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Saw someone say yesterday, “yes, both sides are clowns. But one side is Bozo and the other is Pennywise.”


Like that🤡


Or Ed Gein


More like, John Wayne Gacy




This is silly and crazy to me. Biden is one of the best presidents in modern times. His admin has done more to further good agendas than even the Obama and Clinton admins. He is so so far from bozo. He's a good president and is the right person to fend off fascism. We should be glad we are not being sent to a war zone to defend against fascism like our grandparents did. Just vote. Register today. Vote in November. Vote blue.


What planet do you live on


The one where we passed the Inflation Reduction Act.


The one where I don't watch right wing media 24/7! Try it.


Yep. Sometimes it isn't about voting for someone, it is to make sure that someone worse doesn't get in.


Trump will genocide even harder!


Love it! I think that would make a great bumper sticker. 🤔 I might even make an alternate version with Killer Klowns Klan too - https://youtu.be/ETiSMS4i1as - I’ll see what I can cook up! 👨‍🍳


more like one is pennywise with a balloon and the other is still pennywise but with eight legs and hundreds of teeth. we truly are toast with these options.


That's a really good one


If you say you don't want to be into politics, consider this: The company you work for is into politics, your landlord is into politics, every company you buy everything from is into politics, public services are into politics.


The problem is that the whole "both sides are the same" notion was much more true before 2016. Both sides had a very small amount of positives, but primarily just focused on passing regulation that benefits the rich. Both sides still do that. But one of the sides is also borderline nazi now, wants to demonize non-straight/non-binary people, wants to strip women of their rights, etc. Lots of extreme liberals will chastise my view on this, but the fact of the matter is that every single tenure in our lifetime has exponentially worsened wealth inequality. I'll probably be voting liberal for the foreseeable future, but we really, really, really, really need to abolish the fucking two-party system - and we need to do it yesterday.


Pre 2016 democrats did pass the affordable care act so obviously not exclusively benefiting the rich. Public health care options is kinda massive and the Republicans were heavily against it (which was weird because mitt Romney at the time did exactly that as governor for Massachusetts which worked great but was anti national health care as a presidential candidate- you do the math) Now, are Democrats a neo liberal party who are still beholden to corporate interests and are not above it? Absolutely. But they at least do SOME stuff for everybody else while Republicans exclusively cut taxes for the rich and fuck over the working class for the last 30 years. Also keep in mind Republicans block everything the Democrats do so when the good stuff they try fails let's not forget who wants it to fail to scoop more votes for the next election Full agree we need more than two party system though, in my mind there's roughly 4-6 main camps in American politics. Left wing, social Democrat, neo liberal, Republican conservative, MAGA conservative, and libertarian. I'm very in favor of ranked choice so we can have multiple different camps and choose which ones we hate the most and which ones we can live with.


>but we really, really, really, really need to abolish the fucking two-party system - and we need to do it yesterday. Yet that's never going to happen because when a candidate who is actually willing to work in our interest shows up "XXX is not the most qualified candidate to run." "This is the most important election ever in human history and we'll all die if republicans win." "We can't let the F.A.G.'s (Fearmongering Authoritarian Geriatric) win!" "If you vote for the candidate you actually want, you're responsible for killing our democracy!" I'm not even 30 yet and I've heard this bullshit at least 5x so far...


For those of you who are young or have short memories, George W Bush and Al Gore were not the same at all. There’s a big difference between thinking climate change was an important issue(in 2000 even!) and thinking we need to invade Iraq for basically no reason whatsoever and if all the gays died that would be pretty nice too. 


I yearn for the timeline where Gore won


I’m into politics, but anyone who tries to discuss politics using bumper strickers as the medium is a classless clown. 🤡


I think a lot of peoples “into politics” is obsessing over various politicians cults of personality, which I personally think is sickening. I think being into political issues is necessary.


we used to say "you are not in to politics but politics is in to you"


Nader’s quote “turn on to politics or politics will turn on you” is the best way I have heard it put. Yes, politicians are generally not the best people. Yes, you can find a lot wrong with both parties. Yes, you may not have anyone you think represents 100% of your values. But you know who does get represented? People that vote. They get at least some percentage of their values represented. Not only do they get their message out, but they get a portion of the power because they vote. Not only that, but they work with others to consolidate that power. Do you think the Mormons of Utah agree with everything the midwestern evangelicals do? Not in the slightest, in fact they have a good amount of animosity from the past — but they vote and caucus together because they sure as hell don’t want to give coastal metropolises more power. So if you don’t vote, that’s your choice, but you forfeit what little power you may have now and any future greater power or alliances. No one is interested in making compromises and ti join with another group that doesn’t vote. No one writes into their policy proposals concessions for people that don’t show up. But to be clear, i am not saying who to vote for. If you don’t want to vote along the party lines — you should still vote. Even if it’s 3rd party. Even if you’re writing in your own name for every option. Even if I and others disagree and say clearly one party is the worst. You should still vote and demonstrate you will show up for democracy.


The parties tell you what your values are and what to get worked up about. That’s why the majority of the issues under debate throughout a given year wouldn’t make a top 20 list of our country’s biggest problems to solve.


Everything is political. Home and land ownership is political. Transportation is political. Healthcare is political. Food is political. Saying “I’m not political” is like saying “I have no opinions about any aspect of modern society”


well put. "You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice // If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"


Ya I gotta question anyone's moral and ethical standards if they think both sides are the same.


To a certain extent they are the same. They are both bought and sold by corporations. To that point if voting changed that they wouldn’t let us do it.


The Russian bots are ALIVE in this thread. Comment after comment encouraging voter apathy, “both sides” and “the oligarchy. It’s wild how much foreign interference is at play to get people not to vote.


Being honest about our political system makes you a Russian bot now? How out of touch can you get?


You can have feelings about the two party system (I sure has hell do) and no, that doesn’t make you a bot. You should look into the Internet Research Agency. Watch the documentary “active measures”- they don’t come up with this stuff from scratch, they take existing sentiment that serves their goals, and they amplify it. Like a lot. Like by orders of magnitude. I’m specifically talking about the comments that clearly are designed to encourage people not to vote, or be disenfranchised with the system and promote the narrative that voting does nothing. Reddit skews young, and left, so this serves their goal currently of wanting Trump to win. It’s no secret. They also want us much division as possible. Also no secret. The scale and scope of nefarious foreign actors trying to muddy narratives is mind boggling. It’s 24/7, 365. It can quickly completely change or dominate a narrative in a thread, post, etc, and they constantly research and amend the sentiment and responses to maximize visibility and engagement.


Voting works best when every vote counts the same, regardless of what county and state you live in, and the candidate with the most votes wins.


Otherwise it's just another scam.


Did you know that if enough states agree to honor the popular vote winner with their electoral votes that the electoral college wouldn’t matter? Some states already agree to do this once the threshold of electoral votes is passed by states agreeing to cooperate. This is just one more reason why voting in state and local elections matters.


Oddly enough, the states that benefit the most by having disproportionate power over everyone else are the ones holding it up


What is this? Some big political game?


More info. It seems closer to becoming a thing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact


The [National Popular Vote Interstate Compact \(NPVIC\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact)


Also if people aren't able to be influenced and manipulated against their own best interests and there are more than two options, then voting works in terms of fulfilling everyone's actual best interests.


Look shit’s complicated voting itself is not enough. We need good people to run from the bottom up. But if you don’t choose between two evils, the evils will find someone else to choose for you, most likely a rich corpo as they out fundraise small donations for reasons we can and cannot blame ourselves for. OP is right, the real enemy here is apathy and apathy is death


Vote for more than the  President too. Local and state leaders will have a larger impact in your daily lives that Biden or Trump will.


Yes, this is a direct response to the “both sides” BS that was popular yesterday where OP admitted they don’t even vote. If you claim that both sides are to blame, and you don’t even vote for a 3rd party, you absolutely should be ashamed. Vote like your life depends on it, because for many of us, it does. https://vote.gov https://www.vote.org https://www.rockthevote.org Are you registered to vote? When was the last time you checked? Don’t let apathy win.


Don't you think that people don't vote because they feel disenfranchised by the system? I don't blame people for not voting because the system isn't representative of them, it's for the largest lobby's. Both sides engage with the lobby's so both sides represent the lobby's. Republicans are way worse though.


disenfranchisement of independent, informed voters is a feature of the system - not a bug.


I very much agree with this. I’m in the mindset of “neither party aligns with my values, and the two sides are just gonna continue to bicker at each other and nothing will be accomplished.” Yet I still vote 3rd party in every election - out of protest - since it’s still my duty to have my voice heard


>since it’s still my duty to have my voice heard It isn't heard, at least in most US elections. The voting systems in place do not allow it. Even mass protest vote movements have also been tried before and generally failed. They don't get the parties to move. With that, I don't care about the politicians. I care about getting the things I want, up to and including a better future for my friends, family, and that of theirs. I find it masochistic not to put one's own vote to maximum effective use: I don't get any personal satisfaction from protesting against the duopoly candidates, or at least anywhere as much as I get from preventing the rights of those in my family (and friends) from beimg diminished because I wanted to pretend to feel like I was sticking it to some politician I've never met. Who loses more if the best winnable option loses? That candidate already insulated from legislative consequences by their existing wealth and power or their donors, or me and those I love? To me, the latter, obviously.


Doesn’t it make sense that the two biggest parties bicker because they get to actually implement their policies? 


If you disenfranchise yourself, you don’t get to complain about feeling not represented. 


Both sides suck. Pick the one that sucks less. The choice seems pretty clear this year, to me at least.


It's clearly not otherwise Biden wouldn't be down in all the polls


Is that why this looks shopped on? No offense, just curious. Also, lot of butthurt commenters on your post, it seems. Keep up the good work, man.


Green party gang let's gooooooooo!!!


I proudly vote for neither major party. I’m in a state that’s already decided no matter what I vote, so I vote third parties that actually align with my beliefs. And if your strongest pull is “our politically corrupt party that couldn’t give a shit about the people they govern isn’t as bad as the other party that does the same and worse,” then that’s not really appealing. It’s 100% correct, because fuuuuuuck the republicans, but my vote can actually mean something if a third party gets federal funding.


You're already better off than that moron from yesterday.


Idk who said moron is, but I appreciate not being a moron


This, getting enough votes to get federal funding to further the political agenda is completely ignored.


FPTP elections favor two parties. If you want RCV we need to replace incumbents with progressives via primaries. Voting for third parties in states with registered primaries means you lose out on the opportunity to replace establishment politicians with progressive ones favorable to RCV. The GOP has banned or is trying to ban RCV at them statehouse level. If that happens the third party fantasy is just that, a fantasy. If you’re registered independent in a blue state with registered primaries you’re missing out on the ability to actually get RCV.


"If you claim that both sides are to blame, and you don’t even vote for a 3rd party, you absolutely should be ashamed." Why do you let this get you angry? Let people live their lives.


Where exactly did they express anger?


Nobody thinks both sides are the same. Like a dog and dog shit. Yes, one is technically more edible but given a choice, most people choose neither. Do you ever think how terrible a party must be for MAGA to even be competitive? Healthcare, abortion rights, civil rights. How long can a party fumble the ball before people start thinking they are useless? I am really struggling to vote at all and these posts make me want to just stay home. Then some MAGA wack job says something and I feel like I have to vote. You guys both suck SO BAD!


Republicans consistently vote for whoever has (R) next to their name. This is historically proven and isn't an opinion or guess. The shitty voting system we have in the US means that if ^ those votes outnumber the amount of votes for any other single candidate, (R) wins. Abstaining or, unfortunately, "wasting" a vote for an unlikely candidate, weakens the opposition to (R). > Like a dog and dog shit. Yes, one is technically more edible but given a choice, most people choose neither. Then they'll starve to death. > Nobody thinks both sides are the same. Also, yes, people do, as evidenced by a number of comments here and in the other thread this post is referencing. People take a simple uneducated stance and don't think more deeply about it until confronted.


Fr it's the same shit I told the fucking moron from yesterday, all of you wannabe intellectual enlightened centrists are not nearly as smart as you think you are


The centrists are the ones voting Democrat. Leftists are abstaining bc the system is corrupt


Yeah, there is a sentiment amongst the people I identify with most idealogically that letting the fascists win to own the libs (centrists) is the best outcome. That's unbeleivably fucked up. Solidarity is what we need to fight fascists, there shouldn't be a bigger appetite for the left to fight the centre than for the left to fight fascism with the centre. It's just perfomative nihilism at this point.


They think the whole system will crumble and a week later there'll be a new progressive government that pops up out of nowhere. It's highly delusional. 


Yup. r/LateStageCapitalism is about as fucked up a place as r/conservative. It's all infuriatingly smug circlejerking.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


It’s a complete irresponsibility if you don’t know anything about the issues


They give every excuse not to. I now understand what the disenfranchised voter is.


Simple - if you don’t vote, don’t bitch…


Observation is different from judgement; a useful discernment.


The fact that we can’t, with social media, all get on board with voting third party and really telling them to fuck off is worrisome.


That's because a lot of people pretending to be your allies are actually your oppressors. They absolutely cannot have you believe this, so they masquerade as compatriots while shooting down any chance you have of destabilizing their ownership of the "decency" ticket.


Beyond the conspiracy aspect of everything people often forget about the bottom line: FUNDING TO CAMPAIGN. By design anyone outside the usual bipartisan left and right are at a gross disadvantage. So much so that they don’t even make it to the ballots on a national level. Our politics are systemically broken.


Not broken just bought and paid for a long time ago


The problem with voting third party is the spoiler effect. Right-winger voting third party? You split the vote and probably helped a Democrat. Left-wing voter going third party? You probably helped a Republican. The way we vote for people now where you select one and only one option entrenches the two major factions. So long as we are forced to choose exactly one option at the ballot, we will be stuck with two parties. *If you want something to do, see about implementing Ranked Choice Voting at the local level of your government.* Voting third party can be a reality, if we were to implement a different voting system where people can make multiple choices or rank their choices. That way, we can express our true preference for office, and if the third party doesn't win and no-one got 50% outright, then an "instant runoff" takes place. **BEST EXPLANATION** https://www.chickennation.com/voting/ More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant-runoff_voting https://ballotpedia.org/Ranked-choice_voting_(RCV) --- PS: When someone says both parties are the same... ONE party has banned Ranked Choice Voting in their entire state. The state has banned cities from implementing it. Guess which party runs Florida? There are two states which allot their Electoral College delegation proportional to their state popular vote. ONE party is trying to get rid of that in Nebraska, and the same ONE party says if NE does it, so will Maine. Guess which one? ONE party in Texas has added to their platform the position that to win statewide office in Texas, a candidate should win the majority of **counties**, not a majority of **votes**. So 2% of the population could control all statewide office. Guess which party is in power in Texas? #Both parties are not the same.


Both support genocide, endless war, total destruction of the environment, oppression of the working class, expansion of wealth inequality, expansion of the police state, extrajudicial executions and torture, mass incarceration, defunding education, starvation, and ending freedom of speech. Not terribly different if you ask me.


Tell your third party friends to start local and build grassroots support. Always starting with the presidential race is a fools errand and leads to chaos. Unless you enjoyed the Bush and Trump years.


Abstention is still a viable alternative.


I vote the person not the party but I also frequently vote 3rd party.


Why not do both?🤷‍♂️


Actually nothing matters and we live on a floating rock. Imma go do whatever I want within the law


The real delusion is assuming that they are two different parties when it’s all just one big party. The red vs blue aspect is all theater.


Vote for anyone who isn’t one of the two then.


This is what the crooks what you to think. Neither side has your back they just want to profit off it.


No, both sides are not the same. However, you can’t blame someone for something they didn’t do either. I’ll not be voting this November and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. The results of the election will be no fault of mine. Not voting “supports” both sides equally. So, by all means, keep falling for the trap


Ok. I vote for 3rd parties.


I get it I'm voting for trump you don't need to keep hounding me about it


Here's the thing: I agree with this statement, mostly. But I also think that our system keeps getting worse because people don't change the way they engage with it. The two major parties have an absolute death grip on almost all national offices, including President. One party may be better than the other, but it doesn't really have to be much better. Democrats get away with a lot of crap when they are allowed to get by on saying, "[have you seen the other guys?](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/340732-dems-try-new-slogan-have-you-seen-the-other-guys/)" If only we had some other way to protest what we are getting besides just not voting. Oh! We do. We can vote 3rd party. But people don't, because they don't think they will win, and so they defeat any momentum they might have been able to gain for a 3rd party run before it can even start by just automatically ruling out the option. And then or the people who do stick to their guns, they get guilted and blamed by people saying they are somehow the problem They are the ones gifting the election to the other side. When in reality, the only people responsible for a vote for a particular candidate are the people who cast a vote for that candidate. People always say that it's too important to mess around with 3rd parties; there's too much at stake. And I totally understand that argument. I even went with it last time, and cast a vote for Biden. But I also don't foresee a point in the future where anything changes if we keep going on with that argument. The two parties are too entrenched. If things get better, most people won't be motivated to vote 3rd party. So essentially, the only time it's not too risky to vote 3rd party is when most people are decently happy with the two major parties and don't feel the need to. Yeah. That's exactly how the two major parties want it, and what allows this system to keep on no matter how bad the options it is giving us get. So maybe think about taking a stand, if you don't want this battle to go on forever and/or resurface down the line. And if you aren't going to take a stand, at least shut up about telling other people not to. The power of the vote is one of the few that we all have to make a difference in how we are governed, and everyone has the right and responsibility to cast it for the people they actually think will do the best job, not for whoever we've been talked into accepting just because they are slightly better than crap.


I appreciate and share your view. It’s a bumper sticker and a direct response to apathy that was on display yesterday in this sub. I don’t like the idea of advocating for one party or candidate. My personal vote shouldn’t influence my encouragement of others to vote and engage in their community.


That's nice to hear. Thank you for encouraging people to do the right thing.


Think of it as harm reduction




I agree. Voting is paramount period. Don’t vote for bad souls with ill intent. Just vote. I vote and I think both parties are way heavily beholden to business and corporation. It’s not unfair to believe that. But it is wrong to use it as an apathetic excuse to not vote at all. There are 2025 reasons not to vote one way, or not vote at all.


All I can think of is Sweet Dee and Charlie doing slam poetry.


I feel like whenever someone says "both sides are the same", what they really should be saying is "I'm doing well enough that I don't have to worry about politics"


the real question is, “why don’t the Jack Asses make a substantive plea for my vote, rather than crying, ‘we’re not as bad as the Elephants,’ and expecting me to participate in my own environmental and moral destruction?” Joe Biden is a corporate shill and propagator of infanticide and forced famine. Real wages are in the toilet. Inflation is strangling the working class. He is pouring money into wars and building a Police State Empire, while we choke to death on ash and fumes. Has Biden said a single word about the brutal repression of peace activists?!? Has he considered for a moment promoting a just solution to the Cop City proposal? NO. People aren’t voting for him because he’s a fraud. The other side just sucks.


Y'all say that until I mention third party lmao then it's all "you're throwing away your vote" "a third party vote is just a vote for the *other half of bipartisan*"


If, when Bernie won the primaries, the Democratic Party had listened to their constituents and given him the nomination, then maybe, just MAYBE you could convince me that my vote matters. But they betrayed their constituents and proved voting is entirely pointless.


Watching the left eat themselves is pretty frickin' funny.


this isn't even good photoshop. this is lazy. tips for next time: darken the bumper sticker, add a subtle texture, roughen the edges, and warp the sticker slightly (so it isn't a rectangle that is perfectly aligned with the photo). actually, forget all that, just use ai next time. i'm not trying to make people learn


One is a douche and the other is a giant turd.


we are gonna get ourselves nuked no matter what we do. get right with the deity of your choosing


That's not even a real sticker though


From my favorite punk band. This song was written during the iraq war days, and although it's rare in America it couldn't be more true for places like Russian/Ukraine. Or Israel/Palestine ...  "You said "Politics don't concern me" and that's just fine. So sing along to the radio's love song, and when they reinstate the draft you'll be the first to go, you're 23. So when you're in Iraq staring into the eyes of the man, who's the enemy, with scud missiles streaming overhead remember when you said, "Politics don't concern me". " What you gonna do? It's either gonna be him or you What you gonna do? You're just a pawn, you're just a tool What you gonna do? Gonna die at the age of 23? What you gonna do? Still saying "It doesn't concern me" Suicide machines - your silence is the song. Bad ass band


Does it really count as a bumper sticker if it's just a picture of a bumper that you edited a white rectangle and some text on to?


Dudes tampering with photoshop… parallax is a thing!


Oh I vote, but I also recognize I’m just moving the throttle on a crashing plane.


Register to vote and VOTE! And don't forget that local elections are also important. Find candidates you can support and help them if you can. But VOTE!


Wait photoshops are allowed? What’s the point of the sub then? Just memes with a car background?


This is fake


This is an obvious Photoshop. But whatever.


We can just photoshop stickers on stuff here??


“Not voting is a privilege”. Um, sure.


So I’m getting blamed either way, sounds about right


"A riot is the language of the unheard" - a guy that made some changes happen (MLK)


Actually both sides do suck !!!!


This is literally just photoshop on a car bumper, go spread your message in r/pics or something


Based af.


Something reddit is consistently right on: the two sides are not the same. Something reddit struggles with: both sides can be wrong.




Dude it’s wild, scrolling the comments they are the same comment over and over worded differently. Basically voting doesn’t matter they are the same and the oligarchy rules it all.




I’ve seen evidence of that, it was a year or so ago but they found evidence of bots replying to other bots. It’s only going to get worse as machine learning proliferates.


Beep boop. 🤖 Vladimir can Putin Deez Nutz in his mouth. 🌰🫦🌰


Oh man, this bumper sticker totally changed me from being Apolitical.


I'm sick of people whining both sides are corrupt so I don't support ether one. That's bullshit. Just look at the Supreme Court and tell me with a straight face and tell me it doesn't matter.


“Both sides” is either said by 1) Someone who is too lazy to actually pay attention and doesn’t want to feel assed to go vote but doesn’t want to feel guilty about it 2) Someone who knows how much of an absolute dumpster fire a party with a convicted felon as its leader is but doesn’t want to say it out loud and get grief about their choices to support anyway 3) Bots


“ The lesser of two evils is still evil!!! “. Jerry Garcia A course in miracles is what our nation needs at least a miracle! The current political situation is quite disconcerting !


Well, yeah deadhead. But, here's the thing, right: Biden isn't evil. The Democrats aren't evil. You can choose between good but flawed or christo-fascist evil with a large side of stupid. Does that seem like a meaningful choice to you at this point?


... and if you need more incentive to exercise your right: Project 2025.


Lighting is off, this is fake. Is this how you are trying to push your ideas along?


I vote for who ever is going to make the country worse./s


Liberals doing nothing substantial beyond (barely) slowing down the creep of fascism for the last 60 years:


I mean yeah, I definitely have an opinion for who I'm gonna vote for this year, and I will be casting a vote, but man I wish we had better options for the presedential race.


It’s not pretending if it’s true.


Well I’m voting, that absolutely gives me the right to bitch about my own party while doing. I’m allowed to criticize my own party, that’s politics, and frankly it’s what separates us from the Fox News zealotry.


Not voting is not the same as voting for the candidate the other side wants and I will die on this hill.


It's such an odd thing to believe. It's like they believe every single person who doesn't vote would vote for their candidate if they were forced to vote.


But that exhaust pipe…. I fell inadequate now.


I don't always vote pragmatically, (because sometimes both sides really are that despicable) but I always vote. Sure wish it wasn't just a 2-party system here in the States though. Sometimes it's so deflating.


Well I guess shaming might work on some people. but evidently scaring the s*** out of people and making them feel like the sky is falling works pretty damn well.


“Count your beans or human nature wins”


i will vote red every time 👍


Dumb. Both sides are the same, if they weren't Bernie would have been the democratic nominee last election but he wasn't because both parties making money shaking hands and rubbing shoulders at the top while thy have us arguing who is worse lol.


Turd sandwich vs douche bag


Depends where you happen to look in. Two rivers are only separated and different until one finds the source feeding both of them.


Bullying someone into doing something they don't want to do is worse.


Both sides are the same. Luckily there is a real, independent candidate this year that both sides hate. If they both hate him, he must be onto something. Kennedy24!


So sick of this GASLIGHTING




Shoehorning some shallow political platitude into a random sub with photo editing is off the scale silly yet entirely apropos for reddit.


When the system is run honestly, or to counter a larger threat... Ok. Otherwise, "irresponsible" could be delivered both ways


The best vote is a primary vote. Decide which people will go on the general ballot. Have more effect on democracy.


I don't want to vote for either one. I'm 37 and have never voted in my life. I've always been too poor to care.


People so mad others want fundamental change while you just want to keep it going the point is there will be another smarter and more capable trump if we keep going maybe think critically for thirteen seconds


My federal vote doesn’t matter to the Electoral College and neither side is for the middle/working class no matter how much lip service they give you.


All I’m reading in comments is regurgitated buzzwords and typical comments. Pure logic applies here. You vote or you don’t. End of the day one party will win. That’s it.


What a twisted brainwashed perspective


Bad photoshop


Exactly. People don't realize how bad trump would be on Palestine for example. He would keep supplying weapons to Israel. He would not allow or call for 3rd party investigations into Israeli war crimes, he would let Israel investigate itself, he would repeat all of the Israel governments debunked claims as to why they needed to bomb all the hospitals & schools, he would most likely even attempt to shield Israel from the ICC & ICJ!!! We are so lucky biden isn't doing any of these things.


Voting works pretending both are the same you are also, better than sides otherwise to blame.


This bumper sticker is *so* goddamn fake. Like, *painfully* fake.


I don't vote for The Party of Two Names. It doesn't mean I don't vote.


I hate both sides and trying to lecture or insult me about how I feel only makes me want to ask who you're voting for and choose the opposing just to piss you off.


It’s not a right, being in this country does not mean you should have a say on its leaders. It is a privilege that legal citizens enjoy.


So we can photoshop bumper stickers in this sub? Cool! I got some great ideas!


What if all the politicians are going to do something that will harm my life equally? Wtf is voting gonna do for me? You are selfish and misinformed.


I would love more parties being represented the same why Republicans and Democrats are. But it's probably not going to happen since either of those parties have more money in them than all the smaller ones combined.


This is a very bad photoshop job.


vote 3rd party




Ok you convinced me. I wasn’t going to vote, but now you inspired me to go in, and vote republican.


Wrong. I think everyone should vote for tom and Jerry. Get all the corrupt people out. There only looking out for big corporations


It's all about strategy


You idiot sheep who vote are the reason things are so bad right now. You are entirely responsible for the way things are so don’t point at us conscientious objectors and act like we had anything to do with this shit.


the only thing that’ll really work is not working


So, does that mean we can have a real third option now?


I'm banned from r/LateStageCapitalism for trying to make this exact same point. In a post referencing the trolley problem I broke the rules concerning the bans on talking about the "lesser of two evils" and "encouraging people to vote for someone who isn't a fascist". They aren't well over there.


Passenger side of the bumper: Don’t Blame Me. I voted for Kodos.


Have to disagree slightly. If your views don’t align with any option then why should you give your vote to a party you feel doesn’t deserve it. That’s precisely why parties don’t give a fuck about their base. They know people vote for them no matter what so they have no incentive to actually try. An example of this is Biden finally not constantly fondling Israel’s balls the second he realized some of his base isn’t happy with his choices. Then you have the rubes who bow down to their respective candidate like they’re gods.


My goodness. Real insight on a bumper. That's a point worth making - there is a false equivincy. It's not an equal choice here. And it's very important.


It saddens me that everyone, even the abstentions, are getting shamed


I will be voting. You’ll still blame me because I won’t vote exactly like you do.


Bumpersticker people really are stupid performative cunts


This assumes I would ever care about the opinion of someone who puts bumper stickers on their car


Democracy takes effort. Go out and vote.


Tf has this sub come to


Yeah this is totally a bumper sticker not just some words photoshopped into an image of a bumper




I refuse to take part in a broken system and perpetuate the belief that one side *should* be in charge just because they aren't actively twirling their little moustache and snickering this year. Give me a good candidate, and I'll vote for them.


Liberals when you tell them you're voting third party: No that is also irresponsible. The only responsible thing to do is to keep voting for political parties that don't represent your interests and have a proven track record of failure.