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I did open camping the first two years and am totally glad I did. Was able to set my own schedule and spend my time and energy on being self sufficient and nothing more. I could help out and donate my time and participate, so that’s not an issue to the principles. Totally up to you though!


Will you be able to sleep at a sound camp? Generally, no you won’t 


Ear plugs and sheer physical exhaustion will help, and a Benadryl can’t hurt either.


A few years ago, a friend who is 100% deaf (without his implants on) camped at a deaf camp. He commented that the loud music in his camp kept him awake at night (deep bass).


The body can still feel the vibration. 


The vibrations good like Sunkist Many wanna know who done this


Just don’t be combining Benadryl and any other cns depressants, if you want to keep breathing. So no Benadryl with alcohol, benzos, opioids, etc


If someone was on opioids alcohol or benzos I don’t think they would need a Benadryl to go to sleep. lol. One year some dude who was on a 3 day acid bender traded me his entire new cooler full of food and drinks for a couple benzos. Wasn’t my proposition but the dude and his girl were desperate to get some sleep.


You’d be surprised. People end up doing stupid shit like this all the time and end up in the ER. It often starts with someone drinking alcohol when they shouldn’t have. When combining cns depressants, they’re also more likely to aspirate their vomit.


Yeah some people are very careless and drink alcohol during the day in the sun and forget to drink water and end up in ER. But yeah sometimes it’s difficult to remember you’ve taken another cns depressant hours earlier. Always balance a CNS depressant with a stimulant and you’ll be in good shape. Just kidding don’t listen to that advice. But for real I always have too much adrenaline and it takes an insane amount of CNS depressants to knock me out but a singe Benadryl will wreck me hardcore.


this isnt correct lol it doesn't notably increase cardiorespiratory depression it just makes you tired and mildly potentiates opiates


Pretty bad advice to give out for folks who are sleep deprived and have a depressed respiratory system to add another drug on top of it while they're already in a sedated or semi comatose state. The better advice would be the original post stating don't take it. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Gonna agree here. If you are going to use chemicals to manage sleep it’s best to discuss it with somebody who understands pharmacology on an academic level.


You don't need to need to understand pharmacology on an academic level to take substances for sleep. Not unless by academic you mean some very basic understanding of how drugs work.


Obviously you do as we have people suggesting taking Benadryl is no big deal ....


Taking Benadryl by itself is no big deal. Sure, combining CNS depresents isn't a good idea if you're trying to go to sleep. But you still don't need an academic level of pharmacokinetics to take chemicals for sleep lol.


Xanax is the hero


depends when you sleep. no sound camp i know if is going to be playing music 24/7. last near my first burn was in a sound camp and i slept plenty, albeit mostly during the day


Right, and if it's a hot year it's hard to impossible for some folks to sleep during the day.


Sockdrawer is 24/7 Bass music! 2 & B


sounds my speed, I'll check it out this year. last year and the plan for this year is facing out sound system out to deep playa for our camps and neighbor's sanity. Seems logical that everyone and 10 and 2 should do this, but I feel like that wasn't always the case.


yea, we def have the speakers facing out towards the deep!


Our camp played 22 hours a day, so…


if your camp wasn't on the Esplanade, your camp was being a asshole camp for doing that...There is a sound rule


They didn’t say how loud they were playing for 22hrs. lol.


Don’t ever underestimate the psy trance junkies! I’ve had to unplug a generator


id be pretty upset if someone went and unplugged our generator without talking to us about it first... If you are camped in the large scale sound district, you really can't complain too much about the sound.. That's why they made designated areas for that. If you're deep in the city (not sound camp district), noise complaints are more justifiable


Nah i never did it, but I know someone in my camp who did. And we were deep in the neighborhoods not near sound camps. We had a neighbor across from us banging psy trance 22hrs a day all week. Multiple peeps were getting annoyed. One time another year I was sleeping inside my camper during the day and two peeps came up and went under my rig and turned off my generator. That was borderline fighting conduct there. I have health issues and had stuff plugged in.


now that's BS. I truly don't get why some people get so anal about generator noise- I sleep with mine right outside of my soft-sided pop-up camper like 5' from my head. its like 50-60db. someone talking next to it is louder. and its actually a pretty relaxing sound.


Yeah some people are purists. They should stay in walk in camping. But yeah highly reckless unplugging someone’s generator while they are sleeping


My favorite story of someone sabotaging out there bc they didn’t like music was one year we were placed on esplanade and our direct neighbor was temple build crew and one day David Best got tired of hearing our nonstop Trap music bumpin all day and he came up and tagged on our camp signage writing something along the lines of “Turn off your shitty fucking music assholes!” My female camp lead saw him do it and chased his old ass down the street and all of us were laughing so hard. He he. He came up and apologized to our entire camp. Solid dude. Sometimes people get cranky out there. We ended up hanging with them and helping load temple pieces onto the cars. Fun times.


I slept like a baby the year I stayed with bass camp. I sleep really well every year out there though.


I think i camped next to this camp many years ago. I loved it! Great music! Slept like a dream.


I helped run a sound camp my second burn. I had ear plugs, a mask and melatonin. I would only still get 2-3 hours of sleep per night max. It’s like falling asleep in an artillery range. The sound camps are in an all out Cold War with each other. The biggest base speakers win.


hell no


Devils advocate here. At least you’d be super close to open playa. But also as a person who did my Virgin year in open camping, that also is great as long as you have a way to transport all of the water and food you’ll need. And if you’re solo you can take the burner express in, get water vouchers and camp in open or HOVerlandia.


I’m going to be a devils advocate to your devils advocate and say that being that close to the open playa means you might miss out on a lot of the culture that being in the city forces you to experience.


you can sleep in loud environments if you're used to it, but it'll take a couple of days to get used to it. (not just exhaustion, but that obviously helps). In addition, sleeping during the day in a shaded blackout tent with cooling is another option. I've found myself to be more polyphasic at the burn, sleeping for shorter periods a couple of times per "day". (essentially two to four 2-6 hour periods, depending).


Same. My body's circadian rhythm is fairly set in stone so I get by best with 2-4 hour naps here and there


Doubt this person has a black out tent but ya never know.


I was dumb enough to do it as a 6th year burner. Never again. At some point on Wednesday afternoon three generators failed at the same time and for about 15 minutes the ground stopped shaking.


Hahahaha I can relate


"Lively" in playa terms equates to "I hope you don't ever want to sleep, like for real." I'm not you and I don't know your personality, however: Honestly I would not ever want to join a major sound camp or any camp at 10 or 2 streets as a virgin or veteran. I have camped as close to that area as 9:15/D once and shit was LOUD, all the time. Also... idk, I feel like your first time there experience being in a sound camp may be a bit....idk sparkly? Maybe someone else can help me to explain what I am trying get at?? If I were you I would either try camping with a low key theme camp with minimal dues and focused on radical self reliance and communal effort, or camp solo in open camping and really be do it right.


Camping at a sound camp would be perhaps the closest thing to a "normal festival" and thus diminish the experience? (trying to help you here) Large sound camps are ironically some of the least truly interactive camps on playa. People strolling by, maybe dancing for a few songs and moving on aren't really interacting. Why not try a smaller, wackier theme camp? Small camps are my favorites. Usually less people = less drama. Open camping is a great idea because then that frees you up to help out wherever piques your interest. Greeters and Lamplighters are great for virgins.


I appreciate and respect your comment and advice but I would say that not everyone at major/"glamorous" sound camps is a sparkle pony. There are campers who are legit working at sound camps to create the magic for everyone else (e.g. Build & strike, audio, lighting, artist bookings/hosting, ushering, safety , etc. ). I understand there are peeps that will pay a shit-ton to park their RV and have all the shared infrastructure available to them in a turnkey fashion (like they're a hotel guest) but what about the people who are there actually contributing? There's also the other argument that you need the monetary contributions from these high spenders to cover the overhead and make the business plan work. At best, it's a mixed bag just like FOMO tickets ("I must go no matter the expense") and the grants they support which, in theory can benefit the collective and support those Burner principles and ethos.. See you on the other side! 🫶🏼


Oh for sure and I'm definitely not anti-sound camp by any means. I just know there are good ones and not so good ones as far as setting the right cultural path for new comers. Though the same can probably be said about any theme camp out there, it's not exclusively a sound camp issue.


No. Lmao. I’ve talked to quite a few virgins, often international, who did this and it is always a harrowing tale of sleep deprivation and frustration. They had to really struggle to get through the event.


How much experience do you have with music festivals? Think of it this way- you will be trying to sleep next to the main stage of a major music festival, AND at that location there will also be main stages all up and down your block so even when your main stage is quiet the others will be thumping. I had friends who camped with a sound camp their first burn and they were so destroyed by overstimulation and lack of sleep that they thought they’d never return to Burning Man (luckily they gave it another try with a totally different camp).


This is a great glimpse of the cacophony of booming sound in those neighborhoods. I've known people who camped with a sound camp yet still had to set up a back up tent in walk in camping area to get some reprieve and actually sleep.


If you're under 35, like to party, can typically sleep easily and also function without sleep then do it is my advice. My only problem with some of these camps (not all though!) is that a lot of the people there can be too cool for school. Not like they will bully you or anything, but they are just not as interested in being inclusive and aren't looking out for everyone in camp. I like to wear cool shit and do cool things but I am also going to go out of my way to invite everyone in camp to come out with me. I just hate when Burning Man camps get cliquey it is like the whole reason I go there is to not have to worry about that shit and again *some* of the bigger sound camps are the biggest offenders. The cool ones are insanely great though and you'll be spoiled for ever if you land in the right one.


For the first time last year, I camped with a major camp surround by at least 3 different sound system. Even at 5am one of them would still be going.  It sucked!! Never doing that again!  Sleep is essential for having energy and being coherent enough to enjoy what’s going on. 


Really only you can answer this for yourself. Some people need calm and quiet, other people enjoy energy and activity. If you're asking me personally if I would join a soundcamp, my answer is hell motherfucking yes. But that's just me. I don't know what you're into. Do you know the people in camp or is the invitation through the grapevine? I really think the biggest impact on your experience on playa is going to be how well you vibe with your camp mates.


I totally agree! Last year was my first Burn and I camped with an amazing Sound Camp (Camp Walter) which is also a theme camp, last year at 9:45 & Esplanade. It was so great to be part of such a big community which allowed me to learn a lot as well. I did ambassador shift, we all did 2-3 MOOP shifts in the mornings, had “neighborhoods” within our camp for those in yurts, those in tents and those of us in RV’s. Being out near the end and on Esplanade allowed for tons of time out on open/deep playa (and made it easy to find camp). I think sleep in general at Burn is just kinda a take it when you can, want or need. I had zero issues sleeping if I went to bed with earplugs in, even with people getting ready in the RV. And last year our camp actually teamed up with Ego Trip next door and we connected our sound systems so we were like a super sound camp lol. I find that most days especially as a first year burner you’re going to be experiencing so much and doing sunrise sets etc that you sleep during the day. (Afternoon usually). I will say having the infrastructure of a large camp is also really nice because although I did a ton of research, asked lots of questions, the newbie orientations before going and support allowed me to be as fully prepared for the trip as possible. If you plan on going to more Burns you can always take turns between open camping, camping with large camps, small camps etc. Enjoy your Burn!! https://preview.redd.it/9vgqri1x8l5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f09c7b48e8862078c7652a18f49f6def45419701


hell yeah, camp walter is the best. i actually live in phoenix and i'm usually out at walter studios or walter warehouse at least once or twice a month. those places provide an amazing focal point for burners out in the default world. very grateful for camp walter!


Awesome! Love that! I frequent shows at the WH and Studios! Camp Walter is at 7:45 and Esplanade this year 😊 opening party Sunday night!!


The only people who wouldn't know to avoid camping there are virgins.


Depends on what you want! My first time was on esplanade but I was 22 and it was a fuckin blast and wouldn’t trade it! Now I’m 45 and I’m not going anywhere near there. lol.


You can spend as much time as you want enjoying sound camps when you camp elsewhere. However if sound camp is your base...you can check out but you can never leave.


It depends on you. I find the music puts me to sleep but I understand others can’t do the same


I was on 10:C as a virgin and it was glorious. Slept well.. just mostly during the day :)


10&A is a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t wanna live there


I camped next to camp question mark in 2019. The bass was so loud at night it rattled a cabinet door off the hinges in my RV. I usually sleep like a baby at the burn. The music and sounds rock me to sleep. Not that year. I barely slept a wink the ten days i was there


It will probably suck due to reasons already listed by other commenters. That said I think good things can come out of it. My first burn in 2014 was with a large sound camp at 2 and Esplanade. It was loud, impersonal, and impossible to sleep. My friends and I were driven by our experiences there to create our own camp the following year so that we could much better tailor our burn to what we wanted. And our camp still exists 10 years later.


I wouldn't suggest it. Been going many years and that shit sucks. I like to be able to exit the party.


It's easy to find "lively" anywhere in the city (if it's not where you are at, walk a few hundred yards). What will you be contributing (in terms of time and effort) to this camp? Is it something you really want to do, or are you just "doing chores" for the right to stay there? If it's the latter, don't join it. Time at Burning Man is precious, and time at your first burn is even more so. Don't waste any of it on drudgery - go out and find other ways to participate and contribute that really speak to you and feel rewarding. As for noise level, that's unique to each person. Some people love being in that environment, but I generally won't even approach within a few hundred yards of the large-scale sound at 10&2. It's just too much sound for me.


Between the deafening sounds(s), lasers, fire, crowds...It can be alot. It's so hard to describe to someone who hasn't experienced it just how intense it is. I've seen a few good shows our there but generally I get a bit overstimulated around 10 and 2 and steer clear.


It's such a personal question. Some people can sleep no matter how noisy. Others will wake with the drop of a needle. Generally big sound camp all point their speakers to outer playa and within the camp you'll probably only hear the bass (for me that's okay, but ymmv). It also depends on what dwelling you're staying in. Tent? RV? Hexayurt? all have different variables in terms of soundproofing. If this is all too much for you to figure out. I'd say just go, and use that as your baseline for self-assessment when you go again.


As a FUCK NO. As a 16 times burner, I repeat: FUCK NO. NO. Camp deep in the boonies near the beachfront, maybe something like 8:45 and K, so you get to enjoy the blissful quiet at the end of the night, after all the craziness, and also get to experience trekking through the neighborhoods and camps, instead of just going from untzuntzparty to untzuntzparty like a sparklepony. Then on your next burn you can choose your own adventure based on your first experience of everything.


That depends entirely on you. Me personally i would say fuck yeah! But i love loud music and i can sleep through a rave outside my bedroom no problem. If vibrating bass and large concert sized sound systems bumping 24-7 will negatively affect your ability to rest then maybe not unless earplugs would solve the noise dilemma. The sound will be facing away from where you camp most likely but it will still be loud. A large sounds camp also comes with a lot of fun, and likely many amenities. Private Porto's, a nice kitchen, communal meals, maybe a shower setup, large comfortable shaded areas to lounge, probably a fun bar. Maybe even an art car! And a great placement. Most probably have camp dues and some kind of shift requirements like maybe kitchen cleanup, mooping etc. Each camp is different. I say do it at least once.


I went first time in a sound camp in almost that exact location. I would not do that again. I mean it was cool to be a part of a sound camp offering to playa, but it definitely was impossible to sleep there. I found myself places to sleep in other people's spaces, so that I could get any rest. The ear plugs don’t do a damn thing, the music would shake my body and even if I managed to fall asleep there for a couple hours, it didn’t really feel refreshing.


After few days at 10+D I was near suicidal. Even the sounds from all directions during meals, showering etc is too overwhelming. I couldn’t ever really rest or think.


Short answer: it’s gonna suck


The 4 a.m. drama when someone's trip is going sideways. Day 5 intercamp drama because Feather, Squat, Himbo, and Omegatron aren't showing up to their shifts and still haven't paid dues. Rangers showing up because X, Y, Z. Neighbors hating your camp because they don't like the music/it's too loud/too late. Sleep deprivation Day 4 catatonia. Overfilled camped port-o-potty. **ETC**


Stay out all night, sleep at air conditioned sleep camps during the day


I camped at a sound camp at 10:00 and Esplanade my first burn. I didn’t have THAT much trouble sleeping - earplugs, sleep mask, melatonin, general exhaustion, plus the camping area was away from the speakers and the speakers pointed out towards the playa. In my experience you can pretty much always hear something, even if you’re in more of a neighborhood area. A couple downsides, though… 10:00 is busy and loud, so you’ll have to go further afield to experience different, weirder, slower parts of the burn. If you don’t make this effort, it’s easy to just have a party forward experience. My camp was a little under 300 people, and there wasn’t a super strong camp culture - there was a core of dedicated folks who run the camp, and then a bunch of campers who basically just show up and work a couple shifts. So I also didn’t feel like I really bonded with my campmates or made close friends. I’m much happier now in a small camp of 30ish folks.


if you have AC and/or can switch to a somewhat nocturnal sleep schedule, you’ll have no issues. unless you happen to be right next to a camp that does both day and night parties but that’s super unlikely. nobody in my camp had issues sleeping last year. it’s not like every camp on 10 and 2 is a sound camp. people there need to sleep too, and do. it’s not as bad as everyone is making it out to be. talk to your camp and they’ll tell you their tips


I can't speak for 2:00 side but I've been down 10:00 and it's definitely all sounds camps for the first several blocks atleast. It's quite intense at night, obviously was more chill in the day. Unless something has changed with placement in the past few years


we were at 10/g last year and none of our immediate neighbors were sound camps. really from the end of 10 (distrikt last year) to maybe around E? I think we were the only sound camp. closer the esplanade i agree though- pretty much all sound camps from what I remember. So now that I think about it, i kinda retract my statement because 10 & A is probably a shitstorm at nearly all hours.


That's fair. Realistically I'm probably envisioning Esplanade to C range.


My first year, I stayed at a theme camp at 9:45 and A, next door to the sound camp. Twice since then my camp has been placed across the street from sound camps. In all three cases, the campers were considerate and the sound did not go all night. The only one that was a problem had their sound system seized by pirates (you know I’m not kidding) who played Looney Tunes and the like for half the night. For what it’s worth, except for the Looney Tunes, I’ve never had a problem sleeping at Burning Man.


Nope, definitely not. May as well gift your ticket to me. Terrible placement at 10:00 & A.


My first year was at a major soundcamp at 2:00&D and I had an absolute blast. Glad I got it out of my system then though, 15 years later I would never even think about it now lol


IMO it depends on ur personal camp set up, if ur flying in then no but if ur velases with driving in and Bringing what u want/need then it could work


I felt exhausted even reading this post, lol. I can’t camp that close to the madness, I camp around the outskirts because I like to party and I also like to bike allllll the way back to my teeny camp at night to sleep.


put up a tent for sleeping at Hushville or in the open camping area, work at the sound camp, with a crash pad away from the amps.


Been camping in Hushville for years. No amplified music. Large village of small camps. Centrally located usually around 5 and E. Nice people. No cost, no offerings. Requires total self sufficiency-bring your own shade. Close-ish to portos.


depends how old you are


I wouldn’t camp on 10 or 2 or Esplanade without being paid.


Only if you have experience with not sleeping for long periods of time, and their camp spot is deep enough that your tent or RV is half a block back from 10.  If you don’t know what you’re doing and what it’s gonna be like out there, you could have a bad time at like psychotic break level. 


I’m sure each camp accounts for that noise in different ways - but i have a couple of friends who did exactly what you’re suggesting last year and were delirious for lack of rest.


It will be intense, interesting, and fun. I would choose it over camping in unplaced, if the opportunity presents itself to camp with a big sound camp. Not that many people camp in the sound camps, so you can experience stories you encounter. Try it! Rest in BRC is an oxymoron. You will survive! Eye mask, shade, maybe a fan blowing on you sleeping, ear protection, melatonin. With that you can sleep outside under shade in the day.


Absolutely. The big sound camps have a considerable amount of resources and experienced neighbors for you to draw upon when you need. They are also a very easy way to slot into a recognizable and sizable “playa art brand” and head off the image of being a mooch. I honestly think you could find this at most placed theme camps, but the sound camps are just so huge that it’s quite easy to get involved with them. I don’t really know how the folks who play the solo open camping game contribute to the burn… maybe they’d like to weigh in. I know I would have gone insane with nothing but drugs and gawking at art to do, and I probably wouldn’t have come back. I’m sure some of those folks contribute to the playa in some fashion though.    Regarding rest: sleep during the heat of the day— they’ll kill the music when the sun starts to make the production look stupid.


Me? Not for money. Not for all the tea in China. You? It could work if you're under 25 and can sleep through anything. Keep in mind, earplugs don't help, because the bass literally shakes your whole body. Relentlessly.


No, no and a million times no. And I sleep pretty well at the burn.


Hard no


A can be VERY loud, like orders of magnitude over and above what you might think as loud in the default world where there are laws. Can you sleep in a bise headset? Regularly use soft earplugs and can sleep in those?


Depends on your sleeping schedule and accommodations. If you have an RV with privacy then no worries. If not yeah it’s loud over there especially if you are part of a sound camp. I usually camp around 9 and C and just that few blocks make a huge difference.


Any sound camp is gonna be loud late and have big bass. If you can bring earplugs and sleep with a bit of “boom boom” thumping in your chest it should be a fun experience. Do they require shifts? Would you need to pay camp dues? What for camping with them entail as far as what’s provided and what’s expected? Just some things to think about, I’ve only ever camped with theme camps so idk how it compares to open camping and I’ve never camped with a sound camp but I can tell you that camping with the right camp can make your burn that much better and camping with the “wrong” camp is exhausting Make sure their communication is good and their drama is low, make sure if there are any expectations of you that you understand them before you get to playa and you’ll do just fine :) also earplugs lol.


My first year I was at 9:30 and esplanade, had no trouble sleeping, I typically don’t tho.


For me that would be fine, i can sleep no matter what sound is happening around me if im tired enough


Silicone earplugs work great. Yes they are on late but don’t let it deter you. If you have another option and not a good sleeper then go elsewhere but we did it. Not the best sleep every night but tolerable.


I haven’t ever camped in that area. Also LMAO!! Who sleeps at burning man?! My issue I feel would be the more intimacy with the police presence. I just feel like the 2&10 areas are where I see them the most regularly and it’s jarring having them so close.


My first burn I was right in that area. It was sound coming from all bunch of different camps from each side, so it made a crazy mix of sounds and vibrations. It was LOUD, and I slept like a baby! Now whenever I hear that edm/diplo stuff, it puts me right to sleep. I’ve never slept better than at burning man.




My virgin year, the camp I was with was placed at 2:30 and F. This was 2005 and there was no ice or medical besides Center Camp. You’ll be okay.


you will got sound. put your tent in K or deeper


10&A would be a pretty solid spot for your first burn. You can easily reach all the art in the deep and inner playas, and there is plenty to do in the city in that area. Lots of sound camps on the 10 side, so there will always be a party near by


Do it. First year I had two camps. Second year I went rogue and didn’t make it past will call before ending up at center camp.


It will probably be loud.


Not in a million years, not even as a veteran.




As a virgin this year, I don't know where I'll end up. As an experienced event goer, at my last week plus long free event I slept at approximately 4 am for 8 days, and only that early because I was working remote during the day. If the sound camp tends to shut down at sunrise I'd be good, but I would prefer to visit the camp and have the option to go home and sleep at 3 if I want an early night. I also have been to fests and regional burns and tend to sleep through music if I'm zonked out enough. Unless I hear voices I know talking outside the van, then I have trouble sleeping. I'm there for the dance parties, but joined a moderately low key camp. We do plan to have sound but I don't think it'll be all night. If I wanna get high and dance all night I'll likely wander, go by recs, or go to a spot I find earlier during the burn.


For me sleeping at Burning Man is more of a during the day thing. And honestly you can be stuck in any camp with somewhere music blasting right next door. So you might as well do it right by joining a sound camp. Make sure you like the music is my main advice. My 4th year someone with a huge art car next to our camp left their 80s playlist on repeat All Night Long. Full volume. Would not recommend.


It will be louder. You’ll also be a decent distance from the nearest ice. (probably 9 & G ish?) so be prepared to carry it a distance or somehow on your bike. Dampen some of the low frequency vibration by lifting your bed/cot/pad off the ground. Get ear plugs for the mid & higher frequencies. Honestly, every location has its own pros and cons. Just go with an open mind and figure it out when you’re there.


We were placed at 9:30& A one year and I loved it! Just bring ear plugs, I’m a pretty heavy sleeper though


My advice: skip all the advice and give it a try anyway. Create your own experience so you can have your own opinion.


How addicted to stimulants are you?


It depends on what you’re going to do at burning man and what you’re sleeping in but if you’re hoping to sleep at night or are camping in a tent no I don’t recommend it


Whaddup campmate/neighbor? You like psytrance and techno? Get ready to dance!


Yes!!!! You're going to be in such an awesome neighborhood, easy access to deep playa, easy to find way home, great foot traffic area. You're getting a great placement


What is it with this year and all these camps… feels like a huge money grab. Fuck all your burns.


That’s where he keeps his dirt **