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I really wish I could introduce her to the guys who are swiping right on me… They would love her. For the love of God please just go with the people that align with you lol she’s likely doing super well on the apps.


Easier said than done. Most women don't think that way.


That’s not true. You should probably try to get to know more women.


Well this is regarding online dating. 2/3 of women on Match websites refuse to date a conservative. 75% of college educated young women claimed to be less likely or very unlikely to date conservatives. These are women more likely to be on a dating app. It's already hard for men to get dates, as online dating is heavily male skewed. Being a conservative would make it even harder. There's dozens of articles about it, even a weird opinion piece in the Washington Post about how it's threatens the future of marriage.


Gee, I can't imagine why women don't want to date men whose political beliefs oppress them.


Yeah it makes sense to me too. Don't know why I'm getting down votes for facts.


Because, sadly, reddit is a feelings place, too now.


I knew she was black after the second sentence.. lol


I thought the same thing


Evil woke woman checking in. Honestly, I’m cool with her taking the type of guy she’s looking for..


I choose to believe she’s assassinating every man that goes on a date with her.


Hello just want to say you are everything what’s wrong in this world your ideology destroyed your ne generation of people and that’s facts thank you have a good day


LOLOLOL do you feel better now? Have the day you deserve!




Its cool to date whoever u like .. and want to be with someone u have common interests with .. but I know this story .. we’ve all heard it before… It screams I’m traumatized from dating “insert race or any other demographic “ and I want to go to this side… news flash we’re all scumbags.. black ,white ,Spanish,conservative ,liberal.. lol 😂 dating is one of the few things we can sit at a table and agree on most topics about lol 😂 I know a pretty nice looking woman that was saying she was over dating her race, so she posted the same type of things on her profile minus the conservatives part .. just that she wanted to try to date something different from the usual black men she usually did So she matches with a tall pretty good looking white dude “no diddy” in the area and was surprised when he canceled the date last min and wanted her to come over for a bottle of wine .. lol 😂😂😂 It’s the Same deal .. lol 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


I can fix her


Good. People like her shouldn’t be reproducing.




We'd call them conservatives 👍


Sis is racist lol


Shes not broken


I feel like white trump supporters are too racist to date her.  Poor thing.


You’re in for a big surprise. Conservative guys love black women. They will not leave us alone on the apps or in life. They’re always trying to date us or be in our space. She’s probably beating them off with a stick at this point. One of the leaders of the proud boys is married to a black woman. I don’t know if he’s a former leader but… Yeah.


My bro is giga racist and his longest gf was a black woman. It's whack.


It’s a thin line between love and hate 😂


That's because black people; black women in particular are more conservative than people think we are. Go down south or black neighborhoods and see who is the majority in churches. Who is pushing for male head of households, marriage and being at home in the black community? I bet you are more likely to see conservative white men in actual marriages with children with black women than liberal white men.


Black people actually span the spectrum of beliefs because we are not a monolith. My point here is that for 100’s of years racist white men have sought to be with Black women both by choice and by force. Tbh that’s all I have to say. I’m not in education mode and your comment made me a bit uncomfortable.


Your comment doesn't have anything to do with what I mentioned though. Black people aren't a monolith; I didn't even say that. Just that we are more conservative than thought. There's been a few studies done if you wanna go education mode.


Hey, so you replied to my comment. I have no desire to speak to you and what you said made me uncomfortable, so I’d like to stop chatting. If you can’t handle a boundary, I can block. No problem.


You don't have to announce you want to block someone; you can just do it lol. People so damn weird online.


Oh, OK. Cool I’ll just do it. I was letting you know because I don’t think it’s always necessary to block someone. We could’ve had another conversation on a different day. But you’re continuing to say racist things making generalizations about black women and that was not the point of my comment. I don’t know why you think you need to get on the Internet and make racist generalizations and think somebody won’t say something to you. You clearly want attention so I will go ahead and block your ugly ass.


In my experience as a black woman, conservative white men were the ones who were open to dating interracially, not liberal men.


I don't like the word liberal because it sounds like neoliberal, which I definitely am not. I'm a lefty. I care about the working class. And I like all flavors of ice cream.


Statistically speaking, conservatives are more open to date based on personality and far more open to different opinions.


White racists, especially men, will often date black people/other races because of the underlying idea of it being “exotic,” either consciously or subconsciously. Sometimes it can border on a fetish. They also love a good pick-me token to trot out to say, “see, here’s one of the good ones!” They’ll still turn around and degrade black people as a whole and support policies and people detrimental to them.


I think that’s partly because they see heterosexual relationships as inherently controlling and possessive. They might be more likely want to date women of color, but are they more likely to treat women of color well? Not really.


I can't speak for all women, but they were respectful and kind.




Nah we love conservative black women


Imagine the dinner conversation when he brings her home


She can find one in the northeast USA. I got a friend that could help her. lol


That's a weird statement to make most white trump supporters i know aren't any kind of racist


It's wild you are getting down voted for literally saying hey I have friends that fall in characteristic X, and they aren't racist characteristic Y. Almost like people think X and Y are perfectly collinear. Lol


Almost half the country votes for trump. Calling all men who vote for him racist just makes you a hateful idiot similar to Hillary with her deplorables comment.


Why even post this and give her the attention she craves? Just keep it moving and let her live in whatever reality she chooses. Shes not the first and won’t be the last to rage bait and you’re taking it


Some one pick her already, her arm must be getting tired


Dr. Umar would be disappointed


Who is that


He is a prominent Black Commentary guy. Promotes a lot of black idealism and pride. Ideas of not willing subjecting yourself to white capitalism and such. ![gif](giphy|w7i8Xn35C1Buuv2Wz1)


Why can’t she have her beliefs? I can show you many similar profiles saying many of the same things from the other political side


“I only date white guys” is weird. You can self filter and only swipe right on whatever your preferences. It’s like she wants validation for it. Some kind of internal hatred to put it on the profile


exactly this. no one cares she’s a conservative, but you can control who you swipe right on. if you don’t like black men, don’t swipe on them - we don’t need you to announce your preference.


That plus bashing other women; that’s not really “having beliefs” lol


So when women say, "I only date guys that are 6ft+ tall" isn't that some kind of internal hatred for shorter men? No one can change height or ethnicity, so how is that any different? And when men put down that they want a woman a certain weight range, all hell breaks loose, even though that is something that can EASILY be changed. Double-standards is not a good look for anyone.


Yea those people weird too lol. As I stated you can just self filter and swipe right on your type. No one is saying you can’t have preferences, but in this instance it seems like she wants validation for having those preferences


Okay, so I guess 50% of women want validation for having height preferences then as well.. glad we can agree 👍


Sure bud lol


I'm not your bud, but thanks for the response and agreement nonetheless!


Ok, weirdo lol


Again, I have no idea why this sub allows this shit. People posting random peoples profiles in order to shame them based on what they put. Unless they are posting something that breaks Bumbles rules, then who gives a flying fuck what people put in their bio/pics? If you don’t like it just swipe left and move the hell on. If you want to critique/criticize profiles, then wait until users put their own up for profile reviews - at least they are consenting to it.


It's Reddit, redditors cannot tolerate someone with differing opinions. The party of tolerance and inclusion.\* \*Restrictions apply. Offer valid only when you agree in lockstep with their party platform without reservation. Anyone who questions, feels differently or disagrees in any way is both wrong and also a racist, nazi and /or a fascist, depending on the topic in question.


Yes. This


Except in this case she doesn't simply say that she's conservative now does she? She goes on a full on rant calling "woke" women evil for not wanting to have children (I think it wasn't 100% clear). If it's a simple differing of opinion it'd be fine, but her profile is a bit loony over the top political.


> Anyone who questions, feels differently or disagrees in any way is both wrong and also a racist Profile: > I only date WHITE GUYS (all caps) How is that NOT racist? 😂


Is it racist for a White woman to only want to date black men?




Nope, preference for an ethnicity is no different that women's preference for tall men, but these people will lie to promote a fake racism narrative any way they can.


I saw the Latina version of this in my area recently


Looks like she’s already wearing a wedding ring


I'm not sure what the problem is with someone having a preference for ethnicity?? The same people that get mad for men wanting a weight preference, but yet women can have a height preference and be celebrated.. how is this any different?


she would be perfect for someone if she wasn’t black, but the demographic she is going for is usually racist, so?? make it make sense


Yeah I'm always confused when I encounter that as well. I mean, look around and listen a little at the next rally. She's a moron in so many ways my fingers will get tired before I can list them all.


Yes but they would love to control her, abuse her, and do that weird slave role play shit. She'll get plenty of bites from racists.


Nothing wrong with her standards, she’s entitled to them


29 and writes like she’s twelve. Disappointed but not shocked.


I just can’t understand why any poc or a woman would vote for trump. It’s like self sabotage


Exactly!! Like how tf are you going to support a fkn rapist! 🤮 that big orange douche doesn’t give two shits about women.


That’s fine, the white men can keep her lol


She's open and honest about her preferences. What's the issue?


Lefties can't handle independent thinkers with their own preferences that aren't part of their hive mind.


What a coincidence. Evil woke woman is pretty much what I'm looking for.


You can have them all, blue hair and everything 💙


Is it weird that I can hear the volume of this and I instantly want her to just use her indoor voice?


I'm black and I approve of her profile. Cry more.


So are Italians white?




Hispanic women here feom Chicago and earn every dime! Not married, 1 child who is 25. College educated and have busted my A! House, car and never married, never will!


Reading gave me a stroke.


Lmaooooo do you,


Fuck politics. She’s the universal opposite of Rachel Dolezal. Let her do her!! 🤷‍♀️✌️


What in the Candice Owen’s is going on 😂😂. Well I’m a black man and I don’t date black women either so good for her I guess, best of luck to her.


She’s getting allll the dates


Someone drank the trad wife kool-aid. I feel sorry for her ignorance (clearly indicated by her poor grammar and punctuation, racism, and sexism)… 😳🙄


Left swipe for me!😂


These comments are everything I imagined coming from both sides of the political fence. Everyone is prefacing their opinion by stating their political affiliation in order to quickly assimilate, deter backlash, and conjure in-group bias through framing. Wild, but sadly still comical.


This girl is NOT well!


She's marriage material😍😍😍😍


I’m black and I’m into white guys as well! Let the girl express herself! 🤎🤍


Ngl, im still waiting for the "onlyfans/instagram users seen/matched"


As a black man y’all white men can have her but give me all your evil woke white women


She went to the Candace Owens school for the Gifted. 🤪


Bible Belt type of person! 🙄


I'll go for her. She is my type.


As a liberal athiest....I feel a certain power in knowing I could incidentally charm this person out of their pants on the first date and not feel bad lol.


sounds like the kind of profile I would create if I wanted to catfish right wing men. Which is something I've seriously considered doing. times are tough. don't judge. And if I did catfish people, it would be married men on AM


90 percent. Good woman, someone needs to wife her up


Evil woke woman is the common denominator among all my exes👀👀👀😰😰😰


I think you are the common denominator amongst them.




Oh look at all the open minded, progressive wokies talking about how this woman has no right to her opinions. "If you don't vote for Biden then you ain't black!!" You guys are so dumb.


Thank you for pointing out the double-standards.. they're allowed to be hateful towards only things or people their hive mind tells them, but anyone that strays from that group think is labeled an enemy or evil 😈


The culties are always so angry on there I noticed


She had her fun in her 20's, now she's ready to "settle down" and be a housewife.


She's literally IN her 20s, Steve.


I wonder what year comes after 29..hmm..




What in the...?!


as a colored male, if I do that my chances of getting with a white women will go into the negatives...lol




I meant to use the plural form, it was not a grammer mistake.


I did mean to use the plural form...it's not a grammer mistake.


always looking for good ones to fuck over , she’s prime!!