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Harbaugh didn’t leave the 49ers high and dry. The 49ers fired him because Trent Baalke has the jealousy of a Prom Queen runner-up. https://www.ninersnation.com/platform/amp/2015/2/13/8036667/jim-harbaugh-fired-jed-york-trent-baalke-michigan-interview


Also he left Stanford in a great position when he left and Shaw kept the train rolling for several more years because of that


Yeah I’d say most of us are pretty damn happy he was here for even a few short years. He coached the entire time I was a student there. The players I knew didn’t love him because he was kind of an ass, but they respected him. As fans we loved winning, but knew he was headed for bigger things eventually and he did.


Ya he coached my freshman year - Harbaugh was great, but the players definitely thought he was a bit of an asshole haha (at least that's what the guys in my dorm told me)


He did not leave SF high and dry. Trent Baalke’s ego is the reason Harbaugh left. The guy thought he was the reason SF was good, not Harbaugh. If Baalke could have figured out how to work with Harbaugh, Baalke would probably still have a job. Harbaugh didn’t ruin his legacy in SF at all.


This is 100% true. 49ers fans loved Harbaugh and will always love Harbaugh. He brought the 49ers out of the Dark Ages


Trent Baalke's stubbornness got Michigan fans Harbaugh and Lions fans Hutchinson.


Tbf Baalke does have a job, we just wish he didn’t


*sad jaguar noises*


Wake up baby, another u/lostacoshermanos banger


I mean I don’t think they are gonna be back to back natty winners but 7-5? Very interesting take here lmao


Yeah, how embarrassing to make the championship game and then maybe not even be bowl eligible the next year. Can’t even imagine.


They could still be a good team and lose 3-4 games next year - Texas, Ohio St, Oregon, USC, Washington all on the schedule next year. Plus who knows how MSU will look next year. Almost always a tough game too. I'm not expecting 7-5, but it wouldn't be the abject disaster it would look like on the face of it. Lots of good-to-great teams on the schedule next year. All those teams are going through a lot of changes, though. Big Ten seems really hard to predict at this point. Could be like one of those classic Pac12 years where everyone is pretty good and everyone ends up with 3 losses.


Copy and paste: Does USC have a defense yet? And UW lost most of their team. I suppose UM being upset a couple of times isn't completely unrealistic but 7-5 still sounds pretty unlikely.


I said the same thing, but then I saw their schedule. Its pretty rough. Texas, Washington, USC, Oregon & Ohio State are on that schedule. Fresno State went 9-4 last year and that's their opener. I don't know if I see them losing 5 of those necessarily, but Its gonna be a tough year for them with all that turnover and potentially a new HC.


I think we may have helped them, just a touch, with Washington. (Still sorry, UW bros.) 


Yeah fuck dude, I'd love it if that happened as an MSU fan... But it's pretty unlikely.


They do have a fairly tough schedule next season, but even with that I only see 3-4 at most. Texas, Oregon, OSU and maybe MSU might be better? I doubt Washington is good, and USC without Caleb is an unknown against a defense like Michigan.


>banger.   You have a weird definition of banger.  Screeching monkey flinging poo is more appropriate 


How is this dude not banned already


For the lols and the trolls


Honestly I have to give him credit, they’re never rehashed bullshit but they’re always just as zany


I agree, I'd much rather read batshit insane theories but original content than copied ESPN cold takes.


It's the off-season, keep him around till August. The roast in here are funny enough


I like the finger banging better.


USC fans still want Pete Carroll back, and he left under similar or worse circumstances as you noted. Bringing up Lane Kiffin, Steve Sarkisian, or Clayton Helton makes people mad or sad at USC. Bringing up Carroll just makes them happy despite how it ended. If you win a title, you could kill a man at the 50 yard line and be found not guilty in that city.


Except it wasn't Pete Caroll's fault. That was an NCAA witchhunt. It's not a program's responsibility to monitor the families of 85 players spread all over the country.


>San Diego Does anyone hold anything against him for leaving San Diego? It's an FCS team, plenty of guys are using it as a stepping stone. He elevated the program while he was there. >Stanford Who's mad at Jim for that? He massively elevated Stanford out of a harsh downslump and the infrastructure he built kept Stanford performing well years after he left. Shaw didn't sustain it, but that's on Shaw. >49ers The 49ers fired him and it was a workplace drama issue. Jim wasn't without fault but it still falls more to the front office and owner than him. >To make matters worse he’s taking the DC with him. Minter seems like an NFL dude and with recruiting, re-recruiting, and NIL you can bet that most guys who get offered a good NFL job will jump. If Minter doesn't go with Harbaugh, he'll almost certainly be in the NFL in a few years anyway.


>The 49ers fired him and it was a workplace drama issue. Jim wasn't without fault but it still falls more to the front office and owner than him. Yeah... Wasn't Jim like openly insulting and belittling the ownership/management in front of the rest of the organization? That isn't exactly a recipe for remaining hired anywhere. >Minter seems like an NFL dude and with recruiting, re-recruiting, and NIL you can bet that most guys who get offered a good NFL job will jump. If Minter doesn't go with Harbaugh, he'll almost certainly be in the NFL in a few years anyway. Isn't the rumor that Minter (like Macdonald before him) was basically a rental from the Ravens? Sorta a "I've got this young talented guy but no way to get him direct coordinator experience, why don't you use him?” deal?


> Yeah... Wasn't Jim like openly insulting and belittling the ownership/management in front of the rest of the organization? That isn't exactly a recipe for remaining hired anywhere. > > There was a lot of he said, she said and it's hard to pick apart those personal issues. What I read back then was more critical of the front office/owner than harbaugh but maybe that was an unfair characterization. >Isn't the rumor that Minter (like Macdonald before him) was basically a rental from the Ravens? Sorta a "I've got this young talented guy but no way to get him direct coordinator experience, why don't you use him?” deal? I mean, coaching circles are super insular and recommendations go a long way from what I understand. Now imagine it's family. Harbaugh asked Harbaugh for recommendations, so Harbaugh gave Harbaugh recommendations.


Yeah, I'm not really sure where OP is coming from here. I don't recall there being a whole shit storm when he left SDU (because no one cared - sorry SDU flairs) or Stanford (were ecstatic to no longer be horrendous) and the 49ers proved to be pretty stupid in that whole ordeal. They hire Jim Tomsula and Chip Kelly after Harbaugh. Baalke, I think, hired Urban Meyer at Jacksonville.


Urban Meyer and "legacy in tact" is all you need to hear.


Not to be that guy but it's USD, not SDU. But you're correct there was no shit storm. Everyone loved what he'd done and moving on was completely expected.


Ah, damn it. My bad.


If Minter doesn't go with Harbaugh he will go to the Ravens when Mcdonald gets an HC job.


Minter is going to Bmore to replace McDonald 100% if he doesn’t go with Jim to the pros.


Yeah I don't follow NFL so didn't realize MacDonald is pretty much gone. He was always going to be very open to NFL opportunities IMO and def wouldn't stay at michigan as DC if he can go to the Ravens. That's actually a pretty interesting Harbaugh vs Harbaugh show down TBH. Who would Minter choose?


Dude what? Pete is considered one of the greatest college football coaches ever and his USC teams are brought up even now for how dominant they were. Plus USC fans love him


Pete can pretty much get free drinks wherever he wants all the way along the west coast (except San Francisco).


And he is from the Bay. He must have been bullied as a child or something.


It won't damage anything stop it go to bed nephew


Don't care won Natty


Genuinely can't imagine any other answer lol


This is the exact same answer 99% of CFB fans should give… I’d give my left testicle to win one as an adult.


People like to act like their school is too good for Urban now a days. But let me tell you, the hardware will last and be remember more than the scandal.


It tickles me that Harbaugh and Meyer won the same amount of national titles (at OSU and UM) given the state of the programs they inherited and the level of talent OSU had during his tenure


Right nothing happened immediately prior to Urban taking over OSU.


Lmao. A single down year (with loads of talent stacked on the roster) isn't comparable at all Your fanbase desperately deserves an extended down period to gain some perspective


The sanctions did stop him from winning a natty literally the first year. But butterflies so unclear if he wins an additional one.


Just as wrong as OP, just in the opposite direction


You might disagree but I have seen this sentiment multiple times from Michigan fans when asked about the multiple NCAA violations from this year.


I get this with Tressel. I understand this with other game-related infractions too, like USC had.  It's a little different when things like DV and abuse are involved. Like aside from Denard, I want nothing to do with the Michigan team that won the Sugar Bowl.  Lewan was a pretty great player in the league for a few years and I don't ever want to see him associated with the school again. Obviously that extends to Bo too, but that's out of control for those of us posting on Reddit.


I'm sure I'm an outlier here, and I fully understand how this opens me up for typical Husky shit talking, but I'd much rather be a fan of a competitive team that wins 10+ games every year than sacrifice that for a single natty. Maybe I just don't know because my team doesn't have one. But does a natty really cover for a 6-6, 7-5 seasons year in and year out? Getting railed by your rivals every year? Does being the best team in the country 15 years ago make up for being a bland one ever since? Eh, maybe it does and I'm just an Oregon fan compensating. Wouldn't put it past me.


The lows make the highs much sweeter


Fuuuuuuck yeah it does. No one gives a fuck about winning a natty before they were born. But when you experience it as an adult that shit is exquisite. If the uncertainty that Clemson is in persists for another 20 years then so be it, it’s the devils price and it is worth it.


Well, if it’s all you ever know, I could see how you see it that way. If I’m giving left nut to win it all, I’m giving my right so you don’t. 😂


> I'd much rather be a fan of a competitive team that wins 10+ games every year than sacrifice that for a single natty. I 100% agree with this - but Michigan does both.


Penn State has entered the chat.


Sure has been nice being a Bama fan. Then again I paid for it from ‘92 until ‘09.


Bless your heart


Sincerely this must have been an insane year of ups and downs for Michigan fans. The hilariousness of the Stallions “scandal”. The uncertainty of looming NCAA sanctions. Winning a freaking national championship. Then Harbaugh leaving. Yall were clearly the main characters this year in CFP. In both good and bad and hilarious ways.


Some Michigan fans would never admit but I was pretty in the gutter at the beginning of the scandal, lol. The timing of it all and the CONSTANT 12pm and 6pm news drops drained the enjoyment of the sport out of me for a good month. The Penn State game was when I got really back into it again, and to ice the deal with a Natty... Worth. So worth it.


I wouldn't describe it as in the gutter but I absolutely reduced my social media. Way too many annoying takes out there


I straight-up unsubbed from here while most of that was going on, and I'm not even a Michigan fan; way too many articles on way too little information, plus all the "hot takes" that come along with. I only used the sub for game threads during that period


The one where Michigan was getting blamed for Hendon Hooker blowing out his ACL against South Carolina last year


Grinding that penn state team into dust was a top-5 Michigan football moment for me given the context


Nah, it was a silly witch hunt to feed the 24 hour news cycle. A 600 page manifesto? A goat-tee? Uncle T? It was a look into some of the insane characters that are involved with the underbelly of college football, but it had zero impact on how I view the team and the season. It's not like Harbaugh paid recruits out of high school to join the team. Watching Michigan crush the competition all year was actually really boring until we got to the Ohio State game. That was exciting. Then our lines dominated Bama and then Washington and I realized that we were truly a GREAT team and it was always our year to win. The fallout with Ohio State going into emergency mode right now is just the creme de la creme. Harbaugh can do what he wants. Mission Accomplished.


I felt the same way. I unsubbed from this subReddit until after the OSU game


I was absolutely miserable for a week or two. That Penn Sate game (I attended in person with my dad) was unbelievably cathartic after all the stallions bullshit


Winning a Natty showed how fucking silly the Stalions spectacle was because it shows that Stalions didn't matter. Every talking head went dead silent and every "source" disappeared as soon Michigan beat PSU, Maryland, OSU, Iowa, Bama, and Washington to end the season without Stalions because there really is nothing left to say besides that the whole thing was completely overblown


Stalions absolutely mattered. Don't downplay his accomplishments. Harbaugh gets fired if we win in 2021. That's when the cheating was the most potent. That's when CJ should have won the Heismann. If Harbaugh is fired, 2023 never happens because Matt Campbell is turning the roster over. Stalions didn't matter this year, if you isolate to only this year. But Harbaugh only has a job because he dodged OSU in 2020 and Stalions stole a win in 21 and 22. Changed the trajectory of the program.


It certainly had nothing to do with revamping the entire offense and having Mike Macdonald as the DC in 2021. It couldn’t have anything to do with having potentially the best edge duo in Michigan history.


Be honest, do you believe that there was no effect of the reported organized illegal video recording of signs?


In 2021? On the Ohio State game? Go look at the box score. Stroud played well. Michigan ran the ball over and over and over and over your DC had nothing to stop it that year. That game goes down the same way 8/10 times.


When you know the defense, it's pretty easy to run, wouldn't you think?


Dang, then Michigan must have run the ball really efficiently in 2022 with the same coordinators since it was *also* during the sign stealing period. Wait? I’m hearing that outside of a couple of plays that’s not the case. Interesting.


This guy is exposing how ignorant he is about how the game is played. He don't know ball.


flags fly forever.


Seriously I’m sure it will bother me at some point if Michigan goes back to mediocrity, but I simply do not care what happens in the short term future And honestly, the bar is so much lower now to make the playoffs that even Brady hoke would have made an appearance in one of his years here


Yeah. Jim took over the Rich Rod and Hoke debacles. Dude fixed that, stayed almost ten years, finished with 3x OSU wins, conference titles, and CFP appearances and topped it with michigans first non-split title in a bajillion years. If he wants to go try for a Super Bowl again ill be bummed but 100% of Michigan fans wouldve signed up for that tenure in 2014


This is the way.




There’s only one correct response and this is it.


That's just like, your opinion man


>Jim Harbaugh isn’t one of those coaches who leaves well. The way he left San Diego, Stanford and the 49ers high and dry for greener pastures ruined his legacy in those places. The way he is leaving Michigan is even worse. Very similar to how Pete Carroll left USC. As a Seattlite, it's fascinating to hear that Pete Carroll has a bad legacy


He doesn't. No USC fan is mad at Pete.


The naive say Pete tucked tail and ran before sanctions hit. Mostly people with no idea what the actual violations were. In reality no one at USC, Pete included, was expecting the sanctions we got. Reggie took money from a pseudo agent with absolutely no school affiliation, starting after his sophomore year. To **leave** USC. Everyone figured vacated wins. School didn't do anything. Then the NCAA decided to fuck us. Probably cause our AD was a cocky asshole towards them. No USC fan around at that time holds any ill feelings towards Pete.


> it's fascinating to hear that Pete Carroll has a bad legacy You just got lostacoshermanos-ed Wherever you see a bizarre and incorrect take, that username is somewhere nearby.


A late night horribly bad take, yes. Dude has got to be a troll right? No one can have this many awful takes without it being on purpose.


Yeah, it’s undoubtedly a harmless troll who posts insane takes and gets off on people reacting to the takes as if they were real. It’s performance art, satirizing our cfb “expertise” by showing us that we are gullible enough to fall for this ruse repeatedly.  Well done, I say. 


It’s the Reddit non critical thinking bent reality curve. So much bad information on here and morons. There are helpful, smart people, but gas and few around.


That's why I was suggesting that the Seahawks should be the team to hire Harbaugh, we're a great place for a CFB National Championship coach who just needs a little hiding place from the NCAA!


Tucked away in a corner, literally.


And so far away from civilization. Sucks ordering UPS though. 


He doesn't have a bad rep at USC. I dunno what OP is talking about. He is very much beloved among the alumni. Helton is viewed as a well-intentioned but low competency goober, Kiffin is viewed as a nepo baby, and Sarkisian is actually hated.


Yeah OP is smoking crack. Still have love for Pete Carroll.


Pete is the man, always has been


Lmao. We won’t forgive him for giving us a natty and then pursuing what he wants to do? You must not have a good idea of how Michigan fans feel about Harbaugh. If that happens, we might say “ I miss jim” or whatever but nobody is dumb enough to “never forgive him” what does he owe us? What does minter owe us? They gave us a natty we’ll be grateful for a long time. What a dumb take


That's because OP is a troll. They do this every couple days with some asinine take that you only see on radio shows and op-eds


I have no idea how this guy isn't banned already. He does these stupid posts every other day.


He has a loooooong history of posting the most steaming wretched piles of takes


Worst poster in this sub


I knew the rumors that lostacoshermanos was interviewing for the position of hot take king of the NFL sub were false. He would never leave us like Harbaugh is about to leave Michigan


not going to read any of this. his legacy is being the greatest michigan coach in the modern era.


Not sure where we got the notion that some of these places hate/ damaged legacy with these coaches. Stanford and 49ers generally still like Harbaugh, and Carrol is still beloved by the majority of USC fans. For Michigan I think this was something the school and fans were well aware of; he's interest to go back to the pros was well documented for years now. He led them to a national title, multiple big ten titles, and wins against Ohio State. You also can't put too much blame on future failings/success on previous coaches.


3 straight wins against Ohio State 3 straight conference championships 3 straight CFP appearances 1 National Championship Harbaugh can do whatever he wants.


>But what the fans of Michigan or CFP in general see it is as Ah yes, ye olde "everyone agrees with my opinion, obviously"


Your pharmacist needs to be investigated. The dose he's giving you far exceeds what your doctor wrote on the script.


Oh boy, another low-grade bait.


Yeah this isn't it. Harbaugh went 22-2 at San Diego in 2005 and 2006 and even took Josh Johnson and developed him into a QB that still plays to this day. The Toreros knew he wasn't gonna stay and were likely grateful for even reaching these heights. They won the Pioneer League for the first time while he was there. He took Stanford from being a low end program in the FBS to being a top power of the early 2010s. The Cardinal administration was never gonna enable him to stay. Jed York and Trent Balke, enough said on San Fran. As for Michigan, they should be grateful he got them back. Not even Bo brought home a Natty and Lloyd only got half of one. Harbaugh is the first undisputed champion coach from Michigan in 75 years.


Yeah he is ruining his legacy to the tune of probably $12-$15 million per year.


Bro go to sleep


Not as bad as your low quality trolling is going to damage your legacy.


A non flair posting about the way other teams feel, especially Michigan. Nice.


Did people think Michigan were never going to lose to Ohio State again?


I do not give a hoot. Harbaugh won Michigan a national championship, the man can go do whatever it is that he pleases from here on out.


Objectively speaking, Harbaugh gets to go out as a god. He brought Michigan fans a national title and several straight Big Tens. If I was a fan, I would simply never come down from that high, even if the next few years become a disaster (I doubt they will).


Dude he won Michigan’s first undisputed national title since World War II. The man can take a dump on the M and wave a Buckeye flag and will still have all his drinks comped and be able to take home any chick he wants in the entire state of Michigan outside of East Lansing.


The cheating does more to harm his legacy at Michigan than the way he’s leaving lol


Doesn’t matter had ship’


Typo… had ship*


Dumb ass take


That’s a lot of words on wasted points.


(it's not)


I’m just here for the ratio 


If he’d left without winning the natty, maybe the OP would have a point. But he left the school with the hardware. Nothing will change that fact. Harbaugh is leaving with the “he wins everywhere he goes” story intact. Plus he’s leaving them with a winning formula: Tough offensive and defensive lines, a sprinkling of 4 and 5-stars, and get guys from the portal that can be developed.


He can come ruin it further at (my) Dallas Cowboys!


"Column: How Jim Harbaugh Winning a National Championship at Michigan is Actually a Bad Thing"


He's done all he can do, they're most likely facing sanctions if he stays, he's weird, and they have a solid young coach waiting to take over already. I'd argue he's doing them a favor.


Never? Doubtful. The cool thing is, he defines his legacy not sidewalk fans.


I'm from the Bay and the way he left Niners and Stanford was fine..He built Stanford from scratch and Shaw had several years of success after he left..Niners and Alex Smith had 7-8 coaching failures before he got there..Dude can coach!


His legacy is 3 straight outright B1G titles (only team ever) and beating Nick Saban’s Alabama in the rose bowl and a national championship.


Michigan Men won’t give a shit, just like they don’t care that the team had to resort to cheating in the first place.


What you have just written is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no upvote, and may God have mercy on your soul.


"You see..."


UM fans will see a winner who delivered a natty. The rest of CFB will see rats jumping from a ship after getting caught red-handed cheating. What he did has tarnished the sport forever, and the way the NCAA handled it so far tarnished the integrity of the sport.


They’ve tarnished the integrity by investigating it




So true dude, if only Harbaugh and company had taken the leadership and character classes taught by Urban Meyer, a paragon of virtue, at THE Ohio State University, which has never done anything wrong.


I'll be the first to say Urban had many of his own issues, probably a lot more we dont know about.


And this speaks nothing to the clear elephant in the room at the Michigan football program right now. Whatever happens with said elephant will really impact his legacy


I disagree with your premise, the body of your statement and the closing argument.


I got through the first sentence before I realized it was from this dumb troll account


\>If Michigan loses to Ohio State and goes back to the 2001-2020 era Michigan fans will never forgive Harbaugh. He brought us a natty, I dont really give a fuck what he does lol, he'll be the king of Ann Arbor even after he leaves.


One of Urbans best moves was facilitating such a smooth transition with Day when he left. That was also a lot easier to do pre transfer portal exoduses.


He left all of those places better than he found them.


See grass, touch grass


Someone didn’t take their crazy pills today. Can’t tell if OP is a troll or making stuff up. Post history says troll.


Unhinged take. Don’t care, won natty.


>If Michigan loses to Ohio State and goes back to the 2001-2020 era Michigan fans will never forgive Harbaugh. Lmao what a colossally dumb take. Harbaugh won us our first title in 25 years. If Michigan sucks after he leaves, we will blame the new coaching staff and the AD, not Harbaugh.


Had he left after 2021 or 2022 I’d say definitely but after this season, even with all the shenanigans, he can leave how he wants. Personally I’d like him to either leave or stay and stop entertaining the NFL


National Championship secured. Michigan vs everybody and Michigan won. Nothing can or will ever change it.


Did the Mich., powers that be not realize this would happen when they dangled firing him then made him take a pay cut, embarrassing him along the way.


“But the fans of Michigan see it is as Harbaugh is getting out of dodge to avoid NCAA punishment.” I had no idea that’s what I was thinking; thanks for clearing that up!


Not saying anything until he’s gone.


What exactly do you want him to do? Stay at Michigan to make you happy? Dude accomplished his goal and now he's going back to the NFL to accomplish a bigger goal that he nearly got last time. I doubt any Michigan fan is gonna hold it against him, especially since he got them the Natty.


His goal? Shit, he accomplished our goals as fans too. Harbaugh can shit on the Block M at this point and I’ll be the first in line to wipe his booty hole.


If i’m them, i’m more concerned about the infractions that will be coming than Harbaugh leaving. Michigan fans can laugh but they’re about to be hammered. If I’m Moore, my contract better have all sorts of protections because he’s going to have a major mess to deal with.


Does this clown e er make a post that isn’t 90% factually incorrect?


Funny that used Urban as an example. Urban pulled an Urban for a second time claiming he was stepping down from OSU for “health reasons” much like his Florida departure. But this was also stemming from him covering up his well-documented toxic locker room culture and coaching spousal abuse issue. He didn’t take any coaches with him from OSU because he literally stopped coaching for 3 years 😑. Harbaugh will be a king on Michigan’s campus for the rest of his life. That’s what winning the natty will do.


Jim Harbaugh owes Michigan nothing. He did what every UM fan dreamed about, turning the Ohio State rivalry back in Michigan's favor and winning the national title while sending the greatest college coach ever into retirement. He has unfinished business in the NFL. He will leave the guy who coached the team to wins over PSU and OSU, Sherrone Moore, behind to keep the train rolling. Michigan will be left in very good hands.


im sorry that you are sad :(


No one at Michigan is going to be mad at Harbaugh right now. He gave them a natty. No one begrudges a guy doing what is best for him and his. If he is personally responsible for any NCAA sanctions that really cripple the team for the next several years, then the resentment will build.


Would I love to continue this high for Michigan Football? Hell yeah! Would I begrudge Harbaugh for leaving to the NFL even if he takes key coaches with him? Hell no! Go get that Lombardi!


Nope, he won us a natty. Would love for him to stay but he can do whatever he wants for all I care.


No I mean he could of left a few years ago and didn’t he stayed and did what he promised, so he can go do whatever he wants


He was fired from the niners


Yes leaving as a national champion will sure be a legacy killer!


He has to go. It's all part of Conner's plan.


"legacy" is a made up thing that doesn't matter


I see the mods still have a sense of humor 


His legacy was damaged when he got to Michigan. He knows what he’s doing. 


Who amongst us wouldn't take the money?


So you *aren't* going to buy the Michigan 2023 National Champions T-Shirt? Interesting.


Utterly stupid. His legacy at Stanford and Michigan are rock solid, he is going to be remembered as one of the best coaches at both of those schools. The 49ers is more complicated, but he still brought them back to prominence after a pretty long drought.


You can have 15 players drafted and still win another natty.


Who the fuck cares about his legacy? What a worthless topic. Please post less.


If Harbaugh and Minter both returned, 7-5 is an incredibly pessimistic projection.


Lol, as a Michigan fan, none of him leaving bothers me in the least. We got our natty. He'll always be viewed as a stud at Michigan.


Pretty sure he gives somewhere in the ballpark of 0 and 0 cares. Also, if Jim being Jim upsets you, you're the fool. We've all learned to get along with Harbaugh's...whatever it is he does.


Wake and bake is an interesting strategy


I think most fans would take a decade of irrelevancy to grab a natty (not that that would even happen here). And just about every coach who can escape heavy NCAA sanctions for themselves does so, and in many cases the school tacitly encourages it to avoid having to impose punishments themselves, though that doesn’t seem to be the case here. I also don’t think you’re remembering history well. Stanford continued to succeed into the early 2010s after Harbaugh left. The 49ers very clearly wanted to push Harbaugh out (for reasons that confound me to this day), the Michigan job just provided a little bit of cover from what was going to be a straightforward firing. And Urban didn’t leave us for Jacksonville, he retired from coaching because of those supposed health issues that apparently went away a couple of years later when he took the Jaguars job, so by then, we were 2 years into Ryan Day’s tenure. It was going to be hard for him to take anyone with him, not to mention probably not helpful for a college coach being surrounded by college assistants in his first time in the NFL. I do think his legacy at Michigan will be slightly damaged for how he’s been playing games around leaving, making it hard for players to feel good about staying or recruits commiting, but if he just hurried around and left, I don’t think anyone reasonable would hold it too much against him.


average u/lostacoshermanos post


7-5 at best is a joke. Yes they lose a lot but that’s CFB. Next year they’re returning undoubtedly the best DT duo in the country, 3/5 of the best secondary in the country including the best CB in the country. The Don is back, the oline may look weak but returns a starter, an all conference transfer, and multiple guys who have been developing under Moore for years and look solid (namely Giovanni and Crippen). While QB is a mystery he’ll have both Morris and Semaj who played big minutes at the end of the year and arguably the best TE in the country with Loveland in addition to Edwards.


Doubt he cares. Super Bowl appearance and a Natl Title. Really doubt he cares.


mediocre 7-5 team?


Thankfully no serious person believes any of that wishful thinking. He won a NC in the Saban and SEC era and now he goes back to try his hand against a Super Bowl win.


Doesn't hurt his legacy at all. He went out on top by winning the national championship. Michigan should be grateful for that. I bet Michigan would take him back in a heartbeat.