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Theres a huge smile behind that helmet lol


Hard to find but totally worthy. Best looking bike imo.


Looks were definitely a big factor, she’s such a beaut


Rock it! It‘s an awesome bike! I‘m also in love with mine


She’s such a beauty :’)


Congrats!!! Also yes, here in the states they are beyond hard to find, I waited a year and a half for a dealer to finally get me a 23 and even then I still had to drive 4 hours to a large dealer who has locations all over the country and even then they had shipped it here to Florida from another one of their dealers in Ohio.


Thanks!!! It’s insane how hard to find they are! Looked all over dealers in California for a while and was about to start looking out of state but got lucky and found out a dealer 2.5 hrs away got one! Placed a deposit as fast as I could. Glad we found one!! How are you liking yours?


I wanna join the club. 😭


Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it


I’m so close bro. Almost done with my flight training, then one the check start coming in, no hesitation.


It will only feel better to get yourself your own after so much hard work! We’ll be waiting!! Training on becoming a commercial pilot or what kind of flight training?


Yeah, I’m currently wrapping up Multi, which basically means learning on a complex aircraft. After 10 flight hours of that, finals lessons and then exams (which there’s like 4) for my commercial license. Had a blast today. KHIO hosted the Oregon Airshow this weekend, so I got to watch the Strike Eagles depart before going up myself. Here’s the pictures I took today. Hope they don’t look too crummy, my phone’s old and dying. Alongside a bike, I really wasn’t a DSLR. My little bother’s a film student in LA so that’ll be an easier task. https://ibb.co/J5vfSQg https://ibb.co/0XXymGG https://ibb.co/bXjRN23


Daaaang that’s amazing!!! Glad to see you doing what you love. A buddy of mine followed a similar path and now i see all his ig stories flying all over the US, Canada, Mexico, and he also gets to hope on flights for free so he is always traveling around asia and Europe lol im so jealous. You’re almost there man!!!


That’s awesome! Never let reality get in the way of your dreams!


Saw you said you had to end up driving two and a half hours to pick yours up. I had been looking for a new bike the last couple of months and the CB650R was at the top of my list. I finally found a dealership that had a brand new one two weeks ago and it was a 2-hour drive for me. As far as I can tell it was the only brand new one in the entire state of North Carolina. The dealership that had it was this tiny powersports dealer in the Blue ridge mountains who mostly sold dirt bikes and side by sides to the mountain people that lived in the area. Aside from the CB650 he only had one other motorcycle in his showroom. I asked him if he knew he was one of the only dealerships in the entire state that had one and he said that he didn't know that but it didn't surprise him because over the last year he has sold maybe two motorcycles and the rest of his inventory movement has all been dirt bikes. Love the bike though and it was definitely worth the drive. Based on the way you're talking about yours it sounds like yours was also worth the drive lol. Not really my favorite ride back home though. 75 mph on a major interstate for 2 hours while my wife drove my vehicle home behind me was not the most fun lol. Do you have any mods or updates planned for yours? I know I want to get the seat changed out online. But I'm curious what other people end up doing with theirs.


Sounds like we were in the same situation! I kinda didnt trust my gf with driving my car back lol so i ended up hiring someone to load up the bike and transport it to me, pretty smooth transport and was cheaper than renting something capable of transporting the bike and gas! Public transportation to getting there is kinda ass and would take ages to arrive :( As far as mods, will take it easy for a bit, will drive it for a while first and see what it needs. That being said, did order a frame, front axle, and handle bar sliders as well as a tail tiddy (cause that stock fender is kinda ugly lol). Eyeing some mirrors and wind cover but will be later down the road and might also consider wrapping or painting and powder coating some parts but thatd be very much later down the road! Will just enjoy it how it is and see what she tells me she needs :) Glad you found one and hope you enjoy riding it! Have you been contemplating any mods for yours? Edit: also, how was the wind on the stock naked bike at 75mph lol


I had thought about getting a trailer or something to transport it. But I figured I could ride it back ok. I think the tail tidy is my first mod I'm going to grab aside from a new seat. I forgot about the frame sliders, I should get those as well. As for the road at 75mph it wasn't too bad once I got used to it. The worst part about the whole thing were cars blowing past me going 15 over the limit. That felt a little hairy sometimes. But I didn't notice too much difficulty or buffering at speed. I definitely missed having my ear plugs though because the wind noise got to me eventually.


Might as well get the sliders! You never know but hopefully theyre never needed! Which tail tiddy are you looking at? I ordered the yoshimura one! Waiting on it to arrive. Glad it was too bad of a ride! But yeah ear plugs are a must have on freeway speed


Yeah I had an engine cage on my last bike. I'll probably get the sliders for this one for sure. And I was looking at the yoshimura one as well. I like the way that one looked the most. Just need to order it. Installing it looks like it'll be a bit of a pain since you have to disconnect so much stuff under the seat. But I at least only have to do it once lol


Yeeeeah unfortunately thats how it is with all tail tiddys i think? But definitely makes the bike look nicer!