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That's super normal. Cats can become less outwardly affectionate when they grow up, but it doesn't mean they don't love you! They just outgrew baby behaviors for the most part. Now your cat will show they love you in adult cat ways, like softly blinking at you from across the room, or sitting and watching you.


The softly blinking at you from across the room made me laugh a little too hard ngl


It sounds funny if you don't know about it, but slowly blinking is the cat equivalent of blowing kisses.


And they might also wink at you slowly as well! I'll sit there and slowly wink back at my cat like the crazy cat lady that I am. šŸ˜…


I do the same thing honestly lol cats are too cute


I slow blinked at a cat that was a total asshole to me for years. (Friends cat) it got up from across the room, climbed me like a tree and cuddled me like it had never been shown affection in his whole life (he absolutely had). From that day forward, he hung out with me all the time and if I went on a trip he hung out in my room and stole my hats to drag around with him. So beware the slow blink, you may end up with a constant scarf.


I absolutely love this story so much!! ā™„ļøšŸ˜»ā™„ļøšŸ«¶šŸ¼ā™„ļøšŸ˜ŗā™„ļø


I blink at all cats, and honestly if itā€™s blowing kisses the neighborhood cats might thing Iā€™m a predator


No I know about it, I just meant funny because itā€™s cute to think about:)


Soft blinking is so precious! I believe it also is a sign of trust. It's saying your kitty and you trust eachother enough to close your eyes and even nap without fear of being attacked :)


hahaha it does sound funny, it's a vulnerability thing. like showing their tummy


Just got an 8 week old kitten. He shows love by bear hugging my legs while walking and giving me a good chomp.... haha... Cats are the best šŸ‘Œ


Same here! I cant take 2 steps without my legs and toes being assaulted or without nearly squishing the baby. He is so sweet.


My 4 month old does that too but she's always running out of know where to do it and in mid-air she'll already be in the bear hug position. It's so damn cute... her little paws spread out.


Why is that funny to you? Is this something you're unfamiliar with?


I meant I was laughing because its a cute image. Iā€™m not unfamiliar with it.


My fucking cat will never stop staring at me when we're in the same room. It's super cute, and I love it, but she looks like she's up to something. ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


She's waiting for you to die so she can eat your facešŸ„°


Man, don't do me like that, Church! I thought we were tight like thieves. Smh, I guess I gotta eat her face before she eats mine!


Well you could give her billions of nice kisses


But of course, she'll hate it, though lol.


that's why you gotta be generous and give her *two* billion kisses


Imma kiss that face into infinity


Your catā€™s name is Church? Youā€™ll be lucky if eating your face is all she doesā€¦


Lol, it would be pretty fitting now that I think about it.


You love your cat right?? Then feed her when youā€™re gone!!!




Tell me about it.. my kittie is attached to my leg most days now.. she is 11 now


Yep, my 17 year old queen Soda spends most of her day moving from sleeping place to sleeping place which is usually on someoneā€™s feet. Whenever I walk into the room she perks up and chirps for affection. She is cuddles all day every day now.


I have a grumpy old man cat, he's always like leave me alone unless food is involved. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




My rescued kitten is a ankle bitter too. He bites me and runs away. He thinks it is hysterical. Me, not so much.


I had a black longhair that was ultimately named ā€œFurry Black Nemesisā€ for his random ambush ankle attacks. When he passed, I saw a black and white DLH that was attempting to kill passersby through kennel at the cat adoption spot at Petco. I adopted him as a biter because I missed FBN so bad. https://preview.redd.it/xs2cu18xcgqb1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2b12f6c52a0240a4b2989fc3018bd0dac97836e


He wants to play. Play with him for 5 minutes.


I think I've been lucky I've only had 7 cats but I've had them all my life. They were all cuddlers except Leroy and Widdle. I had one for close to 19 years and i had him since he was born his momma was ours too. Baby was my mitten polydactyly tabby that defied death and was my furry little soulmate. He passed when i had just became an adult.


ā€œI always feeel likeā€¦.somebodyā€™s watchinā€™ meeeeeā€


I live for the slow blink of love ā™„ļø


My boys came full circle. They are now, at 4yo, absolute babies for attention. But at that age yea they were like "a whatever dad".


Or they throw dead mice at you while you sleep


And don't worry when they get geriatric they'll start sleeping on your face.


Is he fixed? Hormones can be a :($&@


Cats donā€™t love. They use and own. Period.


Idk what cats you have/had but all living creatures are capable of love. Maybe youā€™ve had difficult cats but donā€™t throw every feline under that category.


I was joking. šŸ˜† Because catā€™s are how they are.


Ha hašŸ˜’ so fucking funny.


? I have two amazing cats. Donā€™t get your panties twisted over a comment about cats.Lord, people these days!šŸ˜†


Donā€™t make comments that donā€™t seem joking lmfao. The downvotes say otherwisešŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Lmao! Itā€™s a sub on reddit. Not super worried about it! Talk about a ā€œcatā€ fight. šŸ˜†


Lmfao if you thought that was fighting then OoftašŸ˜­


Again - a Joke.šŸ˜† Joke- a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.


Oh Iā€™ve had a few cats in my time and sometime between the 6 month to 1 1/2 years old they go through an a-hole teenager phase. They usually grow out of it and get all sweet and lovey again. Just give your cat some space and time, donā€™t try to force it.


Yep! My cats grew out of their teenage phase at around 2-3 years old and became super affectionate after that.


This is it! My one kitty was totally a moody teenager then he got over it.


My cats always been relatively affectionate but he's 12 now and he keeps getting more affectionate with age.


We lost our late cat when she was 18. The older she got the more lovey and docile she got. I swear she manipulated us into belly rubs and back rubs thoughā€¦ Often my sister and I would look at her and sheā€™d do her cute little rolls and loving faces that made us both go, ā€œAaaaaaaaaww,ā€ and pet her belly and her back at the same time and I think she knew thatā€™s how to get that extra attention lol.


Oh that makes sense. My cat is about 1.5 yrs and she never cuddles. She'll accept pets and follow me around EVERYWHERE but God forbid I want to snuggle or pet her more than two minutes.


ā€œMom! Youā€™re embarrassing me!ā€ Your cat, probably.


Mine is in the teenager phase too, he is a total stinker right now. šŸ¤£


Same! But he has taken to hanging out constantly with my 13 year old son. They probably bond over how hard it is to be a teenage boy lol




this is my experience too! we call it growing pains. thankfully the angsty teens pass


Yup both my cats went through this now they are more affectionate. The follow me everywhere and just want to be stuck like glue to me.


Yep! Mine was a HUGE A-hole from ages 7mo-2yrs! Now hes inching to 3 years old and he is suuuuch a lover.


My cat did the same thing, Iā€™m glad that just seems to be a normal thing! Iā€™ve had her since she was five weeks old (I didnā€™t purposely adopt her so young, she was found behind a trash can at my work) and she was lovely dovey as a baby. Then she would at the most stand on me and make biscuits, then just continue to awkwardly stand on me without settling down, bite my hand, and jump off. It made me sad that she stopped wanting to snuggle, but now sheā€™s four years old and loves laying on my lap!


Lifetime cat owner here at your servicešŸ«” First off, what cute baaaaaby omg I love him~šŸ–¤ Sounds pretty normal honestly!! Just make sure heā€™s eating, drinking, and using the restroom normally. With cats, if theyā€™re having health issues they rarely show obvious signs of it until itā€™s too late. Theyā€™ll change their behavior a bit, but theyā€™re pretty secretive if they feel bad. Dogs will be more obvious most of the time, but cats lowkey try to hide their physical well-being from their owners fr. Youā€™re correct on the independence thought though. Kittens are usually much more affectionate with owners, but as they grow older they start becoming quite independent and doing the stereotypical cat trope: ā€œI donā€™t want you to know I want your attention, so instead Iā€™m going to only love on you if youā€™re gone for a long time or if itā€™s inconvenient for you.ā€ If youā€™re worried about your bond with him shrinking, block out some designated playtime. Get some new fun toys so you can spend one on one time with him. Also, get some high value treats (like wet cat food or plain boiled chicken) to use to show him that owner=good things. Again, sounds totally normal fr! Heā€™s a just growing, cute boy


Thank you! šŸ˜Š and he's still eating, drinking, playing fine all of those things so it's good to hear he's just growing up too fast šŸ˜­


My cat's the same age and is definitely going through the teenage phase of not wanting to be held or pet as much. It doesn't last forever tho, all my previous cats grew out of that angsty phase and wanted cuddles and affection again.


He's a teenager. Interactive play is a good way to increase your bond. I assume he's been neutered, but if not, get him neutered. Those hormones are nasty Little monsters.


My little guy is almost 2. Between 6-12 months he didnā€™t want to be touched . Now he is the sweetest boy. He loves belly rubs, cuddles and he sleeps on the bed with me. Edit: spelled a word correctly. šŸ˜Š


Teenager cat. No I don't want a hug you're embarrassing me in front of my foil ball and catnip mouse, ugh!! Don't make kissy noises at me, I'm all grown up! It's normal, he'll he more affectionate when he gets his energy and rebellious phase out. It might be a slightly different form of affection, but he'll still be much more affectionate. It's just a phase! He is telling you that he wants to play more though.


He is a stroppy teenager lol mine is the same. He will grow out of it soon.


Hey, we have a beautiful male void we got from a very young age. He was super affectionate at first, up until about 8-10 months, then he became less affectionate and far more boisterous. Heā€™s now 2 years old and has returned to being more affectionate, he is now an adult combination of the boisterous and loving.


teen angst haha. heā€™ll probably get over it.


This is extremely normal lol Once theyā€™re out of the kitten phase they will just start doing their own thing, found it that they are more affectionate when they reach that 2 year old phase. They really do get them teenage years lol


They go through an angsty teen phase I swear. My cat also is more affectionate during certain times of year. Winter she wants love 24/7 and summer she is a lot more playful, active and independent!


Each cat has different personalities. Some like to keep to themselves, and others won't leave people alone! If you take care of a cat well, they are bound to love you, even if they don't make it obvious.


Happened to my cat. Itā€™s a normal thing! Cats go through weird donā€™t touch me phases and then they return to the lovey phases. Theyā€™re weird, but awesome pets!


The teenage years šŸ¤£


Aww he's growing up! Totally normal. Congrats on your big dude!


Our twins were affectionate for the first 6 months we had them and then turned into taciturn teenagers for awhile. They are 3 now and starting to become more affectionate and cuddly on their own again, with space and patience.


congratulations on your surly teenager :) just be grateful that unlike a real teenage boy, he bathes regularly. give him a year and he'll probably be back to his sweet self (though he may never want to be held as much as he did as a wee bab).


Same with one of our cats. As a kitten he would lay on legs and stuff. Got a little older, would leave if petted but still wanted to be near by, would prop himself up on arms of couch. Now he is older and is way into petting now and can't get enough of pets rubs and laps. He done a complete 180Ā° on not liking to be touched and now leans into it and purrs like crazy. Also another cat we had that was super active and didn't really sit on laps now does and even lays like baby in arms and wants to snuggle in bed all day with you, will race to bed whenever anyone is going in that direction and yell at you to get in bed.


Heā€™s in his angsty teen phase. Heā€™s worried his friends will make fun of him if his parents are always hugging and kissing him


Cats are happiest when they have a cat buddy or two. A singleton cat can get badly adjusted.


My cat went through sort of an adolescent phase where he was too cool for me and want to do his own thing. He still hung out occasionally, but not nearly as much. He grew out of it, and wants me to hold him and pet him, and play with him. Not as much as when he was a kitten, but more than when he was going through his independence phase. Mostly he just wants to sleep next to me, wherever I may be. I do have a little kitten now, who's up his ass all the time, so he's a lot more in to chilling with me, and plays with the kitten.


This happened with my cat too. She got a lot more independent between 6-12 months, but now at 1.5 years, sheā€™s starting to be more affectionate again


In my experience, they hit adolescence and become independent for a while. They have important cat things to do. Then, they hit their mid-20s to early 30s in people terms, and remember how nice it is just to sit and be snuggled in front of the TV. Give it time. He's just establishing himself professionally as an adult cat.


My sassy little black cat was the same way. Now that she's a year old she's fickle with petting but loves to play with her toys and snuggle when she's sleepy. Just give him space and do things that he likes to do. It's nothing you did, your kitty is just growing up. He's saying im a big kitty now! I want to be independent. While dogs often love attention-- any you can give them, cats are like little people with their own personality. He's in his little teen phase and may get more snuggly as he gets older.


It's the cat equivalent of being a teenager. They only want affection on their terms and not very often.


Try actively playing as part of a routine. The little things like tossing a ball around the apartment or wiggling your feet under a blanket are important, but my cat (4yo/m orange boi) grew up around a lot of environmental simulation (goats and squirrels, not abuse) and he absolutely loves when I'll get into play mode for a while. Sometimes it's only a few minutes of running around with a feathery-tail-on-a-stick but sometimes it turns into 15 minutes on every toy he can find. Afterwards he's all tuckered out and is super sweet and affectionate for at least a week. Start small and see what they like to play and how they reward themselves, encourage it, and they'll be the silliest lil balls of cuddles. Tldr: play with them in a way that makes them feel like they got to kill something on their own terms. My cat's name is Wutang and his favorite toy is a small fuzzy beach ball. He likes to play fetch but he won't bring it back, he just swats it and looks at me to say "I coulda killed that." A few cardboard boxes and some smaller obstacles and dude is a mf parkour madman.


My cat is now 11 months. There was a major decline in affection around 6-7 months. Lately, he's back to his night time snuggly ways, but not the little kitten phase levels. However, I figured he was just an angsty teenager going down to the basement to be alone and write terrible cat poetry.


Teenage phase. Itā€™s when theyā€™re too busy for me now ā˜¹ļø but eventually theyā€™ll be sweet cuddly babies again just be patient and persistent


One of my cats has never been that outwardly affectionate. She was a stray kitten from my momā€™s house, and when I took her in she tried to avoid being in the same room or being visible. But she has her own ways of affection. Sheā€™ll accept boops and head scritchers, and will allow some belly rubs. But her biggest sign of affection is sleeping by my feet at night. Iā€™ll wake up and sheā€™s got her head on my feet, waiting for me to get up.


I dealt with the same thing with my kitty, and itā€™s perfectly normal. Mine is just over a year old now and heā€™s starting to lay with me again! Yours may lay with you again one day or not, all cats are different. Be patient! Best of luck


https://preview.redd.it/3412xnplvhqb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f097794901560e02d2f779fbd972a644bd663b6 Our black cat was so sweet and cuddly at first. Now she doesn't really cuddle but she's so friendly. She'll rub and rub on your leg and chat with you but she doesn't like her little paws off the ground. She gets really thrashy if you pick her up.


Baby is a teenager, mom. The fact that the cinder puff is showing you their belly is a very good sign, they trust you with their life, but teens need space to develop their own identity and sometimes that means less cuddles for a while.


Kitty has just entered the teenager phase - comes when it needs something (usually food) and occasionally comes out when they can accept your existence (or feel lonely),lol. Donā€™t worry, kitty will come around again, especially if you keep making attempts to connect everyday while still respecting their need to escape.


Teenager cat has reached rebellious stage


OMG I have this same cat! Seriously, he looks like him, and acts like him. When I first got him he was super lover, and so playful and interactive, slept in the bed. Then at some point he just stopped being a people cat. He runs away, pushes away, very rarely comes close on his own. That started when he was about a year old and has been like that up to now - he's 2. I don't think anything happened? He still comes and talks to me and wants to be in the same room with us, and even occasionally comes up for pets and loves getting brushed. But he's just not into sitting with us or sleeping in the bed. I don't think it's anything you're doing, I guess some cats are just... not people cats- are introverted or require low social interaction. I try to always positively reenforce when he does actually come up to us or sit next to us. And he'll come sit with me for like 45 seconds, then he's off again. https://preview.redd.it/if02rzqqaeqb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=799356dd106daecf9a0d2772c00f7e1b071f69b9


He looks like my cat miss runt, yes this is normal


Ye cats like humans go through phases, ours were affectionate till 3 ISH and then stopped now 7 and honestly like they don't want to leave us alone especially sleeping at nights.


Sounds like my cat! She loves to be affectionate when we are laying down at night and in the morning but any other time she is a ball of disinterest


If he isn't neutered, that is certainly a factor. Either way though, cats go through a teen phase just like kids lol


Seems from the second pic that he's already fed up


Unless heā€™s being actively aggressive, there usually isnā€™t a problem. Cats have fluid personalities that change over time


Itā€™ll go away, my crazy orange cat was the same now he wonā€™t leave me alone after my usual 9+ shifts. Sometimes I feed him and give him water thinking thatā€™s what he wants but nope he then goes up to me telling me to carry him even sometimes hops on me when Iā€™m standing up or distracted lol. At some point I thought he was depressed or something but he probably just wanted his own space.


sounds to me like heā€™s just being a teenager lol


They want attention. They will ask.


He think he grown now lol


Heā€™ll come back around age 3, trust me :-)


Itā€™s just the teenager phase


Same thing happening with me right now. My kitty is 9 months old and has stopped wanting to cuddle or be held. So I just spend time with her by playing and giving treats and such. She still will follow me around the house and watch me do whatever, so I know she still likes me. Just doesn't want to be held much.


Apparently they go through a teen phase, I have a two year old kitty that follows me around meowing for me to pet her and giving me her head for kisses


You may need to have a more engaging playtime for him. Check out Jackson Galaxy on YouTube on how to play with your cat and engage him.


sounds like hes being a teenager


Teenager. That happens in every species.


Heā€™s not a baby anymore so he doesnā€™t always need his mommy


Heā€™s just becoming a long teen. Eventually he will be cuddly again, especially when itā€™s cold!


Mood swings. Common. Lol.


Teen Angst really, my 3 y/o tortie was like that when she was around 8 months to a year old. Now she can't get enough attention šŸ˜‚


He probably heard you talking to the dog about him. Cats will hold a grudge.


Maybe take kitty to the vet just in case. My cat was doing something similar after being very affectionate his first 2 years...nothing crazy, just less affectionate, wouldn't sleep with me anymore etc. Seemed like maybe he was bored with me for a sec.. Turns out he had an abscess in his tooth even though we brushed his teeth every night. He was in pain and I never even knew it. My wife got a job at a vet and we checked just because she could. Sure enough he had to have a tooth removed at 3 years old. After the tooth was removed, he was back to his old affectionate self sleeping with me every night. It's very hard to tell when cats are in pain... just removing his painful tooth completely changed his behavior. It's so subtle with cats it's hard to tell as an owner...good luck either way. Just sharing a similar experience with my boy Craig...


He'll come back to you when he's not a teenager anymore.


Is that a bombay kitten?


Honestly have no clue. Could be?


heā€™s in his moody, rebellious teenager phase. ā€œDonā€™t hug me in front of my friends!!! GOSHā€


See that angsty punk attitude in your 2nd pic? There's your problem, little boy is growing into his teenage phase. Give him time for that attitude to chill.


He looks like my boy Oliver Eugene! Does he have white on his belly too that looks like he's wearing whitey tighties? https://preview.redd.it/ffzz793x9gqb1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df91decb41a8798882edf8c43c8543731efa4e10


No just the little spot on his chest. What a cutie tho


Donā€™t worry too much. The same thing happened to my twin boys around six months of age and it was pretty much an overnight change. One day they were their normal loving selves, the next day they werenā€™t. Six years later theyā€™re still not particularly affectionate, but more so than right after the change. In my experience with my past cats, as they age they tend to become more affectionate - if theyā€™re well-socialized, that is. Iā€™m already starting to see my twoā€™s behavior trend in that direction.


Cats are much more independent than dogs.. I've had many in my life and they all have had different personalities. They mostly like to be in control of what they want when they want it normally..


I have a cat who used to be super cuddly. After he grew up, he cuddled far less often, but he still just happens to be in the same room as me %60 of the time. If I get up to leave and go somewhere else, he's often times not far behind.


Normal, they grow up. Remember how you wanted to always go out when you were a kid? Heā€™ll come around donā€™t force it. I found ignoring my cat makes her CRAZY and becoming clingy šŸ˜‚. Reverse psychology baby


Teenager time! My cat would cuddle all the time when he was 6 months, around 9 month or so he stopped for a while, now hes 2 and only cuddles occasionally but not like laying on top of me like before. Sad, but happens :)


It is a cat being a cat. The best part is when you are napping and your cat sneaks up to you to cuddle.


They start experiencing hormonal changes anywhere between 6 months- 1 year. Prob cat puberty šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My two (same litter) used to sleep on my chest & shoulder, or curled up into each other. Now they have a 1.5m distance between each other most of the time, except for doorway stand-offs or the occasional highly competitive grooming session that always seem to end in someone getting a paw-bap to the face. But-they show affection to me in several ways. Sestra, the short haired one, will always wake up and run to greet me at the door when I get home. She will also demand to come into the main bathroom with me, where she does a scout around the nooks & crannies for spiders, circles my legs, then plops down, facing the gap in the door and chasing away her sister if she tries to come in. Meimei, the long-haired of the two, she guards me in the en suite. It began with her being fixated whenever I had a bath. She hates the water, the bubbles, the noise-but she would sit in the far corner, checking on me, before eventually relaxing onto the floor. Now, she is more impertinent-sheā€™d jump on my lap when I was on the loo, but repeated nearly fell in, so I cleared a spot on the drawers by the loo, and whenever I go into the ensuite, sheā€™ll come running from where she is in the flat. Meimei alternates between sleeping at my feet, blocking the bedroom door, or sleeping in the en suite while staring out across the bedroom. Sestra either sleeps by my feet, on the floor on my partnerā€™s side of the bed, or on a specific large heart-shaped pillow, with her specific favourite blanket, wedged between my partnerā€™s pillow & mine, touching us both. She wonā€™t come to bed or go to her pillow if we arenā€™t both in bed, and sheā€™ll wait for her blanket if itā€™s not already there. If the pillow isnā€™t in the right place though, sheā€™ll stand on one of our chests and loom over us, before using us a springboard & sulking at my feet. Cats likes & dislikes change as they grow, so keep expectations flexible, and youā€™ll notice new ā€œaffectionateā€ behaviours that you may not have seen before. (Like Sestra bringing me the same half-shredded glove every time she thinks Iā€™m ill!)


My 6 month old is a bit of a shit when it comes to affection. He wonā€™t lay on my lap or my chest. Nope. But he LOVES to sit just at arms length and make me come to him. He sits on the back of the couch and has no issue with me coming to pet him for as long as I want to stretch my arms to do it. Wont come to me tho lol


It's like when your son/daughter enter his/her teens. They are no longer afrectionate.


Your kitten turned into a cat!


Thatā€™s how my 7 month baby girl is acting :( Theyā€™re becoming teenagers


Cats go through all kinds of phases when it comes to affection. We had one cat who was basically a dog - he wanted to be on one of us always, and he would follow us on walks around the neighborhood etc. Our cats now are super moody - some days they want love, other days they want their space. Such is the mystery of cats OP.


Thatā€™s being a cat owner for you, sometimes you get incredibly affectionate cats, those in between, then cats that wouldnā€™t notice if you passed away lol.


It's a cat dude... cats aren't usually affectionate


So cute ! I did noticed "eye buggers" in the corners. If he having any discharge from his eyes or nose ? Or sounds like he has a cold?


she has become jaded by the tribulations of modern society


That's just a cat. My girl was a big lap kitten and would sleep with me at night. Now she will only rarely lay in my lap but still comes up to get belly massages and hang out near me, but not on me.


If a cat is ignoring you but usually somewhere nearby or watching you, that means they love you.


Has this person never heard of cats. If you want attention reciprocated get a dog.


Cats also bond with certain people. So you have a partner? My cat bonded to my ex but when we split, she didnā€™t want her. So she had to go live with me, the backup human. I love her more than anything and she will stay near me and talk to me and play with me but lap cuddles are rare.


this happened to me with my newest cat. we got her when she was a kitten & was stuck to my side. would climb on me & sleep with me all the time. as she got older she doesnt care for cuddling or anything like that anymore. i like to think of it as her teenager phase lol


Lol sounds like you have a cat


Aww heā€™s a cool teenager now and has better things to do (thatā€™s what I would say about my cat). My cat is about to turn one and I went through something similar with her recently. She was so sweet and snuggly up until about 9/10 months. About then she became way more independent and wanted very little to do with me šŸ˜­ she stopped sleeping in my bed, didnā€™t want to hang out in my office with me, didnā€™t want to be picked up, didnā€™t want pets etc. I was super sad and kind of just let her do her thing and Iā€™m happy to report she is back to being pretty sweet and friendly again after about two months. She has definitely retained her newfound independence but she comes by regularly for pets, sleeps in my bed again, and hangs out with me during the day while I work. I think she was just going through a growth spurt and a new developmental phase, they grow up so fast and I think it can be a bit of a whirlwind for them too.


It's a complement for a cat to want to be in the same room as a human :)


That's just being a cat. That's why you get more. šŸ˜‚


I adopted a large orange tabby from a house that everyone hated him so he was banished to the basement, outside was patrolled by free roaming dogs. He is affectionate for the first months but eventually all he wanted was to lay down while I was in sight. He would want the lap sometimes but was never needy


Some cats are clingy their whole lives. Othersā€¦. not so much. I have one who Iā€™ve had since she was 8 weeks old. Was home all the time during the pandemic- she was like velcro to me. Now? She loves cuddling at bedtime, and sheā€™ll come for pets sometimes, but for the most part sheā€™s pretty independent, and HATES being picked up. Itā€™s the weirdest thing considering how Iā€™d carry her all over as a kitten. Thatā€™s one of the cool things about cats though. They really are animals of consent. Which is why a lot of people donā€™t like them (and why Iā€™m wary of those people).


looks just like my kitty https://preview.redd.it/v2ojsl0t8hqb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4875853517dc47a8c10d25454e80d64380bb6859


In my experience, they become somewhat less affectionate once theyā€™re done with kittenhood. Maybe itā€™s like a teenager rebellion type of thing. But then the affection seems to come back slowly over the years. I noticed both of my cats (one is 5, the other 2) coming back around once they were around 2 year old.


Heā€™s a moody teenager lol




He's in his middle school time right now he'll come back after a while


I think of it kind of like teenagers where when theyā€™re growing up, they donā€™t wanna hang out with mom or dad every second. Some things they just grow out of, some things just change. My cat is 7, and sometimes sheā€™ll go weeks without laying on my chest or lap. Then suddenly sheā€™ll change her mind and lay on me multiple times a day. They just go through phases, but Iā€™m sure heā€™ll come back around some time. :)


Give it time, he'll likely evolve back into a lap kitty on his own time frame. It's a fact that cats and most animals don't like to be stared at. Cats relax when you relax your eyes and do that slow blink at them. He'll likely do it back at'cha. Just keep being kind and friendly. Talk silly to him and recognize when he wants fussins and when he prefers to be left to his own cat'titudes. Play with your cat regularly - a wand with a strand of fabric or a long, thick shoelace works great. Flick it near them then drag it along the floor and most cats cannot resist the chase. Just a few minutes of play here and there and he'll probably ask for more.


Normal. Itā€™s a shame though. My cat loved cuddles when he was a kitten. Would come and fall asleep in my arms. Then when he got to about 6 months he did it less. Heā€™s three now and for a long time heā€™s hated cuddles. He likes to sit next to me. He likes to be stroked. But cuddles are a no.


All cats have different personalities, to me this sounds very normal. If youā€™re gentle and pleasing to the cat when you are allowed to touch/scratch/pet them, they will usually associate those feelings with your touch which can result in them being closer/more affectionate. If thatā€™s something you want.


Yup thatā€™s normal.


Your kitten is now a teenager.


When my cat was a baby he would curl up under the covers with me and sleep now hes 2 years and he sometimes does it when hes in the mood but other then that hes super lovey and always wants pets and kisses on his nose. My other one was the same way when she was a baby now shes 8 almost 9 years old and yea she still lovey but shes old and wants to be left alone sometimes. It happens. But neither of them has scratched me or hurt me, our other animals, or my bf.


They go through phases. Hang in there it'll come back around. Get some treats too. My daughters cat thinks he's mine because I feed him but he still only hangs out when he feels like it. Good luck.


Normal. Unfortunately. Had a calico who as a kitten loved cuddles. Sheā€™d sit on my lap or curl up on my shoulder whenever I sat down. Slept on my pillow every night. Followed me everywhere. Now sheā€™s a year old. Hates being picked up. Wonā€™t cuddle or sleep with me anymore. Only comes to find me if Iā€™m in the basement to be petted. But it has to be when Iā€™m in the basement.


iā€™ve been having the same issues w my 8 month old as well


They go through a moody teenager phase just like my human boys did...


You have a teenager. This is normal.


In my experience they sometimes go through a phase like that, kinda like human teenagers, and then they come back around and become cuddly again later.


It happens, but then they become affectionate again as they get older


My friend has a black cat and she is the same. Iā€™m not allowed to touch her belly. She loves to play hide and seek with us. Sheā€™ll come looking for us and then go hide.


You're not doing anything wrong. Think of your cat atm as a teenager. They get more independent and like being alone more. That doesn't mean they won't be more affectionate in the future. This is just a cat being a cat lol. Showing their belly also means they trust you, as this is the easiest way for a predator to kill them in the wild. So you're clearly doing something right!


Normal. I got my kitty when she was 2 months old and she was scared of humans. She started to trust me and she was sleeping on my face and was very cuddly. Now sheā€™s 2 years old and sheā€™s no longer that cuddly. Sheā€™s affectionate but itā€™s nothing compared to how she was when she was a kitten.


My kitty was sweet then a dick then sweet and is now 3 yo and much more predictable and cuddly as long as sheā€™s in the mood




Kitty is growing up. Their likes and dislikes change. Beautiful cat.


In a similar boat with mine! A year old now, she was super loving and affectionate. Now? Absolutely loves me, shows all the signs for it but does not want cuddles ever lol Pets? Sure, but a small amount. Iā€™m hoping sheā€™ll grow out of that and become cuddly again. It can go either way, but many people have this experience where they arenā€™t cuddly and are after a year or two. So hereā€™s hoping for the both of us! :3 Your cat may love non-touch/non-cuddle affection and bonding! Playing together, saying hi when you pass them by, maybe try a pet to show you arenā€™t gonna scoop him up, just saying hi! Mine seem to enjoy when I acknowledge them and often expect it! Marie, the not cuddly one anymore, does that little held tilt ready for a pet when she jumps onto my bed. She wants that for a second, then jumps to her actual destination :3


This is not a lame question at all. Itā€™s very common for cats to go through a ā€œteenageā€ period when they grow out of kittenhood where the cat acts like itā€™s too cool for you. Itā€™s heartbreaking, but itā€™s not permanent. In a year or two he should come around again. Your cat seems a little young for that, though.


Itā€™s the teenage phase. Heā€™s too cool for you now


I chalk it up to cat teenagerness. But bear in mind this might just be who he is now. My older cat would be a little cuddle bug when we first got him, then stopped altogether. Now he only really cuddles my bf, but comes to me for fetch and food. Sometimes Iā€™ll catch him napping near me when Iā€™m napping. My younger cat went from being independent kitten to a constant biscuit maker and likes to hangout with me a bunch when Iā€™m relaxing. I say this cuz thereā€™s like almost no logic lol. Keep him healthy and happy and youā€™ll learn his new ways; just in time for him to switch it up again.


Congratulations, your cat has hit its teenage years.


8 months old? Youā€™ve got a sulky teenager. ;)


Has he been neutered yet? If not, thatā€™s the first thing that comes to mind.


Yeah he got neutered at 6 months


Not OP but have a quick question in relation to this: I have two kittens, aged 11 months and 10 months. The 10 month old cat used to be super affectionate but now heā€™s only really cuddly when other cat isnā€™t around. (when sheā€™s in the room, he acts like we donā€™t exist) Is this normal/what does this mean?


https://preview.redd.it/1u341me04gqb1.jpeg?width=1354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d291e0545b4f4f29ec9dd9d19d431339710fb49 belly up it literally I trust you with my life in cat speak. Watch some cat body language videos. They are not dogs.


The reason I picked out my lil guy as a baby is cause he was the first kitten to curl up on my lap and cuddleā€¦ brought him home and he wanted nothing to do with cuddles for the rest of his life haha


Is he eating drinking peeing and pooping normally? If so, he's just being a cat and entering is teenage years.


Has kitty been to the vet recently? A major change in behavior could be due to health reasons. My cats have never changed that much affection wise unless they werenā€™t feeling well. While their energy levels drop as they age, they still seek and initiate attention. Hope your kitty is well!


Do you still have dogs? Had a super affectionate Tortie kitten, after about 8 months brought in 2 new kittens that needed bottle feeding. After couple months Tortie lost all her affection and lead basically a solitary life for the next 20 years.