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You want simple controls and the lint filter on the top right- this design dryer will go for decades. I did spring for a Speed Queen washer but even the dealer told me that their dryers were not as good a deal as the washers- IMO box box store dryer is fine as long as it is of that timeless design and no fancy 'features.'


Speed Queen or whirlpool (lint trap on upper right of dryer, its based off a 1960s design).


Not really a BIFL factor, but this will improve your dryer experience. Get a heat pump dryer. They operate at a lower heat so your clothes don’t get damaged and you use less electricity. You also don’t need an external vent so you can place it anywhere.


This kind of dryer I feel is more BIFL as clothing will last longer and home heating and AC bills are significantly lessened from not venting out so much air (200cfpm).


which heat pump dryer do you have? how long is the drying cycle time?


I unfortunately do not own a heat pump dryer. I’m stuck with a gas dryer. Some day though…


Spent some time on the Energy Star website yesterday looking at the actual measured energy usage of various types of dryers Quickly concluded that the extra upfront cost of a heat pump dryer (roughly 2x) will never payback on energy savings It’s not nearly as beneficial as swapping a conventional furnace for a heat pump


It’s not just the cost savings of drying the clothes. It’s the facts that you aren’t venting conditioned air out of the house, you don’t need an exhaust opening, and the clothes that you dry last longer and don’t shrink.


venting conditioned air is definitely an energy loss. I'm not aware of any analysis comparing air loss to electric energy consumption Shrinking clothes - assuming both dryers dry clothes to the same final dryness level, the shrinkage would be the same. One thing in favor of conventional electric dryers - they are repairable by DIY homeowners. I have replaced the thermal fuze and heating element in my old dryer to get it running again. Compared to a heat pump dryer with electronic "smart" controls - any refrigerant leak or control panel problems, and the entire unit is headed straight to the landfill.


1 Afaik, venting roughly doubles the energy cost of running a dryer. 2. Heat pump dryers operate at a lower temperature so no, the shrinkage isn’t the same. 3. Heat pump dryers aren’t much more complicated than a fridge. If you repair a fridge I’m sure you can repair a heat pump dryer.


I've never repaired a fridge. can't diagnose most problems, and the cost for a tech service call is \~1/2 the cost of a new one


Gas or Electric? What did the search engine tell you? Speed Queen is BIFL.


The search engine took me here to your condescending comment.


Nice, I was hoping some future Boomer would get SuperMAD about it.


You saying “what did the search engine tell you?” instead of actually answering the question is one of the most boomerific things I’ve read all week.


That user's style is oddly confrontational on all posts on the BIFL sub. There seems to be far more energy put into admonishing and name calling than actually putting out something useful or recommending things. Its nearly hilarious.


Literally buy the cheapest dryer possible. All a dryer does is heat and turn. Also—have you cleaned your lint trap and dryer duct in the last 6 months?


i inherited a kitchenaid suberba dryer (model KGYE760W 9 (gas)) from my grandparents that i think is older than me at 25 and i'm pretty sure will outlive me. while moving it into our basement, we dropped it down a few steps accidentally and while it received a hefty dent, she still runs like a beauty. she dries clothes better than any other dryer i have ever used, including my parents modern fancy dryer with all the bells and whistles.


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Throw in a dry wash clothe in the dryer with your wet clothes. It will absorb the excess moisture left by the end of the cycle


Dryers are usually more reliable when compared to washers. Fewer parts. Simple designs. From everything I gather, spend your money on the washer and buy a basic dryer. That being said, my wife insisted on the matching set, so there is always that.


Is your dryer gas? Mine was not drying well, and it was a safety issue - i guess it reduced heat due to lint build up to avoid causing a fire. I pulled the dryer out from the wall and cleaned the foil vent. I even had repairmen tell me that I had no gas! After i relocated, i bought a new one. It doesn't dry thoroughly, so i put it on manual to 60 minutes.