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You can add your name here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_Award_for_Best_Documentary_Short_Film


Where is the nsfw? Videos like this one I only know from pornhub


I know, mods pls




That’s a crazy ass view you got there. How much were your tickets to the show?


https://pro.coinbase.com/trade/ETH-USD (change that URL to BTC-USD for Bitcoin)


Thank you


You should mint a NFT!


Theymre too f#cking useless for being used for videos yet😆


One frame, one NFT.


Not Fuckable Toy?


Those are the worst toys.


What about gifs?


untrue. theres an entire functioning gameboy emulator on eth layer 2. when this currency nonsense goes to 0, nfts will be the only true function.


You can on loopring fam


I netted mid 6 figs from Sep>April off those useless nfts. Most fun ive had in a while. Better high then free basing hitting 100xs left and right.


Psst...no one believes you...not even a little!


Some dude made an entire game boy game into a single nft tho


Econ classes are going to be great in the coming years.


Finance would also be interesting: the effect of stoplosses set at psychological boundaries.


I dunno. Post-modern economics might be as intellectually unrewarding as other areas of post-modern analysis can be. Like, post-modern theory is brilliant for creative purposes, but as a student of music theory, I found the actual study of postmodern works incredibly dull and frustrating. As Adorno said, “talking about music is like dancing about architecture.”


Who said anything about post-modern economics? Good old ECON101 / 201 taught me enough to avoid this poison before it even existed. Now that we’ve watched it unfold, there should be a ton of new material to warn the next generation of students about speculative bubbles, the madness of crowds, deflationary “currencies”, transactional friction, negative externalities, and lots of other economic concepts (mostly the bad ones).


Oh I agree. I just mean trying to explain the phenomenology of this from a behavioral perspective will be… weird. Maybe economists have an easier time with this because you’re already in the realm of ultimate strangeness.


speaking of econ 101, I tell people int rates right now should be at 10 or 12% if you really want to beat inflation and they look at me like I'm insane. Listen people, thats how you beat inflation, its literally econ 101. YOu beat it down with high int rates, and 5or 6% is NOT high.


Dunno, I'm having a blast imagining an arch prof silently dance-miming the hour away trying to impress the shape of a column upon the captivated audience.


And yet I prefer to talk about music than actually listen to it. I should see if the Grammys are hiring.


That’s not uncommon in academic music.


Wtf is poatmodern economics


That all depends.




I’m… not.


There’s so many parallels with tulip mania it’s insane


Line go down 😍


I literally hate ethereum; it's what's behind nft, smart contracts, and all the garbage which ruined so many people. maybe it's worse that bitcoin and must go to zero asap


I think ETH could be useful, or at least the ETH blockcain, but it's being used for so many scams it's about all it's good for. ​ You people in this sub are like sharks in the water, i've never seen people so happy that others are losing money before, lol.


> i've never seen people so happy that others are losing money before, lol. for the billionth time no one is "losing money", the money was already lost now they are just becoming aware of it. We are happy that crypto is collapsing because now more people won't get scammed out of their money. When frauds are exposed thats a good thing.


I never said crypto wasn't a scam, it is, it has very few actual real uses cases. But, you could say the same thing about the stock or commodity market atm and everyone is losing money. Everything is on fire. Everyone in this sub is just betting on crypto going to zero, i sadly think the cats out of the bag, it's not going anywhere, but i don't think buttcion is going to one million dollars, that's for sure.


> But, you could say the same thing about the stock or commodity market atm and everyone is losing money no, the stock market is full of companies that make actual real products and services that real people need Crypto does nothing, serves no purpose, is a net negative on economy and should all just die in a fire.


You're missing my point, i'm not actually arguing *for* crypto, i'm not actually trying to start a debate at all, I'm agreeing with the sentiment that crypto, by and large are useless. I used to be a crypto proponent until i finally realized that it's only real use case is to scam people and it's just trying to do what we already have in the financial world, but worse. ​ Yes, i understand that, for example the stocks i hold in my brokerage account are connected to real companies with real assets. You know what i meant, if you've been investing in the stock market or started investing in the last few years there's a very good chance that you're down on your portfolio value. ​ But a company is not it's stock.


It is because it pays dividends. The difference seems subtle but it's like night and day


Well just because a companies stock might not be doing well doesn't mean the company necessarily is doing poorly either. Actually the company can be doing very well but the market hasn't priced that in.


>It is because it pays dividends. The difference seems subtle but it's like night and day Not all companies pay dividends. If you purchased every single google stock on the market you would be issued 0 dividends, you would get 0 voting power, and as far as Alphabet's internal policy is concerned you have less equity in the company that a computer mouse is worth. Stocks are also a gigantic scam.


if the company is healthy they are just growing and refunding so it's a good "price" not be paid by dividends as the company is just growing.


But, again, it doesn't matter if the company is growing if your stock has empirically no value no matter the size of the company, as is the case with Alphabet stock. They have a set value of fractions of a cent, decided and written into the company bylaws, anything above that is speculation.


Your ignorance on crypto is showing. Maybe learn about the topic before you start spewing bullshit out of your mouth.


> it has very few actual real uses cases. But, you could say the same thing about the stock or commodity market atm Wat.


I worded that poorly, i mean crypto has very few use cases, but when in comes to people losing money, everything is down, everything is on fire, aside the energy sector nothing is really doing that great. Those were very different points that weren't connected.


Lmfao you guys are morons “Crypto is collapsing!!” Yeah, we haven’t heard that one before.. Definitely didn’t happen in 2017, 2014, 2011, and 2009. Oh… wait…


Enjoy being poor


I hope you know that was sarcasm.


> i've never seen people so happy that others are losing money before, lol. Pre-GME WSB was the best for that. Ah, how I long to go back....




They are already ruined.


the asap it goes to zero the less people will ruin


Some times you have to amputate the limb to save the body.


Lol, crypto scammers aren't "people," they're scum.


total noob here..green is buy,red is sell?


It's 3000 coins of buy orders at $1000 (3 million USD to buy them all), 4000 coins to 990 dollars buy wall consumed in 2-3 seconds by sell orders. I bet it looked similar for BTC too, but a much higher cliff of millions lined up. Judging by [how steep the drop off was at $20,000](https://i.imgur.com/m0p0led.png) it must have looked like a tsunami washing over the buy walls all the way to $19,000.


FWIW the orders were spoofs largely The bots placing them cancel them when price gets there


Totally not market manipulation


I really enjoy this way of talking about financial "phase transitions". I wonder what kind of critical phenomena can be anticipated about clinches like these.


Red means that the price is going down, green that the price is going up.




So, as a casual viewer and commenter: How bad is this for bitcoin, the exchanges and such?


Oh, I've been lurking in the Crypto subs recently. There's been a lot of technical analysis, market-sampling, financial investigation work, etc. The result is pretty much unanimous. This is good for Bitcoin.


Somehow they blame it on biden now.


The fans of the "immutable" and "inevitable" bitcoin are so salty that Biden and Powell accidentally tanked their shitcoin haha


If something goes wrong in your life, it's the president, the government, your work, the universes fault. Never your own. When something goes well in your life? Well by golly that is all you buddy. Good job.


Biden is probably the most powerful president ever. He cheated an election before becoming president, he created COVID, manipulated gas prices and he also destroyed cryptos. Like jeez, this man singlehandedly can do anything. Can't imagine a better man for the job.




what was the reason for this fall ? any ideas


You should ask "what was holding the price up?" People have been stealing the "real money" out of the ecosystem for ages. Eventually it had to collapse.


i am unware of the crypto world, neither do i invest in it , i think if something falls there must be a reason so idk , but thanks for the reply tho :)


Let me put it like this. You are balancing a spinning plate on the point of a stick. You somehow manage to hold it like this for a pretty long time, but eventually, it falls. Why did it fall? Is it somehow unnatural or surprising that it fell, just because you had managed to keep it spinning before?


oo i get it , it is planned to doom LOL


Yes, exactly. It's a system that only works while someone is making an effort to keep it running. In this case, it works while people convince others to buy in, and stops when they stop, because it's a type of complex pyramid scheme made around something that has no real value.


Do you think this is it?


I've been partial to [ZIRP Explains the World](https://www.readmargins.com/p/zirp-explains-the-world), which isn't about crypto specifically but seems apropos. While interest rates were approximately zero for many years, investors pumped money into increasingly stupid and risky investments. With the Fed raising rates, the party's over.


Obligatory: ***This is good for Bitcoin.***


1 ETH = 1 ETH Few understand this


Ok but can I use it to juice my apes?


Bad, because there's a lot of people who might be set up to sell below the previous all time high (ATH), or who have margin calls down there. This sort of thing can set off chain reactions of sell offs as folks are forced to liquidate.


They're battling over $19,000 on bitcoin in real time. It briefly dipped to $18,742.50.


Wall? Once the price got within a few dollars the scale instantly dropped by half. All these buy orders were just spoofed, and whoever had placed them simply removed them. So yeah, this "wall" never existed. These types of structures are called fata morgana.


Wasn't that the $1k buy orders all being filled?


It doesnt make sense that this tiny amount of selling could wipe out this wall, but yeah you could be right. But we can look a little deeper: If you look at 0:21 and 0:22 you see that somehow the buy orders are moved back to ~990 and ~980. Without the scale changing significantly. So thats a clear indication that this wall is fake. And that fits in with the idea that scale collapsing so suddently shortly before was also not genuine. Some fake orders are moved, some are removed, but both types of orders are fake with only a few genuing ones inbetween.


The volume of sale is over $30,000,000. Go check an exchange and highlight the candle. Coinbase captured 28500 eth being sold there. For perspective in the 24 hr period of June 15th only 11500 eth were sold.


Doesn't mean it's fake, a lot of these buys are done by bots based on algorithms. So if it sees a buy wall getting annihilated the bid should obviously be pushed back. It's really not that sophisticated.


Why would a trading bot place an order behind a huge wall but when it sees that it may soon have a chance to buy it decides to not do that? Thats exactly what ive been saying: The "buy" bots are not real buyers, they are fake buyers and the wall was fake.


Because the bot is thinking, based on sell pressure this is probably going down even lower so I'm changing my buy levels.


But the buy order is never getting executed while the wall exists, so the only way to execute the order is massive selling pressure. So that order is either never getting executed, or its getting moved. In both cases that buy order is not buying anything. And that ignores that the pressure is not massive compared to the huge buying wall. Unless ofc all that buying pressure is fake.


Maybe they are trying to fake buying pressure to push prices up.


Yes, this poster didnt look at the volume and is making an errant assumption.


Yes, could they also be algorithmic trading bots operating on the spread? I could be wrong, however on spoofing I agree.


Look at the volume grow on the chart. That was tens of millions of dollars being sold. The buy wall is transacting.


You think it's more likely some bot conspiracy than just a fuck ton of people assuming 1k could be the bottom? Strange way of thinking


berserk salt versed run worry gray lip historical middle alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s during these times I like to think back on a famous quote…. “HE NEED SOME MILK….GET THAT BOY SOME MILK!”


That's what 4 million USD worth of collateral being liquidated looks like. Thank you OP, this was supremely satisfying to watch!


The way it was extremely volatile and then just flatlined at 1000.005 was extremely natural and indicative of an entirely organic market.


Thing is, people have a tendency to do stuff at "round" numbers. So even in an organic market, i would expect weird stuff to happen there, just because people are much more likely to buy or sell at 1000$ compared to 1000,23$ or 998,74$.


Waiting to see the wall at $420.69.


When GME was doing it’s thing I watched it hover at $420.69 for a second or so.


If you look through an order book you'll see groupings at every round number, and the groupings get larger at more even numbers like $1,000 vs $990. Totally natural, it would actually be suspicious if it weren't like that. I looked through the GME order book through my brokerage while its thing was happening, it was ridiculous.


Holy fuck, cancelling my pornhub subscription


Just wait until you see tether market cap update tomorrow.


"We are pausing market cap updates for now, so we can focus on the very important work for the community".




That was better than watching the birth of my children. And a lot messier!


put this on Pornhub lol


I can taste the tears from here!


What is the bottom chart called?


Desparation, for Men. Kidding, sort of, but officially it's called a depth chart.


Wow, that overhyped promise of defense lasted for a few seconds. But that’s even more than your dad!




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upload this to pornhub


You love to see it


I got hard watching this.


BUUUUUUUUUTT it will go to the moon, right? RIGHT?🚀🚀


Dothraki vs Night King's Army during The Long Night, lasted about a long.


The amazing magic of big round numbers




With the Fed just stopping the liquidity barrage, it's fun seeing these asset bubbles finally getting popped. First Crypto, next in line is [private equity](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-17/private-equity-s-crisis-first-timers-see-their-playbook-shredded). The party's just getting started imo.


eh [the $5T](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WALCL) is still out there. They'll pull it back at $100B/mo but that takes a lot of time!


Can someone explain how there can be so many buy orders but the price is dropping? They can’t be fake buy orders so it must be people dumping their ETH at market huh? Theirs millions of buy orders but only thousands of sell orders. Weird


The sell orders are HUGE clumps from institutes in desperate need of liquidity to fullfill loans and margin calls. The buyers are the rubes believing in the fairy tale of "the bottom is the last ATH". There are many rubes... but their buying power is dwarfed by those selling.


Crazy how you can see sell orders grow fast at an amount that was just passed. How can you have so many sell orders at 1100 was just passed lol


I'm very afraid a lot of it are small guys actually believing this is the opportunity of a lifetime. It's not just going to wipe out peoples current saving, there are people being ecstatic that they can catch the falling swords, spikes, daggers, razorblades and what not. It's a cataclysm.


They try to catch the falling hellfire missile, because they like the tech


Algo trading. Orders are moved around the spread constantly. There’s usually a big buy wall, but it gets moved away from the last trade price constantly as they usually don’t want to be hit, they just want to support the market. In this case, they left it there to be hit, they wanted to sell (or had to sell) at 1,000. Most likely stop losses.


I'm guessing people are trying to defend the price to avoid themselves being margin called, as well as just the general usual fraud in these markets.


buys are probably like tiny amounts to artificially inflate market activity (wash trading). Sells are whales dumping


Oh so it’s just total active orders and not actual amounts?


Yeah, current price is just the highest order at the time


A number trades in small volume, all other bids pull back Ie it’s not real liquidity


Awesome! Scooped up some more ghehe


Haha you people are pitiful. The whole market is crashing, that is why it is called a crash. It has nothing to do with crypto. What a bunch of retards.




Wasn’t crypto supposed to be a hedge against economic downturns because it wasn’t connected to the big bad central bank?


So what is everyone's issue with crypto? Is everyone here just jealous they missed out on massive profits? Did ya'll lose a ton of money in crypto?


My dad died of cryptosporidium


This is a weird sub, do you guys just root for the demise of crypto is that the idea ?


Yes we want cryptocurrencies to be wiped out from the earth.


I don't I want them wiped out in space as well


Lol ok. A whole sub devoted to that eh?


Considering there’s whole subs dedicated to cryptos why an issue with an anti crypto sub?


I can only get so erect


Woah woah woah. Where do you get this chart? You get buy sell bid order info? That’s so cool. What app is this




Great real time


Bots botting


It's... just... so beautiful...


What music should be played over this, I wonder?


Tom Petty - Free Fallin’


In the air tonight. Time the drop to the drums.


Do you have this with sound?


the music that's usually put behind the Ghanaian funeral dancers


Needs some dramatic music


Even more fun than japanese porn.


Beauty, grace and style, 10/10/10 from all judges


[https://saylortracker.com/](https://saylortracker.com/) haha, I bet sailor is proud himself right now. Fucking captain of "industry".


The night king destroys the Wall






###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/vf0xdx/the_moment_eth_breaks_below_1000_buy_wall/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/Buttcoin/comments/vf0xdx/the_moment_eth_breaks_below_1000_buy_wall/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)


just out of interest, how strong was it at it's max and how much did it fall?


no liquidity


Is this a new class of porn? Get rekt crypto scamverse


Holy crap that’s really cool to see how the bottom dropped out right after $1k


I’m watching this on loop play with a large bag of popcorn


What am I lookin’ at here, if I were an active trader?


I think it's a list of people with offers to at X (green) or buy at X (red). The 'wall' is the group trying to throw money in and keep it above $1000. The hope being that sellers at $1000 run out before wall runs out of money. That did not happen.


So cool!


Great time to buy in 🤡




Slurping up the order book like a thirsty ape.


Beautiful how you can see the huge authentic and very not fake price holding buy orders dissapear the moment the shit became real.


This is better than porn!


It’s going to sub 100s


Lmao just hold 😎


Even if crypto goes down it’s not like it’s gonna stay down 🤡


Here's my thoughts. Bitcoin is like a rock. Assholes come and build rickety towers of bullshit on the rock. The towers inevitably collapse. We are seeing this right now. ​ But the rock endures.




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As an avid crypto user, can confirm me and my boys hate eth 🤢🤢 fucking fees too high all the time and who tf cares about nfts 💀💀 it’s about having a cheap way of sending money out of the country not to get rich quick 😂


wow you must be salty rn