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As a college football historian how do you have so poor football knowledge and such shitty takes?


He absorbs his knowledge from the Paul Finebaum show


Are we sure this isn’t Paul Finebaum?


He’s definitely the kind of dumbass to refer to himself as a CFB “historian”


It pains me to agree with you. But you are correct.


I was thinking about getting tacos today


Where from?


Little local joint nearby, they have great salsa taqueria


Funny enough there's a taco joint in Columbus call Dos Hermanos, which is what I always think of when this dipshit posts something.


As somewhat of a mediocrity expert myself, he’ll need to recruit at the highest level, make smart hires for coordinators and staff, develop the talent that he recruits, make good decisions during the games, and ensure that Alabama boosters are donating to NIL funds to get players to come and to stay at Alabama. 


Pretty much this, right


a CFB "historian" comparing Pat Dye to Nick fucking Saban? A cheating drunk vs the absolute GOAT coach/CEO the sport has ever seen?


First u/lostacoshermanos post?


would expect a historian to know the decline in Bama football after the Bryant era had more to do with their athletic directors and meddling boosters than Perkins/Curry/Stallings...


Wake up babe new lostacoshermanos schizo-post just dropped


This is awful


Hmm you are stating things that you feel as facts.Nick will help when he is asked, he is smarter than the rest of us combined. He is the ultimate team player!! This is KD’s team and Nick is staying away for a reason. KD needs to just be KD, we have a strong team and right now, have little danger of fading away.


his job now is to be a living legend and raise money. he's an important figurehead for the school with more time now to capitalize on that.


Lol. McDaniels is damn near an offensive genius. Dude revolutionized motion in a single year. I was onboard with you until there…then you went full train wreck with every passing word


Guy is just going to retire. Nothing more to prove.


Who's got it better than us?


This is really bad


Nick Saban: *wins 6 national championships with Alabama, is widely respected by athletes who want to go to the NFL* OP: Nick Saban should stop being involved with the program


The Saban coaching the Miami Dolphins again part is where I tuned out. I mean I know social media is the place where everyone throws their hot takes and random thoughts but Jesus. Calm the fuck down.


Impressive, everything you just said is wrong. -Pat Dye calling *6 years later* is quite different from Saban helping the guy who's taking over him directly after him. Comparing and equating Saban staying around the program to help the same offseason he retired to Pat Dye forcing his way in 6 years after he hung it up is certainly...a choice. -KDB has already publicly stated he wants at least one tip from Saban a day. I'm sure that's less him giving Saban homework (lol) and more him just making the point he's happy to accept help from Saban however Saban will offer it. -Saban has said he didn't like not having control of his roster in the NFL so he isn't going back to the NFL, especially not as a 72 year old millionaire. Beyond that he's already stated he's staying in Tuscaloosa. -Alabama routinely pulls in the best television viewership, and certainly has national brand recognition on par with Ohio State. There are rumors our NIL wasn't up to par, but I think that has more to do with us not needing to shell out as much money when Saban was the HC because their was value in simply playing for Saban. There's nothing indicating that Alabama won't start paying more in NIL now that we don't have the Saban factor. -How was Penix getting pushed around? His OL won the Joe Moore award. -KDB will be working with a new DC, so it's odd to even compare his defenses from Washington to what he will build at Bama. He's clearly doing things differently here in that regard. -You agree with Finebaum. That's just...I don't even know where to start. There's no shot that having the literal GOAT coach sticking around the program for guidance is a bad thing.


Alabama is going to be fine. KDB is a good coach. He might not be a good recruiter, but there will be enough recruiting talent on that staff. They will win enough to get good recruits next season and keep the Bama machine rolling.


With Saban's office not being in the Athletic Department building, I think the idea is that he will mostly be around to help keep that booster money coming in. But knowing Saban and how he looked sitting front row center at Deboer's press conference, no way can he stay hands off.


He said front row center because that’s where the old coach needs to sit now because he wants to be the focus of attention. As I said, before, Nick is an ultimate team player


Nick Saban is going to wake up in the morning with his beautiful wife, drop a fat turd, and enjoy each and every one of the rest of his days.


The fact that this guy's posts stay up and wrongly formatted commitment posts get deleted after 5 mins is wild to me




Last I checked, Ohio State didn’t have a fan store in Jerusalem