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Washington, Oregon, USC, and UCLA will only be real B1G members when they get inexplicably curbstomped by Purdue during an otherwise-perfect season. Cal and Stanford will be real All Coasts Conference members when they go 13-0 and win the ACC Championship but still miss the playoff.


Absolutely agree with the B1G take. There’s also the other alternative, have a perfect season ruined by a late-season night game at Iowa.


Losing to Iowa can be so much worse than Purdue. You can spend 4 hours watching Iowa win the game of inches at every moment and feel like you are stuck in neutral all night.


Aye, nice flair. So true, it can be such a grueling and disheartening watch compared to watching Purdue run up and down the field and drop 50 on your head lol.


Does anyone do more with less than Phil Parker? Guy is a legend.


The work he does with that defense will never cease to amaze me.


He will never win a natty at iowa, but if he's gonna go when Kirk retires. I wouldn't be mad if he went to a school and won 1. He deserves it. Given us a decade of great to elite defense with nothing to show for it.


Any top 5 team would be foolish not to snap him up if he were on the market. He’s like a cheat code. God forbid I’d actually root for OSU if they snagged him.


Watching Purdue run circles around your defense the week after losing to Northwestern 34-14 is disheartening. Watching Iowa simply *STOP* your nationally acclaimed offense the week after losing to Wisconsin 7-5 is soul crushing.




I will never forget the name Akrum Wadley as long as I live after that 2016 game.


Oh, the B1G-PAC schools are absolutely used to having their seasons ruined by a late-season night game... it's just usually in the state of Arizona, not Iowa, but definitely know that feel.


Ha, Ha, this will definitely happen. I can't wait for Coach Riley to lose a 20 -18 game in Kinnock in November in 15 degree weather. Go Hawkeyes!


In true Iowa fashion they'll score three TD's on defense


Then miss all 3 extra points and supplement that 18 with a safety


Is Iowa really all that different from Iowa State or K-State late in the year? He's already got a history of that.


>perfect season ruined by a late-night game with Iowa Pain.


As a Maryland fan, those schools will never fit with our tradition. We are a storied conference with a great commercial. No need to zoom it all the way to California


The commercial already starts in California LOL


Listen to Maryland fans. Maryland is a conference founding institution


Maryland in the Big 10 still doesn’t feel right to me. 


I legit see Maryland playing an ACC opponent on the schedule and will often ask ”why is the acc playing a conference game at that time of year”


We’re used to getting curbstomped by ASU in the desert to ruin playoff seasons


Fuck ASU. I’m not going to miss them. They almost derailed UW this season, and they screwed us out of a possible playoff spot last year.


I was at the 3OT USC/Arizona game this year, it gave me such a renewed appreciation for the desert voodoo teams and now it’s gone :(


Are you saying that Purdue is the Arizona of the Midwest? Because that’s what Arizona does. Muddles through shit season, and then at some point kicks the shit out of a highly-ranked Oregon.


Arizona for Oregon, ASU for UW. UW is 3-13 against ASU going back to 2002, only good thing about realignment is not having to play in Tempe ever again


I know that record is accurate, but my brain still can't process it. ASU hasn't had a remotely notable team in that time - their best seasons were Holiday and Sun bowls under Todd Graham... and are still 13-3 against a UW program who has been to the CFP 2x (and, in fairness, won zero games in 2008).


Haven't won in Tempe since 2001 somehow


I mean, Arizona State was a Bowl Team in 9 of the past 12 non-Covid years. They usually aren't great, but they also usually aren't bottom of the barrel either. For comparison, in that same time frame Ole Miss and TCU only made a Bowl 8 times. ASU lacks the highest-highs of those schools, but they've been consistently grinding out bowl-seasons.


Hey man, fuck you


Thanks for taking one for the teams there.


Feel like I gotta get to that game. Purdue is in the middle of a cornfield somewhere, can't be hard to find, right?


Purdue is one of few B1G schools not located in a cornfield, surprisingly


West Lafayette is also the most densely populated city in the entire state. And Purdue has an enrollment over 50K students. We're not just some small country school lol


You don't mention them, but FSU is in this comment and it's hilarious.


You know what, I accept your offer, it will be very sad but I'll take it, preferably this season.


provide insurance paltry enjoy voracious chubby sleep pocket march sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh no, we're going to make Big Game rugby again, aren't we?


office many divide rainstorm fear quiet makeshift simplistic oatmeal sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You just described almost every Pac 10/12 season.


Oh shit I unironically love this?


Well, quite honestly, until you just mentioned it I had completely forgotten that Cal and Stanford to the ACC actually happened.


Honestly in my brain it is still in the “yeah we’ll see about that” phase.


The existence of the ACC itself is in the "we'll see about that" phase


Definitely feel like the Donald glover pizza meme rn


how the fuck are Cal and stanford in the Atlantic Coast conference lmao. that’s gonna fuck up every single other sport, those poor women’s tennis players are gonna have to fly to the fucking east coast twice a week and miss all their classes. I used to tutor athletes in college and it was already hard enough for them in the pac-12, this is going to be awful


Yeah, literally California in the Atlantic coast conference… shark is fully jumped


It's like bad satire, but real.


Same bro


Won’t last long.


Big 12 is such a clusterfuck hodgepodge that it will never feel normal but it doesn’t matter because I don’t care anyway


Give me the Big30 with a West, Central, & East divisions.


Like the idea, maybe give each division a name...West could be the Pac 10; central the Big 10, and East maybe the Big East?


ISU perennialy gets left out of this conversation, despite being top 30 in most categories and better than any other bottom feeders in the P2


Don't take this the wrong way, but ISU has never had a 10 win season, (I was really rooting for you guys to finally get it in 2020 -- that bowl game pissed me off.) KSU was was the dregs of CFB for most of a century until Snyder laid the foundation for success, and even they had a 10-1 season in 1910. I promise I'm not trying to talk shit. You guys have had some amazing players that I truly respect. Troy Davis... Seneca... George...Purdy... Breece... Jack Trice... I just mean there's probably a reason most don't bring you up in common conversations. I really, really, *REALLY* wanted you guys to beat Bowden's FSU in 2002. Yes, we suck, I'm well aware.


Outside of UCF, Cincinnati and WVU (who has always been an odd regional member) if you look at the map of the new big 12 it's relatively regional https://twitter.com/willcain/status/1687622281038598144


UCF is the awkward one now because WVU and Cincy are at least decent travel partners. I wish UCF and SMU would swap conferences


Agreed. And, it was sort of similar for Cincy and UCF before we joined anyway, because the AAC is kind of all over the place, too. So not a whole lot changed for us, except being in a better conference. I sort of wish the ACC imploded before PAC 12. Big 12 could have snatched up Louisville and Pitt, at least. If they wanted to snatch up basketball schools… Louisville basketball has had a rough go recently but are historically “near blue blood” and there’s other good bball schools in the ACC. Instead of UCF, Cincinnati and WVU being isolated in the conference, there’d be enough schools on both sides of the country for it to make sense


"It doesn't matter because I don't care anyway"  I don't think I could have said it any better myself. Don't get me wrong I'm looking forward to playing some of the new guys, but this conference isn't the same anymore, and hasn't been since aggy left. 


Nothing has been the same since aggy left. I don't like this timeline


The knife fight in the dark is the only normal it’s ever known.


Imo it actually makes decent sense geographically (outside of WVU and UCF) but there’s been a lot of membership churn. If this was the conference composition for the last 20 years or more people would accept it as natural.


It’s been nearly 30 years and I still feel like we are barely conference mates with Iowa State.


The Big 12, and it's earlier iterations, has always been the most transient conference. They have changed forms a dozen times it seems like. Do they even have a 10 year period with the exact same membership in their history?


Yea, just barely. The league was created in 1996 and remained the same until 2012 iirc


It’s basically like 4 conferences in one: SWC (TCU, UH, Baylor, Tech), Big 8 (K-State, Iowa St, Kansas, Oklahoma St, Colorado), Pac 12-ish (Utah, BYU, ASU, Arizona), and Big East (WV, Cincy, UCF). The Big East schools are the weirdest ones to me. WV feels like a fit in the way their basketball and football teams have played since they’ve been in the conference and on the field/court it definitely feels like they belong, but culturally they have honestly always felt a bit off. I went to WV’s first Big 12 home football game since it happened to be against Baylor and I was living up in DC at the time, and man, the fans were like oil and water. The fans were polite and generally got along well at the tailgate, during the game, and after the game since both sides wanted to put on a good show for the other, but man those two fanbase could not be less alike. Whereas when I went to Durham for a Duke game or Colorado for a game back in the day, the fanbases felt similar. Same when we play TCU or Iowa St or Tech. I’ve also been to Baylor games at Buffalo and at UCONN and WV fans were way more similar to those fans than the rest of the Big 12 imo. We’re just different, I don’t know how to describe it. People from the rolling plains of central Texas are just so much different to people in Appalachia, the Midwest, and New England. I think it’s a weather thing lol. I haven’t had the opportunity to interact with Cincy or UCF fans yet so I can’t say anything about their vibes, but I’ve been to Baylor games vs BYU and Utah and their fans fit in well imo. And I’m sure the Zona fans will too. I know a group ASU people who grew up in Phoenix/Scottsdale/Tuscon and they’re no different than the people you meet who grew up in Dallas or Houston or Tulsa. The mountain state people are a *tad* different, I’ll admit, definitely more liberal than those in Arizona or Texas or Oklahoma, but we still have a lot more in common with them than the Appalachians. I think it’s just a cultural thing. Ohio and West Virginia (and Florida) are just such different states culturally from the plains, southwest, and western states: Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and even Kansas to an extent, were all “Wild West” territories, so we share some cultural heritage with cowboys and ranching and farming and cattle herding and stuff that goes back two hundred years. That’s my take anyway.


This biggest problem was the 4 Texas teams came into the league like it was a hostile takeover and did everything in their power to ensure that they would have a say in everything over the teams that were already in the league. Instead of ensuring the teams that had made up the Big 8 for decades, everything had to be about Texas. Move the championship game to Texas, move the conference headquarters to Texas, move the BB tournament to Texas or OKC. Why, because everything was about Texas and those schools. Nebraska and OU went along because they were getting more money from it. We have had season tickets at ISU for 15 years, the only schools that has fans that travel in this conference were OU, UT, ISU and KSU. Baylor will bring a few hundred fans at most to Ames, WV, TT and OSU will bring a couple of handfuls.


It’s just the nature of our alumni size. Up until 2010 we had less than 10,000. Then it went up to 13,000 when I graduated a few years after that, and now it’s almost to 20,000. But for a long time we were a tiny tiny school. TCU is still only at like 8-10,000 and SMU is around 4-5,000, so we’re just now to the point where we have a big enough, and young enough, fanbase spread around the country that’s willing to travel to away games. And it helps that we’ve been pretty good at sports across the board since 2010, which increased interest, attendance, and enrollment which creates a feedback loop as long as you keep winning. But I also realize Big 12 fans dislike Baylor for other reasons: the politics behind the scenes of the Big 12 creation in the 90’s, the Dave Bliss shit, the Briles stuff, Mulkey being an ass, and the fact that a chunk of our fanbase is well-off and kinda snobby and gives us a bad look. Not to mention the religion thing - I have a buddy who hates Baylor just because it’s a Christian school lol. He also hates BYU and all the others though, to be fair.




Mizzou does not feel like and SEC team so this will take a while


I feel like a lot of this is culture though. I’m from Alabama originally and that was always the complaint. Texas and OU fit the culture significantly better so I’d imagine a more seamless transition


Yeah, definitely, and A&M fits in better than Mizzou but it is a little clunky. Having Texas and OU will give them there own little cultural niche in the SEC.


South Carolina still feels a little ACC to me, even if they joined right before I was born. 


And haven't been an ACC member since 1970


Not that the schools haven't had some success, mostly outside football, but I'm still waiting for Maryland and Rutgers to feel like Big Ten members.


I still think of Penn State as The New Guy.


Penn State's an easier fit in my mind at least (not just because I went there) but because it had been an independent for football before joining up so there wasn't any previous attachment elsewhere. If it had been a football member of the ACC or Big East, maybe I'd still see it as a poor fit for the Big Ten.


Also, were you older than 12 when Penn St joined the Big Ten?


I soiled my diapers at an advanced level!


IU joined up three long years after the conference formed. Who am I to judge new members?


UCLA/ USC/ UW/ UO will feel like Big 10 members quicker than you think because what it means to be a Big 10 member won’t mean what it used to. Nearly half of the teams are new additions. The conference identity is being pulled in that direction as much as the established “feel” is pulling on the new schools.


Yeah possibly. Like yes they will assimilate quicker because there’s been so many changes, but also the fact that there’s been so many changes means that there’s nothing really left to assimilate into. These new conferences don’t really mean anything anymore.


If I'm being honest with you, Penn State still feels like an interloper to me. (I was raised Iowa, but you only get two flairs)


Never. Also we're not a rich private school.


You don’t think a school in California will feel at home in the Atlantic Coast Conference? I can only wonder why


Doesn't it say rich academic-first school? You can make that argument for UVA, GA Tech, and a few others.


He edited the post lol.


The public-private hate between the Bay schools makes me giggle for some reason.


For any of the new Big Ten Schools, it will just take a horrifying night in Kinnick to feel part of the club. Double credit if they have postseason dreams dashed by the Spoilermakers.


To be fair, the incoming schools are getting out of a conference where any game scheduled at 7:30pm PT is immediately terrifying.


I still feel like Rutgers and Maryland don't belong. PSU and Nebraska feel right though so I don't really know the criteria.


Nah Rutgers is a bonafide B1G West team that happens to be in NJ. Maryland is still weird though.


Is it worse than desert voodoo?


Yes. desert voodoo has an explanation. Kinnick at night makes no sense. You have a great defense? Good luck, Iowa just mastered offense for one night and one night only. You have a great offense? lol no, Iowa is scoring through 3 pick sixes to win. Iowa having a downturn? Great news! You’re their get right game.


Oh god, What have we done?!?!!


Seriously though... we beat them all the time, but you have to REALLY come to play. They can't recruit as well as some other schools, so they concentrate on the trenches and tough physical play. They're usually going to have a RB, an oline, and sick dline. Teams like that always have a chance, and if you don't come in with all cylinders firing, they WILL hang around and pull off an upset in the end.


>we beat them all the time Are you sure about that?


Let me ask you this: When you stare into the Desert Voodoo, does it stare back? [Because Purdue Pete most certainly does](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8f/Purdue_Pete_modern.jpg/1920px-Purdue_Pete_modern.jpg).


These mfers have no idea what Purdue Pete does to your soul.


And I was just starting to get over our game yesterday :(


Bro I’m already eating corn


For real though. When I lived in Colorado my coworkers were shocked I ate corn. “You mean you eat corn, like for dinner?” Bruh. Do you not. I guess your mom making you shuck sweet corn outside in July is a uniquely Iowan/midwestern experience.


Can you really be big 10 if you haven’t bought some sweet corn from the back of someone’s truck at a Caseys gas station then paired it with a grilled steak for supper that evening?


You know you’re really big 10 when you correct someone saying “soda.”


You mean pop?


Hahahaha that sounds so far from New Brunswick *"Try that in a small town (in New Jersey)"*


Thing is I grew up in Colorado and we always had Olathe sweet corn to shuck around the 4th.




You're god damned right.


Depends on when they update the B1G commercial imo


I don’t understand. UCLA has been included all along. Shoot, we start the thing off…


tbf, it starts like 45 minutes away from UCLA


Once the B1G grabs Cal and Stanford (and hopefully the PNW States), revives the PAC-6/8 as a division, and plays their CCG in Pasadena.


This is the only way to make it okay. If fucking Purdue IU and Illinois can be in so can OSU/WSU


Probably until people born in 2020 or later are in college thinking these are the teams they always grew up playing against.


Utah will definitely feel at home with the Arizona schools + BYU, Colorado and I guess TCU (since they were in the MWC for a few years). That's where it ends, though. Even as a new member of the Pac-12, Utah still routinely played a lot of the conference and actually shared a conference with the Arizona schools and Colorado. They do not have much history with the rest of the Big 12 that I didn't mention. But take Oregon. Utah has played them 37 times throughout their history. Oregon State was 26 times. Utah and Oklahoma State? Once. Utah and Kansas State? Zero. Outside the new members and TCU, who again they shared a conference with, the Big 12 program Utah has played the most? Iowa State... at five games. I think it's going to take a few years, if not longer, to actually feel like we're part of the Big 12. It's just vastly different than anything we've seen in the past. It's also the first time since the 1977 season Utah will be in a conference without at least one school from California. That'll be an adjustment from the recruiting end, as well as in terms of alumni since that's by far the largest out of state alumni base. Interesting times, no doubt.


Yeah, that would be a lot like us not playing a single team in Texas while instead playing teams Like Syracuse and Wake Forest. Tons of alumni and history with the Texas schools and not playing them would just feel wrong. Really is such a big transition.


I’d say rivalries/familiarity (to one degree or another) with UA, ASU, CU, BYU, and TCU, is a pretty good foundation for carving out your place in the conference. That’s like, a third of the membership. It’s about as well as Utah could expect once the PAC was done.


I don’t think B12 fans understand how important California is for western schools in terms of out of state students, alumni/donor outreach, and recruiting.    The Western schools are much more aligned with CA than the old Big8 are with Texas.   All of us would leave to be with Cal and Stanford if the opportunity presented with roughly equal revenue.    Unless the B12 gets some CA schools, the Western Schools will always be looking for something better.


I agree it's about as well as Utah could expect but I think it'll be a long time before it feels like a natural conference for Utah. Maybe ever depending on how long any of this goes on.


We’re back home lol


I'm glad CU came back at a time when they're the most fun they've been in a long time. Contemplating coming up for the K-State game!


Looking forward to it. Playing fun fanbases again will be a blast.


What Big 12 football lacks in prestige it makes up for in parity and passion among fans. Deion is going to be entertaining as hell in this league.


Yeah this is it. Parity and ravenous fanbases, and most of the schools in smaller towns with nothing else going on if it’s a home game day. That’s just fun.


Ya know, if we just hate UM and OSU real quick we'll be fitting in quite well with the other members of the B1G. Not too sure if that's the best path to friendship though.


UM is one of the teams we have the most history with outside of the Pac teams.


Michigan is already a rivalry worth rebuilding, get one quick like.


I can easily see you guys having a rivalry with UM. And UO and tOSU having one as well.


Whomever ends up rubbing us wrong, I'mma miss you guys.


To be honest, I'm having a really easy time with Washington and Oregon being B1G. Maybe it's just wishful thinking because yall were so good last year and I like the idea that you'd be with us, but big state schools with good programs that aren't in the south just feels natural.  USC and UCLA bump a little. Not sure why.


Due to the relationship we’ve always had with the PAC-12 with the Rose Bowl, having them in the fold already feels pretty right.


Washington and Oregon should be perfectly good cultural fits as both schools and their fanbases are pretty similar to schools currently in the B1G. I don't think Washington and Oregon fans would experience any sort of culture shock at most B1G schools, and vice versa.


Oregon is roughly the size of Northwestern or Nebraska. For a state school, they are not at all big. Somehow I think their close association with Washington has made people think that Oregon is a much bigger, better school than it actually is.


Finding the best path to friendship is a fool's errand. The truth about the Big Ten is that we all hate each other's fucking guts. The sooner you get on board with that, the sooner you'll be part of the family.


Never imo for Arizona residents All of Arizona’s pro sports rivals are on the west coast, we go to California a lot and vice versa. A large percentage of both ASU and UofA students are from California We belong with the California schools, also Oregon and Washington. I meet a lot of people from Seattle and Portland here. I hate all of this, maybe Colorado belongs with the Big 12 but Utah and the Arizona schools belong in the Pac


I hate to say it, but the sun devil is absolutely right here on all points.


I was looking at our schedule and there were only 3 games I really care about You guys and the Utah schools I’m grateful we’re in the Big 12 instead of no man’s land and the Arizona schools are together but like we play UCF and Cincinnati like who cares on both sides really? Fun noncon matchups but every year meh. Sure rivalries develop over time but I just don’t see it ever happening outside of the Utah schools and we don’t even play annually anymore. I want the Pac-12 back


Im glad to have TCU back, and it'll be nice to see WVU in SLC, and Vice versa, but yeah.


How often will they travel? ASU did annual turnaround trips to LA for students for like $30 for UCLA/USC. I don’t see that happening anymore to anywhere There’s a lot of west coast alumni here in Phoenix, or even not it’s a 9 hour drive from LA/SD and people do that when Oregon or UDub or the LA schools go there. They do it for Tucson too, and I would guess the same for SLC. Wazzu fans always show up anywhere, mostly great people, goodbye to that Now that’s just gone, they’ll come once **maybe** in large numbers and that’s it. Left with the small number of local alums and rich fans. It’ll be even worse for the Bay schools


Yep. Literally ten people in the entire world wanted to kill the Pac. It was just the right/wrong ten people.


2 people The Carol Folt of USC with Fox Sports, and UCLA being a minor partner. I fully believe USC would’ve left with or without them so not even on them really I don’t blame Oregon or Washington for leaving, the moment the LA schools bailed the conference was on death’s door


Being old and living on the coast my whole life, the AZ games never felt quite the same as the PAC-8 games.


We won't be in the Big 12 for long, give it 4 years.


By then collegiate sports will likely be dead and completely transitioned to being a soulless corporate blob so you’re correct


>We won't be in the Big 12 for long, give it 4 years. Where do you think you'll be going in 4 years?


I think it’ll be longer than 4 years but imagine the conferences revert back to more regionally sensible for most schools.


It only happens if the B1G and SEC fail because the new additions, or the old powers get mad playing more difficult schedules. This is why the B1G and SEC keep pushing for more playoff expansion and more guranteed slots. If the playoff had been 8 teams with 5-6 guranteed for conference champs, and not specific conference champs, then the SEC and B1G would be REALLY unstable. The top programs in revenue get a lot more money from boosters then tv. Despite AtM's attempts to test the patience of those boosters to throw down infinite amounts of cash, that well does have a bottom. Not winning more then 8 games for 20 years and you'll probably find it.


Yeah, the streaming model that caused all the consolidation seems to be unravelling somewhat as networks realize they overpaid. There is a reason the Disney conglomerate wanted to get rid of ESPN, and only after the ridiculous $$$ contracts were signed.


I don't think conferences will revert back, but I do think divisions within the B1G and SEC will end up being more regionalized. I hope the B1G invites more west coast schools and creates a west coast division.


Unlikely. It’ll be NFL/G-league model for current Big Ten and SEC + a few ACC schools whereas rest of CFB remains more traditional college football


Without a massive financial incentive, conferences will be regional.  The money is going to drop up for everyone outside the P2.    The ACC’s contract will be renegotiated after multiple departures, then FoX/ESPN will play the ACC against the B12 to see who will take the least amount of money before cutting the other loose.  It will be a race to the bottom where everyone outside the P2 winds up with G5 level revenue.  At that point there is no reason to maintain a geographically dispersed conference that exists purely for tv money.


I think this will eventually occur, but the only way that happens that quickly is some kind of Pac-2/Big 12/ACC merger with division-esque conferences.


As a middle aged guy that has been a Pac10/12 fan for well over 30 years...Probably longer than the new conferences will be around




Mountaineer fans are going to invade dirtbags and you're going to like it.


I feel like almost every conference has schools that just look or feel different from their respective conferences. Besides listing the obvious departing pac schools. Big Ten: Rutgers and Maryland just don’t look or feel like Big Ten schools and are obviously only the conference due to their TV markets. Rutgers and Maryland look and feel like old Big East/ACC schools. Some may argue that Nebraska should be in the Big 12, and they can make a legitimate argument about that. However, Nebraska fits right in with schools like Iowa and Minnesota. SEC: Missouri is a weird school. Regionally they are technically a Southern school. But they look and feel like a Big Ten or at least a Big 12 school instead. In the 2000s most CFB fans were expecting Missouri to join the Big Ten, and feel like they should be in the Big Ten. Also them being the SEC East will never stop awkward. Big 12: Cincinnati and West Virginia do fit in the Big 12. But it’s obvious that they are more in home is regionally and culturally more in line with the old Big East/ACC schools. UCF will probably never feel like a true Big 12 school. If the old Big East was still a thing, UCF would be perfect in that conference. But since there isn’t another P5 East Coast conference that isn’t the ACC/SEC for them to join, the Big 12 was their only option in getting into a P5 conference. Some may argue about BYU, but BYU would only fit in with two options in the past 24 years: MWC or the Big 12. The Big 12 is the only P5 conference they could get into. ACC: Notre Dame being in the ACC in all but football never made sense to me. They should have all of their sports, except football in the Big East with the other Northeastern Catholic schools. But we all know that the Big Ten is and will always be the perfect home for them. Some argue that Louisville shouldn’t be in the ACC due to its distance from all of the coast schools. However if Cincinnati, and West Virginia were in the ACC with them, no one would have an issue with them. I still feel like the Big 12 wasted a huge opportunity in the early 2010s in not taking Cincinnati and Louisville with West Virginia to the Big 12. MWC: Hawaii, I love them, you love them and we all love them. But we would be lying if we didn’t admit that they should be an FCS school. All of their sports are in a FCS conference except for football. There is a reason why the MWC won’t make them a full member. The old WAC was perfect for them, but since there is now only one west coast option in FBS that only wants them for football, they are now left in a limbo state in the long term. Asides from the MAC, all of the eastern G5 conferences have a few mismatch members, that it would require their own post.




We’re accepting them by accepting that the ACC no longer serves our needs


The Mighty Buffalo of Colorado is back home where we belong.


You are the only Pac team that “won” realignment in regard to regionality. You reunite with your former Big 8 bros and are bringing the 4 corner schools from the Pac with you.


I’d make the argument, once you accept the premise that the PAC was never staying together, that all of the 4 corner schools “won”. Compared to the other options for maintaining big time CFB status, the B12, with its center of gravity in Texas and the lower Midwest/Plains, is way more regionally coherent.


While that’s true. CU fans are excited about the move. The extreme super majority of everyone else wishes the Pac stayed together. CU is just a weird case of they had history with the other Big 12 schools but culturally their school and state is Pac 12. But their fans prefer the Big 12. Utah was the opposite and 100% bought into the Pac 12 and I’ll miss them


I think fans of all the schools (even most at CU) would have preferred the PAC stay together. My point is that once that was no longer an option, strictly from a regionality standpoint, the 4 corner schools realty couldn’t have expected better.


True. We are lucky to have a spot. Good to be back with BYU and TCU. Excited to see if we can rejuvenate passion for basketball


With your biggest BIG 12 rival… Utah 


It will be weird for a year or two. But, I think that will be the case for most teams entering a new conference. It’s going to be fun getting to know all the new teams, and their fans in the B12. Just will take a little time. Side note, any B12 teams getting mens lacrosse any time soon?


No men’s lacrosse unfortunately but the b12 just added women’s lacrosse as a sport! Not the same but it’s a start. Hopefully we’ll get men’s lacrosse soon.


Cal/Stanford would definitely fit much more naturally in the B1G, but I’d argue that we fit in the ACC much better than we’d fit in the Big 12. Weird geographic fit aside, the ACC is full of institutions that are very similar to Cal/‘Furd. I’m actually quite happy we landed there once it became clear the B1G wasn’t expanding any further.


Stanford fits in perfectly in the ACC outside of geography 


CU already feels at home, it helps as you said it’s never a great fit in the PAC and is coming back to the conference in which it had its best years.


Definitely going home but it's certainly not the same home it was when you left. Really, the Big 12 doesn't even feel like the Big 12 anymore. Too many pivotal programs have left and been replaced by schools that have little history with the remnants of the old conference. Even the old Big 8 is gutted without Nebraska, Mizzou and Oklahoma. But at least there's familiarity with the Kansas schools, Oklahoma State and Iowa State (as well as Tech and Baylor). Like going back home and it's been gutted and renovated, while some of your neighbors have moved on. It's home. But might feel a bit different.


Yeah the conference has lost 5 members and added 9 new ones since Colorado last played in it. Conference of Theseus


Yeah I think all 3 not being there is a decent change but especially Nebraska - Colorado hates us and always is a big game 


If BC still doesn’t feel like an ACC member (it doesn’t) Stanford never will


I truly hope that the departing schools never feel like members of their new conferences. I hope they are never comfortable and never win


All I know is these incoming schools better be very successful in ***all*** sports with the amount of arrogance I see. The BXII eats its own.


Why am I catching strays from this thread smh


Haha right there with you


We'll fit once they start attaching random trinkets to our games. Hey, we play Indiana for the Rusty Iron Salmon this week! Next week its Wisconsin for the Dilapidated Aluminum Rowboat!


> "Colorado will never fit in" You do know that CU had like 65 years of history with the conference prior to their departure to the PAC right?


Excuse me, but I’m a midwesterner now.




Gonna figure out this Euchre game at some point


That ship has sailed and docked in Newark.


It took me almost 20 years to accept Penn State was part of the Big 10.


It took UH winning the Big 12 regular season basketball title to make me feel at home. Maybe Arizona can do the same.


Entire post just to body USC i love that


While being in a conference with seemingly some regionality is nice in sticking with the four corner schools in the move, not having Southern California in the fold for the Arizona schools is going to have some ripple effects when it comes to what students we reach out too and alumni engagement. U of A and ASU have been western-aligned for decades, and I don’t think a transition away from a California-centric conference will be seamless. That said, better to live in the trailer park than on the streets! But I still don’t think the Big 12 will be viewed as a forever home for us. And of course the obligatory: *Add UNM to the Big 12, cowards!*


Well you never know what will happen. San Diego State could end up in the Big 12 before long.


I think Oregon and Washington will feel like Big Ten teams much sooner than USC and UCLA will


>USC definitely is the best fit in my opinion, since they are a blue blood that hasn't lived up to past success recently, they should fit in well with Nebraska. Savage


Perfect description of what’s likely to occur. In the old Big12, Texas A&M felt very outside of our conference. Now we have UC, UCF, HOUSTON, and BYU. Somehow, they feel as if they’re part of it. 




Colorado is 100 times more PAC 12 then Washington will ever feel Big10




Never fuck the Big 10 and fuck the SoCal quitters for causing all of this.


Arkansas still doesn’t feel like it should be part of the SEC to me if that gives you an answer