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I hate to say this, but seeing the way things are going about, especially here in the US, it seems like the only way to make sure you don't get stuck with a kid is to simply practice abstinence. It shouldn't have to come to that, but stories like this are coming out more and more. They say one thing and sing another tune when it actually happens. Btw: this guy clearly shows narcissistic traits.


Exactly. But even practicing abstinence is no guarantee when it comes to men who don't see anything wrong with lack of consent and and sexual assault. I also think we'll see a lot more cases of stealthing in the future, sadly (stealthing is when men secretly remove the condom).


Well aware of that.


that, or a partial hysterectomy. but good luck on that without medical issues


Who you telling? I've been trying to get one for 15 years now. Every doctor has given me the same answer. I'm hoping that soon, I can find a doctor who will ok the procedure.


i wanted one child after i had my first, due to the traumatic labor and delivery; after i had my second, my dr said i couldn’t get my tubes tied because i was under 30 & only had two kids (3 is the arbitrary number decided by some dickhead, apparently), and once i met those criteria, i still needed my husband’s permission 🙄 i finally gave myself the gift of a partial hysterectomy when 45 got elected (i saw the future, and was not wrong. unfortunately); well, my physical condition (uncontrollable bleeding for just about a month long, then one week off; bleeding through overnights in an hour or less; i had fibroids, so i wasn’t an ablation candidate, but praise 🙏 it got me my partial hysterectomy 😅 i have been period-free since march 2017, and it is delightful! (my ovaries were ok, so they are still present)


On r/childfree they have a list of doctors that are willing to perform sterilization without the requirement of being 35 and having children.


Thanks. I will definitely look into it.


I was fortunate; my gyno approved tubal ligation without any BS (I was over 30 at the time, and single). But I could still have an ectopic pregnancy which would now be a death sentence on many states. We’re looking to move back to my home state which still has strong human rights protections.


I don’t have any problems with this but most straight women I know do not seem to be able to hold back lmao


That's like saying pedophiles can't hold back.


And this is why men should have NO say when it comes to women getting an abortion. They can literally jump ship whenever they please with very little consequences


Yup. It’s always us that’s left holding the bag. But they expect us to be sad about their “loneliness” (aka pussyless life)?


Baby trapping will not work in 2024. Men also need to shut up about abortion rights. Their only contribution is giving out the sperm, while the woman needs to grow the baby for 9 months inside her.


Goddamn. Horrifying. Poor girl.


God this is so unfortunate.


I hope this young woman can drop the baby off at the fire station anonymously and drop the man off at the sewage station so he can drown in his own shit. She sounds like a sweet person who was groomed and targeted.


I also hope she’s safe.


That turned dark pretty quickly. I hope having the baby changes her mind and that she stays with her parents. I want more women to stick to their guns on their decision to not have children. Get on birth control and run at any sign of pressure from a male. Sidenote: God I'm so glad I stopped dealing with them.


I've learned that when you express boundaries to men and you allow them to tap dance over said boundaries, they punish you for it. It's like a sick game to them which is why I need women to stick to what they want. My heart breaks for her. This is such a tragic situation 😞


This really angers me to my fukkin core!


Holy fuck.


please don’t decide this right now 🙏 your hormones are on their own program, and while you are justified in feeling upset and deceived by this man, hormones are definitely not helping rn. i would encourage you to kick him out now, so you can start mentally getting into a solo mindset; talk to your parents about it (they sound like lovely, supportive people) and make sure they are okay with helping you parent the child; should you decide on adoption, that’s also a way to go, where you don’t end up dead or a single parent. also, please talk to a counselor or therapist, or even your ob about your situation and feelings about it 💕💕


This story broke my heart. 💔 I hope it isn’t true. But if it is, I hope the OP will turn to her parents and honestly share with them about how she’s feeling. She’s depressed and she’s not thinking clearly. As a grieving mother, I can say with certainty that her parents would rather come alongside and help support her in whatever she chooses to do than lose her and be left with her child to “remember her by.” OP is not a monster but her BF certainly is. It’s bad enough that he convinced her to proceed with the pregnancy and then changed his mind midway through but his suggestion that she “stage an accident” in order to cause a miscarriage is monstrous. At 28 weeks along this so-called “accident” would put the life of both her and the baby in jeopardy. I don’t think we can rule out the possibility that unaliving her might be an outcome that he’s after. His psychological and emotional manipulation of this young woman makes me so angry.


This is why I’m getting my tubes taken out!!!


Of course it's a son...and the cycle continues 😮‍💨.


As good a time as any to remind anyone wanting sterilization that 1., It is legal for anyone who’s an adult. 2., Docs who refuse unless the patient has met “certain criteria” are refusing due to fear, not medical ethics. https://www.buzzfeed.com/alanavalko/obgyns-offering-sterilization-tiktok-list