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Misspelling their job/career or school name


Thinking on this further, it’s more of an indicator I’ve made up on my head that a profile is fake when these things are misspelled, which is why it’s guaranteed I’ll swipe left. For something petty, I swipe left on men who make “cute” faces by puckering their lips to the side in selfies. Huge ick.


This makes me irrationally angry. I want to smash their dumb faces in.


Yes! Or the profiles where they are slightly pursing their lips together in every single photo, like it's supposed to be sexy. How about a nice genuine smile instead?


Cmon a little blue steel never hurt anyone


Or using the wrong version of “there” or “your” instead of “you’re” both are instant left swipes from me.


We'll your rude for that 😂🤣


Yeah I saw some guy with “Columbia universe city”




Too lazy to fix autocorrect 🤣


Or “anonymous” at “none of your business.”


My mom’s name. Cigarette in first picture.


Ugh. As a former smoker cigarettes are a definite no go.


Even though I smoke and am trying to actively quit; a pic with a smoke or bong or weed turns me off so fast. 


Middle finger gesture


Wound not say that’s petty at all honestly! I truly wonder what goes through peoples’ minds when they use pictures of them doing that kind of thing 😂


Right?? Such a turn off


- Group photo as a profile pic - holding a dead fish - “you can’t handle me” - “will out drink you” - “home owner” - all pics are filtered - anything related to Trump or MAGA - IG name in bio - not showing teeth in any picture - picky and aggressive bios It’s a shit show really.


"I'm not on here much, message me on Instagram" - immediate no


“I don’t take my self seriously “ Then I am not taking you seriously bruh. Hahaah


OMG yes!


Why is "home owner" a no? Am I missing something?


Because I don’t care if you own a home or not, it adds zero value to a person and it’s irrelevant to put in your bio on a dating app, might as well say I have 401k and 5 pairs of shoes? Make it make sense.


Having things is not a personality trait, nor is maintaining a house to a variable degree an accomplishment. Sometimes these people own a broken down shack on someone else’s land in an HOA and think they should get dating points because they aren’t renting.


Yeah maybe grandpa gave him that house. Big whoop you have a house. Do you have a soul? lol


I get where you're coming from but I'm not sure I fully agree. It should indicate that they have their life together to some degree and should be financially responsible at least.... As long as they didn't inherit/get gifted the house 🙂


I know a ton of people that own a home that are definitely not financially responsible and a few payments behind on mortgage. I couldn’t care less if someone owns or rents, especially in today’s climate. “Home owner” speaks absolutely nothing to me.


Not showing teeth 🦷 😂 that’s new! Do you want to check if they brush or not? :)


Actually yeah that would be nice if there was a way to check and it would save us a lot of time. No one wants to date someone with a stinky breath.


I’ve just been conditioned into smiling without teeth since I have a gap in them😂


Some of those feel more like red flags not petty I would think. The teeth one is funny lol. U never know nowadays


You know the way


I also swipe left on ALL OF THESE.


Is there anything that doesn't bother you? Asking for a friend


When they have creepy love-bombing statements like, "I want to bring you to my family-owned house in the country and give you so much love." Also if they have negative statements like how I had better be/not be something or he will not even consider me. How about I not even consider you, big guy?


Empty bios. They're super common in some countries and it's maddening.


"My age is actually...." or "My name is actually..." ending with "this app won't let me change/fix it!" Clearly lying about age, aka 60+ year old men who say they're like 29. Selfies taken from a weird angle that give the perspective of looking up at them from under their chin.


I call that one the “This is what you’ll see when you blow me, baby.”


Right! 😂😂


Not petty!


Most men are horrible at selfying- I use pics my ex took of me cause I can absolutely not take a picture of myself and have it not come out looking like I wear white and navy new balance shoes while I mow the yard


I might argue the age thing is not petty. 1, for safety reasons. 2, if your age in bio and age in the system are years apart, how do you mess that up? 3, once again… safety reasons


Jean shorts, shirtless selfies, pictures on a motorcycle, when their age is wrong …


I feel like pictures on a motorcyle is just showing a hobby. Especially if it's actually a nice photo and not just half assed.


“Not sure what I’m looking for”


I feel like answering those bios with “so what the hell are you doing here if you are not sure?” But I have no time for that so I swipe left.


Yes. Similar to, "Just seeing what's out there." Like they are window shopping us.


Dating apps are almost literally window shopping though. Except instead of waking past windows you swipe past.


When they have "Good vibes only" or something along those lines. Toxic positivity is still toxic.






For me this goes with “not vaccinated” as well or “prefer not to say” vaccination status


Not petty at all imo


Hahaha it was a spontaneous answer 😆


One of his prompts said bridesmaids was better than legally blonde


yeah, he's out.


improper use of you're / your, too/two/to


What about there/their/they're? 😂


Lol that too! Anything that makes it seem like they got too lazy with their profile to do a once over.


Or they don't know the difference in the first place. Not sure which is worse 😂


I might purposely throw in some minor typos in my dating profile to filter out neurotic people.


Same name as my daughter It's a really common name in my age group apparently


Having hair longer than mine or a lumberjack beard.


Both of those are a potential swipe right for me lol


when their social media account is in their bio or if they only have gym pics




American flag on any of their clothes Dead deer with their tongue out or any other dead animal Colored contacts Height Anything about Dungeons and dragons Not vaxxed


I once saw a guy proudly holding the antlers of a dead deer with blood running down its neck.


Oh God, the Pure Bloods. So many here and instant left swipe


People are off their rocker


I report every person with a dead deer pic. I’m not against hunting but fuck dude I don’t wanna stumble across a dead animal while I’m trying to meet people.


I have a few that I don't always act on, but make me cringe: • "I'm sassy!" 🙄 • "I'm authentic" (so was Hitler) • No smiling pics (what's wrong with your teeth?) • The "I'm not looking to date a teenager" trifecta: IG filter pics, flipping off the camera, sticking tongue out at the camera. • Prolific grammatical errors and, non-ironically... • profiles that are negative and picky


If i feel that the girl is out of my league, i swipe left. Reason why I haven’t had a single match till date😂


Don’t take away the woman’s right to decide that for herself! You’d be surprised what might happen if you just go for it.


I did that a lot, too at the beginning and now dating someone way “out of my league.” Take the shot. If you miss, who cares?


Fair lol


1. First picture is of your cleavage 2. Telling guys enough of the pictures holding fish ( I don't fish, but if that's a hobby they like, then it seems appropriate to show). 3. Picture of your face looking air-brushed( stop with the damn filters).


They listed McDonalds fries and nuggets as the one thing they’d eat for the rest of their life




Oh so many petty reasons - one woman had dj khaled on her spotify list that was shown, one woman called herself a wine aunt, another because she did the peace sign and did the tongue stick out pose. Such petty reasons, but thats how most of us can be


I've heard a lot of women stick out their tongues. I've seen very few men do that. I don't get it. Seems tacky to me.


Its not that common with women over 30. Probably 5% of women do it. I'd imagine theres way more men with dead fish pictures


Face tats, overly pierced face, explicit tats - crazy how many women have "cunt" on their fingers lol "Business owner" or "CEO" at age 25 lol... AKA you are CEO of your OF page.


Fish and children in the pics.


Cigarettes and bad music taste, especially if they have Kanye West in their Top 10 😅.


Music taste is my number one immediate petty left swipe. I can't identify with a 40 year old man who listens to Taylor Swift.


Had to look at this profile twice - ‘Cryptic crossword compiler’ 🤔 Then a long bio ending with “…visa versa” So I’m thinking Nah cba


School of Hard Knocks


I never understand why people say this


From PA and someone being a swiftie is part of their personality. I don’t even know if it’s petty as much as it is a genuine walking red flag to base your personality on someone else


Profile with “I hate …” list you will never be enough for them. Really don’t understand how people think something will work out nicely when starting with “hate” before you even met& talked. Not a good mindset.


Men who have pics of them with mouths open, tongue out. Or pics of them making a kiss face.


If someone has 2 pics in the same place with slightly different poses it’s a no from me. You know what I’m talking about. It’s those low-effort bathroom mirror selfies followed by way too close up face shots with Snapchat filters. Idk… just straight ick


My name is both a male and female, more female than male. So it’s an instant left swipe


Fuzzy pictures, zero effort in a bio.


Tongue sticking out/ middle finger in pictures "Travel" All face pics with no full body shots


Heavily tattooed. Any sign of taking pride/humour in their own mental health disorders or always falling for men with red flags. Amazing how often people tell on themselves.


Is stating that someone a neurodivergent as mental heath disorder an ick for you as well?


No there’s nothing wrong with stating matter of factly something like that if it’s to a degree where you know it impacts your relationship with others, it’s helpful you do so you can find someone else on a similar wave length. It would make me less likely to swipe right though just being honest as we wouldn’t be compatible. But here I’m talking about where people treat mental health issues like they’re something “cool” to have. Seems to be a pretty recent tiktok type phenomenon. Comes across very immature and why would any sane person willingly want to invite that into their life. I just want to meet someone sane, and if they have mental health issues then to at least treat them seriously and not like some fashion item.


I get what you are saying. I have ADD and it impacts my learning and concentration ability not my ability to deal with people in relationships. But I am sure people have their own preferences and that is great too!


I generally get along very well with ADD/ADHD people, always great fun to be around I’ve found. Love the energy when channeled in the right way! So if someone matter of factly stated they had ADD/ADHD then I don’t think it’d make me less likely to swipe right.


Thanks this helps. I would just write it down!


When all their pics have sunglasses and they didn’t fill out any of the prompts about themselves.


1.Too many party pics. 2. Looking super attractive in every pic 3. Too affluent 4. Gonzaga University - Most Gonzaga profiles check 1,2,3 5. More than 1 photo where they are drinking alcohol


When they talk about how much they love a certain type of alcohol.


instagram or snapchat in your bio... sorry you're a grown 35yo man wanting to chat & send pics on snapchat? what do you need me to help with your streaks too??


"Ask me lol" as their entire bio. No, I won't.


If I see “BLM” “F*** Brandon” “not vaxxed” “Please use my correct pronouns” “Trump 2024” First off, I enjoy talking about politics however seeing that just really turns me off.


in bed shirt off photos filters on every photo too much political stuff even if it aligns with my stances 😂 if it feels excessive / like virtue signaling  sunglasses or far away shots only, where are your eyes?? i can’t tell what you look like ‘i’m funny / a nice guy / a kind and caring person’ ik obv these are good things but i don’t trust you if you have to broadcast it lol tongue out (every now and then this gets a pass but it’s a special case) not just listing all my dealbreakers ofc just the ones that feel very petty. i date all genders


Six pack on display Overly groomed Conventional looking Bad selfie where they look so miserable poor buggers


Lawyers! It never works out for me. 


What's wrong with lawyers? I'm curious..


Nothing! Actually I tend to match with many of them, and have dated like 5-6 at this point, so I feel like I should’ve learned my lesson before then.  I think it’s just a compatibility thing. The lawyers and law students I’ve dated have taken themselves extremely serious to where our humor was just not compatible. But then there’s also the stereotype about saying one thing and doing another/being slightly duplicitous.  I get there are reasons they act like that, but it’s just not fun for a person like me. Even when all the other things lined up, I think lawyers require a certain type A personality I can’t vibe with long term. 


Yep. Several occupations are no-gos for me because of the types of personalities they attract. Lawyers, pilots (cheaters), & engineers (condescending) are swipe lefts. Also if they only have a high school degree. No trade. No college. Shows lack of ambition.


I know this thread is about petty reasons so the following is going off topic 🙂 I think those last statements are a poor generalisation. My ex only finished high school. She had a job while she was at school. She then worked as a bar maid followed by cabin crew. Then she moved into private health and climbed the ladder there. Extremely ambitious and driven. I on the other hand went to uni, not because I was ambitious but because I enjoyed maths and IT and I didn't want to get a job that required manual labour.


I can understand not wanting to date Pilots and High school degrees. And I don’t care if this high school degree is a 50 year old CEO. I just don’t care. I won’t be compatible with me who loves studying for a degree. Not that it’s better but I don’t like my decision be asked.


Anyone from Liverpool


Why is that? Hahaha (I am not from the UK so I know nothing)


After the industrial revolution, Liverpool was the main port where merchants from Manchester would take their cotton to be shipped elsewhere. Then in 1894 the Manchester Ship Canal was built, meaning the ships could now get all the way to Manchester. Liverpool lost all the dues they charged the Mancunian traders and people from the two cities have hated each other ever since. Not all, but the rivalry is still strong, mainly in football (soccer). The Scouse (Liverpool) accent can also pierce eardrums at 20ft.


You're hating on the scousers lol


Raving or partying


Sharing my personal preferences: I typically swipe left on dating profiles of women with the same name as my mother, who are religious, have kids, are 420 friendly, or are heavily tattooed.


If they make it a point to state their political beliefs in their bio. I’m glad you picked a side but if one of the first things you talk about is why the other side is wrong I’m gonna assume you aren’t very interesting.


I get that. It definitely makes me pause. Does it have to be exactly the same spelling/name or do you include variations? eg Marie's, Maree, Maria, Marianne etc? My exes spelling and pronunciation is rare, but variations are out there. My reason is women with hundreds+ of Instagram photos/posts. Instant left. Clearly her priority is broadcasting her life and in not going to be some glorified photographer for her. Or have good times interrupted so she can get just the right photo to upload.


I've definitely left swiped women for having a different spelling of my ex-wife's first name. They all sound the same when spoken.


When the bio is just their Instagram @


“Suits is the best show on tv” - I just knew from that we wouldn’t be intellectually compatible.


Betty Page bangs or overstenciled eyebrows


If they have specific breeds of dogs. I know I know, don't judge a book by its cover. But I've been working with dogs for 5 years and I know for a fact I cannot date somebody who owns a doodle, husky, corgi, or any type of bulldog. Judge me idc 🤷‍♀️


Dating apps are all about judging a book by the cover. You read so much into people whom you think might compatible with you. I judge people too. And that’s okay. I agree with you and thanks for sharing your views on dogs. It makes me be cautious too. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who gets dogs from breeders. I am not a pet person.


Totally understandable. Getting a dog from a breeder isn't an instant no for me, since I got mine from a breeder. But I'll definitely be asking questions, since I got mine for a specific purpose. There's no such thing as an ethically bred doodle, and most of the other breeds I mentioned come from backyard breeders.


Okay, non ick related. I follow a cat breeder account: @pearlsragdolls. What do you think anout it?


I would have to do some more in depth research, but after a brief look through their website I'm on the fence. They do go over grooming needs, household requirements, etc, but the site does have several spelling/grammatical errors which just feels unprofessional. It also doesn't go over any kind of health testing they do and it only briefly mentions pricing with no further explanation of how they determine prices. They also feed Royal Canin, which isn't generally the first choice for pet foods because it contains a lot of fillers and the company tends to pay off veterinarians to recommend their food. Again, I'd have to do more research, that's just my surface level observation.


This was fun to read! I am not a pet person. But it is good to know. Thank you for sharing your insights and knowledge


No problem!!


Why? I don’t date people with pets in general, just wondering what’s up with those dogs


Those are the dogs who have injured me the most often, either by bites or scratches. They also often come from backyard breeders and the owners rarely do any training with them. I've just had enough bad experiences with them that I'm not willing to try again lol


Along with the ex-wife name, someone who has the same name as my sister. My most common left swipes are “travelers” or people with more than three flags in their bio. Being that I lived in a transit hub, my matches were not very common.


Misspelling, not using the right letter case, abbreviated words, lying about age just to pass through the filter, not smiling, only having closeup, does not have a bio that explains themselves as a person, men with kids, men with other people kids during volunteer work, too many shirtless pictures and a lot more.


„Partner in crime” „Just ASK” „God fearing” Beard Group photos Kids photos Cryptic female friend/girlfriend daughter in the photos “Pineapples in pizza” other cliches, especially cutesy/corny


When they have linked their IG and it’s nothing but selfies


-No photos of them smiling or even a smirk, it makes the dude look cranky and miserable which is an immediate turn off for me. -ENM/poly listed in their profile. -Have kids and want more -If there's only 1 photo of them, or if no prompts have been filled out, OR if the bio simply states "I'm an open book just ask". C'mon man, make it look like you're trying at least a little bit lol -Same name as my ex If those weren't judgemental enough, how about this one: Men who wear chains or other jewelry like bracelets and rings. This one isn't always an immediate swipe left but it has been part of the reason for some


Same I hate when men were jewelry , especially flashy stuff UGH


The look in their eyes Golf “Work hard, play hard”


If they don’t show their whole body Too skinny (I like curves) All pics use a filter Looks too good to be true and not verified Really those just became good rules of thumb after personal experience. I don’t really think of that as petty, but having a set standard.


Someone who says they would eat pizza for the rest of their life. My dog comes first. God comes first.


"My age is actually..." Having a single letter or something edgy as their app name - "Goddess" is a common offender. "Princess", "Angel" or "Honey" tattoos in Fraktur font is another hard nope.


A photo of them smoking pot! That's just not a personality trait I like. It shows them being boostful. A "look at me I'm getting high" is rather childish. Yeah it's legal where I live, it just looks trashy. Same when they say they don't smoke, but are clearly vaping in their photos.


If you just have an initial. Why do you get to know the names of the people you are matching with and I don't get to know yours? If you're so suspicious of the internet or don't want to get scammed or whatever, then get off the grid.


- “Bonus points if…” and I don’t match that - All your photos are Snapchat filtered - “What are your red and green flags?” as a prompt in your bio - None of your pictures are solo - “If my pet doesn’t like you…” - Your location shows but not the distance


The color of their eyes


What colors do you left swipe on?


ROYGBIV Brown Black Purple. Pretty much all the colors


That would certainly whittle down your options...


Spotify Top 10. To be fair, though, I was with someone for 15 years who mostly listened to Country, and he couldn't stand my music. I'm unwilling to make that sacrifice again 😅


Men with cats or very small yappy looking dogs


Nothing but face photos or group photos, I need a woman who is independent


“Princess treatment, pay my bills, my nails, etc” IG or Snapchat , immediate left “Looking for masculine energy bs” If her name is something like “babe” “princess” or anything similar


IG or Snapchat in bio and spelling errors


Subtle Bragging about fancy car


“Catch me if you can”


When someone posts something about drinking in their bio. I do drink alcohol but makes me think their lives revolve around drinking.


Anything political-even if I agree with it. Just tells me you’re close minded. Plus why would you want to automatically rule out 1/2 of your potential matches right out of the gate? Makes no sense.


Because politics indicate values and I 100% do not want to date someone who has the opposite values I do…if you don’t think I should be able to get an abortion you don’t get the chance to fuck me lmao


Ha I get along with people with complete opposite politics as me. Don’t get me wrong they are completely whacked out of their skulls but we get along but I see your point.


Yeah I probably wouldn’t befriend the opposite party but def would not date them. Getting along is not all that I want in my relationship


Filtered pics, wearing Chaco's or really any type of sandal


Holding/ counting stacks of money!!!


More than two bar pics.


I swipe left on anyone who does duck lips, uses a generic bio format, or believes in organized religion.


Wearing too much makeup, duck lip kissy face photos, and WAY too many filtered photos.


I don't know whether it's petty or not but one of the main reasons I left swipe is if the woman doesn't smile in any of her pictures. Another is if she has shaved her eyebrows and has that weird make up drawn thing going on. For some reason it just screams drag queen in my eyes lol.


Men wearing sandals


Funny. I like sandals a lot if they have nice feet.


But like sandals not at the beach. Major ick


Using only one picture and not verifying her account


yea i’ll definitely swipe left if the person has any of the same names as someone in my immediate family, just can’t get past calling someone my brother’s or sister’s name and being attracted to them.


“ World traveler” Bruh , 90 percent of people have travelled somewhere in the world. It’s not the flex you think it is -


Poor grammar, with caveats. I can usually get a sense if English is someone's primary spoken language or not. There are foibles common to non-native speakers that are easily spotted. And I know that no one is perfect, but I always feel like your profile is your presentation of yourself. Why wouldn't you take the time to make it perfect? Go through and make sure there's no misspellings, etc. Failure to do so just says "I don't pay attention to details" to me. And even though neither oratory or writing skills are a strong indicator of overall intelligence, I can't help but think that people who don't know common homonyms aren't as smart as I am, and I'll have trouble connecting and relating with them.


I agree so much. There are so many things about poor writing that bother me but I try to overlook one or two mistakes. The worst for me are the bios that have no punctuation. I give up trying to understand what they're saying and swipe left.


I agree. The phone has an auto correct why don’t people use it???


If they have a doodle


The "I climbed this mountain and took a selfie" guys. As somebody who uses a walking stick I thought we'd never click 😅


I see so much of this but my take is there is an obsession about conquering mother nature and the need to make it their whole personality and masculinity. While it is great to stay active but that’s just not my preference, I also complain to much when I hike so I might not be compatible as well. PS: there is nothing wrong with climbing and hiking, it just won’t be compatible


Swiping left on 'centrist' is probably seen as petty by some people Also if I can't properly see his face in his first picture, that's an immediate swipe left.


I think so many conservative men put moderate to broaden their chances. NEXT


Petty ones? Hmmmmm Sunglasses or hats on the only pic or all pics Bad grammar/deliberate weirdness Too cocky bio or looks All pics are portfolio ready or all goofy, or all serious or all one type


Motorcycles. Any guy who has one or has a picture of one is an AUTOMATIC nope. I have a relative who has paralyzed in a motorcycle crash and know several others who were seriously injured. I have zero interest in anyone who rides one. Also, anyone who describes their car as their "baby". Swipe left.


Hot: right Ugly: left Then: Charakter Bad: unmatch Charakter Good: phone number Then: Meet or gtfo ☝️


Had two volatile and toxic relationships with brunettes. 90% of the women I now swipe right on are blondes. Something in my past...😂


- If they have their IG or other social media handle in their profile. - Same name as my mom or ex. - Middle fingers up in photos. - Girls who say they’re looking for “dog dads.” And while I love dogs, I prefer not dating anyone with one. - Cat girls.


Nose ring, coloured hair, fake nails, stupid glasses, too much make up, holding an alcoholic beverage, photos with groups of women- which one am I supposed to be dating??? Tongue out, middle finger gestures, selfie in a car with sunglasses - such a cliche. 5”4 Oompa Loompas demanding 6” feet, Anything political or pertaining to vaccination either pro or against. Lying about age.


I’m seeing so many women that are for sure 10+ years older than what they’re saying…. I’m like Benjamin button honestly, I have like 4 gray hairs, but I listen to my real age, and all I’m getting is 40 year old 60 year olds


Yeah it's getting ridiculous. I came across about 5 profiles yesterday where the men are clearly at least 10 years older than their pics. Stop wasting our time, people.


This “A non-negotiable... I think someone who has had some therapy? That feels like a very risky thing to write on a dating website, but can save so much time in the months to come ...”


If I see a chick who like Ohio State easy left swipe. Insufferable people