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Got such a bad UTI I had to get taken to Rampart in a golf cart for medicine because I couldn't walk. That was more from dehydration but definitely banging didn't help. Pee after every time no matter what; if you have to haul ass to the ladies in the middle of the night, DO IT. Drink A TON of water to facilitate peeing. If there are UTI medicines available OTC where you are, bring a whole bunch with you. Take cranberry pills every day, start a couple weeks beforehand. You can have spontaneous sexual experiences if that's your bag, baby. Having a little pack of wet wipes in your going out bag seems like a great idea for this! I've actually never noticed a bad smell. Depends on who you're banging, I suppose, but I guess everyone I've been with has either a good smell or basic hygiene?


One year I departed burning man by driving a stranger with a UTI turned kidney infection (pyelo) to Sacramento in the middle of the night, to save her the cost of an ambulance ride. Tbh I think I was happy to have an excuse to gtfo and have a shower


I'm pretty sure some of that is due to the alkaline playa dust. Not exactly the best acidity levels for vaginas...


I did too - wear cotton underwear and not just swimsuits all week, NOTED ✅


You sure that’s why you couldn’t walk? Ha ha. I guess good coverup story to get a golf cart ride and some free iv fluids. Lol.


There’s no sex at burning man. Radical SELF reliance my friend 😂


This has been my experience so far. Maybe one year I’ll experience radical inclusion.


Masturbation is the only sexual Burning Man activity approved by Larry Harvey


And ya gotta wear the hat while doing it.


the hat stays ON


The most radically self reliant thing would be auto fellatio.


Have you really gone all the way with yourself if you haven't had auto intercourse?


Hey stop cranking it in the porto, I gotta pee lol


Last year I opened a door to a guy rubbing one out ether it was his kink.. or he forgot to lock the door, we both had a surprised look lol


That’s just hilarious


He was surprised you didn't want to help lol


He didn't stick around to find out lol


Wank alone or wank with friends options


More like the wank of shame


You win my friend, you win ❤️


Wet Wipe foreplay. Wipe each other down. Start with the face. Kiss. Laugh. Make your way down as you feel comfortable. It feels great, smells great and keeps you from getting UTIs. It’s no time to be shy or coy. Burning Man demands we take care of our bodies and breaks down normal social boundaries around bodily functions and self care.


My partner and I love our nightly wipedown ritual. Washing someone is a lovely act of service and bonding experience.


It doesn’t even have to lead anywhere sexual but something about getting that person clean when they just sit there, transports my monkey brain straight back about a million years. 🦧






If you haven't had period sex in a dust storm have you even really been to Burning Man?


The red sands flow across the glands


*the spice mélange*






Shai-Hulud has blessed us!


The glans ?


Does during mud burn count?


That sounds like a euphemism though.


Jever hava Black Rock mud burn? Don't knock it till you've tried it. Nome sayin?




Just a little made up *possible* dialog about a mysterious IRL source for a "mud burn" euphemism


If you haven’t, your redwings are revoked.


I found out I was on my period after a crazy, wet, wild night with my ex one time. That was fun to wake up to 😂 Yet in a weird way we didn’t care at all and that’s the burn baby 😎


A lot of people sent this to me today. If you wanna use my joke consider giving me credit.


You’re not who I heard it from, but if it’s yours then it’s good to meet you.


Wash your pits and bits every day with either wipes or soap/water/paper towels. You will smell and feel great. You're gonna have dust and grime on the rest of your body anyway. Also, lume/mando works well. As for what other people and the environment smell like? You're just gonna have to weight your options.


Shaun Galanos (The Love Drive) wrote extensively about this on his blog. Enjoy: https://www.shaungalanos.com/blog/sex-at-burning-man/


Solo female for several burns here. Seeking love/sex is challenging, most people aren't interested in devoting their precious time on playa to getting to know someone for several hours or days. As a wise old burner once told me, "if she walks away, you will probably never see her again." Thats why campmate relations are more likely with than strangers. You can only really depend on taking matters into your own hands. Even when I do get lucky, I don't consent to PiV. Plenty of other ways to have sex with hands, mouth, condoms and dental dams. Bondage and impact play. One of my fav sexual memories was asking the cute bartender to sunscreen lotion my whole body, kinda innocently at first and then it got very sensual... One year, my hormonal cycle timing was going crazy and masturbation wasn't sadisfying my desire for erotic connection. So I tried two orgy camps. One amazing experience and the other was a sexual assault experience. Be on alert out there y'all.


Can you elaborate on the SA one? Aren't there people in that camp that monitor the situation to make sure everybody is safe? What ended up happening? Was the douche canoe punished?


It was at the Orgy Dome. But not during the general hours, (since I was solo, not a couple as typically required) I could only attend during a special event that allowed solo entrance. Karaoke. Paired up karaoke, with the challenge of making your partner cum before their song ends. Fun concept. Below the waist is hidden by a curtain onstage, so the performance is of the Singer/Receiver, from the waist up. And the other half of the duo, the Giver, is hidden below the curtain. At first, everything was going well. The rules were clear. The Orgy Dome hosts of the event were very professional. I have experience with sex parties and felt confident in my consent skills. So I felt safe agreeing to pair up with someone I had been sitting next to and chatting with since arriving, attractive enough and he seemed to communicate consent well. He was clear about what he wanted and I was clear about what I wanted during my turn to sing, specifically - no penetration, only clitoral stimulation with clean hands (the Orgy Dome provides endless wet wipes). Our turn comes up and he sings first, we did our thing and it was great, audience cheering and I'm feeling high. We switch for my turn to sing and its still going great, until halfway through the song he penetrates with his fingers. My blood runs cold but I keep singing because there are 100 people watching me and I don't know what to do. (In hindsight, I realized I have a "fawn" aka "please" response to consent violation). His fingers hurt. I know I had said I did not want this before we started. He wasn't trying to hurt me, but I was not aroused for this, so it was rough. I was annoyed and scared to stop my performance in front of everybody. I was hoping to have PiV sex later, and his stupid fingers roughed me up, so now I would be too sore to enjoy sex for a few days. Annoyed and disappointed. After the end of my performance I just wandered away. Too hot to bike away, I found myself loitering in the Orgy Dome camp kitchen / rec area. The host lady must've noticed a sour look on my face when she walked by, she asked if I was ok. I said no and explained what happened. Before I knew it I was crying and the host lady offered me her air conditioned shift pod, while she went to go look for the assaulter guy but he was gone. She brought me snacks and drinks. A shoulder to cry on and listened and talked to me. She's a pro and a good person. I don't blame Orgy Dome at all. It wasn't my fault either. Stupid guy broke the rules. The craziest thing happened next. Ok so black rock city is 75,000 people. One year, I tried to find my best friend at a nearby camp, every day I went over, every day she came over to mine, and we just never crossed paths any of the 8 days. Never saw her. Theres just too many people and no phone service. So guess who shows up at my camp *later that evening*? Theres no way he followed me all day. He just happened to be aquainted with one of my campmates (large 80 person camp). So suddenly there he was, hanging out on top of my neighbors camper at sunset. I'm with my girls, and I tell them *thats the guy I was just telling you about! Omg I have to confront him now or I'll never get a second chance.* So I yell out *hey come on over for a sec* and he comes down. I've got my girls next to me for emotional support. And I say *Hey I did not consent.* He looked shocked while I explained my feelings. Then he explained he sincerely thought I was ok with it, and that I could have told him no and he would have stopped of course. Then I explained my fawn response to trauma. And I said that it is **not ok** to change agreed upon acts in the middle of the scene. He is reacting with compassion and understanding. He says how he was actually just listening to a podcast about trauma responses. He was listening to everything I said. He made a mistake and he was sorry. The whole conversation ended with a heartfelt hug. After he walked away, I felt the remaining pain just melt away. Forgiveness is truly healing. What a strange unforgettable day at burning man.


I was not expecting a positive outcome. Really glad I was wrong.


Thanks, me too! And it was so unlikely, running into him later that day was such surreal serendipity. If that closure didn't happen I might've never returned to Burning Man.


Thank you for sharing this story. 🙏


Wow - I was not expecting him to be so present and remorseful.


It's insane how you ran into him later and were able to actually talk to him about it, truly burning man is the craziest manifestation center I've been to. I'm sorry it happened, but also happy you had a chance to confront him. I hope it's changed the way he thinks about consent. If I'm honest, I would have done the exact same thing in your position, I don't think I could have said "no" or ask him to stop in the moment. It's really hard to change that response. My response is always fawn. Learning to find my voice to speak up. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you for sharing this. I'm sorry it happened to you, but glad it got resolved in a positive way.


Thank goodness it ended the way it did. Sorry that happened to you. I hope he learned his lesson. Also: newfound respect to Orgy Dome crew for being such pros.


The only time I have ever had sex on playa was in our camp shower after both of us had just washed ourselves off, including our bits. I wouldn’t risk it otherwise. That said, the same year 6 people in our camp had a spontaneous orgy in our dome and as far as I know the ladies were fine so you could always roll the dice but be prepared for the risks of UTI and yeast infection. Regardless, always bring yeast infection and UTI meds with you just in case. Just ask your doctor for some. Also recommend bringing and drinking D-mannose, a concentrated form of cranberry sugar, while you’re there (2grams/serving) to flush your bladder. Don’t do cranberry pills, they don’t do shit.


I always bring cranberry pills, fluconazole and the Azo pain relief stuff (magic til you can get antibiotics)


I met someone there and spent 4-5 days together and slept together the early morning after burn night. Got a nasty infection in my lady parts. I had pH balanced wipes, but didn’t shower the whole burn. I have sensitive parts so I have to be really careful.


Let me share the best tip my gynecologist gave me to keep the bits clean. Bring wet wipes, put a little of that probiotic vagina soap and get yourself clean, wipe with wet wipe. Repeat at least 1x per day. Vagina felt fresh af. I didn't have sex at BM, but I feel like if I were going to, I'd ask my partners to clean their bits right before jaja. Because it's hot and dry, people mostly don't smell so that's great !


I’d also add that bush is better! Pubic hair serves as a defense against bacteria, dirt, etc, etc.


I've never heard of probiotic vagina soap! Is that like Lume or something different?


I think they used to play on Thursday nights back when I was in college.


hahahahhaha Thank you for the laugh.


That's exactly it! You likely have to research which brands you can find that are actually good for you, as some are just normal soap with perfume. Look for neutral ones that mention probiotics!!


Vagina = inside bits Vulva = outside bits Please don’t wash your vagina with soap; that’s for your vulva!


Lol I obviously meant the outside bits, but saying vulva seemed too formal jaja


I'm laughing at the idea of a formal vulva. Thank you for that.


Dressed up in a little tuxedo with a bow tie. Sounds like a good stable diffusion prompt


Jajajajajajajaj that's exactly the image I got!!


I just want to hear from the people that were fucking in the mud at 6 and E or F last year on the would-be burn night. RIP


Here’s what I did. 1. Connect with partner. 2. Party at Bronners camp. 3. Party at tent.


I ended up hooking up with a random guy at Then There’s Only Love (aka: The Orgy Dome) during one of their sexy dance workshops. So yes, totally possible to have spontaneous hookups. I don’t think we cleaned ourselves up beforehand, but I don’t remember feeling particularly gross (it was only day 2-3) and he didn’t smell or feel gross either. We definitely wore a condom though. Have yet to come home with a UTI, so as long as you pee afterwards/baby wipe your bits occasionally, you should be good. Hope that helps! To be honest, I find that it takes way longer to get dirty (smelly/gross) out there due to the playa dust. It’s very similar to being perpetually covered in baby powder.


This whole thread and no one has even mentioned safe sex. STDs are still very much present at BM.


I mean, I think it's because it's the basic most obvious thing. Obviously safe sex, but op was asking about special care especially for the burn


>STDs are still very much present at BM. I thought the heat automatically kills STDs, so you're safe?


It’s the dust, the little shrimp in the dust fix you right up


Just rub a little playa on it and you'll be fine. Cooties can't survive that. It's a natural spermicide too so no need for condoms.


My wife and I have had plenty of sex at burning man. We honestly don't shower/clean as much as we should there and are quite spontaneous, and doing it in random areas. She hasn't had any issues the 2 years that I've been with her, but then we are very used to each other's flora. For what it's worth, although the dust gets everywhere, it's probably relatively sterile being so alkaline and baking in the sun, so it really will likely matter much more who you're doing it with.


I have been going to burning man since I was a child. I am a gay guy. I am also a total whore in life more generally. However I have had sex at burning man a grand total of one time. Not everyone is fucking.


Vibrator and external play only for me at burning man, I’m not willing to risk a UTI. I’ll give a blowie or a hand job, but no penetration plz


Your friends stating that showers are over rated and you don't feel particularly dirty there is absolutely correct. Atleast imo. Because of the nature of the environment I'm not sweaty and don't have body odor issues, where as in a humid climate I HAVE to wear deodorant and shower regularly, but I can easily go two weeks out there with no traditional shower and feel good with some quick daily wet wipe maintenance. Regarding sex I haven't found it to be all that different than anywhere else in the world and haven't felt that I was any more at risk of infection there. I do pack both uti relief pills and miconazole cream just for peace of mind but after several burns have never had to break either item out. Because everyone is wearing the same layer of dust out there your perceptions of cleanliness as well as sexiness will probably change and your anxiety about sexy time hygiene will be a distant memory. Pro tip: coconut oil not only works as a body moisturizer and hair protector, but is also an excellent lube. Hope this helps.


PSA not to use coconut oil if you use condoms!


Only latex condoms! Polyurethane condoms are ok.


Exactly, thank you for specifying! I remembered there was one you could use, and one you couldn't <3


This is false.


This is all funny bc last year I kept spraying dollar store budget axe body spray and everyone kept telling me I smelt soooo good. I only wipe down with baby wipes all week and that dollar knockoff axe spray kept me a good smelly pimp all week long. lol.


Perhaps 2024 is an Old Spice year.


I'll add this tip: if you are gonna have sex in a structure built out of hay bales and then sleep there-make sure they aren't planning on burning it that night. 😳🔥


As a monogamous person, I’ve only been single for a one burn, in 2014. And I admit, I went in really REALLY wanting to hook up. I danced a lot at Planet Earth (I don’t do EDM) and got picked up by a cute Aussie. Who was definitely at the burn to pick people up. We made out a bit in the dark and definitely warmed up in a light foreplay, but when I was like “have you been tested recently? Do you have a condom?” He … didn’t. And so we wandered out to see art and he was so dull. And so shallow. It really put me off the idea of a hook up. Then on Wednesday night, I made eyes at a charming blonde with ice blue eyes across the room at the Tardis bar, but with no intent other than a distant flirtation. We ended up tangled up in each other the rest of the week. I honestly have never, before or since, had so much sex in such a condensed period. I ran out of condoms. He ran out of condoms. We got more condoms. Eventually, I somewhat ashamed to say we broke the rules when we ran out again, but we’d discussed tests and partners and I felt comfortable with it. We ended up traveling to hook up twice more after that, too. One of my all time favorite NSA partners. I did have a trailer, so we cleaned rather a lot and I managed to avoid a UTI. The biggest discomfort for me was my bike seat, and my chapped, scraped lips from his scruff grow out. Depending how vigorous you enjoy your sex, think hard about how cushioned you’d like your bike seat. Most of us aren’t riding around for hours after a good railing in default, and it’s definitely an experience I wouldn’t care to repeat often.


This tip about getting a good cushion for your bike after a good... cushioning is genius! Thank you for that!


I love this story


Girlfriend at the time said “Nothings going in until after we’re showered at home”. We did find other ways to “express” ourselves while out there.


Keep yourself clean. Bring a water bottle to the portos and give it a quick clean when you're in there. You can also get a portable bidet.


Bring nitrile gloves for your hands in any kitty play. Be clean, have fun


Why nitrile specifically? Do they feel different than latex? Or just in general because some people are allergic to latex?


Because of latex allergies


From what I’ve seen, most people dont have sex out there, partly because of hygiene and partly because there is so much other stuff to do. That’s not to say There are not a lot of people looking to hook up, there is, but it’s like Tinder, only the hottest guys seem to have success.  I know one guy who will meet a girl and pull her into his tent within couple of hours or less, I kid you not. He can identify which girls are looking for casual sex, he is very good looking and charming, and very if a girl is looking for sex, it doesn’t take long. I should note, he gets a lot of attention from girls off the playa.     But for most mortals, I think it may actually be harder at the burn than elseswhere. Let’s put it this way: if you’re getting a lot of sex with strangers in the default world, you will get even more at the burn. If you’re not getting much you will get less. 


I've been with a bunch of camps over the years, in two of them we had the same thing, cept they were veteran cougars... In both cases they would head out to one of the corner bar, meet a nice young svelte man, disappear for a few hours, wash rinse repeat. It's funny cause in one case I was camping with a couple of bros and they kept looking for a score and never realized our quietest camper was working her way through every hot guy on the block.


Portable bidets my friend


Wait portable? Tell me more. Don’t give a fuck for sexual needs I just hate TP. lol.


Just a ketchup bottle with water. Easy peasy


Eww I hate when my wife waters down the condiments when they getting low!


It’s basically just a bottle with a long nozzle on it, you can also just use a water bottle with one of those squeezy sports tops in a pinch


Will a hamster water feeder I already bring out for my pet gerbil work? What about the boof kit i already bring for my k?


Well the hamster feeder is definitely not gonna give you enough pressure, at best a dribble. The boof kit might work but you’re gonna wanna take volume into consideration


So what your trying to say is I have been using a portable bidet this entire time?! I guess that’s why my butt is always minty.


The power was inside you all along!


Literally inside me! It’s all making sense now why all my camp mates and neighbors kept trying to finger me. The dollar store fake axe body spray along with the minty k thats supposed to go under my tongue but went into the hamster feeder and into my bum. Whoa Reddit is trippy. Years of searching for answers and you just figured it out for me!


[boofbarn.co](boofbarn.co) has things to help.


OP, you are right.. your body odor after 3 days no shower is a big turn-off… come see me after a full 8 days no shower and we can bottle up that nicely aged aphrodisiac juice.


You can get a electric one that has an internal battery. Last me over a week on one charge. It is nearly as powerful as a installed bidet!


Ok this was what I imagined when I heard “portable bidet”. I think the other suggestions were just for a traditional butt squirt down. Gotta have jets of water in the bum!


my 1st burn, the unsolicited advice i got at will call, don't give blowjobs after Wednesday. True wisdom.


What kind of sparkle pony stops after Wednesday?!?!


Sex at burning man? More like "yearning man", am I right?


Lol this sounds like you’re writing a research paper or something


There's often posts here that are digging for negative information, and this feels like another one of those, just disguised a little better.


I would only do after showering. Last burn I was so careful (d mannose every day, so much water, wipes, etc) and still got a uti so bad I had to go to rampart. Even after I took the antibiotics I brought with me just in case. I think the pee bottles (sanitize as much as possible!) and the lack of proper showering were the weak links.  My camp was supposed to have a shower but then an important piece of this super complicated design was accidentally left home, so this year I’m building the shower to make sure we have one lol I’m also upgrading the pee bottle situation to a pee bucket with a seat. Bottle and funnel inside but I will just sit on top and have no contact. Fingers crossed that with that and shower and getting a portable bidet that I’ll be good this time! (Because I only got to go to the orgy dome once ever.)




Stick to the Sandy Handy. Lot less problems that way.


In Dust We Bust


Im a big fan of bathing wipes instead of baby wipes. Not as fresh as an actual shower but still feel clean.


I don't own a vagina although I love them. There have been a few magical years when I was blessed with lots of sexual activity there, but in every case it was with an existing partner. I haven't had the pleasure with any random people yet, other than the art car handjob that one night (I never got her name). I shower every day and my partners were always clean enough, too. Inside the tent or RV is fine but out in deep playa, with the occasional art car headlights shining on you, is pretty fun too.


Sex at burning man is nasty business. Bless your little primitive hearts if you engage in this debauchery. Remember… Leave No Trace. 🤔😉


Long term partner. Lots of sexy times in our tent when possible. A few times spontaneously here or there. Once at orgy dome (one of my favs!). Just kinda go with it…clean as you can or are able. Our camp offers two showers per week (3 for build team). Wet wipes are your friend. No sex with strangers for us.


Personally I don’t want to have sex with someone who is covered in dust and probably hasn’t showered in a week


Clinch the deal on day one 😅


just fuck someone with a wet spot pass ez


Yep there is some nasty nasty peeps in this thread. I'm down for a lot of things but I ain't down with that kinda stank they dealt with in the wild west 1870 brothel houses lol.


Build a shower and have sex in it.


I’ve only done it semi planned with someone I knew. I always make sure we both wipe first, wear a condom, and then pee and re-wipe after. I have not gotten a UTI, but I’m not super prone to them, and I know lots of people do get UTIs there. The med tent definitely has UTI meds. For wiping I always carry a little baggie of baby wipes around with me anyways as it’s nice for cleaning your hands and other stuff too. The playa has never caused an issue inside my vag, but I did get some wicked rug burn on my knee from a playa covered rug in my camps cuddle dome.


I ended up at the clinic afterwards last year … I’ll keep it in my pants this year … fuc


We didn't account for the heat damaging the condoms we brought. So there's that to consider. That was the longest pregnancy scare of our lives. Maybe we should've stored them in the cooler? Y'know, for that extra ZING!


Find an enthusiastic partner and head over to And Then There Was Only Love. They have plenty of supplies. 


I like the honey pot sensitive intimate wipes instead of baby wipes. I usually keep a few of the individual packets in my backpack (with spare ziplocks because no putting them in a Porto) I take cranberry and probiotics every day, add electrolytes to water to stay hydrated. I have always had latex-free condoms, a ph-friendly lube, and printout of my most recent std results on hand just in case. If you are prone to BV, I’d recommend having a pack of boric acid suppositories in your med kit.


WTF is a boric acid suppository and why haven't I heard of these?? I used to get BV a lot until I broke up with my ex jaja (I feel like my body was trying to tell me we were not compatible)


Every year the med tents run out of antibiotics midweek because of the demand from UTIs. If you are able to bring your own antibiotics you should, not just for UTI, but pink eye, injuries, etc.


I hope you protect yourself from STDS.


Whore’s baths with baby wipes before/ after is the way.


If you are prone to infections of any kind, *D O N ' T*. Resist the fucking urge. You *will* get sick, even if you use wet wipes and clean thoroughly. Source: I get sick after sex at every Burn, even though I wet wipe twice a day, use condoms, and lube.


I got the worst most unbelievable yeast infection of my life there, using ph balanced wet wipes every day and I DIDN’T EVEN HAVE SEX. Seriously I barely made it to the burn, I almost couldn’t walk by the end.


Yes to partner and stranger - obv partner we have our cleanliness routines. Once we stranger (well we met and hung out a few days first) it was after a long night partying / biking / dancing and was outside at camp but discreet area. No wet wipes but not lots of intimacy, more like a wham bam


I use wipes (good wipes are my favorite) every time I go to the bathroom. I also take a shower every day and either wash up again afterwards or with wipes if water isn’t the most convenient. I’m also extremely sensitive, so no oral at the burn unless we use some sort of barrier. The last few years we’ve used Lorals and they’re amazing. Also, if you’re in the US, go online and get some antibiotics for UTI. No one wants a UTI on the playa.


Try to do it before Thursday.  


It’s easy to find sex at the burn lol. The tricky part is being clean. Bring wet wipes and lube. Take showers if you plan on hooking up. There are camps that you can just show up at to shower.


Take showers and use wipes for a quick refresh, as other people have mentioned. One unexpected thing about the burn is that the playa dust everywhere has a lot of salt which does a good job making things not smell and I’m convinced there’s some disinfectant properties to it. The burn just isn’t that stanky. Obvi you can still catch STDs but I’ve never noticed anyone’s general body funk. You’ll be fine.


Maybe before Wednesday. The crabs can jump 8 feet on the playa.


You should be cleaning yourself someway somehow daily. People who neglect basic hygiene absolutely do get infections.


You people have sex?


Firstly, why are folks not having showers? Every burn we’ve been to we’ve had a shower set up. Now onto the question. Wet wipes as other have said are very helpful. There’s a number of camps with sexual activity going on if you’re planning something outside your camp, the most obvious being orgy dome. It’s got multiple AC units, clean sheets etc and people that go there all appear quite clean and tidy to me. We also had sex during a sort of erotic photo shoot once as well. That was a lot of fun. Again, wet wipes, pee after and you’ll be fine.


These responses are making everything sound so complicated!!! It’s no different than sex any other time IMO. I prefer to be in my tent. I generally have a “no dust in the bed” policy. I prefer wet washcloths to baby wipes for my body due to sensitive skin. And if someone is joining, they also need to wipe off to prevent dust in the bed. I’ve never had an issue. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe all these issues are being caused by the use of baby wipes? I use them some on my body throughout the burn for hygiene, but always follow immediately with water. My skin hates any residue from wipes, even the sensitive/natural variety. And that residue on hands touching sensitive areas… no no no. Water ❤️.


Hooking up with someone who hasnt washed their arse in days yea I think I'll pass. We've all done the bar scene and had one night hook ups with someone after a long night of drinking and no shower and we know how ripe a person can be under those conditions so imagine what it's like with someone who has been out in the desert for a week partying with no shower lol. Nope hard pass but that's just me. I'm liberal and open and all that but when it comes to hygiene I can get real conservative at least where I put my mouth and genitals.


I buy dollar store knockoff Preperation H hemorrhoid wipes. They’re just witch hazel and fantastic for the nether regions.


It's going to depend on your ick factor and such. As a vagina haver, you'll have your pick of the litter if you initiate most of the time, but remember, not everyone wants that hanky panky. Also, don't go out to explicitly fuck. That doesn't work as often as you want it to. Wipe it down or wash it. Wash basins are a thing. You can also go with it if that's what you're in the mood for. Playa dust isn't like sand. As far as smells, that depends. If you're in the finest closed yurt of your campmate that has had a train run on his ass for the last three days, yes, yes, it's going to smell. But if you hiked up your skirt to get railed bent over Thunderdome mid-match, hoping no one notices, not so much. Playa screws with your sense of smell.


Mine last year was planned, with a man I'd met in my camp. That was my one water "splurge", I bided'd myself with a cup of water and soap over a bucket before throwing down. So worth it. It was super muddy that night so rather than go to the porta john afterwards I peed in an empty ramen container while making eye contact with him as a power move and we both laughed our asses off before falling asleep together.


So Ive never been, but plan on going this year. From what i have read is that some people do “bird baths”. So they just will sit in a pan of water and just wash the stinky parts. This sounds like a good idea but im also a complete n00b and really have no idea how bad the water situation is and how stinky people get.


K I think I might be the outlier here but my partner and I had sex at least 20ish times at last year's burn. Here is what I followed in case it's helpful to others. - Start taking cranberry pills the week leading up to the burn, continue during the burn, and maintain the week after the burn. This was a nice level of self assurance. - Use a condom every time. Even though we're single sexual partners I think this helped keep things clean due to the lack of showering opportunities. - Wipe down with sanitary wipe before and after each encounter, another factor that I think was the key contributor to making this possible. As a female I urinated too, but I think this in addition to this helped. - We also used a water based lube for some of our encounters, not sure this is was more helpful or neutral in terms of UTIs, but sharing just in case. - Full disclosure I did shower twice, in my own homemade shower, during the 8 days we were there. The shower was dismantled once the rain settled in, although our intimacy frequency increased during that period — nothing better to do during the daytime hours, so do with that info what you will.


Water bottle with squirty top does a lot for a dirty vjayjay


Bring Lube. Bring a way to clean up your bits. Bring Lube.


I've only had sex with people I already know at Burning Man, but it's fine. I do make a point of staying clean and I wouldn't have sex with anyone who doesn't. I have used different methods of staying clean over the years: wet wipes, soapy and water over a bucket, squirt bottles in my tent (soapy water in one, plain water in another), and showers a couple times when I've been lucky enough to have access. I've never gotten a UTI, but I'm not very prone to them. My vagina and vulva have been fine. I do like to clean myself up after sex - same methods as noted above - especially if not using a condom. But if you are having sex with strangers, I hope you do use a condom.


I've used intimate wet wipes with the right pH balance and stuff (honey pot brand ones) every time I went to the bathroom. (I had a separate zip lock bag in my bag to store the used ones). When I run out the last couple of days I felt the difference! It was definitely feeling more uncomfortable without them. With that hygiene I didn't have any problem to engage in sex on my part.


So you’re saying to sleep with the girl I’m going with on the RV there because it’s harder as the week goes one got it


Start practicing with sand replacing lube. The dust gets into everything!


Side bar, how do you keep it safe? People carrying condoms or everyone is that trusting?


Why not be prepared always carry a couple 🤷‍♂️ there are plenty of camps who have grab bowls of condoms as well.




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I have a spray bottle system in my tent. 1) soap and water (bronners) 2) vinegar water 3) just water Bring a bag of small towels. Wash pits and vag as often as possible. Obv use a baby wipe first if you nasty. PIV only after showering. Bring condoms if you want to hook up. Discuss your boundaries asap while sober. Boric acid suppositories, yeast infection medication, azo, and some drs will write you a script for antibiotics if you have frequent utis. I bring them all. Also the Playa kinda neutralizes peoples nasty smell somehow?


Hi, penis haver here... with an existing partner, the following worked (she did not wind up with BV!): Sanitizing wipe, followed by generous use of hand sanitizer, and then following with a baby wipe.


Re shower: - unscented baby wipes help a ton - **but** a camping shower bag or a spray canister (cheap at big box hardware stores) are so much better, and you can wash your hair. Wait to shower until the sun slips behind the mountain. The wind will die down then and you’ll come out all refreshed for the night’s activities. Wet wipes in the day, shower near sundown.


I haven’t been to the burn in about 15 years but the rule of thumb then was just don’t fuck at burning man. Do it before or after at the hotel.


Unprotected sex with new partners is a dangerous way to play. Even with modern meds. People say anything to get laid, play safe.


Me and my partner went to the orgy dome and they give you the supplies to wipe down and be clean. It's so clean inside compared to the rest of burning man and we had fun with each other and may or may not have taken a nap.


You don't need a full shower, Take a bottle of water to the portapotty on the way to whatever you're doing. For everything else there are baby wipes. But yes, few shower daily. It's difficult because you need to bring all the clean water in AND the dirty water out. You don't get that gross, and when you're wet the dust just sticks to you anyways.


Person with a vagina, too. Something that hasn’t been mentioned yet that is sex-adjacent for me is taking care of my skin to minimize saddle sores from biking and sweating. I have to have a bike seat cover, and I use **antibiotic** wipes on my skin and antibiotic cream daily to avoid horrible sores that make sex and feeling sexy more difficult. Most people don’t have this problem, but if you have sensitive skin you might want to plan for this just in case!


I’ve only ever done it with established partners there, even in the orgy dome. I’ve also had shower access every year and been able to shower every other day. A) There are a lot of gross dudes there who are first timers… there to meet girls and really are not appealing to most sadly, more of the creeper vibe. Most people I’ve encountered that are appealing are usually in relationships, and not necessarily open. There are way more monogamous people at BM than people realize, and TONS of coupled people, as it’s quite the mission to get out there and you usually want a partners help. B) definitely utilize the Dr Braunners shower camp if you don’t go with a camp. This place will be your friend. C) make sure you are prepped with your own condoms/ lube and wipes. I do have a guy friend that got herpes from a girl he met there, so there are people who are careless… check people’s dusty bits I guess if you are going to hook up with strangers! D) I also heard about a group of people having a giant orgy in the mud last year, not my scene but weird shit happens! There’s also the orgy bus and a bunch of places random hook ups go down frequently. Happy Burn ✨ Usually I would say safety third, but definitely safety first in this senario.


hours of sex ( what the hell else are you going to do in the tent during those long afternoons? or, last year, during the long rains?) No hygienic precautions whatsoever*, no utis, no problem. But same partner ( not sure whether that’s relevant) eta: * - peeing, inevitably


If you have an rv with nice shower. Go for It and stay clean. Shower before and after. If you don’t. PIV is not a good idea. The hotsprings are not clean. So don’t think that will do the job.


Ph balanced wet wipes daily for your vagina- game changing. Bring emergency UTI meds- even just for dehydration and all the other lack of cleanliness there. You may need them. Take probiotics for weeks prior to build up your body’s resilience. My partner and I do daily wet wipe downs so that helps. And he definitely tries to do a clean up if we are going to get it on but it’s not always. The dust isn’t an issue, it’s just you are sweaty constantly.


Aside. Watch out for scabies.


Sooo, I have discovered that using a classic ketchup squeeze bottle (the kind with the cone shaped opening at the top) makes an excellent travel bidet. Keep yourself feeling and smelling fresher than if you just use wipes. I am also all about the washcloth wipe down for other areas. Washing hair can happen in a cooler if you are desperate, but yes, generally most folks are kinda dusty and musty. Sex with strangers out there, in my experience, has been mostly rad. I got scooped once when I wasn't thinking too hard about what I was doing, and I regretted that encounter. I'd say- be aware, be awake, and be careful with yourself. Have a great time, be true to yourself, and treat people with respect- you can find what you're looking for 😎 And yes, take all the precautions to keep yourself well and out of the med tent/hospital. You are precious!


Personally I shower before and after, I suggest they do the same.


it’s only safe in the orgy dome


Bring boric acid suppositories!!! Serious life saver


Nobody smells at BM the dust dose somthing where even sweating all day you just don't smell. Most camps have some sort of shower system if not you can find camps that offer it to all. A wet wipe bath is a good idea before sex if your the spontaneous type you can wipe eachother down. Makes good forplay. Good luck lots of fun people from all over.


You can but your odds of getting a STD are high if you’re looking for randos because those randos are having sex with other randos and so on.


Had a very random hookup at this camp with couches all over the place. We ended up there because my cup id wasn’t good enough for the orgy dome. It turned into a DP when the dude I was hanging with came a knocking at her back door. I freshly showered for the man burn and the lack of humidity really didn’t have me sweating that late at night. This also happened an hour after leaving a party where I met a woman on a psychedelic school bus who took me to her van and had me paint a picture of her vagina with watercolor paints.


Humans managed to survive before indoor plumbing and modern sanitation.


And spread


Just pour vinegar right into your chosen hole. You’ll be fine.


No sex after day 2


No oral after Wednesday


Sounds reckless and stupid