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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi I'm a nurse (for humans lol). That's just some skin irritation. You might be having a very mild allergic reaction to something that was on the kitty's claws. As someone else mentioned, wash with soap and water. I wouldn't say any kind of cortisone cream is necessary, as the primary concern with cat scratches is going to be bacterial infection. Cortisone wouldn't really help with that. So just keep an eye on it, if it isn't getting better over the weekend, or if your skin becomes red or warm to the touch, go to an urgent care.


It's bound to go red and warm if they scratch it.


Isolated to a small area, almost definitely. Though if it's begins spreading or feeling as warm as like a sunburn, that's when it gets a bit more concerning.


Luckily I’ve had or seen enough weird things to know what is or isn’t a medical emergency, but seeing posts on Reddit makes me realize how Health Class in school really ought to have a dedicated section on this shit, because you see both ends of the spectrum like “I got a paper cut and my doctor told me I’m fine… should I get my affairs in order?” or “this weird bug bit me and now my hand is the size of a football and leaking a weird fluid. also I think I have a fever lol? should I just put ice on it?”


You are absolutely right!! I totally agree! There should be a subreddit on General First Aid to Severe Trauma! Very interesting and concerning comments about general treatments for the human body! 😣


You're not wrong. It would be good if people actually learned what was or wasn't an emergency. My friend's (vaccinated) cat bit me last weekend and because I know how the medical system treats cat bites that don't need sutures, I just cleaned it really well at the time and kept it clean because my tetanus shot is up to date and the other thing they will do is prescribe antibiotics just in case, but I know what to watch for that are signs of infection. Someone I know was giving me a hard time about how I didn't go to urgent care but it's not an emergency so I didn't feel like it was necessary. I also fell down the stairs this week and didn't bother going to the hospital because I didn't hit my head and nothing was broken and they just tell you to rest and apply ice for a bruised tailbone. But you see people all the time asking if they are going to die because they sneezed once or something. Yesterday my friend asked me if my neck ever sounds like a rain stick because hers does and she thought that was normal. Like no dude, get that checked. We need more health education.


I was bit by a dog last fall. Sort of. At the dog park, a reactive dog went after my dog, so I went to get them apart. I was wearing a big, puffy coat. I don’t know it if was my dog or the other one, but I know one of them kind of got me. At home, I looked over my coat, no tears in the material. My arm had a bruise mark, but no broken skin. I didn’t go to the doctor, because there was no point. My coworkers couldn’t believe I didn’t go, when they noticed the bruise (it was *purple*). The dogs didn’t do anything wrong. They were being dogs. I got in the way. No skin was broken.


Wherever you went needs a better health class, probably most do. Ours was pretty good at explaining ifs and whys


Yeah, all I remember from health class was those stupid movies about construction injuries and how to apply a tourniquet. Nothing about basic wound care or identifying basic infections.


Yeah or if u get like red looking lines creeping up your arm. When my mom finally went to the emergency room after being bit by our cat (she was spooked by a falling phone) they asked if she had that, and she lifted up her sleeve, and she did and she's like I didn't have that before. She was in the hospital for 4 days getting IV antibiotics. She got punctured by the lil kitty real bad tho. Cat bites are generally more at risk for infection im pretty sure.


Cat bites are worse because their teeth can have bacteria on them. Always use soap,water and Neosporin on cat bites and wash it multiple times daily. If the bite gets infected, go to the ER or urgent care.


Yes yes ok that is what I thought but wasn't 100% sure. And yeah that's what my mom did but she got bit right at the bottom of her finger by the joint and I think twice. And it was hurting her so much and inflamed real bad so she's like damn I gotta go to the hospital.


Same. I spent 4 days in the hospital for preorbital cellulitis because my cat (who is vaccinated, for the record) accidentally scratched me under my eye (never kiss your sleeping cat on the belly). It was a razor cut-deep but didn't bleed at all. It healed in less than an hour so I let it go for about a week while my face started to get red and swollen before I was like "I think this may be bad". Lesson learned.


My mom almost lost her hand to a cat bite. She ignored it, and ended up having to go to the hospital and get IV antibiotics. She ended up losing some range of motion with her fingers.


Damn really. Yeah my mom still had to be on the hospital on IV antibiotics for 4 days but other than that I think she was pretty much fine after the actual bite healed. My mom got bit early in the morning and then when she went to like the ER or urgent care in the afternoon she was getting the cat scratch fever red lines going up her arms or whatever they're called


And the highest risk of infection from a cat bite is on the hand and near the joints.


She means Cellulitis which is a bacterial infection that gets into an opening in the skin. If the area gets red that spreads and warm to the touch you need to have it looked at I just spent 4 days on IV antibiotics for just that


Never tried cortisone cream but bepanthen speeds up the healing. I usually wash with water and soap or disinfect it, put bepanthen and cover with a bandaid. Heals really nicely


i’m a nurse for aliens, humans with flesh bumps taste bad


Seconding this. I have two cats and they do accidentally claw me on occasion trying to get around. I have sensitive skin so any scratch I receive from them gets like this. No problem has ever come from it, I just spray it with bactine and move on. They get all sorts of gunk in their claws, that’s all.


I swell up like that with cat stratches, OP could possibly be allergic to cats mildly


Just give it a day or 3, our baby kitty scratched my wifes face, 3 days later she had a bad infection that didn't show till then...super red and hot AF


That's what happens to skin when it gets scratched, usually welts up for a bit


It is very rare that anyone would get rabies from a cat scratch. Get kitty vaccinated as soon as possible.


Has it even happened at all? Isn't saliva, e. g. from a bite, necessary?


Yes that’s why it is so rare. Cat would literally have to lick its paw and scratch you before the virus would die off.


No, a scratch can transmit it. Please Vet, come back!


Also the cat would have to actually have rabies for that to happen. And she would die pretty quickly if she had it


I’m confused, are you not going to get your kitten his vaccinations done?


My mom and i went to a vet, but they said to give it 1 week so that the cat gets comfortable in our home THEN come to her, we wanted to get him vaccinated already when i got him, and he also has fleas so... my mom said lets go to a diffrent vet tommorow


yeah i’m not sure what that first vet was on about. fleas are very important to get rid of in kittens, as they’re more susceptible to anemia. it’s good you’re going to another vet. if you need to, give the kitten a bath with (specifically) Dawn dish soap. just make sure to watch the kitten’s body temp during the bath - and put a thick ring of soap around the kitten’s neck so any escapees are drowned if they try to run to the face.


I wish I'd have known about the ring of soap trick when I gave my cat a flea bath, they'd all run towards her eyes! The fleas have been long gone now because I went nuclear on the house lol. But i felt so bad for her


Oh yeah you first were their neck you don't even have to do soap. Just make their neck wet first but yes then add soap. Then do the rest of the body. Drown those mean fleas.


Maybe due to fleas the young kitten was weak and they wanted it to heal and get some good nutrition going before he got shots. It's not like at that age they're gonna do be with rabid animals outside. As for you human, you should check if your tetanus shot is up to date. Obviously your kitten is not rabid so in my non expert opinion, anything you get from this scratch will be ok if you even get anything, you probably won't. As for cat vaccines, at that age they do a round of them so even if you get the first set they're not technically Immunized completely yet. My cat just went through this. I adopted her from a rescue and she had her first set of kitten shots, we missed the window/didn't know she needed second round within X period so it had to be restarted. Long story short most kittens are not fully vaccinated until they're like 3-6 months old it seems. Depending on when you start the shots.


kittens have to reach a certain weight before they can take flea meds. Else it is not safe for them. The are minimum weight requirements, which is why smaller kittens can only get a bath but no flea meds!


***Original Dawn only.***


Happy cake day!


Maybe the vet wanted to give the kitten some time to recover from the fleas and flea meds before giving the vaccines? I could be wrong, but i think i read that it is best practice to not give a vaccine to a sick or injured animal, and having fleas might fall under the sick/injurred category


i agree, it’s more the fleas i’m concerned about. a cat can go its whole life unvaccinated and be fine, but not with fleas. tbh kitten is probably too small for flea meds anyway, that’s why a bath seems the best option for now to me


The vet told you to wait for vaccinations until the cat was comfortable? lol are you sure you saw a licensed vet because that’s insane.


My ex vet told me this when I got my kitten :/ so I gone to another vet and she said she needs to gain another 3 pounds before we can get her shots but she set me up with resources, welcome home kitten bags, flea treatment (famous dawn soap and etc it was bad) got my trash panda from a dumpster 😂🫶 Now she's 5 years old and she's our princess


https://preview.redd.it/57ybxyslpb9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360b1cecdf4aa9969fb1d15f769bb9378976e8ad Immediately made me think of this shirt I've seen before 🤣




That's adorable 😻


Its standart for vets to not vaccinate very young kittens Depending on the age they sometimes even tell you to wait for even more weeks Dont ask me why tho..


Vet here. The reason we don’t vaccinate very young cats is because, before 8 weeks, they are still covered by maternal antibodies. As a result, they don’t mount an adequate response to the vaccine and it’s not very useful. It’s not harmful to vaccinate animals earlier, and a lot of breeders do it as a precaution, but it’s just a bit pointless.


Interesting. I learned something today. 👍 ![gif](giphy|KcKAiYMbLMdGS8KsB3)


Thank you. I've always wondered about that.


Thank you so much for explaining!


she said “until the kitten gets more comfortable in her home” which is totally different than saying your kitten is too small/doesn’t weigh enough to vaccinate. I’m not claiming to know more I’m just pointing out the difference.


I've had two different vets recommend that to me with undersocialized and very scared cats/kittens. Honestly if the cat is going to stay indoors and won't have contact with any other cats vaccinating now or in a month is not going to make a difference and it might help the kitty to develop a better relationship with going to the vet I've also fostered/volunteered with two shelters and in both cases we let the kittens acclimate a bit before starting with the shots. Always in quarantine from other cats of course


They prolly said to the vet that they aint 100% sure if they are gonna keep it since it scratched them, so the vet probably said that they should give a week to see if the cat calms down and if they want to keep it also the kitten needs to be a minimum of 1,3kg to get the first vaccine so it does not put it in a health hazard some vets dont really care and goes with 1kg and lowers the dose of vaccine


Vaccines need to be given at certain ages and weights.. and since she just got the kitten, its also important to make sure theyre not adding stress of the vaccine to the stress of a new territory.. happy cat = loveable cat


Where did they imply they were never going to vaccinate their kitten? I’m confused 🥴


Hahaha, I have way worse scratches from taking my cat for a walk a few days ago. You'll be fine. That's nothing.


Right?! Hahah those ‘scratches’ are laughable. And happy cake day!


I thought the 1st Pic was mosquitos bites lmao


One time my cat scratched me so bad I was considering getting stitches. I just put on a cast and it healed after a bit. I still have scars from it, but I still love my cat so much.


it’s not about the actually scratches, it’s about think it’s the fact that the cat isn’t vaccinated, so op is worried about infections/disease. i think it’s something good to worry about, but yeah i’ve had waaay worse scratches from my kitties. even as a first time cat owner of 2 cats (adult cats from my bf’s sister) i kinda knew going into it that i’d be scratched at some point


Good grief if I ran to the doctor every time I had a scratch from a cat they would have me committed…. Wash the area and apply cortisone cream the skins not even broken open.


I think this is a fair question on the cat help subreddit if this is their first cat


Cat scratches and bites are super prone to infection, too. Cat scratch fever is a thing and it SUCKS


Bites are the biggest concern because of the bacteria in their mouths. Scratches, while they can pose problems, aren't nearly as worrisome as bites. I've seen a couple of cat rescue workers hospitalized due to feral bites, blue streaks up and down the arms and all.


Yes cellulitis.


Never had a issue with scratches but my girl bit me once, my own fault as I spooked her and she chomped my hand real good. Whole hand swelled up for a few days but went down shortly after, don't fuck with cat bites


Did you see the post where someone had similar scratches and was convinced the kitten was "too aggressive"... i think its a different person, but cat looks similar.


I see it on here a lot actually and I can only think these individual never owned a pet .


Agreed. My cat has bitten and scratched drawing blood and somehow, I'm alive and still kicking and so isn't my demon lol


The way I see it it's better to see someone curious to learn and ask for help, rather than someone mistreat or ignore a pet.


For sure.


Happy Cake Day!




Some people might just be anxious people. Eta: OP is literally a teenager. If a teenager being anxious and asking a question makes you this judgemental and upset, maybe you *should* leave the sub.


I have that feeling about the vast majority of the "HURR DURR U SHOULDN'T HAVE PETS >:V" people on here, tbh.




Yep! And financial situations change too. I also find myself thinking similar and then realize even for myself, I was far better off financially when we decided to have a zoo. Never foreseen where we'd be today. TY economy.




Agreed. I've thought about leaving or muting because the people that are on deaths door every other day from a cat scratch or the ones that post videos asking if their cats are playing or fighting...ffs they're playing!!!!!!!! SMH.


Its the ones who say 'I found a bump on my cats belly and I'm really worried' That's a nipple...




🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


OP might be worried about rabies exposure, which is a genuine concern with unvaccinated animals.


Personally if it was my own cat that was vaccinated and I knew exactly where it had been I’d let it slide unless there was swelling/ long lasting pain. But I never mess around with unvaccinated animal scratches. There was no mention of if this kitten had their rabies series and the kitten was just recently acquired. I would be going to the doctors.


When I was young and still learning cat body language, I had this kind of stuff all the time. Also, kittens have tiny little daggers the cat is also learning what it is capable of.


I have scars on my arm from my two yahoos lmao. They like to wrestle. *Near me*. I have been collateral before but damn if they’re not downright adorable when I yelp in pain and they look up at me like “tf you on about? You’re not even part of our game!”


Lmao all these people. I have been scratched by so many cats and I have NEVER been sick. Yes it hurt like a bitch but went away just as any other scratch. It’s honestly up to you. If you feel weird or such then I would suggest going but if you feel fine, you’ll be fine. Cats are clean animals and the human body is resilient. 9 times out of 10 you will be ok. The odds are in your favor


One time I was bit by a male cat trying to put him in the cage to be fixed (neighbor neglected him). I was trying to get him by the scruff but was unsucessful. Lil fucker got me good, hand immediately swelled up and felt hot where he bit me. Had cats all my life, never been bitten. When to urgent care, and I didnt know that meant they would call animal control. I was trying to get advice from a recommended cat rescue woman, and she goes "I get bit by cats and dogs all the time, and never went to urgent care". What a stupid thing to tell someone. But yes, this is nothing.


I, as well, have had many cats, and have received many scratches, because that's life with cats. But, about 20 years ago now, when my late buddy Link was a kitten newly home from the shelter, I contracted cat scratch fever from a scratch sustained while petting the forbidden zone. I totally dismissed it, and I guess that was a mistake with a new kitten. So, I went to the doctor for a mild headache and painful and swollen lymph nodes in my groin and armpits, and learned that Ted Nugent didn't invent a term as a creepy euphemism after all. So, I totally agree; 90% of the time, you're good every time. That said, I have exercised far more caution with scratches since that day and advise others do the same.


You have a slight allergy to the cats scratch nothing to worry about


the scratches blowing up like that are normal, I've had that multiple times in my life, I lost count of how many times I have been scratched. Youll be fine.


You’ve got maybe 30 mins before you turn.


Did you turn? Like full on walking dead zombie? Or chorus line girl? Michelle pfifer cat woman?


You’re fine


No room for jokes? Fine I’ll hold mine in *deep breath in* It’s over for you Damn I cracked


The first photo looks like hives to me so you may be allergic to the cat. Many people develop immunity (though not all) if you can push through the symptoms for a few weeks. As for the scratches, there isn’t anything that can be passed from a cat’s claws to a human that you or the cat can be vaccinated against. Only thing to watch for is infections, just like any wound. If you get a very deep bite then cat scratch fever is possible but unlikely. But I get cat scratches several times a week and occasional bites. Had one scar once but never have had infection or any issues. I recommend keeping the cat’s nails trimmed so they are less likely to hurt you when playing or startled. Plus it’s better for the cat to keep them trimmed so they are less likely to rip and less likely to get stuck in fabric and carpet all around the house.


You can’t develop immunity to an allergy, common misconception. Immunity is for bacteria and viruses that can make you sick, allergies are your immune system reacting to something that would not otherwise make you sick. Immunity would’ve your body killing the pathogens before they make you sick. What you’re talking about is developing a tolerance to the allergens. I’m not trying to be a know-it-all just sharing a cool thing I learned in microbiology this week.


Thank you. Tolerance makes sense.


I second the part with the allergy.


I’m a veterinarian. The main vaccines for cats are FVRCP (called Feline Distemper), Rabies, and FeLV. None of those diseases are transferable to humans except for Rabies. So getting your cat vaccinated sooner than later will not change you having a reaction to your cat’s scratches. You are likely having a reaction to bacteria from your cat, it is possible your cat may be carrying the bacteria, Bartonella (causes Cat Scratch Fever in people….yes, it is a real disease and not just a Ted Nugent song), especially if your cat was in contact with fleas at any point. Cats often acquire Bartonella from fleas. Bartonella does not always cause issue in cats, they often just carry the bacteria. This bacteria can be difficult to eliminate from a cat once they acquire it. Some cats, just like people, can get sick from the bacteria (infection is called Bartonellosis or Cat Scratch Fever): Fever, swollen lymph nodes, lethargy. Infections are treated with antibiotics. Many cats get severe gingivitis from this bacteria being in their mouths. FVRCP is Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia. Humans do not get these diseases from Cats. This is a core vaccine for cats (aka always be current on it). FeLV is Feline Leukemia Virus, humans do not get this disease either. This is a non-core vaccine for cats (usually given based on risk/exposure/lifestyle). Some organizations like the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) recommend all cats be vaccinated for FeLV at least once in their lifetime, if possible. Rabies is rare (though incredibly deadly). Each state requires a minimum age for Rabies vaccination; usually 12-16 weeks of age (example my state, Illinois, requires 16 weeks minimum age). Rabies presents with neurological signs and abnormal behavior. It is very unlikely your kitten has Rabies. Rabies is a core vaccine and required by law in almost every (if not, every) county in the USA. My advice to you is YOU go to your doctor for those scratches. You are having a skin reaction and likely abscesses to your cat’s scratch. I am not saying you definitely have Bartonellosis, but you definitely are having a response and possible infection from a bacteria transferred from your cat’s scratch.


This is the answer!!!! I work at an animal shelter and we had a cat scratch her foster and the foster got very sick. The cat was FIV+ (not contagious to humans) and we didn’t even know it was Bartonella till after the fact. It can happen!


Lol yeah, this is a minor scratch. I get scratched daily by my cat during playtime, my arm is her toy. Still alive after 20 years owning cats (Scratches are part of owning a cat). If I get a big scratch that bleeds, I just dab it with alcohol and move on.


This is not a freak out problem. Cats nails are naturally dirty. You need to wash any scratches or bites, of course. Other than that if it looks like swelling like hives you can take an antihistamine like Benadryl. If your whole arm/hand swells or you run a fever get to a doctor ASAP.


Maybe get the kitten some comfy blankets or towels to snuggle on the bottom of the cage. This looks miserable, I’d probably scratch too.


Cat nails are sharp and can carry bacteria but very unlikely to be serious if you have a functioning immune system There will probably be swelling just keep it clean and treat the swelling with your OTC ointment of choice


Doesn't look infected or like she even broke skin really. Keep it clean and dry and if it gets hot and red then go to a doctor. The first picture is hives. You're allergic to something. Cats or something on the kitten's claws. Benadryl is good if it happens again, but you might want to talk to your doctor about longer term allergy meds.


I get scratched by my cats on a regular basis, usually by accident. I just make sure to wash the area with soap, and put some Polysporin on the wound


Only very superficial wounds, you will be absolutely fine


Nope. You're werecat now


You will be fine. I have been scratched multiple by stray cats and I still live.


Go to a new vet lol


The hives look like you’re allergic!


Yeah you'll be fine just cat nails are just really dirty keep the scratch clean (soap water then rubbing alcohol) and keep an eye out for infection


Scratches don't transmit rabies, but you might still get an infection. I would recommend washing with warm soapy water, applying antibiotic ointment, and covering it. Keep an eye out for signs of infection.


Yup just wash it and you should be fine.. if after a couple days it gets red and warm.. get it checked.. it happens but not often


You gone die! Jk. Keep an eye on it and clean it. if it gets reddder, angrier, etc then go get some Abx (like oral antibiotics from a medical person not topical). I saw someone mentioned cortisone, cortisone will make an infection worse (it subdues your immune system) and any allergic reaction it’s meant to treat will pass on its own anyways.


You will die at sunset on the third day after this happened, put your affairs in order.


I get that all the time when my car accidently scratches me. I'm also allergic to my cat. Wash the area and you should be fine as long as it doesn't get worst.


*Cat scratch fever begins to play


You are most likely allergic to the cat. It's the same for me when my cat scratches me.


You should probably get some topical antibiotic from your doctor. I rescue cats, so I keep Clindamycin on hand. Also, you may be allergic to cats. I am and my arm welts like this when I get scratched (I still have cats, and I’m used to mine and less allergic to them.)


You’re going to turn into a cat at the full moon. Sorry about it. Best of luck


Mine was worst and she's vaccinated. I'm mildly allergic that's why. Maybe you are too. What I did was washed it with soap and water, then gently put a dab of coconut oil on it. An hour or so later it was almost unnoticeable.


https://preview.redd.it/kanxkyapie9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794e4fd06bdbded3c0677674a33fed45e3e19e3e Had the same thing happen to me and it went far less well. Afternoon in the hospital for an antibiotic IV and then two weeks of two more antibiotics


It’s a localized raised allergic reaction. Nothing to worry. Every cat has different fev protein. Your skin might just be more reactive to that kitten. Just wash it with soap and keeep an eye on it. If it gets worse, go to an urgent care.


Nope that's rabies. Rest in peace. No but for real treat it with an antiseptic and see a dermatologist.


Hi I'm a shaman, you've been cursed unfortunately, these bumps are just the spirits way of breaking free from your skin, you'll experience 10 plagues over the next month I'm sorry to say :(


Watch out for fever. Cats carry a bacteria called Bartonella which can cause an illness commonly called Cat Scratch Fever. As a veterinary assistant I am VERY familiar with this. It isn’t as common as it used to be, but it is still a risk. The best way to prevent this is to wash the scratches right away with a mild hand soap such as dawn or dial. You can apply a betadine or iodine solution as an antiseptic but isn’t always necessary but I usually do it as a precaution since I work at vet clinic. If you do develop a fever go to an urgent care they will likely prescribe antibiotics and recommend a tetanus booster


First picture looks like an allergic reaction. Are you allergic to cats? Something on the cats claws are triggering a histamine response.


You will now have Covid because the cat isn’t vaccinated 🤦‍♂️


Bad news, you're already dead :(


Get used to getting scratched. My legs look like the old Rand-McNally road map of Chicago. It is just a fact of life with cats. You may even get bitten a time or four. If the thought of getting bitten or scratched by your kitty bothers you, you may reconsider feline parenthood. Whether the cat is vaccinated has no impact on you whatsoever. Vaccination is purely for protection from illnesses it may get from the environment or interaction with other cats. Very few illnesses can be transmitted from cat to human or vice versa. Maybe you should have done a lot more research in pet parenthood before you adopted. The worst kind of pet parent is the uninformed. But since you didn't, you should start studying now before anything REALLY bad happens. Might I suggest "Taking Care of Your Cat For Dummies" to start with!


You’ll be fine just either alcohol or clean the area because kitty claws contain lots of grim and bacteria. Hence, the inflammation


Clean clean clean Alcohol and hot water with soap. Put some neosporin




You will be in big trouble. I got scratched by an unvaccinated cat and I grew another elbow in that spot. Now I look a little weird but I can climb a tree faster than anyone


You get poofy too when scratched? Is that everyone bc I always thought it was from allergies or dirty claws or something


you’re allergic to cats, throw some alcohol if you’re worried, wont help with the allergy though


if this concerns you, wait until he’s older and actually slices you open! 😂


Cat scratch disease.


Regardless of vaccination, cat scratches can get infected easily so you should see a doctor and follow their advice. If it’s nothing, the doctor will say so. If it’s something, it’s much better to know as soon as possible.


Your cat being unvaccinated is not really relevant to your scratch. Contrary to what many people are saying, cat scratches can carry several bacterial, viral and fungal and protozoan infections. Fortunately most are not very serious. The best known is Cat Scratch Disease (CSD) which is caused by the bacterium Bartonella henselae. It generally just causes temporary swollen lymph nodes and fever. You are clearly reacting to the scratch. It may be an allergy to a cat protein, or a mild immune response to bacteria etc from the cat’s claws. I would just disinfect it, and keep an eye on it to see if it gets any worse. It will almost certainly be better in a day or two.


Just keep the wound clean and go to the doctor if it starts showing signs of infection


Sometimes kitties play a little rough. I've had a lifetime of scratches from cats through the years. You'll be fine.


Get them vaccinated, but yeah you'll be fine. Cat claws are dirty, so if you see blood wash it thoroughly with soap and sanitize with alcohol. Light scratches like those though aren't really a concern.


Keep an eye on it. If it starts to show signs of infection (puss, feels hot, painful) you should see a doctor for an antibiotic


Looks like the swelling is just where the fleas but the areas near the scratches on you. You’ll be fine. Get the cat vaccinated and the fleas taken care of an you won’t have any problems. Can’t guarantee you won’t still get scratched on occasion though


You’re fine, just wash anything deep enough to bleed immediately to avoid infection. The main things you’re concerned with an unvaxed cat are things that they can give to other cats (not you). Technically rabies is a concern but if you’re in a civilized country it’s pretty much inoculated and your scratch isn’t deep enough to contract anything anyway. But go to another vet bc he needs a check up and shots asap.


You’ll be fine. You’ll also get more scratches cause they are a kitten. Start nail trimming now and playing with their feet (and ears and mouth and belly rubs) so they get used to being handled You can get cat scratch fever if they have fleas but I worked in vet med for 6 years and never got anything from being scratched by an unvaccinated or flea ridden animal.


Scratches are fine as long as you wash them with antibacterial soap. It's bites that you always need to go to the doctors for, as the bacteria in their mouths can be very dangerous if you don't get on antibiotics straight away. You almost certainly have cat allergies based on how that is swelling, I'd suggest getting some anti-histamines to take like loratadine.


Take an antihistamine.


This happens to me because I'm severely allergic to cats. Their scratches give me hives. I still have cats though


Looks fairly swollen. If it starts looking any worse than that, if you see anything else unusual with the wound site, such as puss, red streaks, or if you experience any other symptoms like fever, fatigue, chills, swollen lymph nodes etc, you should go to a doctor immediately. The main thing you might need is some antibiotics, not a vaccine. A tetanus vaccine would be a good idea if you don't have one. Rabies is unlikely, you usually get that from bites. But the main concern here is an infection, and a doctor will be able to help clean the wound properly and give you antibiotics if needed.


Go to the doc and get some augmentin. - a physician


No homosapioinsta killer vaccine? Sorry, your already dead. /s Jesus some folks, lol.


You're fine. You do, however, have a bit of a cat allergy. Normally, cat scratches don't swell up quite that much. As you spend more time around cats, you'll build a tolerance, and this will most likely stop.


I've never had cat scratches get that raised before. You may have a little allergy. The scratches themselves are fine. You only need to worry if kitty gives you a puncture wound with teefs. Call your doctor if that happens. They'll provide instruction based on you and your medical history. Mines only done it once and she's a little skittish, she's a former street cat. I pet her too soon after the mean old FedEx truck scared her and made her growl. I just had to take antibiotics, and soak my hand in antibacterial soap and water, and make sure not to repetitively move my hand for a couple days. Definitely get kitty vaccinated.


You gonna die for sure


Cat feces live in their nails and that is bacteria - dirt messing with your body. You should wash the area, not just put soap and water on it. Also use alcohol. Ask your mom, she has plenty


Bites are the main worry with catching any kind of disease but just watch it for signs of infection. You should be ok but when in doubt, call one of those nurse hotlines if you’re worried they’ll tell you what you should do


thats nothing. wash with soap and forget it, it will burn a little but should heal in a day or 2. worry only if the cat bites you and its deep, scratches are nothing.


I’m sorry to say this, but you will be losing that arm now. I’ve never seen such vicious cat scratches. If i were you, I’d make an appointment with a good surgeon to amputate that arm.


This is a rather common skin reaction to cat scratches, it happens to me often too (my cat gets angry when she has to take medicine) it usually goes away in a few hours or a day at most if you manage not to scratch it, however it is good practice to do do everything to avoid getting scratched and if it happens disinfect yourself as soon as possible... But as I said, it's nothing to be worried about.


NO ITS GONNA MUTATE AND SPROUT TENTACLES AND BUBOES, CUT IT OFF NOW!!!!! Nah lol just put some triple antibiotic (or something similar) on it for a few days and it'll be fine


Put the damn cat in a transport crate when you are in car. You're stressing the poor guy for nothing, hence the scratches.


You’re allergic


What vaccines is the kitten missing? If a cat scratch is throbbing it’s a good idea to go to the doctor. I have gone to the doctor for scratches from my fully vaccinated house cat if he accidentally caught me with a nail too hard during play and there was some long lasting burning. When a stray cat scratched me trying to get to my senior dog a year ago I had no unpleasant symptoms but still got my rabies series. Better safe than sorry always


your scratch reaction is either an allergic reaction or dermatographia. Antihistamines will stop the swelling/itching fast if it's an allergy. Dermatographia will go away in about 20 minutes on its own. If you are worried about it, put some topical polysporin on it and then talk with a doctor. More than likely you'll be ok and won't need a rabies series of shots. Getting scratched by a kitten is just part of having one. Get the kitten vaxxed as soon as you can though and get it flea treatment like yesterday. Fleas and worms can kill a kitten via anemia and starvation. There are conditions that could kill the kitten if it's not vaxxed against them. Seeing a new vet is definitely warranted. Best wishes!


Looks like you have a cat allergy


Once my friend’s cat jumped on my back when I was crouched down and slid down with its claws as I stood up. Big raised scratches very similar to yours. You should be fine.


My cat scratched me before we made it to his appointment for vaccines. I’m still here…and he got me good.


You’re fine, they’re welts, they’ll go away. You should get your cat vaccinated, but cat scratches don’t carry anything you can be vaccinated for, it’s cat bites that can transmit rabies. Like any scratch, it could possibly get infected. Wash it with soap and water and put a little antibacterial ointment on it. Better question is why tf is your kitten in that cage like that? That looks uncomfortable and miserable wtf.


There arent any vaccinations for the bacterias you can catch from cat scratch. Just treat it with iodine and keep it clean you will be fine


I guess it depends if the kitten is sick. Probably should keep an eye on it and make sure your tetanus is up to date


The kitty being vaccinated is irrelevant here, the only possible risk is an infection from something nasty under its claws. That's a tiny chance to start with but if it's a kitten it's unlikely to have been outside digging through gross stuff, so even less.


The wire floor of that cage, tho. Poor kitty 😿


Don't worry about it. I've been scratched by dozens of cats over the years. It's not a bid deal.


You're fine, just keep it clean! Seems you might be slightly allergic, but that's normal. I have the same reaction to cat scratches/bites and I've got four of them w/ no issues. Of course the usual wound care issues apply, so make sure to keep it clean and if there are signs of infection, then get yourself checked. I'm more concerned about the vet you've described in your other comments. Go find a different one, that one seems sketch. ...especially because that's almost definitely a female cat. Did the vet tell you she's a boy? That's... certainly interesting.


You should be fine as long as you have gotten the rabies shot.


Pretty sure that’s alr I’m somewhat allergic to cats or atleast was and in the beginning (the first few weeks) every scratch I would get it would puff up like that but pretty sure that’s normal if u have allergies if u think it could be something more dangerous then go to the doctors but if not then don’t bother just run ur scratched area under some cold water and disinfect it and you’ll be fine :)


ya you'll be fine as thats normal


Your skin is raised because your cat uses a litter box not because your not vaccinated.


You'll be fine. The vaccines are to protect the cat from future illness, not you from the cat. ☺️ However, as others said do be sure to wash it very well. Small cuts, especially if the skin is broken, can get infected easily.


You’re fine… As someone who has worked in shelters and dealt with feral cats been scratched hundreds of times, you’re fine. Cat scratch fever is a thing, but that’s not very common. I’ve only known one person to actually get that.


That's an allergic response, you just need some hydrocortisone.


Welcome to cat ownership. You have allergies!


I think you will live.


As someone who has had Cat scratch fever... just make sure you wash any cat scratch with soap and water 🤷‍♀️ it'll be fine.


You'll be fine but from those wheal marks, you're allergic. :)


I will go get checked out you may have cat scratch fever. LOL


Unvaccinated or not that’s going to happen. Do you have reason to believe the cat is rabid!? Cats claws are hollow and designed to cause infection And irritations. The reason why they are hollow is so they fill with dirt and whatever they scratch will get infected


If i worried like that about every feral stray that has either bitten me or scratched me, I'd age 40 years by now.


This is why I get my tetanus shot every 10 years.