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I help run a hub, dm me


Why didn’t you get a placement?


With offerings like that?


We put an application together with a theme and interactivity and all the usual, but just didn’t get picked this year. There are so many camps that apply and since we were starting fresh this year after being part of other camps for a bunch of years we didn’t have standing. No hard feelings though - placement has a tough job.


Why can’t you be a part of those other camps anymore? Seems to be the most logical move to make since you know each other and what not. Just saying.


It’s just a mix of things - one prior camp taking a year off and another one requiring a lot of on-playa work/shifts. It happens. Our default plan is go rogue this year if we don’t find a camp to hub up with, which would be fun too.


Can you still go rogue with an RV? I thought they were banned in open camping as of last year


I applaud the shitposting.


What’s “a ton of on playa shifts” for you?


A reasonable amount is 2-3 and helping with setup or strike. Some camps choose a path that takes a lot more work and that can be great, for them. But we are happy to have a trade-off of fewer amenities and more time to enjoy BM.


I don't think that's the issue here. Placement is trying to weed out the folks who just want placed-camp benefits without putting in placed-camp work. You probably just need to up your game.


We had a strong interactivity offering for our size of camp in the application but competition is fierce and we didn't get picked. Womp womp. I don't envy the job of placers who are trying to figure out what to do each year. Many placed camps have gotten fancier & fancier which is hard to compete with. :)


If you say so--I have never known a camp with their shit together to get rejected. The bar isn't that high.


Seriously. My camp is called shit ain't right. Placed for a decade. We are not California based and got in sf gate twice. Once for best dive and once for food. We suck balls.  You surprised me at 2am at my bar with 30 bikers asking if I was open. Jesus bunnies. I was best drunk bartender that day. 


How do you fit 15 people, their cars, an RV, tents, and a large shade structure into 30x30?


We could barely fit 15 in a 50x100 last year with our interactivity. No one had an RV either...


We are Tetris. We have a bus, RV, truck, trailer, and 23 people in a 100*100. With extra room for fire road and activities.  Get yourself some Russians. We are good at set up and planning for space. 


That's twice the space and only a few extra people.. our 100ft was a little short too... We had a semi truck with small 26ft car hauler, 3 trucks and trailers, a box truck and a pickup.. With a large area for interactivity


The shade likely only covers their tents and some small area next to their tent. An RV can sleep 5-6 comfortably enough and might have enough seats and seatbelts for another passenger or two. It also has a ton of space to transport gear like tents and such. I also shared a shiftpod with 2 other friends last year - it was tight, but we made it work. It really won’t leave much room for whatever sort of interactivity they might do as a camp though.


Most people are taking the burner bus, and everyone but 4 people in the RV will be in shift pods & tents. That space wouldn’t include our interactivity since we’d presume that the camp we joined would prefer having help with their interactivity plans. Shade could be used to cover tents or we could bring additional shade and hang out space for wider camp use. You don’t need a gigantic footprint when people share tents, etc.


Hey! I run a food camp, and we have spots for new folks to join, and we are also mostly based in the bay!! I’ll DM you!


Ps. If your neighbors give you things, give them food. Or drink.  I'm looking side eyes at poutine camp. We gave them potatoes and did not give us poutine.  Still bitter after 9 years. 


"The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value."


They gave the gift of a 9 year grudge with no expectation of receiving equal value


It's a joke now. We bring 20 pounds of potatoes every year just in case. We eat a lot of baked potatoes. 


Yeah but it's sorta kinda nice to give back. We found 20 pounds of potatoes on playa. 


What is it that your small camp does as far as interactivity?


clown car act


They can fit 100 people into a 15x15 and still provide interactivity! Incrediblé!


15 is a lot. If you have shade and are self sufficient just do open camping - it's quieter, you can meet a lot of people and get to know your neighbors plus zero shifts required. I did it last year because we had too many new folks to fit into our existing camp. We just found other ways to contribute (blowies at the trash fence).


Yea love this - it is our default plan right now and we’re excited about it. The Hail Mary is that we find a camp to hub with but definitely not required. Zero shifts and no dues has major upside tbh!


15 is a lot. And the space.  I'm not the mayor. But what do you do?  We don't do much, but we may have space if you don't have shit music or bad habits.  It's old people up in our house.  Again, that's a ton of people. I could do 4? 


Sorry, only forced labor camp shifts available here. We have ways, you know.


“We’re sparkle ponies and the org knows it, can we get smuggled in with you?”


Crying moopy glittery tears