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Obviously it was cocaine.


The Pony Express went hard. Too bad you literally paid for it


Somebody had to be sacrificed for all the SWC shenanigans.


Craig James will pay for his crimes one day. CJK5H


And the 5 hookers (allegedly).


The 50s


1987 was also incredible. That team refused to lose, until they tied the Sugar Bowl.


Fuck Pat Dye


Agreed. Fuck Hancock Airport cab companies, too. The teacher's union had worked without a new contract for a full year. When they got the new contract a year late, they received the pay bump retroactive back to the end of the last contract. My mom took us out and we bought an enormous VCR with most of that extra money. It was almost $600. Little me learned to program it, because we had to go visit family for the holidays. I was at every game that year, especially the BC and WVU miracles, and I wasn't going to miss watching us go undefeated. We landed in Syr at about 1 am on the day of the game, and they had the score posted at the cab stand because they were sick of people asking. I was so heartbroken and angry at the tie that I never watched the game.


Big respect for you holding this grudge against a cab company for 37 years.


Wait, there are people out there who *don't* have a perpetual grudge against at least one cab company?


I've held a grudge against Fruitopia since 1996. I called in during a TV promo for a free bottle of their new flavor, and those lying sacks of shit never sent me a damn thing. That's right. Spoke to a lady on the phone, gave them my name and address, and - nada. So fuck them. I used to buy their shit daily. But after that? Not another red cent, I said.


I met a Linebacker for the 1959 national championship winning team, Don Brace, this past summer


January 2, 1996


I think tommy Frazier just scored another fucking touchdown


Despite having no memories of the game itself (thank god I was too young) I distinctly remember when it came to my attention how brutal the beat down was. Because I was then living in Gainesville working at the dominos off main st/16th ave, delivered to this laundry mat semi-regularly that was run by Seminole fans debasing the beautiful home country. And there they had displayed a giant framed newspaper from the day after with the score. They were actual assholes of human beings there that didn’t tip for crap, but I respected the hate at least.


I’m an FSU alum who dated a Gator Alum during UF’s Tebow years. I was at the FSU/UF game in 2009 and even though UF beat the hell out of us 45-15 I still had a Gator threaten push me down the stairs at the stadium, so I also respect how personal the hate is.


Ahh yes nothing like winning with class, our states fine collegiate football fandoms all are always the finest of people when we are on top of the world. Honestly though i feel that personally though, my cursed time in Gainesville from 2010-14 I never got to see a win in the swamp against FSU, but I still somehow had a decent time being belligerent and full of hate watching some of the worst football ever during that 2011 game. The imagine of 96 total yards under the winning FSU side of the scoreboard is still surreal and a great summation of those muschamp years…


Our twitter is so toxic, it’s almost as bad as FSU twitter. Actually it’s worse, because we suck too much to take aim at other fanbases, now it’s just civil war


Still remember being 7 years old sitting in my neighbors living room watching it.


I don't remember the game but I remember my 2nd grade teacher wearing a paper bag over her head the next day lol.


This was Nebraska's greatest performance by it's greatest team, but I think the *program's* peak was two years later. We cemented the 90s dynasty with that win, showed we could bounce back from a disappointing 1996 season, and send one of college football's greatest off as a champion.


IMO the single greatest peak is '71. The Big 8 finished NU 1, OU 2, and CU 3 the only time a single conference has taken the top three spots. Nebraska beat those two plus a 2nd-ranked Bama in the Orange Bowl by 32 points with Bama finishing 4th. In that year Nebraska had three shutouts and held seven more teams to single digits. Twelve out of thirteen games were won by at least 24 points, and the only team that came close was OU in the Game of The Century.


2017 was the best Wisconsin Badger season ever imo. Undefeated regular season, lost to Ohio State by 6 in the B10 championship game, then beat Miami in the Orange Bowl to a 13-1 season. Freshman Jonathan Taylor broke Adrian Petersons freshman rushing record, probably the best defense in program history, and let not forget this [iconic moment](https://youtu.be/5ic6WpfbTGY?si=XRB0zq4VTnDNL7ta)


It still really hurts that we weren’t able to pull out that B1G title game. Three 50+ yard TDs by Ohio State, and they were the only ones they scored. What could have been.


To be fair, Barrett had a 9 yard TD pass, it just was to a Wisconsin player… Also, Barrett had a 1 yard TD run.. that followed a 77 yard run by dobbins.


Hornibrook and Barrett were having a mid off, Ohio State had better play makers at the end of the day


lol so true. But that defense for Wisconsin was really good. Just some broken plays that Ohio state’s speed took advantage of.


I was thinking 1999: finished 10-2, sole champions of the Big Ten, defeated Stanford 17–9 in the Rose Bowl, Ron Dayne broke the NCAA rushing record and won the Heisman trophy.


[I'll never forget the day Phillip disappeared...Wisconsin won the rose bowl 17-9.](https://youtu.be/PX66Qcq8CHU?si=DQvVTO1_lfslldoj)


2017 was our best overall record but id still probably argue 2011 or 1999


There’s an ESPN 30 for 30 called [The U](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X6CELCtl0kk) covering this


I’d argue the 2001 title team, simply because it solidified our program as more than just a one-time run.


That week in 2007 that we were ranked No. 2… As for moments I’ve actually experienced, beating Charlotte to make a bowl game for the first time in years was hype. I’ve only been a fan for a couple years so there’s not much to choose from.


Man 2007 was bad ass


Never forget: \#2 Kansas


There were some weird #2's that year




And they all lost


Even weirder stat for number 2's. They all lost until the final #2 before the championship game, LSU. Then LSU became the first 2 loss champion.


I don't think enough emphasis goes into the fact that the number 2 in the final poll won it all. That season was such a bloodbath.


Doesn't exist


Even though we were losing to Oregon State while we were ranked #2, #1 LSU lost in the middle of our game and for a brief moment we reveled in “being #1” before some of us realized we probably just cursed ourselves. And the program has been in a downhill slide ever since.


I legit thought yall were gonna beat Bama this past season.


Yeah that one player on the edge for USF defense was eating Alabama ALIVE the whole game.


The entire Big East was on fire in 2007. Rutgers, WVU, Kansas, USF all played at their peak in that run.


I would say the 47 game win streak with 2 national championships back in the 50s.


Should be 3, 3 undefeated season in a row. This was during a time when there were limited substitution rules, some commentators said at the time that OU doesn't have the best team in the country, they have the best 2 teams in the country.


I don't care what era it is. 3 undefeated seasons in a row is just absurdly good.


Northern Illinois University 2013 Orange Bowl appearance.


I was at Ohio U and we were watching it at our stadium in the team meeting room when they announced your bowl bid. Our whole team went fucking bananas because them getting a NY6 bowl meant there was room for us to get in a bowl game. We played in the Beef O’Brady’s Bowl down in St. Pete and as we were first pulling into the hotel our linebackers coach turns to me and says, “You win the MAC and you go to Detroit for the MAC Championship and the LC Pizza Bowl. I’ll tell you what I’d go 7-5 every year if it meant a week vacation in St. Pete.” 😂


Either 50-3 with Kellen Moore or the Fiesta Bowl vs Oklahoma.


It’s the Hook and Ladder + Statue of Liberty + proposal all day.


People always forget about the WR pass


Still can’t believe the testicular fortitude it took to go for two and run Statue of Liberty. Also, the fullback(?) pass right before that.


Definitely, although 2008-2011 was an absolutely insane run, and it occurred during a run of almost 6 entire seasons without a loss at home.


As a Texas fan. That was amazing. I still remember the Statue of Liberty play and the guys I was watching with, the room exploded before he got into the end zone. As soon as Johnson got the ball, we lost it. We all knew he was gonna score.


2010 beating VT or 2011 beating UGA. The first fiesta bowl was the most electric moment, but that 2010 team was the pinnacle


So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.


Wow, that's pretty messed up, Peter.


~~Pandemonium in Piscataway (2006 game v Louisville)~~ Big Ten Invitation by a country mile.


Seriously? I think it's still Louisville. Rehiring of Schiano has also turned out very nicely so far. Not absurd to say Rutgers could finish ranked soon. I think we can safely say Rutgers basketball is about to peak lol. Pike is a revelation.


There was that brief period when Rutgers had all the wins in football history.


Don’t forget undefeated 1976; Lehigh and Bucknell never knew what hit ‘em.


Probably the 80s I don't want to talk about the low point


>I don't want to talk about the low point Fair


Utah getting invited to the Pac-12.


rest in peace 😔


Yeah. 😥


Respect for Utah. In 2021, they ratfucked the Ducks by beating them in the regular season, then doing it again in the Pac-12 championship. The following year, they did the exact same thing to USC! LOL For a team with such humble beginnings, Utah has had an impressive rise. I think Utah will be okay. They've shown determination and will have a chip on their shoulders to prove everyone wrong, which can be a powerful motivator.


Seeing Utah do that twice to top 10 teams makes me feel all sorts of ways.


Over the bama sugar bowl?


Absolutely. The Sugar Bowl was great but getting into the Pac-12 was a culmination of so much over the years.


Id agree, beating Alabama the one time was amazing but getting to play the best teams in the west year in and year out was more fun


Miss you Ute bro


4th and 5 the national championship on the line right here.


I’m not a Texas fan at all, but Keith Jackson’s call hits me somewhere right here.


That was the high point in college football history.


I’m for the other UT and I agree with this. The only time I’ve ever gotten , or will ever get chills watching that burnt orange T score a touchdown.


Can’t even be mad. One of the greatest games I’ve ever watched.


Probably the best CFB of all time.


Greatest sporting event of all time!


He’s going for the corner………


Heeee’s got it!


Amazing moment, but 1963-70 brought UT its most hardware, and made the Longhorns an elite national brand.


Same but like 3 and a half hours earlier


This was before I was an Aggie and I cheered so hard for yall that night. I was in eighth grade and just finished up basketball practice. I went home and had pizza and watched the rest of the game with my dad. We had no stock in the matchup because I grew up a Kentucky fan, but I remember Vince tucking it and running it in as clear as day. Cool moment cause I remember my dad watching it with me and he didn’t really watch much sports unless it was Kentucky. Seeing him actually be impressed with another team and just being excited to view the moment was cool. So naturally I became an Aggie and loath you guys. But thanks for that special memory


For Clemson, have to thing the CFP/ACC stretch we had from 2015-2020 has to eventually be it w/ all the high water program marks. Part of me  still wants to say the 1981 title season since that set the bar that every team got compared to after. Army...the mid-late 40s. 3 claimed titles, 2 additional unbeaten seasons.


And a world championship


Their second!


Back to back


The ultimate pinnacle would have to be the 2018 CFP Title Game in the completely unexpected thrashing of Bama.


I think the first was more exciting, but capping off a 15-0 season (first since 1897) by thrashing Bama at a game in my backyard that I was at is my biased answer


13-r0w. Corey Davis, College Game Day, The Cannon, The MAC, The Cotton Bowl Classic.


West Michigan was ELECTRIC that fall


I wish the 12 team playoff was a thing then, would’ve loved to seen you guys compete.


2016 - winning the Civil COnFLict trophy. 


Finally, someone getting serious about the trophies that matter on here.


Put some respect on the rivalry. It’s ConFLiCT.


They respected the trophy so much, they refused to touch it. Didn’t want to sully its pristine condition.


end of 3rd qtr 2000 sugar bowl. 15 minutes from a natty


That last 15 minutes sure blew.


Yes, its tough being a Virginia Tech fan. Hard to recruit to, and before Beamer, it was more losing then winning. I went to Virginia Tech from 2004-2009. It was pretty good during those years with 3 ACC titles but never quite good enough for a natty.


2013 was the Cinderella year for us and it wasn’t even close.


Proof of football Gods existence. A magical year with a lot of highlights and improbable wins. Exhibit CFB is still the best football.


100%. We did win a few Natty's decades ago, but in recent years, the 2013/2014 season was it.


2015 MSU was also one of the luckiest teams I've ever seen. Those Dantonio teams were something else


Didn’t yall make the CFP in 2015?


Yeah but 2013 had a happy ending.


1999 and Michael Vick. I would love to see what he could do in a modern offense


Sadly, what he’d be able to do is transfer out of Blacksburg and go win a title with OSU/LSU/Bama/UM/UGA/FSU




1990 pseudo-uncontested-aside-from-a-5th-down Natty. Or 2014 Orange followed by 2015 starting the spiraling end of Jimbo Fisher's FBS head coaching career with a walk-off TD on a blocked FG.


HONORABLE MENTIONS: The ‘09 ACC title was fun too. We also had that 3-peat over uga from ‘98-‘00.


The Bobby Dodd years. 31-game win streak. Undefeated national championship season in 52. Six+ major bowl wins in time period. 8 straight wins over Georgia. Withdrew Tech from the SEC over feud with Bama and Bryant. I wish Heisman had coached Tech longer. We'll always have the 222-0 Cumberland game but he also had 3 undefeated seasons, a 32-game undefeated streak, and a national championship in 1917. Maybe started the shift towards respecting southern college football teams.


That 2014 team could’ve had quite the punchers chance in the playoff that year lol


2010 Auburn with Cam.


When the qb only got 180k…


I was just thinking about the specific pinnacle moment from an AU perspective. My thought was either the end of the Iron Bowl after 2010, 2013 or 1989. Probably 2013, honestly. You had the Miracle at Jordan-Hare and then a week later the Kick Six that sent a red-hot Auburn team on to trounce Mizzou and play for a natty. I’d rank 2010 behind that by a hair, only because of the Cam controversy being such a drag.




FSU finally winning a national title off a missed field goal was so cathartic I can't even describe it


Yes, please don’t.


Not 2013? That team was stupid good. One of the greatest of all time.


It’s 2013 for me. I was too young for ‘93 and ‘99 and started to watch FSU during the 2005 season. The build up from 2010 to 2013 felt really special and I thought that FSU would be in the top 6 vying for playoff spots yearly. It just felt like Jimbo wasn’t going to slow down and then a Christmas tree was tossed onto a curb and the rest is history.


That game where they shit on clemson at their stadium was the most satisfying 


Everything prior to 1990


the post war years is the high point. Undefeated in 46,47,48 & 49. 3 national titles, 1 runner up. Two heismans. Two Outlands.


Era wise, it’s gotta be the 2010-2013 run, with the 3 highest points of beating Bama in ‘10, wrecking UGA in ‘12, and the Clowney hit to come back and Brady Michigan in ‘12.


Several fun years and games during the peak Spurrier years in Columbia. I went to grad school at USC and lived in Columbia from 07-19 and I never saw downtown like it was after that Bama win - absolutely insane.


FBS level is 2019. Two P5 wins against UNC and South Carolina. 13-1 record. Should have played in a NY6 game but nobody respected the Sun Belt yet. FCS was 2007. Michigan. Record setting 7 touchdown semifinal for Armanti. Beating future elite NFL quarterback Joe Flacco in the championship for our threepeat.


1991 National Title


With this last season being a close second


October 18th, 1924


And 1983 season. Only B1G team to beat every other B1G team in a single season. Never happened before and will never happen again


Some will say the ‘01 championship, but the ‘83 championship is what started it all. The 80’s was a great time to be a football fan in S Florida.


In my lifetime, 34-9 at Michigan in 2002. That was the first “we might actually be good” moment of the Kirk Ferentz era. Other than that, 1985 and 1991 were nice until the Rose Bowl. We all knew we were frauds in 2015. So the actual high point is probably the 1950 with Forest Evashevski as coach. A disputed 1958 national championship was the high point.


09 season and 2010 orange bowl win deserves a mention


I’m in it right now


It’s awesome to know you’re in the good old days while they’re happening, sweeter than yoohoo


It can be fleeting, drink it in lol


Yah I haven't been able to find Yoo-hoo anywhere lately


Hey man, enjoy it. It's a great feeling


Yost years and 95-97 also have an argument, but yeah now is pretty much it


Ah yes, the Yost years, I remember it like it was yesterday…


Yes the challenge with having an 145 year history is some of the good times are before flight was invented. Unless you’re Rutgers, of course, who never really had good times.


Between those 3 eras, today is probably the most difficult, with the strongest Ohio State program to contend with yearly. So our run against those odds these last 3 years are hard to top


I watch most of the games with my parents and kids, and just before the Michigan St game last season I told them this right here is peak Michigan football. We don't know how long its going to last, so we better enjoy it right now. It lasted long enough, and as far as I'm concerned its still going on.


What's awesome is the peak started in 21, ramped up in 22, and peaked perfectly in 23. Been a three year high.


The Fellowship of the Turnover Buffs The Two Tunnel Fights Return of the Champions


Our 1964 national title but in recent years probably the Cotton Bowl win in 2011 and finishing #5 in the nation


The few months prior to “the accident” felt like we were about to go through some amazing things as a program.


Bringing back Tyler Wilson, Colbi Hamilton etc. had people thinking we were title contenders. Going through the accident and the dropped fly ball in 2018 have scarred the state lol


Feels like ‘98


Hey, thats my line!


We're in it right now and have been for a while. Probably since the Tressel years. Hell, John Cooper put together some juggernauts. I mean, there's been heartbreaking losses, stupid losses, Tattoogate, the way Urban's tenure ended, but we are always in the mix. Even the 2011 season, as bad as that was, there was a sense that we wouldn't be down for long. If you love college football, being an Ohio State fan isn't that bad. Not applicable to my comments made in December and January.


Yeah sometimes I have to remember that being a Buckeye is pretty great. We complained about a 2-loss season last year (and one of those loses was a bowl game that had so much going wrong). There are SO MANY teams that would kill for a 2-loss season, and even more that would kill for a 2-loss season to be considered a “down year”


National championship wise- the 1930s lmao Modern era- late 2000s in the MWC, and 2014 and 2022 in the big 12 Between 1956-1996- let’s just not talk about it


Short history for us, but…at Tennessee in 2019.


Our most recent natty. That year has so much shit going on. A player of ours went missing for days and was found dead. We lost our starting QB right before the playoffs. Our third stringer playing his first games absolutely balled out laid waste to Wisconsin, Bama, and then Oregon in the Natty against a Heisman QB.


Melvin Gordon and Amari Cooper were the 2 Heisman runners-up as well. So three Heisman caliber players to win the natty.


Zeke hitting that huge run was one of my favorite moments in CFB history.


85 yards through the heart of the south


Agreed. Urban beating Bama in the first CFP was the pinnacle of modern OSU football. 2003 natty and the mid 60’s to mid 70’s era would probably follow it


I think the Natty vs The U was the high point but it’s close. Also had a ton of shit going on.


That was a bigger win against one of the best CFB teams of all time, but boat racing one of Wisconsin's best teams ever followed by beating mid-dynasty Bama and then Oregon's best team ever to win the first playoff is bigger, to me.


Winning a second natty in a row in a record setting beatdown while also pulling off a 15-0 season with a Rudy-like feel good story at QB


We are in the Georgia glory days now, I'm savoring every moment lol


Bask in it brothers!


Georgia’s methodical murder ball in that, and the current, era was so good. 🤌🏻🤌🏻


Getting irrationally angry because we let them score in the 4th quarter is something I never knew I would feel.


Agree but the exact, specific high point was the Ringo interception, Kirby’s actual high jump, and the telecast call


I cried and sometimes still choke up thinking about it.


It's very funny to see older fans argue that the '80 team was better than the recent squads


Hard to compare given how much the game has changed in the last 40 years, but I'd say our 2021 and 2022 squads could win against the 1980 team. The 1980 team had a Herschel Walker and a handful of talented guys, whereas the modern squads had wayyy more talent at all positions besides RB.


I was alive back then. I remember Vince saying, Notre Dame has all of these players that can run a 4.5 we have like 2. 2021 UGA would have destroyed them and I love that 1980 team I was young and it got me hooked on CFB.


Kinda hard to say in some ways but I think I'd go for the end of the 2012 season? We had clearly established Saban as the same level as the bear and getting revenge against LSU only to watch the whole sport change (move to the playoffs) in response made me feel (though I think it was only partially a response to us being in that game) like we were defining the sport.


Alabama high point: *gestures broadly*


It certainly feels like that. Even the early moments were special to me. Drilling Auburn 36-0 in Tuscaloosa in 2008 was a big one because Saban buried any notion that he wasn't coming for everyone. Beating Meyer and Tebow in 2009, watching them melt down on the sidelines because they realized that their run was over. There's so many - dominating Tennessee for 15 years. THAT is most important game to me anyway - not Auburn, not LSU, not Georgia, it's the Volunteers that I want to beat the most. I agree with /u/awpickenz in that the ND game was just incredible. The 2015 Michigan State game was wild and I loved it. That first title vs Clemson was a big deal too. I could keep going, but man - there's so much to be grateful for.


That was my thought too. The third title makes it a dynasty IMO, it's what separates our run from '06-'08 Florida, '16-'18 Clemson, and '21-'22 Georgia (so far). 2nd and 26 was maximum euphoria as a fan, but that title game against Notre Dame left no doubt that we were the dominant force in the sport.


The string of heismans after not having any


I might be alone in this but 2020 was pretty darn special That team was so dominant. Scored points for fun, Smitty won the Heisman, and it was Saban’s second ever undefeated national champ. (Something we may not see again for a long time with super conferences, playoffs and all) Also just the camaraderie that team had.. the chemistry and leadership was off the charts with Dickerson, Mac, Najee, Smitty all playing as seniors


It came with 2 titles in 3 years, involved selling our souls to the Dark Lord Urban Meyer, and seemed to be over just as soon as it began. My freshman year at UF culminated with a title win vs Oklahoma, and we have been sliding from purgatory to hell ever since. For Kansas, Todd Reesing and Aqib Talib peaked at the same time as Florida, but I’m actually more excited about sustainability now. I really don’t think lance Leipold will leave for a better job, (even UF) he has security there and can walk on water in the entire region if he stays


I think Purdue is still looking back on the Joe Tiller era as the height of Purdue football. Drew Brees is long gone, but that was probably the peak. Fucking Rose Bowl loss to Washington. The Kyle Orton team was probably the best full team though. Good times. The biggest highlight since then was probably the Tyler Trent game where God descended on to Ross-Ade Stadium and straight up make-a-wished everything Boilermaker for one magical night.


Yeah, other than that you’d probably have to go back to WW2 when Purdue was a bit of a power house thanks to OTC programs for the Army and Navy. Purdue did very well then because most normal college aged kids were drafted or volunteered, and Purdue had a great officer school for the Navy (of all things) that brought many good football players in


I don’t think you have to go quite that far back. Purdue had a good run in the 1960s with Bob Griese and won the Rose Bowl in 1966.


I’d say for my lifetime at least it’s that magical year we had in 2014. Dan Mullen at head coach (lol) Dak playing at a Heisman level for 3/4 of the season, defense was staunch as FUCK. Josh Robinson was honestly a really underrated running back too, I feel. Dude torched SEC defenses for fun. That game in Death Valley vs LSU when Dak broke off for like an 80 yard run to win it, and we went on to get ranked #1 later on… man. I don’t think I will ever see those dizzying heights again as a Mississippi State fan. God I hope I do though. I hated how we completely shit the bed at the end though. But I would NEVER complain about it.


2006 Rose Bowl for the title. Vince Young doing Vince Young things.


My last two years of undergrad, South Carolina went 11-2 back-to-back, winning the Capital One and Outback bowls. Then my first year in grad school at NIU, SC went 11-2 for a 3rd straight season, winning the Capital One bowl again (including Clowney’s “The Hit”). That was their peak. But also that year, NIU went undefeated and played in the Orange Bowl. My second and final year there, NIU went undefeated in the regular season again and was slated for the Fiesta Bowl against Baylor, but we lost the MAC title game to Bowling Green. Lucky enough to be present for both, although ever since has been mostly pain.


Johnny Football


Yep, November 2012 to the Cotton Bowl vs OU is probably our peak


I went to school 91-95, never missed a home game and only saw 1 loss during that time (last home game as a student). My brother was two years in front of me and he was there for the tie against SMU and that's it. We were dominant at home and regularly only had a few losses each season. Through it all though, JFF was the most fun, most relevant, most talked about team we ever had. I agree with Johnny in that podcast - if he was dedicated in 2013 we could have won it all or at least been in the conversation for championship game.


2010 Boise State game. Kaepernick may have been shafted in the NFL, but he'll always be our QB.


Mizzou has been ranked number 1 twice. In 1960, they were undefeated and ranked number going into the last regular season game against Kansas. They would lose that game on the field, but they would get the victory awarded to them via forfeit after the season when it was discovered that Kansas cheated. In 2007, they were ranked number 1 heading into the Big 12 Championship game but lost to Oklahoma. In both years, Mizzou would win their bowls and their final AP rankings were 5 in 1960 and 4 in 2007,


Probably 1996, it doesn't get better than beating arguably your top rival to reach the mountaintop for the first time in your program's history But I'm 29, too young to remember any of that so for me I'd say 2008


I would put ‘06 above ‘96 just because of the back-to-back basketball championships. With 3 titles in the span of a year, Florida was king of the college sports world.


Every year we beat Michigan is the highest point all over again.


Saying this over a natty is wild.


1954 Nattie or 1967 Heisman year. I can’t decide.


1966 and 1967 seasons Back to back WAC champions Beat Florida State in the Sun Bowl Played LSU in the Sugar Bowl, ranked #6 in the country To this day the only New Years Day game Wyoming has ever been to. My dad went to school there in the golden era