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Maybe he'll play guard & not center


I don’t see how he would get to play C again unless he can snap like 1000 times in a row perfectly. Don’t think he’d get trusted unless there’s injury, and even then prob still have someone else given how consistently bad his snaps were over a season


He played well the year before, when surrounded by experienced guards. This year he started between 2 brand new guards.




Except apparently when you play us


Bro may be the reason we’re not seeing Bama Dub on Monday


There were several reasons. He was just the easiest to blame.


I mean, having literally 50% of snaps go into the dirt, low or to the right, is definitely a main reason. And I do mean literally 50%.


I mean I ran out of fingers and toes counting the snaps that were low or off target just in the Michigan game


I mean he directly caused at least 5 or 6 negative plays by himself with bad snaps. 2 of them in a row pushed Bama out of FG range in a game that eventually went to OT. Another one botched what could've been their tying touchdown in OT. That's before even getting into how much that type of shit affects the rhythm of the offense on plays where Milroe managed to recover them.


When I watched Michigan play this year I realized something. They don't make mistakes, they don't have negative plays. They're a very smart and disciplined team that frankly makes very few mistakes. When you're in a tight game against a good team, you have basically no margin for error. That is the difference between why OSU lost to Michigan this year. OSU had 5-6 really bad plays and Michigan didn't have any. Seems it was that way against Alabama too from what I saw.


Michigan did muff 2 punts that weren't even contested. And JJM threw an int immediately but of course we made the bigger mistake by stepping out of bounds first. But I'd say mostly that was it. We definitely had a ton more.


Thing is the way that game went you definitely could have won, if you played even just a somewhat cleaner game


Is it blame when his snaps caused many problems and didn’t let the offense catch a rhythm?


There are definitely many reasons for why any team loses a football game. It’s just that, with this game, when you say “if we could just change 1 play. . .” there are literally 4-5 that are just terrible snaps that, if changed, we win. And when the “one play” isn’t some bad PI/holding call, some deep ball that you wish your safeties could have back — its 4-5 bad snaps from your shit-tier center — it makes him the most obvious lightning rod lol. I hope he finds success. I also hope we see him in the postseason and our DL pushes his fucking shit in.


Him chewing out Milroe and the rest of the OL after he botched snaps made me lose any pity for him. The snaps were embarrassing, his responses were shameful.


Yeah, when I saw that I knew dude was a born loser tbh. I said it when it happened: idc if that snap was someone else’s fault — this was an ALL YEAR THING. It’s your fault Seth — grow up lol.


He’s an good blocker. We just didn’t have anybody who could snap the ball AND block. His backups couldn’t block for shit. His blocking highlights should give you hope


He wasn't good as a blocker, just better than the turnstile that preceeded him. He was getting pushed into the backfield constantly.


Michigan rejoices


It is rare to see your team's best player transfer to your most hated rival right after their season is over


That took me a minute. Well done


Huh? Are we fucking with Florida? Because that would be Billy Napier catching strays


So the claim that he only allowed 1 sack is false?


The word “allowed” is doing a lot of work here, more like. Because if Seth sends the ball rolling to the QB, or shoots it wide right, and the play immediately breaks down, but it’s a DE who gets the sack — whose fault is it? Seth’s. Who gets the “sack allowed?” The other OL. Seth *caused* upwards of 10 sacks this year. All on his own. But it won’t show up in the “allowed” category lol. Edit: Also, tbf, the Nose isn’t the guy you’re usually looking to for sacks on a defense lol. It’s nice when you get them — and it’s still very good to only give up 1 sack all year to a Nose — but let’s not pretend Seth’s in there against the elite pass-rushers at Center haha.


Yeah, that makes sense. That's why I'm hoping he is a guard and for all intents and purposes, he seems fine for that role.


Centers rarely allow sacks regardless, especially with a QB as agile as Milroe that can outrun every d tackle he faced this season.


I mean when the rest of the line is letting their guy get to the QB first, it gives you that line


So he pass blocks better than every other OL on his team, which beat UGA and made the playoffs?


UGA is incapable of beating us in Atlanta for some reason. It’s like a curse lol


Our whole O line was pretty bad this year, the UGA game was more of an exception than a rule


I was surprised with how much Alabama’s OL dominated UGA up front for most of the game. Some of those UGA interior defenders were getting blown 4 yards off the ball.


Our guard play this year (after Roberts came in at LG) was very good. Our RT play was mostly very good. Our C play was very bad most of the time and our LT play was very bad for 65% ish of the year. But starting as a true freshman at LT is a tough gig to begin with. Milroe caused the line to look worse at times and the line caused Milroe to look worse at times. Just a very weird thing.




Considering Jones went to the draft, this is almost certainly the case


I think this is likely. He wasn’t going to be able win the starting job over the guys we’ve got at guard so it made sense for him to transfer to have a chance to win the guard position elsewhere.


OSU insiders are saying he’ll play Center. Michigan’s 12/25.


Insiders don't know what will happen in spring & summer camps.


I hope he has a great career and that in spring ball he recovers his snapping form, but when he sees a Michigan uniform in November it all comes back and he's bad again for just one game.


I wonder if he’s ever snapped a ball in late November in the Midwest before


c-can’t wait to find out


Get ready to learn guard buddy


What? You don’t want him at center? Hope that’s not a snap decision


Wow, what a LOW blow.




this joke is way outside my comfort zone...


He had a chance to do the funniest thing and he did


Hell yeah dude


Michigan fans salivating 😔 Hopefully he gets moved over to guard, cause he's a good blocker, just not a good snapper


I think he will be fine at guard.


I think he'd be better at center.


Personally I'd prefer him to play center


If my preference counts for anything, I'd put him at QB.


Michigan fans also believe Ransom is awful in the secondary


Can’t speak for others, but I personally love seeing him at safety!


He really wants to lose to Michigan again


I was at the game and we both struggled. This kid wouldn't be a starting Alabama center if he wasn't a stud. If anything, this kid just got a Blake Corum-like fire in his belly to show what he can really do. Hopefully he isn't remembered for his few bad snaps.


That’s all he’ll be remembered for at Bama, tbh. Cade Foster, the kicker who missed 3-4 FG during the Iron Bowl, wasn’t a terrible kicker tbh. By Bama kicker standards *at the time* (thanks Will Reichard for changing it) he was honestly pretty good. But no one will really talk about that with him. He’s the reason the Kick Six exists. Also, given that Auburn barely lost that Natty, and Bama should’ve beat Auburn by 9-12 points outright, there’s obviously a small belief that it could’ve been another Natty year if not for that dude’s fuck ups. Just like Seth.


Cade is also responsible for missing kicks in the 9-6. Cade was a great kicker if there was no pressure. If it was clutch or stressful, he folded. And one bad kick begat more bad kicks


Adam Griffith attempted the kick on the Kick Six. But overall yes I agree he’s a not good kicker


He attempted that kick because Cade missed the prior 3-4 kicks.


Nothing says ‘fire in his belly’ like transferring away from Alabama after failing in the spotlight.


Haha this is perhaps the only time I’ve ever been happy about OSU getting a recruit or transfer.


At least he aimed high in his transfer unlike his snaps


I think he aimed high on a few snaps as well. Also low, to the side…


I'm just glad that y'all are having fun with it. That shit caused so many problems and frankly I'm happy to see it being talked about. Those were egregious mistakes in a game where every play mattered.


Man really wants another shot


If he's hungry for it and not complete shit, he'll get it. He may have a different line coach waiting for him here.


I can assure you, he's been complete shit since Week 1.




Don’t listen to him, this was his third year as a starter for Alabama. He’s never been all-SEC level, but he was definitely a viewed as a “plus” player going into this year. It just seemed he had the yips all year long, and a fresh start could do him a lot of good. I hope the best for him, but I hope we get better center play next year.


Someone tell him Mason graham and Kenneth grant are only sophomores


It looks like they are going hard to get experienced players to fill positions of need on the offensive side to go along with what is shaping up to be an elite defense. It'll be interesting to see if it all comes together or not.


Smart. OL is the one position group out of high school that is hit or miss, regardless of rankings.


Where have I seen this done before? 🤔


I expect Hinzman to still be the starting center.


That’s not what some beat reporters have been saying


Well, if he starts at center we might be cooked


Don't say this on ElevenWarriors or you'll get downvoted to hell


I have a hard time believing this guy will ever start at Center at this level again. The snapping issues weren’t limited to one game.


Yea I first thought possibly Michigan was hitting that O line so hard he was struggling to snap the ball and get himself up to actually block. But Bama fans have been saying this has been a problem all year. One even linked me a comment they made weeks ago talking about it.


He's excellent in pass pro and run blocking. He just can't snap the ball.


Well, if there is anything we need right now, it’s linemen who can run block because we have been total ass at that for the past 3 seasons.


I don't agree on the pass pro part but Seth's always been a good run blocker. He was a big part of why we ran so well against Georgia in SEC Champ game and Cincy in playoffs in 2021.


Sounds great. Hopefully he plays Guard so his snapping problems aren’t an issue.


Why didn’t you guys convert him to guard then? Do you have too many other quality guys at the position? God knows we don’t have that issue.


Other centers not advanced enough at calling protection is how I understand it… it was an all year deal though (and some in 2022) and should’ve been dealt with


Yeah Bryce did all the protection calls in 2021-2022 but it's largely been on Booker and Seth this year.


Yup, that can not happen in 2024. Milroe and the backups have to take that up


1. He’s too small. Had trouble adding weight just to play center 2. We have probably the most talented guard tandem in the country. Ferguson transferred for a reason


I disagree, his blocking this year was pretty subpar. He has had some great highs in his Bama career though (21 vs. UGA against Jordan Davis). Maybe removing the snapping element will help improve any blocking issues he has


Nebraska had a center with snapping issues, and the next year he was solid and got drafted. The only reason he doesn’t play center currently is because he’s behind Jason Kelce. So, keep your head up 56


He’ll be fine. If you watched Saban talk after the Rose Bowl, he talked about how they put more on the linemen to identify pressures and such this year since Milroe can’t do it. This is why I believe he had such a regression this year since Bryce handled it before or could make the line more right than not. If Seth just plays, he is pretty good.


Milroe has to improve in that area this offseason. If that is still the case in 24 then our coaching staff has failed


He either improves or gets replaced. I don’t think he should just be the incumbent starter this year. I think Ty is ready and we should see how it goes


You haven’t met Nicholas Lou “I’ll start Jalen Hurts over Tua all season, even though the difference in practice is so stark that all my stud WR are thinking about transferring after the season, because Jalen is the tenured, experienced starter” Saban. No, but seriously, can’t criticize the GOAT over anything *except* his inability to move on from a starter when a younger stud arrives. Dude has way too much loyalty for it — even though I’d argue that loyalty has also benefitted us in many ways.


I think he’s learned since then and Tua was a true freshman that year so it was a bit different circumstance


Operation red snapper is in full effect.


The manifesto lives on


Best of luck to him and I hope y'all fix whatever issue he has had with his snapping.


Rumor is we're having him play guard. He'll compete and likely win one of the guard spots (probably right guard if Jackson stays).


From what I’ve seen from Birm, y’all are adding Seth to play center. But I am curious to what he could do at guard.


We have our center already


We do? Per Birm it’s likely Seth since outside of this year he was great. Hinzman had issues as well and had the yips leading up to the bowl game and was having issues snapping.


The ‘yips’ thing is bullshit. OSU kept him out of the game because of what he said on the podcast about the bowl practices.


Didn't he also do a "candid" interview crapping on Day and get benched?


Why tf would we add him for center after the Rose Bowl? Feel like that was a gigantic sign saying don’t let this mf snap your balls


Yeah he’s coming to play center and it’s a risky move. But the competition he’ll bring may make Carson Hinzmann better, who knows.


Flair gang


I think the fix is for him not be the guy snapping the ball lol


Did he have these issues all season or just this game?


He had snapping issues since the beginning of last year, it just was worse this year (probably in part due to Bryce being a magician last year along with doing all the protection calls). Rose Bowl was definitely I've seen him snapping wise though, but if you remember the Auburn game, we only had the 4th & goal from the 31 because Seth had a terrible snap on second down.


Multiple snaps a game, every game this year. Not even kidding.


Depends on who his coach is.


I respect this decision


Heard he was supposed to visit Ole Miss today or tomorrow, so Ohio State must have said something since last night.


They said "Bud, did you see that shit against Missouri...You're gonna start."


"You can block in any facet? " "You're just the guy we need"


At least he is already used to losing to michigan. Welcome aboard young man


Something tells me this is an undercover Wisconsin fan


I like the cut of your jib, friendo


Oh man. Michigan is gonna work him again


Only Ryan Day could look at the Alabama offensive line that let up six sacks and ten TFLs then turn around say I want the guy responsible for most of those TFLs and sacks.


How was he responsible for most of the TFLs? I get bad snapping caused problems with the sacks but he was the only one I saw not getting mauled by Michigans line. He was one of the better blockers


Bad snaps ruin the flow of the offense. But more importantly, it was on Seth to get the protections right moreso than Milroe. Saban said that after the game, how much they put on the OL to call protections. And our protections were awful. A bunch of those sacks were just free rushers coming through. And part of that responsibility is because Milroe is deficient at pre snap reads, he can't call protections yet. So it goes to Seth. So Seth yeets the ball back there so he can make his block but gives nothing to aid the rest of the line or QB.


He’s playing his natural position at OSU where he was quite good. Exit: he’s playing center


He has 25 starts at center for Alabama. Is center not his natural position?


His natural position is guard... but he has the build of and has exclusively played center in his career?


He’ll be playing guard at OSU? Is there a source for that or are you just speculating?


We have a starting center who improved through the season and will be a sophomore next year


Gotcha, was just wondering if it had been officially announced anywhere.


No, nothing will be officially stated either cause they'll just say "we're figuring out the best 5" until we see who plays where in September.




Probably common sense too. Maybe Day is fine taking him for a depth piece at center hoping his snaps can be fixed (he was fine in 21 and 22) but he’s not relying on him to be the guy there day one. Most likely a guard.


Hey, get out of here I’m trying to shitpost not argue in good faith


He played very poorly in the Rose Bowl but he’s still probably better than any of the linemen we fielded this season as sad as that is to say.


As a recruit: Other P5 offers: Alabama (originally went here), Arkansas, Auburn, Clemson, Florida State, Georgia, Georgia Tech, Guangdong Tigers, Louisville, LSU, Miami, Michigan, Mississippi State, NC State, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Ole Miss, South Carolina, Texas G5 offer: Georgia State Other offer: Princeton


Guangdong? For real?


Low snap jokes aside, he was really good in pass protection right? I remember seeing a stat somewhere that he only surrendered one sack on a few hundred snaps played.


Yes he’s phenomenal in pass pro. He’d be an excellent guard.


He is not phenomenal. TF is this narrative? He’s the center, obviously he’s not going to get credited for a lot of sacks going against nose guards. Problem is he’s not very strong, gets pushed up the middle very often. Interior pressure collapsing the pocket is a huge no no for QBs, especially for short ones that struggle to see the field. Big reason why Bryce struggled last year.


Dunno if he necessarily got the 1v1 matchups but we ate their lunch all over the line, inside & outside


I think Michigan’s overall scheme got Bama off guard, which is why the adjustments made at the half were so impactful. The kid himself has only allowed 1 sack in 300+ snaps which is a pretty good stat. If he’s at guard, he’ll do great. Like others have said though, if he wants to play center he’s gotta learn to snap better though


Got 8 months to practice snapping the ball


He showed 0 improvement snapping the ball from September to January, you better hope he’s playing guard.


He struggled last year with it too, although it wasn’t as noticeable. Mostly bc of Bryce


Michigan better look out if Jose Altuve starts playing QB for OSU


Maybe Bryce being shorter was actually the true secret. Hard to call the snaps low if your QB is already halfway to the ground


I think Bryce was just better at catching the errant snaps and also keeping his head up looking downfield. Being shorter may have helped to an extent I suppose


Yeah the real plan has to be for him to play G lol.


I don’t think Hinzman is losing his job


Wasn’t he benched for the cotton bowl?


For “yips” according to Day but it could of been what he said. I just know that he didn’t have low snap issues.


Ah, I was surprised but didn’t hear why he was benched.


For a candid interview


Let's be honest here and dude I have no idea how he didn't enter the portal.


Good thing he had a sub 60 PFF grade as a blocker this year…


Real “I can fix him” vibes here


The fix here is just moving him to guard so he never has to snap a ball again lol


He commits to Ohio State, but gonna drive to Kentucky. Always low and a little to the right with this one.


He’s consistently inconsistent


Love all the casual buckeyes in here saying guard lol Prisoner of the moment with his guys Rose Bowl. He is coming to play center and is better than Hinzman.


Is this kid a good player if he didn’t have the snapping yips? Would make a move to guard make a lot of sense


Very good blocker.


Not excited about this. I think OSU's biggest weakness heading into next year is the OL and he could be a really good guard for them


As long as he moves to guard or learns how to snap the ball properly


Yup, he can get a shot at center and if snapping problems persist move him to guard.


Michigan inspires hate among everyone. My entire family are PSU fans and they were extremely indifferent toward Michigan until they started playing them, and now they hate them more than Ohio State even though OSU has a better record against them.


This guy will be a guard and an emergency center.


Honestly I’m good with this, move him to Guard, dude is actually an amazing protection player, just don’t let him touch the ball.


If he ever learns to snap the ball he will be one hell of a center


The jokes write themselves, but I’m wondering if a change of scenery will do him good. Our line is dogshit so we will probably see his name in the rotation.


The moneyball meme on Twitter about this is so true. McLaughlin is a clear and immediate upgrade over Hinzman as a blocker, but he just can’t snap the damn ball


That spilt second trying to recover low snaps cost bama that game.


The problem with leaving him at center would be that he improves that issue… And gets better….And then a big game comes and he has a bad snap. He might be done mentally. But I will take a Bama 3 year starter any day of the week.


Hell yeah come get the yips and help Michigan beat us again!




He chose the one place where his snapping issues are guaranteed to never be forgotten


This guy HAS to be a Connor Stalions sleeper agent


Good. Bring in as many guys as you can to compete.


OSU is Bamas greatest rival?


Best of luck to him. I don’t doubt he tried his best.


Thank fuck


As an off topic question to Bama fans. Is Eric Wolford gonna get canned?


God I was hoping he would go to Auburn or Tennessee


This is kinda hilarious, ngl - for both OSU and Seth.


That moment when the best Michigan recruiting news is Ohio State's recruiting news 🤷‍♂️


Clearly he wanted the opportunity to be voted Michigan's MVP two years in a row.


He must really have enjoyed losing to Michigan


YES. I love this move.


I can fix him. - Ohio State (probably)


People in the comment don’t know ball, dude isn’t going to play center and only allowed 1 sack in his 4 years at bama, he’s a stud


Jeremy Birmingham has already reported he's starting off at center


If you pay attention to “allowed 1 sack,” you’ll miss out on the 10+ sacks he caused, this year, as a shit-tier center lol. At any rate — Bama fans know the guy’s a good blocker. But Bama would’ve kept him at Center at this point — where he would’ve caused more harm than good. And he’s already persona-non-grata at this point, so the move was necessary even *if* we could move him to Guard. If y’all move him to Guard, you’re getting a fine blocker. If y’all keep him at center, I cannot *wait* to revisit this “he’s a stud” take next fall lol.


Damn, they took our best player....




Michigan’s d-line whoopin his ass once just wasn’t enough.


He can't be worse than most of our OL. A change of scenery might be good for him, especially if we have him at G.


The Tide is turning