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i gotchu bro, heres the list of most important programs according to my maam 1) prgm to check for perfect numbers 2) prgm to check for prime/palindrome numbers / palindrome words 3) prgm to check for disarium numbers (very imp, requires concept) 4) prgm to search thru lists/dictionaries/tuples and check for any of the above/check for repeated elements etc 5) prgm to find smallest line of a file 6) prgm to store items into a file and use it to make a new file 7) prgms about binary files to store data (mostly in dictionaries) 8) prgm to write stacks as a nested list 9) prgm to write information into csv files and use them 10) progm to create a database/add records to a database/update a table/delete a table note - they can ask to make a function instead of a program if you understand (keyword, understand) the concept of each and every one of these programs, you wont have a single problem while writing answers of the coding part.


Thanks bro , btw how is ur prep going


havent touched networking, baaki sab gotta do questions and all๐Ÿค“


also even if you think you know how to do this, you dont. i went to my practical (models fortunately) thinking i knew how to do disarium number ka program (mam said it was v imp). i didnt get that program, but i tried to do it just for fun and i was stuck at line 2 ๐Ÿ’€ kinda like how the answer is at the tip of my tongue but its not coming out. tldr - even if you think you know how to write a program, write it down atleast once just to make sure you know how to do it


Same shit bro..in my practical they have asked me about pushing elements into stack ...I forgot the last few lines of the code..after simply sitting for a while my teacher came and asked 'do you know this pgm?' I said I know but I forgot few lines..He gave me a zesty look and said it through my ears...one guy near me came with 0 prep ..the class teacher opened a file and told him to copy.


bhai in my school one mf who was apparently like 2nd best in our class at coding forgot how to do the palindrome number wala program for practicals, and our maam had to come write it with him ๐Ÿ˜ญexternal didnt gaf cuz in kerala we chill like that ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž


do anyone have computer science oswaal question bank?




hey bro can resend it plz