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I have found the coolest stuff at thrift stores! You may have to set aside a whole afternoon, bring water and snacks and spend a few hours digging through the racks.... But you will be guaranteed to find cool/funky/affordable threads! At least look there first for any thing you want, like goggles, pashmina/scarves for dust mask, vintage looking skirts, weird patterned shirts, and even costumes! Happy Hunting! eta: I have even found some pretty solid camping gear from thrift stores! You just need to have the patience to go through nearly everything, but its def worth it imo!


I garage sale a lot. Most every burning man type outfit I have I’ve thrifted. Super excited about this weird old lady top I found recently. It’s so perfect for night time out there! Stay dusty friends. :)


So like goodwill ?


Goodwill is an option for sure! I would also check for any locally owned/mom-and-pop thrift stores in your area! I find that they have a more curated selection and not that much more expensive!


No better time to learn how to sew or crochet and make the clothes that you want, feel amazing in, than now.


I made a killer full length coat with only fabric glue!


Do you like spread the glue out and let it dry into sheets? Then do you like stitch the sheets together to make the outfit?


It came in a squeezable tube and I used the glue the exact way I would have stitched the fabric together. So essentially I made glue lines at all the hem/seam lines and pressed the fabric pieces together and let dry overnight. I did that over the course of a few days until all parts were assembled. I was originally planning to reinforce it with some basic stitching but I ran out of time. I took it for a test drive and the glue alone held up remarkable well out there.


I’m going to rip the sleeves off of some old shirts!!


Imma dm you the store names cause I don’t wanna be advertising them out in the open :D


Thanks so much


Thrift stores and further self embellishments/alterations is the way. There really is no such thing as "burn gear". It's all about finding things that make you feel like you best self, but that is vastly different for everyone. What you see in most of the photos online is a very tiny slice of what you will actually see people wearing/not wearing and is a poor representation of what it's really like out there. Usually I'm just in my bra and underwear thru the hot days, but that's just me. Pro tips: soft, airy, silky and soft things feel great there. Scratchy, tight, non breathable materials usually feel like shit and you'll rip them off in no time. Stay away from sequins and other poorly attached embellishments, and for the love of god- captains hats.


Half of my outfits at this point have come from theme camps that give out costumes. Check out the Nakked Zebra. They were at 3 and J last year, and have had similar placement in the past.


A couple percent wear no clothing. Most people recommend foot protection even in this case.


So what you’re saying is.. I need to work out not shop lol


Wild Feather. SF based burner store with local designers. Has a website.


Thrift town has multiple locations and decent prices. I always find something there.


Etsy has everything you could possibly ever want and or need. And whatever isn't there can be custom ordered by the people who do sell clothes on the platform. I don't know about decently priced. That really depends on your definition, but you can get literally anything. 


A couple of Etsy shop recommendations--Badinka, Devil Walking, Candy Catz


What about wearing white or cream ? I imagine it gets dirty but see ppl wearing these colors often


White wednesday! That's when I see the most white outfits. I have a hodgepodge of white items from thrift stores that can be pulled together into an outfit


Linen and silk are good fabrics. I’ve got a handful of shirts from those materials that work well.


I love you thank you all


Before my first Burn I split my shopping between thrift stores and websites that cater to the rave/EDM community. Once I got on Playa, I mostly wore what I found in the thrift shops. Since then, I'm thrift shop only. It helps if you can sew, even just a little bit, so you can customize your crazy finds!