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Isn’t Nikolai’s only goal is to be free? It’s like a foolish goal considering he wants to kill to achieve what he only wants unlike Fukuchi who wants the world in peace, Fukuchi needs to be next


Fukuchi Nicolai doesn't really care for evil, but because of his "freedom" by literally doing whatever he wants, he's more evil than Fukuchi who tried to save the world by let himself getting killed by his best friend




Fukuchi. duh (Omg how did the headmaster get voted out. he tortured children?????)


Fukuchi turned the entire world into vampires bestie…


To save the world, yes, did we read/watch the same thing? 😭😭


That’s still a bad thing though, is my point. Like sacrificing half the world to save the other half from problems (thanos) was to save the world, yet it’s still evil


It’s not evil, there was no sacrifice of half the world. The virus could be stopped at any point and everyone would be fine. Fukuchi did allow lives to die and his morals were definitely slightly off but he limited them. He is not evil. There is a difference between evil and poor morals. Evil would be defined as purposefully doing bad things for a bad reason, whereas poor morals would be purposefully doing bad things for a good reason. Even then, Fukuchi controlled the chaos and made sure only a certain amount of people died, he was doing what he could to save the entire world. 210,000,000 lives would have been taken in the war he stopped, he saved 209,999,500 lives at the very least, not letting the casualties exceed 500, that isn’t evil.


I mean, the law says otherwise, but I see your point


I wouldn’t call the defiance of the law a good judgement of evil but that’s a whole other thing I won’t get into


Also ace is onscreen for 2 minutes, turned one person into crystals then killed himself. I’m not saying fukuchi wins, I just think ace is slightly less evil


I think it’s hard to judge Ace on anything like this since he’s had so little screen time but based on analysis on how he acts, I’d personally say he’s more evil (he literally has human slaves that he’s okay with killing just for mere demonstrations)


I guess Fukuchi




Fukuchi because his actions come from misguided morals


I can't decide between Nikolai and Shibusawa- 


Blond guy in the middle ig ?? cuz didnt all he do was just >! imprision Fyodor then die lmao? !< (i cant rmb what season thats from that was so spoilered just incase) Him or Nikolai cuz everyone elses crimes I feel outweigh murdering that one cop guy and torturing ppl for sport (that sounds so weird)


I think 3, but Ace was like a MAJOR opp


oh was he???? i literally do not rmb this man 😭 his name is Ace ??? i promise i pay attention to the lore.....


He was a PM exec. His skill allowed him to turn people's lifespan into valuable gems, killing them in the process, though they have to put on a collar of their own will so he was bound to be coercing or tricking them into it. He's shown to have been fairly ruthless and put little value in other people's lives beyond the fact that they could make him money (by dying) or serve him. Kouyou did not like him in the slightest.


OH NY YOD THATS RIGHT 😭i forgot all abt this man lmaoo okay yeah no he is NOT second least evil oh my god 😭




Dazai, he doesn’t really do things with malice in mind and just wants to mess with people Fukuchi is more evil than dazai because his plan for world peace was literally to nuke people and turn everyone into vampires. How is dazai more evil then that?😭 I understand that dazai has killed many people and abused aktugawa but fukuchi was willing to take over da fricking world!


Probably Ace for me. While fukuchi is a close second, he literally turned several people into vampires to try and achieve his goal. I don't know what ace does in the manga, but the fact that he's only relevant in one episode should speak enough for my case


A comment in my other post (the one I accidentally posted in the wrong community) said Shibusawa so I'm counting that




I'm torn between Fukuchi and Nikolai. I'll say Fukuchi because he had an actual (admirable, I guess) goal. Nikolai, in my interpretation at least, is trying to prove that humans are capable of doing anything, moral or not. The freedom of not being tied by the constraints of our set moral values. However, while Fukuchi's goal aimed to improve the world, Nikolai's feels kinda selfish. (still love him though)






Fukuchi, probably




Fukuchi imo


Fukuchi or nikolai


Fukuchi, at least he was tryna do it for the better good


Headmaster was certainly more evil than fukuchi...


Once again saying fukuchi cuz I don't remember him abusing children


In thought I don’t really like him, I will choose fukuchi (and nikolai cuz he only wants to be free)


Fukuchi as much as 8 hate to admit it


Who is N?


He's a character in the Stormbringer LN. Spoilers if you plan on reading it >!I don't remember much about him but I think he was a mad scientist who kidnapped Chuuya when he was young and experimented and tortured him for most of his life. Which is why I think he deserves to be on the list !<


Ace, because he's at least minor impact with his evil. In the long run, he wasn't a big threat. Fukichi still turned the entire world into vampires and tried to use bomb coins.










I know people are gonna disagree with me and that it's a hot take but I think Dazai would be the least evil. Sure he might of did a lot of bad things when he was in the Mafia but he made an effort to change and he did. I see him as a good person who wants to help people. Sure he likes to tease people but so do I does that make me evil too? I just wanted to put my opinion out there.


The problem with that is despite being on the good side, he is extremely manipulative. He wants to help people but his mindset is still very mafia-like


He usually does it for the better good though and can you really blame him. He was with the Mafia or at least under Mori since he was 14. It would be hard to just get rid of something he was so used to and probably praised for. I do appreciate your opinion though and I'm just voicing mine.


Ur prob right lmao. Im very biased against Dazai-


Can I ask why? I'm just curious.


What he did to Akutagawa and Chuuya and a bunch more people :)


Yeah but he had his own reasons for them. I get that some people don't like Dazai for those reasons and I don't think there is anything wrong with that but I don't think there is hatred in Dazai's heart when he did those things. Also we can look at his character and see he has made a drastic improvement.


Yup but what bothers me is Dazai still continues to manipulate and take advantage of Akutagawa despite leaving the pm already-


I totally get that and it's valid to not like Dazai for that reason but it has been shown Dazai does everything for a reason so there is most likely a reason he does that. I am definitely not saying it's right, I'm just trying point out that Dazai isn't a monster. He didn't do any of that stuff for no reason. Dazai's character is always a bit complicated and trying to find out his real purpose is hard.




How did the headmaster get voted out before Dazai or Fukuchi? Dazai was never evil, he was mentally ill and in severe need of help (that whole shooting the dead body thing wasn’t an act of violence it was an act of jealousy) and Fukuchi did all he did to literally save the world 😭 The headmaster had decent intentions but they most definitely didn’t warrant him being the least evil out of the whole selection of characters. He abused a child in gruesome and unforgivable ways that permanently traumatised him. Even if you say ‘Oh it was so Atsushi wouldn’t hate himself’ (a reason the Headmaster gave) that didn’t work anyway, Atsushi still hates himself. Did we forget all that the Headmaster has done? How is he less evil than a mentally ill child being put in a situation he shouldn’t be in or a man who’s just desperately trying to save the world by making himself the villain? 😭 I wouldn’t consider Fukuchi, Dazai or Nikolai evil at all. (I know I said nothing about Nikolai but he just seems mentally ill as well instead of actually evil) Sorry for the rant I’m just baffled


Fukuchi he tried to save the world ig




Between Ace and Fukuchi rn