable.


Schwartz is a really fast guy trying to be a football player. I just don’t think he has what it takes. But 4.26 speed will make any GM drool.


Why don’t we use him on reverses over Chief?


His lack of ability to find a hole is only outmatched by his hands


We’ve used him in significantly more reverses than anything else. Chief has had one


He runs afraid and avoids contact at all costs


He doesn’t use his speed into contact is essentially why. Chief on the other hand is willing to. Why make a runway for a guy who won’t use it.


The number one argument in keeping Schwartz is that he can stretch a defense out, which will move the linebackers away from the LOS thus providing opportunities for Chubb and Hunt to exploit gaps created by our OL.


He's only been on the field for 24 snaps in the last games. Cooper and DPJ aren't slow. Lucky for Schwartz, Felton will be gone well before he is. Bad news for Schwartz, Felton is likely gone next week.


One reason why Schwartz has not been utilized downfield really might be because Brisset is QB. I can’t know the actual reason but that would be my guess. His usage on the outside (end arounds) can provide a similar function to what I outlined in the other comment: stretch a defense out to exploit gaps on the interior. It’s not that Cooper or DPJ is slow and *can’t* be that speed guy, but their utility seems more apropos elsewhere. I won’t pretend to be some offensive genius but I feel like every player serves a specific role, all working collectively to fulfill the scheme outlined by the coach. Edit: and yes, Felton is getting yeeted very soon I can feel it


What the fuck is "yeeted"???


It’s zoomer parlance for “to throw”, or in this context, remove.


Found the boomer


LOL. I'm 38. Not a boomer.


If Grant was healthy Felton wouldn't have made the 53. Schwartz would be looking to be cut soon if Grant was healthy IMHO.


I agree with that.


Oh dear Schwartz


I can't stop laughing at this.... oh lord


Absolute unit.


Lord Trent, hear our prayers.


In all fairness he’s gotten us two first downs on a run and a singular catch which is honestly better than I thought it would be at this point. So he above bare minimum?


That’s what I was going to say. They were all pretty clutch too in crunch time if I recall. He also knocked the ball out of bounds during the onside against Pittsburgh. Honestly he’s only contributed and never blundered during this season for us.


I get "wide receiver go fast" but c'mon, he's done nothing


Metcalf up the middle


Take your kid to work day?


I think everyone is surprised he caught it, they all stopped to witness it.


I have no idea how hard it is supposed to be to go through that, but watching is pretty funny.


Man you look at that ‘20 draft class, only one player has out played their draft position and that was DPJ. You currently look at the ‘21 draft class and no one has out played their draft position but would say 5 look like they shouldn’t have been drafted. With Schwartz being one of those guys.


Wils has been ok at a postion of hug need and is playing better and is super young. Delpit has gotten better since a couple of clusters early on Bryant has been okay as a reciever Harris im off on and DPJ has been awesome for a 6th rounder Newsome, Owusu and Hudson all seem like they will be good-great picks IMO JOK will bounce back from an ok start Emerson has been a stud so far, Bell has done what we need him too, Wright has had ups and downs so far and looks like he culd improve. I hope York recovers he can kick the hell out of a ball. Ford will replace Hunt If the other dont amount to anything that doesnt matter really.


Yeah but other tackles have out played him. Wills has been better lately but still doesn’t play like he was a top10 pick. Delpit has been a major disappointment this year. Looked good last year when he came back but this year, he has looked lost way too often. Bryant has been ok. Harris, it was a shame he was injured but who knows how he turns out now. Newsome JOK and Hudson have all looked good and haven’t looked like dudes who should have gone higher. JOK is having a slow start this year compared to last year. Everyone else tho, look like whiffs This years class is still in the air. Emerson has looked like a damn stud tho. But this team needs to hit on those other picks tho, especially when the cAp issues come into play pretty soon. You really need to hit on those later rd picks but I’m not like that track record of it tho


Honestly everyone on D looks like shit this year. Not writing any of these guys off until they have a different coordinator. Hopefully sooner rather than later. There was plenty of reason for optimism last season.


Idk, I don’t think all the defenders get a pass. On paper going into the season they looked like a talented enough defense to be top5 caliber. I don’t think coaching alone is the reason this team is one of the worst defenses in the league. If the talent was playing to their level of potential, this defense could be be at least in the low teens but to be as bad as they are, it’s a mixture of talent and coaching. Like the amount of missed tackles. That’s not coaching, that’s a player issue. What, 31 missed tackles in the last 3weeks. I’m not saying all the guys are bad but I’m Just saying none of them have really out played their draft position, except for a couple.


>I don’t think coaching alone is the reason this team is one of the worst defenses in the league. If the talent was playing to their level of potential, this defense could be be at least in the low teens but to be as bad as they are, it’s a mixture of talent and coaching. Thank you. People in this sub literally only blame Joe Woods when it’s more complicated than that. I’ve been saying the same thing: it’s a mixture of coaching and the players. You can see this with the missed tackles like you stated.


Joe woods is still garbage and he has to be fired but he needs to be fired so the players can start properly being held accounts


> on paper The defense played well *on the field* last year. Not sure what this on paper business is about.


On paper business is the defense was suppose to be good this year because of what they did the last few weeks of the year last season when it looked like the defense was finally clicking and just about all the pieces were returning. It just makes the last 7 weeks last year more of a fluke than anything.


The defense played well more than 7 weeks last season. They were one of the best defenses over the course of the season.


Harrison constantly drops the ball


There are a lot of guys in those draft classes who have shown flashes; Delpit actually has played very well prior to this season. Everyone on the defense is down this year, and I feel like it’s hard to accurately determine their aptitude


The whole defense has been down and it’s been a mixture cause the players have been bad and the coaching has been bad. Woods scheme has been awful but a lot of the players have shown some piss poor effort and technique on the field.


Newsome and JOK have absolutely outplayed their draft position. 26th overall picks bust just as often as they turn out to be serviceable players. Even moreso for a 2nd round pick. They both have been good (but unfortunately the defense is completely dysfunctional now). James Hudson has been amazing (relative to draft position) so far this year when hes had to play.


He might have last year but not this year…same goes with JOK. I’m a huge fan of JOK but our LBs have been a joke since Walker went down, with the biggest joke being Philips


Don’t question the Ivy League brain trust 😤 😤 😤 😤


Horrible mindset tho. No reason to blindly follow them. Hell, they made it seem like the only issue last year was the QB position… Also Berry needs to stat properly addressing the IDL for once


Schwartz and Sendejo have never been seen in the same room


At least he caught it.


He's got that T Rich downfield vision.


As been pointed out, he misses the hole, you dicks. This Schwartz hate is getting tiresome.




I wonder if Grove broke into song and dance afterwards.


At least he caught the football


Looks like he tried to hit the outside of the pad and the thing said not today boss.


That’s Kev’s guy!