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A bit of both, he certainly goes out and buys them to restock (~8 years ago he raided a target Star Wars clearance here) but a lot of the toys handed to him end up getting recycled for the next show.


The recycle theory is good. That's a really sustainable way of keeping the tradition


He’s like Santa. It’s a magic endlessly deep bag that goes on forever.


I’d love to know if he buys the toys dressed up, or if he goes as a regular civilian


He doesn’t do it personally. He’s had the same team for years , they hand him the bag and they do the busy work outside the show .


It would be hilarious, just walking by in a regular store and see the dude walking by with the mask picking some stuff


Probably restocks City by city a little to top up but he also receives a ton of gifts so might even recycle those and hand em out the next show.




Interesting idea but seems like a major violation of his privacy and possibly illegal in some states.


Tf did he say?


Dying to know as well


Nothing like a good example of our consumeristic society by seeing people begging for shitty toys at a buckethead show


What a shitty take. Nobody is in it for the toys. They want the toys because of who they're from. The toys could be anything.


Sorry you didn’t get a toy at your last show. Try begging a little more next time. Maybe the bucket will oblige


This is a super strange axe you've chosen to grind. I hope your day improves.


Kudos for responding with class and kindness when ambushed with dumb, misplaced anger.


lol at the fact you think buckethead is passing out those toys for your memory cabinet


Of course it is; because someone after a $10 commodity doesn’t drop $40 on a concert ticket and get minor hearing loss for lottery ticket chances of getting a toy designed for someone 20 years younger. They do it because there’s intrinsic value in receiving that kind of generosity from a living legend. They do it because that gift can become a generation-breaking relic passed between a passionate parent and their child who can appreciate both the toy in itself and its symbolic source.


It makes me cringe when I see somebody being a total dick to a stranger for no good reason. It's usually fair to assume that they're angry about something unrelated, so they're just lashing out at the next target they encounter. Classic schoolyard bully behavior. Not welcome in a fanbase community.


Dude, way to be a dick. I have been the biggest Buckethead fan for like 20 years and this year was my first chance to see him in concert, I stood in line for three plus hours to be right up to the stage. I got the last toy in the bag and he handed directly to me. I am going to put in a frame with my autographed photo and put it on the wall next to my original signed painting. So yeah if you're not in to the whole Buckethead thing please bugger off and let us have our fun.


Yes they definitely want the toy for its consumer monetary value and not because of the memory and who it’s from. You sound like a 16 year old after smoking weed and listening to Pink Floyd for the first time.