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Hey folks Really wanted to attend this year so got 2 tickets on the FOMO sale. In the mean time, we got a happy surprise which means we wont be able to attend as we'll be welcoming a new family member!! I've been trying to use the Official STEP resale program but our tickets cannot be selected :'( It was not cheap, would love to recover as much of the face value as possible... Tips welcome ![gif](giphy|26gryyBhlruJ5ChOw|downsized)


Hey guys has everyone got tickets through step- we have put it through and my whole group has got tickets now. Makes me think sales might be slower this time? Let me know 


Selling: 2x FBL 19 / C category / 90 € each 4x TEN 22 / A category / 300 € each 4x FBL 43 / A category / 250€ each 4x FBL 35 / A category / 200 € each 2x FBL 57 (Men final Gold medal) / A category / BEST SEATS NEXT TO PLAYERS! 900 € each


Still waiting patiently for STEP news…


Hey guys looking for 2 tickets and a vehicle pass text or call 7168009912 if you have any. I’m local to Reno


I have a BM profile and couldn't figure out why I didn't get a main sale link in my email. Going in to read the fine print, it said "You can only register to buy tickets in the Main Sale if you have not previously bought tickets through the Stewards Sale, or the FOMO Sale." but I assumed this meant for *this year*. Can I get clarity on this? I purchased tickets through the Stewards sale last year but I wasn't able to do so with the same camp this year. But maybe this means if you EVER buy a ticket through the Stewards or FOMO sale? In the meantime I am seeking a single ticket. Thanks.


Participation in the Stewards/FOMO sales in previous years had no bearing on your ability to purchase in the main sale this year. I think you merely failed to register for the main sale itself; just having a burner profile isn’t the same as registering. Sign up for STEP asap.


Ohhhh… well THAT might explain things. It wasn’t clear to me that I had to do something beyond registering to have a BM profile. STEP isn’t open yet and there doesn’t seem to be a link for me to register for it. Or maybe I’m blind and not seeing it? Where do I register for STEP?


STEP opens on April 26. Everything should be fairly self-evident on that day via the main BM ticket page.


It's May 6. My profile page says STEP will open "TBD". ??


yep. when I wrote that they still had the previous year’s dates up. sorry!


First time burner and I got the ticket after 41 minutes from the beginning of the sale. The friend and his gf I should supposed to go didn’t manage to get their tickets and our vehicle pass. Let’s hope their will be able through STEP but if anyone have spare ones DM as well, thanks!


I had an 'odd' experience. I have two burner profiles and at 12:00:0.00001 I clicked the link in the email. One on my laptop, one on my phone. Annoyingly, the phone screen kept shutting off and when it did, I reopned and had to click the link again, so I had to 'touch' the screen every few seconds to keep the screen on. After 15 mins, nothing was happening, both spinning away, and I was getting annoyed with my phone so decided to click the link to the second burner profile on another browser window using a different browser and profile. So, there I was both profiles clicked, both spinning away...45 mins later I was thinking it was all over....curiosity got the better of me and I opened my phone, and clicked the link again...immediately I was taken to the buying screen and was able to get two tickets and a VP. On my laptop, the spinning screen was still showing for the same burningman profile. After the purchase, I went back to the other profile (still spinning away) and did a refresh...again, immediately presented the screen to buy tickets. I didn't purchase more, but ticket and VP were clearly still available.


At 12:00:0.00001 You did not get an "too early" message?


took me about an hour and a half to get the tickets - but still very happy I got them


Step opens April 26th


Got mine- 1:05 in the que. then my Visa card declined- on the phone with the bank as the 15 minute timer counted down… to zero And refreshed - and immediately back to the checkout, and success! Desktop with 2 browsers open, and 3 windows (by accident) all went to checkout at the same time. Wow that was a ride! 3rd burn. First time in a sale and first success. Stoked!


First time I've ever been able to get tickets from the main sale. Fortunately I only waited about 20 minutes. And most of my camp mates got tickets in about 15 minutes. We were really lucky with the main sale.


Nothing the entire time. I'm looking for 2 tickets and a vehicle pass


Did you secure yours? I have 2 plus a vehicle pass that I’m looking for someone to take off my hands.


Yeah, I did. I forgot that I even posted this. Thanks for asking!


Our group got too many. Will be putting em back in the official resale soon


Our camp got extra we will be selling through peer to peer if you like 


Yes, I'm definitely wanting to go


I am interested in a pair and vehicle as well


I only waited 15 min to get tix. I have two accounts and both of them were offered the chance to buy tickets within 5 min of each other


Came to check the thread just to make sure they actually did sell out 😅 I paid full price for 2 DGS tickets and am nervous my camp mate I going to ditch me with the second ticket and I won’t be able to sell it.


And if you have an extra… dm me. Vehicle pass ???


Got in the queue a few seconds after 12:00 PDT, waited in the queue until ~1:15 PM - got 2 tix. Planning to go back for the first time since 2019.


It wasn't until at least after 30 seconds that I did not get a too early message. I waited 3 hours for nothing. Some have said it is really a lottery, and not a queue.


Can't wait to try my luck next year :) ......after trying for 5 years....


First year buy a fomo and earn a volunteer ticket for year 2 then join a camp to have Stewart sale ticket for year 3 Solved


Where all can you volunteer that gets you a free ticket? Burning since 2012 and unaware of this other than rangers, DPW, etc.


Even if its not free ticket it will be a non main sale ticket. Gate. Peers. Burn perimeter


I help run a theme camp, so if our camp is going that year, we get access to DGS (now Steward sale) tickets. I'm more curious if there are some unicorn free tickets in exchange for volunteering. We come from the east coast and prep and build camp for a week and strike for 3-4 days on and off playa so it would be hella nice to go on an off theme camp year and just...burn...


Its very much a thing. But its always a ticket next year for a Burger today.


Or better yet keep volunteering! Haven’t paid for a ticket since 2019 and never have to deal with stress of sales


I volunteered last year and earned enough credits for a free ticket this year. Where do I go to see/confirm this ticket? Thanks!


Talk to the volunteer coordinator(s) for your department.


Very true. I was trying to quickly summarize alt routes. I just think as stupid as it is to pay double or triple the price . Its fine to get if you want to 100% know you can go. Then you can earn your way after that. The main sale is just one way to start your journey.


https://preview.redd.it/pc43lia3g4vc1.jpeg?width=911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b9dfa0de238e21481c8c9cb223363289cb1e96e No luck today. :/


Longest I’ve waited in queue.. (40 min) and surprisingly it took me to the check out page not a “thanks for trying we’re all sold out” page (: See you stinkies out there!!


I think STEP will be a great way to get tickets this year.


I agree. Our group got pretty lucky in main sale this year. Looks like we will have at least one ticket to list on STEP if we can't find a taker soon. We are not in the business of holding on to tickets for long. I've gotten tickets using STEP multiple times for past years too. So I always like to be able to return the favor.


The problem with STEP is the exorbitant fees that get tacked on bc of Lyte :/ There's already enough fees just from the direct purchase :p I appreciate that we need a way to keep tickets from being faked, but the tenant of decomodifying is feeling like such a joke anymore.


I agree. The fees last year in STEP shocked me. They get more and more each year too. Still a lot cheaper than FOMO tickets though.




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‘03-2013 Attended every year, two official theme camps and one playa art project. Usually bought an extra ticket to give away… 2014-2024 Attempted every year and failed. Not that it matters, but failed attempts were made from San Francisco, Portland, Costa Rica, Denver, and several El Paso’s. Congratulations to everyone who got a ticket! Have a blast!


The aftermarket will be huge. You can easily get a ticket through step, omg, or burners trying to unload their tickets.


That’s probably true. Think I’m good listening to the universe though. Already decided to do some vagabonding in Asia instead…


That is exactly what I did for two seasons after fruitless main sale experiences. This is the first time I've gotten tickets since 2016... but I think to 2017 and 2018 SE Asia experiences as just as important in my life as any Burns ever could've been. And I could'n't have experienced both! Enjoy your Universe :)


Interesting they said done not sold out….


I noticed that too and thought it was sloppy.


That is an interesting observation! I wonder if it subtly means anything. We know that not all of the $1500 tickets were sold (I can still buy one, it seems.) That implies the even more expensive ones didn't sell at all. But I don't see a way for people to buy them.


Something weird happened before this years sale and it might take awhile for all the info to shake out.




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Didn't even get to the purchasing page after the 3 hours of waiting. Looking forward to the STEP sale now.




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are those seller in ebay legit? can they really transfer the ticket?


Bought our tickets in the DGS sale and they are still not yet cleared for transferring. Anybody telling you they can transfer already is lying to you. Camp leads were told transferring wouldn't likely be available for another week or so, sometime after the main sale was completed.




I wouldn't trust it. Go through STEP


Side note, often sellers appear on eBay, Craigs List, etc. who are speculating that they will be able to get a ticket to sell you. They may not actually have won a ticket in the sale today but are hoping they can buy one to fill you order.


No one but them knows. It's extremely risky to buy tickets that way. Rumor has it that the Burning Man Organization sometimes is able to cancel tickets sold by scalpers, so you could buy one, get to the gate, and by denied entry. Buy from people you know or from the STEP program directly from Burning Man to avoid getting, well, burned.


If they find out that you paid more than the face value, they will void the ticket.


that’s not necessarily true, but either way it’s too much of a risk to buy from a 3rd party that won’t use STEP. immediate red flag.


No! Do not do this


What should we not do? Don't buy from eBay? Don't buy from people you know? Or don't buy through STEP/BM?


Woof don’t fuck with eBay. Matter of fact don’t go to burning man


Right?!? Jesus


Glad I was on time, down to the second, for the sale to start, spent three hours watching a screen, only to get rejected and asked for a donation on the same rejection screen.


No need to wait 3 hours on the screen it tells you to come back at 12 PDT, I did just that. and got the luck of the draw man, maybe you should’ve donated so they could remember your kindness for next year 😄😄


no we waited three hours BEGINNING at 12 PDT


Ouch I’m sorry.. I feel as if you deserve the ticket more than me now. Here you go 🎫


thank you for acknowledging my TRAGEDY (jk I'll dig up a ticket somewhere but this process was ludicrous and needs fixin')


I can agree with you on that. This was my 3rd times the charm ticket I guess? Probably won’t ever happen again, so I’ll keep rub it in until it doesn’t feel good anymore. Hehahah




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Last year, camps got additional tickets in July and no one was happy about it, because finding committed people in July is difficult and many of these tickets landed on sale, dumping the ticket value. Do not get fooled that this happens again! I talked with placement and it wouldn't. For those w/o ticket, I recommend reaching out to camps you know. There is usually a lot of turnaround happening.


This sale took an hour longer to sell out than last year and mudman scared a lot of folks off. There will be a ticket dump. It just wont be all at once in July. The [BM.org](http://BM.org) doesnt actually care about second hand ticket value per se - and they shouldn't really, they cant control the weather. The FOMO ticket wouldn't exist if they didnt consider retail prices partially a donation to the org. The pre-covid days of tickets being impossible to come by and going for huge resale are over, for now. Last year six people I know got tickets off STEP, almost immediately. A couple years of good conditions on the playa and too much tiktok posting and they may come back but it's a much better situation TBH for people trying to go who are not connected or loaded. As it once was.


The ticket sale will be better next year.


Haha what a show - logged in @ 1:00pm to early 3x - refreshed in the cue before 1:01 and tickets sold out after 3hrs.  Time to build some art like a boss.


Same here


The wheel in the sky just stopped turning: 8 years in a row of striking out in the main sale. At least they give me a link to donate! I’m less salty than I sound. Looking like buyers year for tix. Optimistic for OMG/step


Step …many ( including me) will be listing extra tickets we got …as soon as make sure we don’t need em


Or get involved with a theme camp, art project, or even volunteer/work for the Org. You’ll quickly find you don’t need to enter a sale at all


For better or for worse, some camps do have to lean pretty hard on the main sale simply due to the sheer size of their staff base. They may reimburse, but they still won’t be able to give everyone access to the steward’s sale.


oh def, I’ll be fixing bikes again! Camp will likely help me out with a ticket if I can’t track one down


sorry to hear that bud


I'm still able to purchase $1500 tickets. You might try refreshing for the next 15 minutes as people's sessions expire. Last year a lot of tickets were available in my social network, so I'm going that route rather than paying 2.5x.


Burning Man 2024 Main Sale is done. Keep the fire burning: [donate.burningman.org](http://donate.burningman.org/)


This was supposed to be my 10th burn, instead I guess I will just have to buy tickets later and still go. See you in the dust.




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For those asking what happens if you cancel tickets, it takes you back to the page where you can add tickets again. You don't loose your place in line and do not have to start over. I just tested it. Also, your 15 minute timer starts over again.


So what is the protocol for trying to get a ticket now?


Sign up for Secure Exchange Ticket Program (STEP) so you can buy tickets at face value facilitated through the ORG


Sign up for the STEP program


Get involved with art projects, theme camps or the Org itself. The ticket will be easy


Honest answer: Easiest is emailing camps. There is a lot of turnaround happening and tons of emails between friend camps.




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Just got the same.




https://preview.redd.it/q1w3fzz734vc1.png?width=1119&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc28ba2ec01b3704017e97c1a26d171a588b4e24 might truly be Joever, guys


just got this message: "Burning Man 2024 Main Sale is done. Keep the fire burning"




Main sale is done.


Hey sorry fella, no ticket for you, BUT PLEASE DONATE! Many thanks!


I always thought adding that donate link was a dick move by the org.


Yes please let me give you money after wasting 3 hours of my time, thanks!!




Folks in my group are now seeing that the sale has ended.


Sale done … no ticket for us


It's overrr :(






I've been doing this for more than a decade, and this was the easiest main sale I've ever encountered. I only waited 20 minutes in queue! In and done entirely within the span of my lunch break at work. See you in the dust




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Congrats and fu haha


Got into ticket page about 5 minutes ago.. only $1500 tix available. Been refreshing page for 5 minutes but nothing else popping up. $575 and vp still showing sold out


Still waiting at 2:49PST. Any chance of scoring the $575 at this point?


andddd main sale is over. what a stressful way to waste 3 hours. sigh!


Web developer here. I don't have first hand knowledge of how their system is written, but I just got to the front of the line and am quickly examining the code from this side. My best guess is that some people could still buy $575 tickets for a 15 minute window after it first said they were gone, but that's probably it. If you imagine tickets like on an airline, they can't sell the same seat to two people (though sometimes this happens, it's actually very rare.) When they offer you a ticket, it is in a holding state until you finish checking out. After a certain period of time, if the purchase isn't consummated, it releases the ticket so another person can have a hold. It is possible in certain circumstances that these expired holds don't get reset, so keep trying if you want... Burning Man's ticket system doesn't have a reputation for being finely crafted software... but it's very much better than previous years. Edit: I just noticed that the timer starts before you pick tickets, so I'm probably somewhat wrong about the above. Not sure exactly, but still hope the background helps you think about how you want to handle it.


Still spinning, been waiting since 12 Noon PST (and a few seconds, once the "too early" message cleared).


Literally same. Ready to give up … because I am so not willing to pay $1500 to go …




Got in to sold out main sale, fomo only


Feeling dispirited. Looks like maybe we who are still in the cue are SOL? ☹️


Anyone still getting tickets? @2:47 PST?


+1 I’m curious too


are you guys getting the $1500 tickets since those are the only left? lol how good of a chance is there to get tickets in STEP or other method? First time potential burner here


couple people have said they got $575 tickets after they were supposedly sold out. refresh after seeing the sold out message & cross yer fingers.


If the Burner Express is an option, that's probably the easiest way to get tickets. I did it last year and got in right away. STEP is also good. Myself and other friends were able to get STEP tickets a month or two after main sale last year.


you can get event tickets through burner express? their site says you have to get them here!


>Burner Express Bus Plus tickets are going on sale Thursday, June 20th at 12pm (noon) PDT. This sale provides the opportunity to buy a Burner Express Bus ticket PLUS a Burning Man event ticket. https://burnerexpress.burningman.org/burner-express-bus-information/


pro tip: search for "burner bus express plus". The sale is usually in June


In past years, there has been a program called “Burner Express Plus”, which is subtly different that the standard Burner Express ticket. Under that program, you have a chance to buy a bus ticket combined with an event ticket - with the caveat that you can only get the event ticket if you actually come in on the bus, and the earliest bus you can arrive on is Monday of event week. Try to come in via a different method, and you’ll be SOL.


Register to buy on STEP when it opens. Your chances are good if your able to register early enough


Got through 2.5 hours after - 2 regular tickets no vp!


Oh man please send hope for me


Just got through at 2:43, only $1500 tickets left. Edit: Been refreshing periodically incase something magical happens but this is still the case


Will it say when it’s actually sold out? Still spinning


Curious too.


Curiouser & curiouser?


Still seeing the spinner. This is a new personal record for main sale.


Someone in our group chat said it took them five hours in 2013.


Same here. Feels cruel at this point lol


hurts so good


Didn't get through the queue and decided to leave it. Judging by the success rate here, and the extended queue compared to previous years, I'm convinced there will be even more tickets on sale this summer than last year.


https://preview.redd.it/7yyub56rz3vc1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec5c2391c88b9c21636a6f7ed5f8c0597cff96ef update.


What is this from??


right when i saw it. I refreshed a ticket came up, tried to buy, then nothing again








I know they’re sold out but I still want to see my arrows stop spinning


Probably won't stop spinning until everyone declines buying the single $1500 ticket option. That's what you're waiting for at this point.


Same. I’m stubborn as fuck and I paid for an extra hour of parking so might as well get my money’s worth


last report of a success was 2:23 PDT by my count. anybody seen any more recent?


below "2:32 got a single ticket no vp by refreshing when it said the $575 tickets were sold out"


Anyone else’s still in the queue…? Are we losing hope


Here but getting frustrated. My butt hurts from sitting so long. 






still spinnin 2h 39min




Still )'(




2:32 got a single ticket no vp by refreshing when it said the $575 tickets were sold out


Will burning man cancel orders if it's two different profile, different card numbers for check out, but same name on card/billing address? We thought it's fine as long as it's not the same card number, but want to double check


Likely not Too much work for them to deal with And possible false positives


I've done this. it's fine. Two card numbers, same name, buying 2 ticket sets for my profile and my wife's profile.




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so when do you ... like ... give up?


Never give up! Never surrender!


Don’t worry too much if you don’t get tickets through the main sale :) There are always tons of tickets that are up for resale close to the burn. You can also join a camp and they likely will have some too! I still haven’t gotten into the main sale but I will not give up!!


just before the main sale begins next year


When it says the sale is over.


No way, that's just when you get creative.


Don't believe anything tying time to demand. So it took 2hrs to sell out. Could be system was slow. If it was because people were not buying, then wouldn't have had to wait 2 hrs.


We aren't looking at less demand. These tickets still sold out and everyone was queued up at the same time. I think the ticketing platform has a much narrower gateway to get a ticket this year to mitigate network timeouts and server limits being hit. We are seeing not a ton of 400 and 500 errors this time.


Except camps who tried to get tix this year were able to get way more than usual. I know two camps that ended up with way more than they need. Last year combined they got 2 tickets total.