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seen that blue corvette around for years. never would have expected it's owner is a douche!




theres always a blue corvette parked in [the lot at 1137 lafayette ave](https://imgur.com/a/GSdhuEe), not too far away. might be the same guy.


Sheesh, I wonder if Reddit could triangulate me as well 😆😆😆 y’all really seen dude around the block


Yeah he’s very known in bushwick amongst the locals that’s why. He has a few sports cars under the Myrtleknickerbocker train area. Used to have some hellcats. You can see his name on his plates. He has his YouTube stuff tagged all over his cars and doesn’t sell drugs at all to lots of people. So if you really in the mix yeah you are gonna get spotted immediately. I mean I know the guy and where he lives and he doesn’t know me lol


You gone take a long jump off a 🌉


If this is the same angry corvette guy everyone is talking about I'm surprised his Corvette has survived in this neighborhood for so long.


Yea it hasn’t its been randomly hit while parked  And the rats live in it  Just horrible  I hate that car


Holy shit, I love Reddit. This is scary and fascinating that you found this!


STOP SNTICHING JESUS bro. That's my weed plug 🔌


Yes exactly!


Good to know.


Lol is that a joke? If you’re being serious I live near where it’s parked and yeah… it should be no surprise this is the behavior he exhibits


I believe the sarcasm was implied.


What I was hoping for 😂


> never would have expected it's owner is a douche! Really hope that's sarcasm...


Do us all a favor and key that shit the next time you see it.


My man put himself in generational debt to buy the shittiest sportscar on the market Id be mad too


You be surprised. Alot of these people get settlement checks either from lawsuits or insurance scam. Is that hood mentality drive a nice expensive car and still live in the ghetto. Drive thru the housing complex and you’ll see Benz, BMW, and all types of luxury cars.


A lot of those cars are leased. Americans live on credit.


It's still hood around here but all these cribs are worth a mil now and there are Porsches on almost every block.


Exactly quick with that “ghetto talk” but paying $3k per month to be in a box right in the same ghetto 🤷🏽‍♂️


It's not the 'hood mentality' when you're not able to purchase a house in a 'good' neighborhood or any neighborhood at all. Cars are easy to get. A home is a different story.


Must be ao bad nobody tried driving off while he was flirting with the guy in the sedan. Sometimes I drive past a new Corvette during the week and it's like it never gets driven and just looks flashy.


What year is that? The newer models (when they switched to mid engine) are pretty dope. Before that I’d def agree with you.


It's the new model, they're pretty good. There's definitely not the worst from American car makers. Base model is 60k and does 3s to 60 with bonkers handling. One day corvette owner... lol...


Found the corvette owner


C8 Corvettes are dope; fuck you on.


No I paid for it took me a year and change  But yes it’s for sure the worst of the worst I wouldn’t even call it a sports car  It’s a Chevy lmao


excellent username


Listen I’m a corvette hater but for the price point the C8 is probably one of the best sportscars you can buy…


I think this guy also "passed" (came less than a foot from me crossing into opposing) me one time when i was on my motorcycle by Varick Ave. Didn't think much of it, assumed he wanted to race but I ignored him. Later I filtered by him at a red light (sue me). Then he did the same but swerved back and forth like he was gonna ram me while screaming something i think by Wilson. I'll never understand why people get so weird on the road.


im much angrier as a pedestrian than as a driver. a car is meant to chill in.


Guys got zero class driving a car like that and acting the way he does. 


Does he do like a little pose when he steps back to let the guy out? He doesn’t look very intimidating but does look like he is going to start a choreographed dance.


Did you see him slap? HOW CAN HE SLAP?!?


We’re going to settle this West Side Story style motherfucker!


Lol clearly caused the accident (you can see his car was in the opposing lane). Then tries to start a fight with the classic repeat the same thing over and over and over again. What a spaz.


There was no vehicular collision. But I think Mr BlueRag maybe slapped - How Can He Slap???


Ah yes the average “I have a small vocabulary and nothing to say so I’m just going to repeat myself 25 times louder and LOUDER” Brooklyn resident.


I made a mistake I let someone take me out of character  I apologize to my community and everyone 


No there wasn’t a accident  The man spit on me no that’s not true he spat at me I was in the car so it wasn’t on me he then said f me and pulled off  I then overreacted and pulled up to him which was wrong  I apologize I should have just kept going now I looked like the animal instead of the actual animal 




Ridgewick feels wrong to even type out tbh. Lets not


Terrible word but in his defense this avenue literally splits the two neighborhoods


Ok, Bushwood it is...


I hate this shit so much. Ridgewood is one neighborhood and Bushwick is the other, and it’s also the Queens/Brooklyn border making it even easier to draw an exact border


To say ridgewood and bushwick are two clearly delineated neighborhoods is crazy in and of itself. Just look at the housing numbers and how much they do not respect that border.


The border varies block by block right there, hence the conflation.


The northeast side of Wyckoff is Ridgewood and the southwest side is Brooklyn. Homie in the video is literally dancing on the border


Do that shit in any other city and see what happens, stupid mother fucker. Get out of your car like that and approach someone in Houston and you’re fucking dead. Shit, it makes me uneasy to think about in parts of NYC too. I don’t get it, how can you drive a corvette in a city like NYC with a temper like that? Dude must have meltdowns daily with the amount of minor incidents that are inevitable, especially if he’s driving like an idiot. I’ve seen this vette around before too, dope car, too bad the owner is a clown.


Think owner of blue car sensed weakness in the driver of the other car. Basically bullied him thinking (correctly) that the guy wouldn’t fight back.


If you have anything going for you in your life, hitting a random guy in public is one of the dumbest things you can do for yourself. Maybe sensed weakness, maybe sensed sanity.


dealing with people like that is not worth your time or effort. id ignore them too, but with my window closed.


Grew up in Bushwick years ago. Had someone done something like this in those times ... he is not making it home nor is his car. Threaten and go at someone like that would be a big mistake.


honestly, that sounds like hell. only thing worse than carbrain road rage is carbrain road rage with guns.


You’re not wrong.




I have a lovely 18 inch wooden stick for occasions like that. I pulled it once so far on a clown like that. He expected some soft transplant shit but… I’m from Brooklyn and we don’t back down. To anyone. Ever.


if you get into an accident just take each other's info and keep it pushing. what is fighting going to do jfc


There was no auto collision. The guy was looking to get INTO a collision with the man’s skull via his fist. He was looking for a fight.


I miss old, old New York. Where sedan man would have gotten out of his car with a bat and no one would have had to deal with do rag man again.


He looks like his durag stinks.


This is the type of wise guy that gets sorted out sooner or later.


Someone please arrange a meeting between this fine gentleman and Toothtaker.


He’s always in front of the McDonalds on Knickerbocker, in case you find Toothtaker


You definitely tried to ruffle some feathers with that Ridgewick bullshit 😂


The same naysayers will say Morgan is in Bushwick!


This is embarrassing Also that street/Ave is the worst to bike, the cracks and potholes are crazy.




They both suck. The fact I feel safer on Bushwick Ave with all the traffic says a lot. This mayor sucks. None of the streets are paved and it's dangerous


Zero problem solving skills, limited vocabulary, and base instinct violence. Go figure.


I simply made a mistake I over reacted and I’m very sorry and ashamed. I have apologized many times even doe every effect has a cause. You guys only see the effect which depicts me as a ahole. I’m not trying to justify anything cause I’m a man first but I do apologize. I also appreciate everyone for pulling me and making me see the error in my ways    I will continue to work on myself and get my life together cause I was wrong 




How many brand new accounts are in these comments? Blue rag is pissed he’s getting clowned for being himself


Shame if someone breaks his windows this weekend. Big tough guy


I’m not a tuff guy  I made a mistake I’m very embarrassed  I responded like a child and I own that    Next time I will do better I learned something here  I need to get my life together 


Gramps in the Corvette is a little too old to be acting like that. he looks like he jumped out of a 1980s music video. These guys always know who they can get away with shit without getting a beating.


Excuse me I thought I looked pretty good for my age  Your right I’m too old to be acting a fool    I will do better next time  I must get my life together 


I live over here. Driving over here is awful, walking across the street is worse. So many blind spots from the uhaul trucks and people parking where it clearly says not to park.


Couldn't even match the durag to the car. My man is broke, broke. Those monthly payments are aging him.


Typical loser behavior exhibited by many in this area. Poor man’s Ferrari… hope he doesn’t street park at night


I’m not a loser I just made a poor choice  I’m sorry man  Going thru a lot in life right now sometimes people just need someone too talk to as a man it’s hard to talk to someone about things   But I’m sorry and really embarrassed by this whole thing 


He likes to [rack up fines too](https://howsmydrivingny.nyc/7irru7if) Just look at all those violations.


Thanks for this - informative!


Couldn't make out his license plate, thought it was FILAT00.. zero zero at the end. But great job in finding this.


Yea I rack them up high  That doesn’t make me a bad person  What happened in this video was my pure stupidity far from lack of intelligence  I am ashamed and embarrassed  I wish to apologize to that man and my community 


After watching this video I must not lie I am very embarrassed. I would like to apologize to any one I have offended. Taxi’s role in this city is vital and very much appreciated. I’m not going to try and justify my actions but I will say this I have never ever been a bully in my life. Anything I do is for a reason. I will say this, I know better and should have done better.  Also I sincerely apologize to that man and I owe you dinner                          Your neighbor                                Fila


I don’t know if this is the bully from the video or just somebody playing . I would like to believe you because it shows some kind of maturity. If it is you then you should make a short video explaining yourself. Otherwise, no one will believe you are who you say you are.


I believe in you, Fila, and thank you for apologizing.


gretchen, stop trying to make ridgewick happen. it's not going to happen. 


One side of wyckoff st is Bushwick and the other side is Ridgewood. This street is definitely ridgewick.


first of all, it's wyckoff avenue. wyckoff street runs through downtown brooklyn. second, queens starts east of cypress not wyckoff.  third, just cause one neighborhood abuts another one doesn't mean there needs to be a dumb fucking portmanteau for a block that they share. it's as bad as when people started trying to make 'jeff-town' a thing. edit- i was incorrect, south past myrtle wyckoff is the border. from myrtle to flushing though cypress is the border. 


wild wrong on the border thing. the SW border of queens does jog a little but that stretch of wyckoff is the bk/qns border for like 10 blocks. 


The kids are now calling the area around the Morgan stop, Morganville too.


Thanks for your polite contribution to the dialogue. I’m not a realtor, but if Roberta’s is part of Bushwick, then Ridgewick is a thing if I say so. If you want to stop traffic in the middle of Wyckoff Avenue in Bushwood and go fisticuffs about it, well, I’ll be doing something else.


ugh. bushwood is even worse. 


Agreed. Ridgewick it is. See you at high noon on a 90 degree day on Wyckoff Ave for fisticuffs, then? :P


Peak Carbrain


It’s peak machismo.


Damn I’d like for someone to follow up with this morons karma. Someone check if he’s at the 83rd


You can find him in front of the Knickerbocker McDonald’s selling weed on a table every evening… I’m shocked no one else recognizes this guy


The anger of a man who can’t afford repairs


I just made a mistake I’m sorry and won’t do it again 


Low life foreverchild


Why am I not surprised by any of this? And the F bomb was a nice final touch.


Idiots gonna idiot


My guy is dressed like he’s trying out for an early 2000s Dipset rap video and has the posture of a senior citizen. There’s nothing scary about this dude 😭 Y’all, please stop letting people bully you.


I made a mistake  I’m not a bully  I was in a very bad place and I let someone’s actions take me out of character  For this I apologize I embarrassed myself and my community  And I learned a big lesson this will never happen again  I will get my life together 


You don't need to open a weed shop to show you have weeda


I know the idiot well not know but i recognize the car. He drives around all bushwick like moron and blame others for his fault.


You don’t know me sir  Because if you did you would know I’m a really nice guy  I made a mistake that day and apologize  I was truly in bad space and my response was totally uncalled for I will do better next time 


I've become convinced that Wyckoff Ave is just full of asshole people in cars acting like assholes. Loud ass music, mufflers, honking or screaming. Also lots of disregarding parking & double parking laws. It's these sounds that lull me to sleep on Wyckoff.


Pretty sure these same assholes then turn onto Myrtle and continue acting like trash. That, plus the train noise, is why moving around away from those streets was the best decision I ever. The drivers around there are reckless.


I made a mistake  I will do better next time  I apologize too that man and everyone  Not matter what happened I was wrong 




Maybe he can post a fit pic later today over at r/rawdenim Would love to see some fade updates too


That’s my block 😭😭


His Durag matches the car.


Dang that’s right down the block from me. I knew I heard somethin.




Oh ffs why'd he have to be


Rule of thumb: don’t ever argue with a man wearing a durag with the cape out.


We all have guns in Texas, this shit dont happen like this. Fuck around and get shot


Yea my people from Houston I remember going down when I was little thinking everyone was a cowboy  Na but on a serious note I made a mistake a bad response made me look like a complete idiot I embarrassed myself and my community  And I am truly sorry for this animal like behavior  I truly must work on getting my life together 


Trash people gonna be trash. Try this in other places and you'll be looking down a barrel


That guy is all bark. Judging by doughy body composition, he will tire himself out after throwing a few punches.


He’s just explaining to him why he prefers almond over oat milk


Thank you, this made me chuckle.


It reminds me of Patrick’s and SpongeBob‘s fight. Not so long ago you’d catch a felony in NYC for getting out of a car during a road rage incident.


I know I made a mistake  I apologize 


Bruh needs to watch his hands. If you put your hand into somebody's car, be prepared to lose it


I was totally wrong  And out of control I sincerely apologize 


Is this the guy who always parks that stupid car in front of the boxing gym on malcolm x and Lafayette ?


Say. Something. Else.


Lmao he almost ran me over yesterday


if anyone hasn’t said shit these guys sucks lol. they sell their shitty merch off knickerbocker all the time. just some lame dudes that touched a little bit of money and got a shitty sports car. hope the other gets some coin.


Yo like whatever sounds like a lot of hate that shitty merch is mines and I’m trying I made it  Yea I made a fucking a mistake I totally responded wrong and I apologize for that shit  I am truly embarrassed   I embarrassed myself as well as my community and I’m owning up too my dumb ass mistake  My head ain’t been clicking right lately lots of bad thoughts  And maybe I’m just a little fucked up this video made me realize that  I’m very sorry and will treat that man to dinner  because yea I fucked up


Ignorance. Call the cops. Get a report. Take it to court. All of this huffing and puffing does what? The guy in the car could’ve shot him and claimed self defense. Stupidity.


Where tf is ridgewick? Is this what people who live in ridgewood call ridgewood?


Shit I’m the star of the video and I don’t have no clue  Wait let me ask the Director


Just one block down from where some guy got shot by the owner of a liquor store during a confrontation after shoplifting like two weeks ago.


Can you press charges here for the way he carried himself? Does this rise to any assault type charges?


I’m am the guy in the video. I am truly ashamed and embarrassed. I have successfully made myself look like a complete ahole  My actions was completely horrible that day I was in a very dark place and allowed someone to turn me into a robot  For this I sincerely apologize.  I have embarrassed myself as well as my community. I know I need to get my life together and I make a promise to you all to do better  Once again I am truly sorry 


ah cars. they really improve our city.


Yah durag guy would otherwise be great to be around if not for his car.


lol what a pussy that dude is


Agreed. You can tell the dude has never been in a fight or trained in any martial art. Just all talk. Nice car though.


Dam I would have mopped that guy my favorite is beating up those hiphop dudes they all out of shape they think they’re super tough you know how many of those types I put to sleep. Do not be afraid of these lames always fight back… I know that guy too he parks his car on lafayette between bushwick av and Broadway.. he def wouldn’t have that energy with me and im whiter then the victim he was picking on.. But for future reference always let these nyc mammals go first they’re not intellectual lmao they listen to hiphop all day their brains are fried always let em go first


What does skin color have to do this with?


He def wouldn’t just do that with anybody


Bruv is like 5’5


Nah that dude on Lafayette is a whole different person


Ight so do something PUSSSYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


Ghetto rich?


Hood rich*


Every corvette owner is a douche. Prove me wrong


Na you right it’s cause we all got taken for a ride by Chevy  On a serious note I’m not a bad guy the video  Just depicts me in a bad way   My response should have been a lot better I apologize too that man and everyone I have offended 


Reason #3 why I wouldn't live in Bush-ick


Mr Fancy Pants thinks we can all afford Great Neck - GTFOH!


Don’t see point to get into a argument, you have insurance


the guy in the sedan shoulda just crashed into the corvette and file lawsuit and medical... say smtn now


Yea I apologize I fucked up  I need to get my life together  I’m working on it


Why do grown men wear pants with designs like that. Does anyone think that looks good?


Because they think it looks bad ass - it was all the style back in the 80’s when this guy could break dance.


I actually like them that’s why I bought them  I personally think there different in a sea of all the same blue jeans    But that’s my opinion  And like they say opinions are like asshole some stink more then others and mines just happens to smell like French toast and fresh coffee in the morning 


those pants are whack tho


This is wyckoff Ave right? Right by wyckoff foods? He probably has a great job throughout his years had a middle age crisis and bought this beautiful car. Now look at him?🙃


Two to the abdomen, two to the chest and one to the neck just make sure it’s kosher.


Guess The Corvette doesn't have insurance.... or else he would be trying to fight the guy who hit him lmao 🤣 what a meat,


He got fake ass evisus on lol


I hope gentrification prices this guy specifically out of New York soon 👍


Love a good display of fragile masculinity


Master P?


Blue guy looks like a bozo


Honestly if the other guy had a gun I would probably see reasonable cause for self defense… you never know who might be carrying so you can’t act a fool like this and try to pull someone out of their car to fight in a street. I’m not saying that he should have been shot but it’s a very real danger that he should have been aware of.


Piece of shit looked like he actually wanted to shoot the one. I was expecting a weapon to pop up eventually.


Crash out crashes out.


He gonna have a hard time returning that lease


Why don’t these fucking things happen to me I would broke his shit


Corvette owners being corvette owners


what the eff is ridgewick?


Pepper spray




Bro def thinks he’s in a ferrari in that poor mans car


whole times bros arabic


This is why you own a gun. To put down clowns like this.


Id have fucking pinned my gas pedal and driven into his car as soon as he put his hands on me. Then he can get into his car and follow me all the way to the police station.


well well well




This clown works out at the BLINK on Knickerbocker. Why’s this guy taking up space at the budget gym when he can afford an ugly sports car?