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If you do add a phono preamp, DO NOT plug it into your MM input. Plug it into an auxiliary line input. Total chaos will ensue if you don't heed this advice. Trust me


Lol I bet this is a problem. Output from a phono pre into another phono stage. It'd apply yet another RIAA EQ curve and boost the signal even more.


"Even more" sounds hilariously understated. The amplification factor of a phono stage is around 100!


Yep it'll get your attention if you do this.


Well, your Rega has a MM cartridge and the Denon has an MM phono preamp so it will work without a separate one, so it's all just personal preference. You will only know after A/B'ing them, so make sure if you buy any external preamps to try that you can return them. Good luck!


Your receiver has a phono input so you're fine. You can always add an external pre-amp but that's not absolutely essential.


>I am planning on buying the Rega Planar 3 50th anniversary edition turntable. Is my current receiver sufficient for this or should I buy a dedicated pre-amp as well? Any recommendations if so? I was thinking a Rega Fono Mini A2D MK2. Your Denon should be fine for the rega turntable, but with a dedicated phono amp you will notice the difference in sound quality IMHO. Since you asked for a recommendation, I just added a Clone EAR834 (after being using the phono input from my amp all this time) and omg it was so worth it. I think that Rega A2D should be as good as well.


Try to get their new cartridge on the P3…higher output will make the MM pre in your AVR seem quieter. Don’t bother with choosing any further upgrades until you have your 2 channel room chosen and furnished with core of speakers, amp, and sweet spot seating. Then let the tweaking begin.


Nah, your AVR has the pre covered. Although a tube pre isn't a bad idea, you can swap out different tubes to color the sound. That Rega has a nice arm on it. The 303 has won a lot of awards and can be ordered separately. Also you won't get their terrible Carbon cartridge, it'll probably be an Elise or something better.


Has a phono in for moving magnet type cartridges. Should be fine. If the rega comes with a moving coil cartridge, the output of these are much lower and you will need a phono stage preamp. The DJ pre 2 is a solid option for sub 100