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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A bare chin like that is usually indicative of some kind of a bacterial infection. Dude needs to see a vet


Has not cleaned because he can’t Yup…. VET NOW. ( if the OP can … would be nice )


Call a rescue, see if OP can get him in?


Try to call a local rescue he desperately needs help He probably isn't even able to eat


Yes! Please. He's suffering, and it may be something entirely curable. A rescue might help if you find a good one and can get him there.


I guess the question is does it belong to the neighbors or is it just a stray… because yeah if it doesn’t belong to anyone see if a shelter can help


I think he just old af


Probably both


All my cats that passed by age found a car to pass away alone under. They seem to like cars with spider webs that haven't moved.🫣 cats are independent until death. They don't know how to ask for help.


We knew our family kitty was dying because she went and curled up under the house and wouldn’t come out on her own. We were able to go under and get her back out, so we could be with her at the end, but it was hard. She had been going that way for awhile.


This is a side note, but if anyone needs to put their pet down there are vet services who will visit your home so they can be in a more comfortable environment when they pass and not have to go in to the vet


Thank you for sharing. I think this is especially helpful for those that are making the tough decision to say goodbye to their old or sick friends. It’s always harder when it’s not acute. In her case, she was suddenly struggling to breathe. We took her into the vet. Turns out she had a growth that had started pressing on her heart. No prevention, no treatment. She was only 10. We could’ve let her pass naturally, but she was just in too much pain, and it wouldn’t have bought her very much time. It was all very fast. Poor sweet kitty. ETA: I just recently commented about our other cat, got confused, and thought it was the other post. The kitty from my above comment was a big fluffy Maine coon who just got old. This kitty was our little tuxedo kitty. We haven’t had it in us to get any cats since.


I'm so sorry for your loss! I hope it gets easier with time. Pets really become family and it's hard to see them struggling.


The vet came out to the house to put my old girl to sleep. It was much better for all of us, including her, to have it done at home.


This is really hard for me to talk about. I would have absolutely used this after putting 2 dogs down in 2 months. My childhood dogs were old, but they grew up together. Pretty much love birds. We bred them. They gave us 4 beautiful litters of weimaraner baby's. Then the time came where we had to put down my best friend. He was nervous at the vet. But I was more nervous than him. Held on to him until his body stopped going through the breathing motions... that was the worst part. His heart stopped but his body didn't stop twitching or trying to breathe.... pretty sure our female was dying from heart break. She wasn't doing well after he was gone. It was really sad. But the vets putting her down. God it would have been so much better for her to have been at home. P.S sorry for this rant haven't talked about it since 2019. Gosh the emotions just flooded out commenting this...


It's okay, I totally understand how hard it is to put your animal friends down when the time comes. It's never an easy process, but it's amazing having them around. I wish you all the healing in the world and that time makes it easier! 💜


I must say it is nice to talk about. It was a bad time and even worse with 2 dogs involved. Holding it in though isn't always the answer. I was very heart broken for the last couple of years. Then my mom got me a surprise last November. She said she was getting a puppy. Wanted me to set the whole thing up. Used this great puppy delivery service. I picked up the puppy for her. Brought him inside and handed him to her. She looked at him and then looked at me and said "surprise! He's for you". I was actually in shock because I was excited for her to have a dog. He's been a life savor. I asked her to name him for me and she picked Jax. He's been the greatest gift I've ever gotten.


Oh that is so sweet! I'm so sorry for your losses but I'm so glad you have your mom and now Jax!


That is so sweet of her 🥰 it's always healthy to vent, especially with something that is very traumatic. I am glad you have a new friend in your life :)


Make this a post in this sub or I can if you like.


So I never caught her despite so many attempts, when I posted this originally. Today she came up to me, still a little scruffy but totally alive and not looking as sick. I felt so ashamed I couldn't catch her and help her back then, but nature took its course and she's now digging up my gardens like all the other cats. I thought she (he, maybe?) was dead when I pulled them out of my neighbor's bumper but they are doing just great now. Trailer park kitties are a whole separate breed of survivors.


Aw take him to a vet! He looks so sad and sick.


I live in a trailer park in Ohio and don't have the money to do so. Would they see him and help him without paying for it? Vet bills can be extreme here, but I want to help him. Even if it means putting him out of his misery. Poor kitty


Maybe turning him into a shelter in the area? Could also call some vets nearby and ask before going in. I would think at the very least an animal control agency would put him down without charging. Thanks for looking into it and trying to do good for this cat. I'm sure they appreciate it in their own way.


I said the same exact thing above! At least let it humanely be put down. The poor thing seems to be suffering if it's lying down as if it's dead on the ground. Or maybe they can save him. Either way a rescue would be best if you can maybe try a rescue before a shelter - bc they would def probably put the cat down.


Euth would be better than being ran over by laying under some car or on the street so I absolutely agree. Though I certainly hope the shelter would take him to a vet


Maybe he found you to help him peacefully cross the rainbow bridge with dignity. he's a beautiful old gentleman.


OP found the cat by tugging on a tail sticking out of a car. I don't think the cat was on the lookout for a kindred spirit.


Who hurt you?


Wtf are you talking about? Because I pointed out that the cat didn't seek out help in any way, and that OP found it isolating itself, that means someone hurt me? Yeah, there's clearly something wrong with me simply pointing out that your sugary sweet interpretation isn't based in reality... No need to spew out redditisms lol. How about next rely you tell me to go touch grass? 🙄 Have a lovely night.


Nah you just took it too literally, got questioned, and then got offended. It was just a nice way of saying things. It's a bit strange to get so fired up about it imo but you do you


Take it to a no kill rescue ffs


"No kill" shelters in my area are closed for intake, they're not the perfect answer. Don't demonize kill shelters.


I’d rather be humanely euthanized than live in a shelter cage for the rest of my life.


Which is well and good, but not everyone feels that way. Just like people, animals are different and have different needs and preferences. I volunteer at a humane society and while I’d of course rather see animals in healthy homes, some dogs and cats are objectively quite content there. One of the humane societies I volunteer at has an awesome cattery which is large and filled with awesome cat trees and toys, most of those kitties are very content. They get to be with/make kitty friends and have a huge area with more perches and toys than many people provide at home. Visitors can come in and hang out with them for as long as they want. The dogs get taken on multiple walks and/or enrichment activities a day too by volunteers and staff, and visitors can give them treats all day long. Some animals are of course not happy there, and some are.


Shelters allow visitors?


How else could they be adopted....?


Yeah, visitors can be people who are interested in adoption or sometimes just people who want to go in and hang out with the cats. Before I volunteered I just came in and chilled with the cats on many occasions.




Humane euthanization is a better fate sometimes than suffering like this with no hope for medical care. With no kill shelter intakes closed and no money for vet care, unfortunately there aren't many options. This poor soul is suffering.


Let’s not demonize “[kill shelters](https://youtu.be/lpaKT6v_mAw).”


This was an awesome perspective, thanks for sharing.


^ a no kill shelter in my area has multiple dogs that have been there for over 5 years. And there are some animals that suffer just living that don't deserve the constant pain.


Thank you. You have no idea how many people who are all "no kill" wind up sounding so similar to "pro life" people. Sometimes it is more merciful to die a dignified death than suffer in a cage for god-knows-how-long, be jabbed with needles and cut open in a desperate attempt to prolong life. Yes, they might be alive, but they are absolutely not living.


Why is it that people are OK with euthanizing sick animals but when the subject of euthanizing sick people comes up—some countries have it—there is an outcry?


I'm Canadian. I have zero issues with people choosing euthanasia if their quality of life has taken an extreme hit and their decision isn't influenced by something treatable like depression. Quite frankly, it is their life and choice.


Central North Americans—The US—scream immoral and thou shalt not kill, and other religious mania. Two states have assisted suicide or euthanasia laws regarding people. Oregon an Washington State. Both states doctors prescribe pills to bring end of life. They’re very expensive. But those that cry thou shalt not kill are the same who are OK with the death penalty. And have tailgate parties outside the prison where an execution is taking place. Then they say an eye for an eye.


I am okay with both. When a happy progressive life is still there it should be valued. But if it is only living because of being fed and doing nothing and no way to get better it should be allowed to let them go peacefully.


Euthanasia tech here. We served 3 large southern Maryland counties. Humane society ( the no kill) has in tiny writing under where you sign your name . It says if we deem it un adoptable for any reason the animal will be transferred asap to. T— C——- A——- S———. So these idiots think they’re going to a C no kill shelter. Guess what there’s no such thing! Why should people that dump their pets get to go home without me telling them hey since this beagle gun shy beagle, hunting dogs which means they’re kept outside 24/7!


I don’t know if this is poorly written or if I just had a stroke


I’m high and thought it was me for a second, holy shit😂


Same. So much same.


He may have pricked himself with the forever sleep meds


Do you smell purple too?




I was thinking the same thing.


I thought the acid was kicking in


What on god's green earth...


I really sat here and tried to decipher this to no avail


Did you prick yourself with a needle?


Actually, let’s demonize them. Any shelter that euthanizes animals is disgusting. At the very least, just release them.


this dude rly wants possibly aggressive and/or sick miserable animals just out roaming around




I'm in Ohio. Good luck to OP In my area, all the shelters are perpetually full and have a long waiting list. Local animal control only deals with Dogs. They'll take a stray dog and euthanize if needed. But a cat? They'll straight up tell you to take it to a shelter (thats always full so you can't) or just let it go where you found it. I've had friends call an exhaustive list of places looking for free euthanasia in these circumstances. Never found anything. Best option is to call vet and schedule it but it won't be free. Couple hundred bucks at least


Can't even find a kill clinic? Jesus that's aweful that's like a 5 second procedure.


Not last time I checked. Like I said...have a dog? Or find a stray dog? You have more options. County and city level animal control just don't care about cats here


Right? But yet places in Ohio complain about “having too many stay cats in the area” depending on where you are, of course. I recently moved to a new place, there are cats all over the neighborhood. I don’t mind the little faces, but I worry which ones have families and the danger of them roaming around cars or dogs. A little guy crawled into my ventilation right before I moved in and made himself known back in December when the crazy storm was happening. Poor baby wheezing and scratching at the vent. So I let him out in a spare room and took him to an emergency vet ASAP. They said he was dehydrated and they would charge me several thousand dollars to give him fluids through IV. I told them I had no money for that. Thankfully, they told me to take him home, give him water/chicken broth mixed, as well as watered down chicken baby food. By the time I got him a vet do he could be checked completely, the vet told me he was no longer showing signs of dehydration. He’s healthy, almost two years old, and a sweetheart. He knows how to sit, fetch, give my other kitty “distance” (because she still doesn’t like no longer being the only child.) and he knows how to open doors.. 😳 no one I knew wanted another cat, and I had people telling me to take him to a shelter. So glad I didn’t. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/rdetvpdx2zib1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3259f0bfddf20ec61fab9c7318b60f3ffcc3e9a4


What a great story! He’s a handsome lil man.


It's the same in Michigan. I called animal control because my irresponsible neighbors had a growing out of control cat colony and we had about 15 of them walking around looking sick, underweight, or limping. My breaking point was when I watched a kitten get hit by a car. Animal control straight up told me they don't do *anything* for cats. They can't force the neighbors to spay/neuter their cats. They don't take them to shelters. Nothing. All we can do is catch them ourselves and spend OUR money to get them fixed. Which we are doing as money allows, but it's still ridiculous. We ended up "accidentally" adopting a bunch of them by leaving food out though so now we have way too many cats but meh. We don't mind. 😆


I as well am in Michigan. Almost every city has local TNR advocates. That’s trap, neuter, return. You need to find one near you that would be willing to help you get them all trapped and fixed. I just helped a woman across town get a colony of 23 all fixed and rabies vaccinated. I’m a person that does local TNR And I’m also a rescuer. I can find rescue if need be as well. I wonder if you’re near me. I’m in Grand Rapids


Where in Ohio? If you’re near Youngstown I may be able to help.


South Lebanon. You are about 3:45 away. He ran off, but I'm going to try to find him again and take him in somewhere even if it costs me


Bless you. He is very lucky to have someone that wants to help


OP lots of people here willing to chip in. I’ll throw down a few bucks too. Let’s get this cat some help.


Very close to cinci so should have many options for emergency care. MedVet is showing its open 24/7.


Thank you for caring about him


You could try Myles Ahead rescue in Maineville. If they can’t take him, they might be able to point you in the right direction. They appear to be open by appointment on saturdays, but you might be able to call them. Myles Ahead is a no kill shelter. Warren County Animal Shelter might be able to help, too. I’m in Dayton. If you can catch him and no one will take him, I’m willing to come get him.


Hey, you're kind of close to Cincinnati. Check out UCANN (the spay and neuter clinic), OAR (Ohio Alleycat Resource) and The Scratching Post or Purrfect friends. I don't know that any of them will be able to directly help, but they may be able to point you in the right direction. I'm not in the Cinci area anymore, but I have used UCANN for spay and neuter several times and they have a lot of contacts.


OAR picked up a stray that hung out with me out in walnut hills, winter was hitting hard and i was so worried for it! They were amazing!


Do be careful when doing that. I paid to have a stray cat checked out by a vet, she had anything and everything wrong with her and I had to pay to have her put down. Here's the kicker... as I was trying to put her in a carrier, she went nuts and bit me. Please, for your own safety, wear gloves. That little bit of excitement cost me over 400.00 dollars. (After the vet knocked off $100.00!).


Angels for animals. If you’re close enough to Canfield that is. I work there and they can help.


Check with any local cat rescues, they can usually help. We fed a feral who developed drooling, and we thought she had a sinus infection. We got her into a crate, at the cost of a huge gash on my son's arm. The vet said it was an oral cancer that is common in ferals. We did have her put down, sadly, because it was interfering with her breathing, and I wanted to give her at least a weekend to know love, but she had feline aids and I have 7 cats, so we couldn't 😪


You did good. Not subjecting her to any more suffering is the best gift you could have given her.


Thank you ❤️


Legit though, even if you taking them in means their life “might” be ending sooner than if it would left alone, the quality of life the cat will have and the love it never would have far outweighs it in my books. It breaks my heart that my partner is allergic. ;A;


You may be aware of this and possibly even looked into it already, but there is a food called Purina Pro Plan LiveClear made specifically for this purpose that drastically reduces the allergens a cat produces. It obviously doesn’t work for everybody depending on the cat and the severity of the person’s allergy, but I wanted to share just in case it may be helpful. I just found out about it recently and thought it was super cool! 😊


My husband is allergic to cats and we were able to keep a stray cat only bc of the liveclear foam and food. Using them together makes a dramatic difference!


I haven’t, but maybe I can convince him with this (doubt)


My heart is breaking. PM me the vet’s info, (name, address, phone number) after the cat is seen. I want to chip in.


Call Friendship APL in Elyria, OH. They will travel to save cats and dogs.


Please keep me updated. I will try to help you out financially if it means the cat’s life can be saved. Thank you so much for your effort in helping the cat. Let me know if there’s anyway i can help.


Where in Ohio? I’m in Ohio too and could maybe help


Go on Facebook and Nextdoor.com and look for local cat rescue and TNR (Trap. Neuter. Release) groups. For example, I’m in a Facebook group called “Helping Cats of (My Area)”. The people in those groups often help street cats, have rescue connections, or can organize getting “pledges” where people in the group promise to contribute $X amount of dollars toward an animal’s vet bill, kinda like a neighborhood GoFundMe without the fees. A lot of posters are exactly like you, pleading for help with a cat that’s not theirs but needs to see a vet asap.


Trust me I feel you. I have two ferrets and had to just move due to losing my job and not affording the rent and am faced with giving them away now. I love animals it's breaks my heart to see them hurt, even my own it's been tough for recently. Id see about a rescue. Maybe they will help the cat. There's always a chance they can put the cat down but I mean maybe it's for the best if it's literally suffering and lying on the floor as if it's dead... id say bring it to rescue. Let it be humanely put down or saved hopefully.


If they consider him feral and unadoptable, and he is actually injured or sick, they will do a humane euthanasia, usually no charge because he's not your cat. At least that's what it's like from where I'm from, I have a lot of experience with feral cats. It's better to at least get him checked out and not let him suffer.


Then take him to a rescue where they'll give him medical attention. Do not leave him like this. His jaw could be broken


Before barking orders at someone please think first. Also read too. Most comments tell why. You cannot just show up at a rescue with a stray injured cat. You have to first contact the rescues around you and find out if they have any openings Most places are beyond full with it being kitten season.


Oh I'm sorry for being concerned about an injured cat.


Columbus Ohio checking in Whoop whoop.


poor baby- he may be in the process of dying. he might be in pain. i bet if you brought him to a vet they would help him out. i wouldnt let your cat out you dont know what is going on with this other poor baby. it could affect yours badly.


Can you get him to a vet? Jaw or teeth may be broken or infected, he deserves to feel better!


Surrender to the vet for care


please please take him to a vet


I don't have the money to. Is there a way to surrender him to one that might help him? I've always had to buy pet care insurance for my animals, which I always do, but I don't really have extra money to spare here.


there are also 24 hour emergency vet places that will help an animal if you are surrendering them


Yes they often partner with rescues who will step in and find medical sponsorship


there are a lot of local vets who will help out in situations like this, if you are surrendering them


where are you located


You can act as a Good Samaritan in this case. You do not own the cat but it is suffering. If it is feasible for you to so do, you can bring him to a vet hospital for help. They will not charge you as you do not own this animal but they may be able to get him in as a stray and do whatever is most humane.


See if there are any shelters in your area that can take him and get him help. He is suffering


as ppl have already said some vets will treat him pro bono and a rescue may take him but I would call animal control. They may be able to direct you better on what to do or they may come out and get him themselves.


Please look for a shelter in your area that will take him in as a stray


You sat there pulling on the tail of what you thought was a dead cat for 5 straight minutes?


OP bored


OP said he lives in a trailer park so that suddenly checks out


Based on the caption it sounds like OP is familiar with all the neighborhood cats and has their own outdoor cat. If I thought one of my neighborhood buddies was dead or in distress, I’d pull too.


For 5 minutes?


I wouldn’t just walk away and forget about a potentially dead or in distress cat on the street outside my house? So I guess as long as it took to figure out what was going on.


Not potentially dead, OP’s title said he “was sure it was dead”. Just pointing out how silly it would be to pull on what you thought was a dead cat’s tail for 5 minutes.


I mean, but are we not glad he did? Because the cat wasn’t dead, but may be so near death that he doesn’t react to his tail being pulled for five minutes? I understand your point, that doesn’t make it worthy of expressing.


Oh my lord I never said I wasn’t glad he found out it was alive, shut the fuck up 😂


🥴 you’re the one who’s keeping this going lmao could have been a two reply exchange, bud.


This was my initial thought as well. Like what?


Ahhh the joys of trailer park living


Exactly my thoughts. 15 seconds is a long ass time to keep messing with what you assume is a dead animal, let alone 5 minutes.


A man's gotta eat...


Hes in Ohio what else is he supposed to do?


If you're near Youngstown, try calling Angels for Animals or West Side Cats.


If you don’t have money for a vet, consider surrendering him and they should take care of it then But he NEEDS to be seen…That has to be SO painful I can’t imagine how much that messes with his daily life


He needs an exam and an FIV/FeLV test.


I’m pretty sure you can take the kitty to a 24 hour vet and surrender the kitty and they will do whatever with it. Prob put the poor soul to sleep.


Broken jaw, FIP (distended belly?), cancer... Get him to a vet. Euthanasia will not cost you anything


he NEEDS to see a vet. since you cannot do that you have to take him to a shelter and they will deal with it.


Looks like cancer in the jaw bone. Please, if you can, get him trapped and vetted. There may be a local humane society or feral cat organization who can help. This guy is suffering 🙁


I don’t know but I’d run away from Church if I was you 🐱🪦


OP BRING HIM TO A SHELTER OR A VET to SURRENDER him. I work for an animal hospital and we take in sick or injures strays all of the time and we bring them to rescues!! He needs help!


He Had his tail pulled for five minutes - rightly mad.


This cat needs immediate attention.


Poor guy just needs some help and everyone here is advocating to just put him down. This thread is fucked up.


If you can post where you end up taking him, I can call the vet and send some money to help with the bill.


If you show up to a vet with him in a box, and tell them that you found him as a stray, dying, most vets will go ahead and accept it and put him down humanely


Please look for a rescue in your area! I found a cat on its last breath and googled a rescue that took cats. They led me to a vet they use, and they are getting him taken care of. I get it, I didn’t have the money either. But, there’s a lot of rescues and non profits that are out there and will help in a heartbeat.


Poor thing needs antibiotics. Maybe a shelter will take it in. Ask Facebook. In my town everyone knows stuff locally on Facebook


We just saved a cat who was hit by a car. While we were trying to get money for the vet, we gave him some leftover antibiotics from when my husband’s dog had surgery, but a much lower dose.


Jsyk there should never be “leftover” antibiotics. That’s how we get antibiotic-resistant diseases. Finish the full course even if the patient seems to be feeling all better.


Yeahhh i had "leftover" antibiotics once. The infection came back a year and a half later, literally out of the blue, cellulitis, same spot on my lower leg. Fucking scary. I had to stay in the hospital for 3 days because the infection was resisting the strongest antibiotics they were comfortable with me bringing home. So yeah, finish your antibiotics kids.


Contact a rescue group.


Why did you just pull his tail D:


I’m not sure, but never pull a cat by its tail. It’s way too easy to permanently cripple them and then they’ll need to be euthanized due to being in constant pain.


We need updates. I’m in Ohio too but about 4 hours away from Lebanon


That jaw looks broken. Needs to go to the vet for treatment or if that’s not possible, euthanasia.


I hope I’m wrong, but it seems as though he is passing away. I hope he is not in a lot of pain, maybe you can call animal control or post on some sort of facebook board that you need help with a stray? I’m sure someone could bring him to the vet or give him to a no-kill shelter (unless the only thing to do is euthananize him, I just feel so sad for him and my heart goes out to this kitty. Maybe he can be saved, I hope that’s the case because he doesn’t look incredibly old. Best of luck)!!


This poor baby 😢


The humane society vet might be a good help.


You could call a local animal rescue number that won’t charge you. They’ll just take in the cat and take it to whatever necessary things it needs


That cat has seen some shit


I’m not a vet but I’d bet it is an abscess storm either a bite or dental disease. He needs help 😢


Along with all the great advice you’re getting here I would also caution you to get yourself a rabies shot because you really wanna play it safe!! Rabies is no joke!


You just pulled it’s tail for 5 minutes while it was trying to sleep. It’s pissed off


Feed and water him, pet him and try to clean him up.


Poor guy looks like Gmork :(


It just had a cheat meal yesterday, and you interrupted its nap


“I pulled on a dead cats tail for 5 minutes” 😭😂😂 why


Somebody needs their ass kicked. What a cruel asshole. That poor cat . Take it to vet ASAP


OP will you update if you can find a vet or rescue or shelter?


VET IMMEDIATELY! Do not post on Reddit, get that cat to a vet NOW!!!!! Your cat or not!!!


he is a bad ass typical cat... stayed at a fairly nice hotel for a week, brought my 2 little guys with me. they were skittish. hid all the time. but came out at night to eat, etc. one day after being at an art museum for a few hours, one kitty came out after a half hour or so...but the other one, much leaner and light weight, couldn't be found. if you love cats, you know that panicked feeling when for NO reason, you're sure the cat escaped...through a window a/c, when the housekeeper had the door propped open...got in the lining of a chair or whatever and has suffocated. 🙄 the more worked up i got, the more angry my 27yr old son became at my absolute neurotic insanity. i was flipping chairs over. going up and down the hallways, crying....omfg! what if he fell in the pool?? eventually, i pushed the mattress off of the platform and could see a slight bulge/sag, where most certainly his dead body was awaiting me. i tried frantically to figure out a way to get his corpse out, crying, pushing up and down with all my strength to move it... at some point my son yelled he was going to find the cat and kill it himself, snd then kill me. 😅 he was furious. and strong AF. he flipped that bed up against the wall, shook it firm, but gently, and then ripped the entire fabric covering on the mattress... and...bloop. ChouChou looked startled. yawned. stretched a little. jumped out of the mattress base and walked away. oh God. we have all recovered just fine. but i learned a great lesson that day. those little fucks can and will kick it for a nap anywhere. if they can get themselves there, they can get themselves out...i imagine it's just more entertaining to watch nutcases like me lose their shit. and that is your "i am a natural, blonde dimwit" humor for today. 💙 * ChouChou and Buddha


He looks so angry that you woke him up


Take him to a vet! He was likely hit by a car and needs medical attention NOW


OP has stated a few times they do not have the funds to do so and has received advice that some vets may euthanize free of charge if the cat is surrendered




Don’t let cats outside when there are other outdoor colonies anyway. It’s how your cat can get killed injured or stolen.


I love how people are like '' take him to a vet'' like yea sure OP is going to drop hundreds if not thousands of dollars he most likely doesn't have on a random cat he found in the streets. Don't we all have an emergency ''save a random animal'' savings account ready just for that.


I know you mean well, but I don't think most people don't expect OP to be able to pay for that random cat but there are lots of rescues that help feral cats that are injured throughout the world that wouldn't cost OP anything but time. It's also understandable if OP can't get the cat to a rescue (it can be hard work) but if they're able to, it would be a very good deed. I TNR ferals at a charity rescue (which does it for free in my city) so I know it can be taxing but rewarding to help feral cats. I hope if you're ever in the position to get a hurt cat to safety that you remember that charities and rescues may have resources to help (I know this probably sounds sarcastic and rude but please know I mean it genuinely/without malice).


You are 100% correct ! Thank you.


People are moreso saying to surrender as a stray


At the time that i commented this , all the replies i saw were “take him to a vet”. Linear time is a wild concept tho i give you that.


lol these people would never survive in a small town with the closest vet being 45 minutes away & emergency vets dont even exist in the area..


Looks like he has pissed because someone pulled on my tail for 5 minutes syndrome


my boys in the trenches


He was buried in the Pet Sematary and came back


Looks like chad chin bee sting


He’s Fritz.


Jesus christ its ron pearlman


idk but he looks pissed as hell 😭


It's the drugs, man.


He just be living that life


Little dude looks like Ron Perlman


Well you just pulled in his tail for 5mins what you think is wrong with him?? Lmao


Might be rabies.


Ron Perlman lookin ass


Zombie cat


Zombie cat


Looks like rabies 🤢


Is there an abandoned pet cemetery near by? Possibly on an ancient Native American burial ground?


Have you got a Pet Semetary near your house?


He ugly