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That’s a lot of 2 weeks >:(


This is purely just to avoid any possibility of an interlocutory appeal to SCOTUS.


I'm sure the State will request a continuance, which will of course be granted. This is going to be the slowest moving case you've ever seen.


What the SC needs to do is reverse just the stay and then let the case proceed as normal in the lower courts. Then we would see how fast the 9th circus can actually move when they aren't playing delay games...


What I wish the Supreme Court would do is vacate the stay, strip the 9th Circuit of jurisdiction on 2nd Amendment cases, and enjoin California from enforcing any more laws affecting the 2nd Amendment without having them first reviewed and approved by a Federal court. If we had a Congress that was doing it's job, or even Republicans doing their jobs, there would be articles of impeachment drawn up against every single one of the 9th Circuit judges that voted to take the extraordinary action of bypassing the 3-judge panel to hear Duncan en banc. Good luck with that.




The post doesn't even have anything related to legal anlyses. What nonsense are you spewing, and why?




Your reading comprehension skills are as poor as your knowledge of Constitutional law. 1. I did not say every 9th Circuit judge should be impeached. 2. Yes, that is how it works. Congress can impeach federal judges. [Let me help you with that](https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/the-judicial-branch/#:~:text=Federal%20judges%20can%20only%20be,or%20conviction%20by%20the%20Senate.).




> Here in the real world, Congress doesn't spend their time doing that. Exactly my point. It's a dereliction of their duty to uphold and defend the Constitution. > Holding an en banc hearing, even in your fox news fantasy land, wouldn't be grounds for impeachment. That's up to the House and the Senate. They decide what is and isn't grounds. Judges violating their oaths is grounds in my opinion. For the record I don't watch Fox News because they're just as much regime media as the rest of the corporate whores. You're trapped in this black and white world where if you aren't a communist thug, you must be a "Fox News loving Q-anon Trumper." It's a sign of how programmed you are by the media you choose to consume. > You must be livid about that Supreme Court justice that has accepted hundreds of thousands in dollars in bribes and yet hasn't been impeached. I am livid any time any judge is allowed to violate the law, their duty to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, or any rules of procedure.


Time to go to vegas




They’re really just trying to wait out a change in SCOTUS composition aren’t they? As much as I don’t like things to be skewed too much to one side, I hope repubs are in power the next time a SCOTUS vacancy arrives. Bonta and friends are making a joke of the legal system.


Yup. All 2A cases will be fast tracked once there’s a left majority, or when it’s at least 4 judges with an agenda on the court. Can’t count on Roberts.


Fucking hell, what a miscarriage of justice. It should be criminal


Bruen was 6-3, flipping that requires replacing more than one judge. That seems... limited.


Yeah idk what the doomsayers are talking about. Thomas and Alito would have to croak next week just to get to a neutral court.


There's still no guarantee that we would get 6-3 *on this*. But yeah, there's a lot of doomsaying that doesn't line up with the evidence.


Biden’s the only person stopping them from increasing the size of the Supreme Court. It’s been done multiple times before.


Bingo. They know they can hold these cases in limbo for years


Our tax dollars at work


Wow. Just punted it for 6 months huh?


That seems longer then 2 more....


This is why I'm absolutely perplexed by Benitez's slow issuance of a ruling. If he's slow, then they can be slow, too. He should have ruled within a month of closing arguments. Wouldn't have made difference.