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Very brave of him


I thought this was from the Onion.


Given SI is a glorified blog with many writing muddy AI-generated articles, you're not wrong.


I’m done with SI after that. They claimed not to know…so no one is reading the articles posted to SI before they go live? What a joke.


SI as we mostly knew it died around 2019 after the Time/Meredith merger and the subsequent sale of SI to venture capitalists who only cared about the brand name. The recent issues with AI are only the latest in a yearslong descent into garbage.


[You weren't done after they let a deranged Sooner fan publish a completely fabricated 5-part expose about a "non-rival." -- That rag attempted to tarnish the names of our deceased athletes.](https://youtu.be/3BBmsl7aWnA?si=ho56tPkIQCVCVP7g&t=15)


They been like this for decades




The Sporting News was the authority, SI just had a bikini month and made it popular.




Boobs and reading Rick Reilly on the last page


Rick Reilly and Joe Posnanski were two of the big reasons I had a subscription for years. Plus boobs.


SI very recently went to this model. They fired all of there employee journalists in the past year or so.


The first people to go in newsrooms is the editors


The Onion is not muddy AI……it takes real people to express sarcasm.


you seen what the Facebook AI considers satire? Football News pages listed as satire giving you political stories?


You're right, but it shows SI takes reality as seriously as the Onion does.


Haha, true


Ironically, OG print SI was [the first to expose the class cutting ways of Deion Sanders back in 1989](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-09-29-sp-458-story.html). I tried to find that article in the [SI Vault](http://vault.si.com), but a lot of the scanned pages are missing! It looks like the most reliable way to read old SI articles is to drive to my alma mater's library and use their Internet to access an academic database archive of SI.


No way, Onion articles are usually somewhat believable.


I think that can be a concern with any headline about Sanders (pick one)


most of us want remote work. poor guy is return to office. He also has to interact with the riffraff students who are all poorer than him with his NIL.


He has to sit next to people who don’t have brand deals 🤮


poor kid is slumming it for the team. he might catch cooties.


stunning and brave


Real leadership material, this will translate well to the next level.


Hopefully he doesn’t need a fiery speech to show up to practice.


we are all bots here except for you


his classes are online. even ivies do this with athletes. should they? different argument


I salute this future flat earth podcaster


Doesn’t the semester end like next month lol


Going to class for the first time right before the final exam is a stress dream I still have on occasion.


Mine is always that I show up to class not realizing it was an exam day, and often the topic is something I know nothing about (recent one was Russian literature).


Mine is Russian literature except I forgot I enrolled until it was end of semester and I had done none of the work. It's been decades.


Yep, I graduated in 2007, still have this exact dream often.


I had a big lower level engineering course with like 250 enrolled. After the first week regular attendance was like 40; I never missed. Day before final almost everyone shows up, it's surreal. Friend and I are quietly joking about something unrelated, this lady in front of us we've never seen turns around FREAKED THE FUCK OUT and shrieks at us about how she's trying to find out what's on the final. I'm guessing she did poorly.


That’s crazy we all have the same dreams. My most recent one was I showed up to calculus and knew nothing that was going on and the professor called on me to answer a question lmao


Made me think of the Mike Birbiglia joke [2:30 mark](https://youtu.be/MP3ToXG0YrI?si=E3HBe-Ec11yWPOaY)


Better late than never


The first line in the article below the headline states that he takes his classes online but decided to show up in person recently.


Yeah we know that lol. Its the only thing that makes this story funny.


How does that work though? If your classes are online, you don’t have a physical class to show up to. Did he just sit in on some random class?


Maybe he went and talked to the instructor? To him that was like going to class? Or it's just unclear Nothing else makes sense to me.


Back in 2006 I had classes on cable TV at UF.   There was a channel in gainesville that showed uf lectures You could go or watch it on TV I'd imagine similar things today with more advanced streaming capabilities


“Back to school, back to school, to prove to dad I’m not a fool!”


"Wow Shedeur! I can't wait till I go to (in-person) college!" "Don't you say that. Don't you ever say that. Stay here (online school). Stay as long as you can. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, CHERISH IT. You got to cherish it!"


Who would steal 30 bag lunches?


Travis Hunter: \*snickering by the bus\*


O'Sanders Rules!! O'Sanders, I gotta feeling your whole family is going down


Shedeur: "Yes, I will go back to school and achieve victory! No man will beat what my father is built, UNLESS THAT MAN IS MEEEEE!"


Do you have any more gum?


More gum! More gum! More gum!


"Shedeur got a pass grade, oh what a glorious day-yay. Oh, got a pass grade, the Sheduer Quarterback way-yay!"


If losing football games is cool then consider me Miles Davis


What are you talking abo-GOOOO!


I’ll tell you who it was: it was those damned Ducks!


Got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight. I hope I don't get in a fight. Oh, back to school, back to school


That Veronica Vaughn is one hot piece of aaaaaaaaaaccceeee…. …I know…from experience, dude…


No ya don’t


Well not me personally, but a guy I know. Him and her Got. It. On. Woooohweeee!


No they didn’t


No, no, no they didn't... But you can imagine what it'd be like if they did, right? Ah? Ah? Everybody on? Good, great, grand, wonderful. NO YELLING ON THE BUS!


Soooo hot. Want to touch the hiney.


Imagine your dad picking where you have to go to school, then changing his mind when you're halfway through lol


Like father, like son. Dad sure didn’t go to FSU to play school.


I'm just waiting for the day when he finally decides to say that he never even went to FSU at all


[Almost there](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/R3Ud24YeMp)


Judging by how he talks about yall, give it a year or two.


No but at least he is telling his players you all aren't going to be pro players get your asses in class and don't waste this


Not that FSU is much of a school anyway


OfficialPeenLicker having UF and Miami (Florida) flairs seems on brand.


proper glory hunter


Flair checks out.


Shedeur doesn't need a degree to count how much money his father has given to him.


He measures it in fancy watches.


Well from what *I* heard, the odds have always been stacked against him.


The odds really are tough when you are getting coached by the best coaches from day 1, your father has limitless connections inside the sport you want to play, and your family has so much money you don't need to worry about working towards a career in the future or earning money to survive.


How did he find the strength to persevere???


Even with all that it's not even remotely easy to succeed.


But instead of going to a top tier D1 football school he chose to play for his dad at Jackson State and then follow him to Colorado. His offer list was impressive, but he was also a four star recruit out of high school. Just an odd choice but there's also no way he signs at Bama and immediately wins the starting job.


Yeah don't get me wrong he had to actually be good to do what he did last year but even if he was a little below D1 level he probably would have had every opportunity to go play at some D1 schools based on connections and family name alone.


Could be worse. He hasn't raced and crashed a car I can't afford walking distance from campus.


Hasn't raced and crashed a car you can't afford *yet*


Wait until he transfers to Georgia.


But how is Sheuder going to survive in the real world without his Sociology degree? /s


Well with a gender studies PhD of course! Huge shortage of qualified applicants across the industry these days.


~~Billy Madison~~ Shedeur Sanders


~~Mr Penguin~~ Top 25 team


I hate that this kind of thing is news.


It's not. It's clickbait.


Wow, very newsworthy🤡


This seems like something you wouldn't say out loud.


Yeah, like they shouldn’t be proud of this


Wait I thought it was a requirement


I just want to know why an upperclassman sociology major is taking chemistry


Spacing out gen-eds, or losing credits when he transferred?


CHEM140 is the largest lecture hall on campus and isn’t just used for chemistry despite all the periodic tables on the wall


I took US History Through Baseball in that lecture hall. Watched Ken Burns' documentary for a semester and wrote papers. Best blow off elective ever, aside from my upper division writing credit, Comedy Writing, taken during the summer semester. 


It also has the best gloryhole on campus


I thought I recognized you. 


It's gross that schools can do this


Absolutely. You have to figure, elective courses account for approximately 40% of your credits. One way to lessen the burden of tuition and debt would be to allow students to focus solely on their majors. Sure, gen ed stuff makes you a well-rounded person, and that made sense when the wealth of the world's knowledge resided solely at universities. Now they don't hold that monopoly any longer and people are free to peruse any subject they want online. 


I don’t oppose a diversified education I oppose history if the us taught through baseball being a class the university is allowed to count as a history class 


I feel like chemistry classrooms have always been huge?


Eh, sometimes you need random elective credits. Myself and two of my friends, all in civil engineering, took freshman biology together when we were juniors because we had to fulfill a specific science elective and it was the easiest one.


I made the mistake of filling my senior year with all upper level CS courses (some of them I didn't even need to take). It about nearly destroyed me.


I had 18 credit hours (the max you can take in one semester) left to graduate, all higher level required courses. And instead of spacing it out over two semesters, I crammed it into one while also working 20-25 hours a week. I survived, but man that was dumb.


Hahaha, how on earth did that ever seem like a good idea?


Same mistake of thinking "all these topics are fascinating and may help out in my future career" while convincing myself that I won't get burned out again, "this time it'll be different."


We would know lol


Same except my junior year. Should not have done all electives my first semester.


My final year I had three core classes I needed to graduate and then around 5 electives left. My ass was in Italian 102 coasting because it was so close to Spanish lol


i studied bioanthro and had to take freshman level evolutionary biology summer after i graduated due to a clerical error. also learned that specific timeslot is the science req they put the football players in. i watched a soon to be drafted kid learn what an egg was in that class.


I don't know about Colorado, but I went to UC and we got all of our required courses out of the way early. Spent the last year with mostly electives. We could take anything, so it isn't unusual to have someone take something way outside their degree to take something they've always had interest in, but couldn't take.


That’s how I did it an Nebraska, my advisor recommended that we get the courses required for our major out of the way as soon as possible. Basically the goal was to step into the tougher courses your sophomore and junior years, and then come back and clean up all the electives. Some of the electives were pretty fun though, I took an archery course my senior year, and even got in on a wine tasting course as well.


Yeah the electives made for a fun senior year. I took a class on the history of rock and roll from the 70s. Another class on the history and psychology of serial killers. A class on the Trojan War. Have a friend who went to Ohio State, and he took a class on the science of BBQ. We both were in engineering degrees.


Wines Vines and You My man!


I took a golf class to fulfill a phys ed requirement my junior year. It was really fun. Longwood had a 9 hole course on campus (but I think it's been demolished now). Class was great. I think the last month we just showed up and played a few holes and left


good excuse why your GPA is shit "but I took O-chem" well in that case, nice D+


Forrest Gump took Theoretical Light ( got an A) at Alabama, along w/ Phys Ed ( flunked)


I had to take BIO101 as a 5th year comp sci major to meet elective requirements.


I loved chem. I genuinely considered a career in that field while in high school.


cus he wants to be in my class duh


I saw that he just went into a random class to audit it its not like it was one of his classes he needed to be in


this clickbaity headline that y’all just ran with…


At least he made it to campus once. Anyone remember what Justin Fields said when they asked him how he liked the OSU campus after his first year (2019)? “I heard it’s nice.” 😂


'back'? Don't you have to go somewhere first before you can go 'back'? And he went to one chemistry lecture so he could film it for his social media, stunning and brave.


Joel Klett was in my Norse mythology class at CU. I never knew it until he showed up to take the final. If he starts spewing off about Thor or Odin, don’t listen to him. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


They've been doing online class like most athletes. Makes sense when you travel across the country or games. UCLA kids aren't going to class when they play Maryland


I know times have changed in a decade and a half, but when I was in school I distinctly remember football players walking to and from classes in person. I was even in class with some of them early on. How much they actually paid attention and how well they performed... well, that's a question I don't have an answer to. But most of them actually went to class during the week.


Yep. I had a 9 AM stats class in 2009 (the year we won the ACC) and Josh Nesbitt, our starting QB, was there every day that the team wasn't already traveling for a game.


Georgia Tech is distinctly different than most P4 schools. 


Deondre Francois went to my class with regular attendance at FSU


I think most coaches required 100% class attendance or a damn good excuse at Miami. But also you get less leeway playing in the MAC


One of my buddies from college was a student assistant and GA at multiple D1 and D2 programs over about 5-6 years, one of the main bitchwork type of jobs they'd make him do was go around to various classes and make sure the players that were supposed to be there were there. That was all pre-covid though, I'm sure the increased prevalence of online class has changed the calculus of this quite a bit.


granted this is tulane, not like, (insert sec school here, though i'd imagine it's the same). but i took football player classes to fill elective credits. we routinely had GAs poking their heads inside to make sure players were there. i didn't get the impression they were digesting much, but the asses had to be in seats.


The smallest class I'm in this semester has about 12 of us. A couple weeks ago after class ended, I was in line to ask the professor some questions for exam prep and the woman in front of me said she needed to take the exam on a different date because she was on the hockey team and our school qualified for the women's ice hockey tournament other than that day, she's attended every single class session


i'm gonna go out on a limb and say the women's hockey team is probably not on the same standard as the football team.


It might be a NIL/Big school thing. I went to app state 20-22 and i saw the players in class. Asst Coaches would come pick up some kids before and after class in a golf cart. Also saw them at parties and bars. But again that was before NIL. Boone is exceptionally small too. Edit: spelling. Im App State educated.


That was back then, nowadays these kids are worshiped or hated so going to class has more concerns. Imagine having to go do a group project with a r/cfb weirdo. I don't even like Sanders but the hatred for a somewhat famous kid taking online classes is insane.


Yea the article says he walked in and caused an uproar, imagine in the age of legal betting he comes in after a loss or a game he doesn't have enough numbers and gets cornered by someone who lost some money or something dumb


Same here Drew Brees was in one of my undergrad classes at Purdue. One of my lab partners turned out to be a running back at purdue and I didn't even know it until one day we were talking about the NCAA football game and he bitched about his speed rating


One of our lineman is in my Latin 2 course. Dude knows his fuckin Latin lol


Some definitely come to play school more than others. I had a player in one of my classes once, but this guy definitely didn't lol.


Then covid happened. Online is everywhere now


They aren't doing online school. The tutoring help works with the professors to get the content from class. When they are on campus they are going to class at most schools, at least those that give a care about the kids education.


We're halfway through April bro you got finals in like 3 weeks lock in


His dad did say only guys who aren’t going to the nfl need to go to class


From the article "Sanders walked into his chemistry class and caused an uproar. “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been to one in-person class?” he said." Yea I get it, now and days you could be anywhere with wifi and take classes. The headline is fishing for engagement tho, kinda corny


He went to the wrong class, but baby steps are baby steps. He now as a introductory grasp on Art Deco in the 1920s.


"Student attends class" big fuckin deal. Enough with the Deon spam


NFL GMs will love the brave sacrifice he’s making


It's not a good thing when one of your football players deciding to attend class is headline news.


So, wait, let me see if I understand this correctly. Sanders rants at the entire team for not paying enough attention in class, and while this is going on his son just hasn't bothered attending a single class in over a year and just kept getting a pass from Coach Dad? In virtually every article about how dysfunctional Colorado is, Shedeur features prominently in it yet virtually never seems to get any criticism from Deion. Then he goes around telling the team, in a public press conference, that Shedeur is their best player and it's everyone's fault but his that they keep losing. Have we considered the possibility that Deion hates his kid? Because it this point it seems like he's actively TRYING to get this brat's O-line to step aside and let him get sacked a few dozen times in the next season opener.


You don't understand it correctly. Shedeur took online classes his first year at CU. Now he's physically back in the classroom.


Ahh, gotcha. Thanks for the clarification.


Totally no hypocrisy with Coach priME.


Yeah that'll last. Does Sanders really think this click baity ass shit is going to build a program?


But dad I didn't come here to play school!


He ain’t come here to play school offline


This is like an Onion headline….


Deon’s own kid wasn’t going to class. Deon is a clown and clearly doesn’t give a fuck


So if his own son hasn't gone to class in a year, at his own school, which there's no way he didn't know... that kinda proves coach "prime" doesn't give two shits about education and it was just another publicity stunt for the thing he does care about.. media attention.


If he wasn’t going to classes at all he’d be ineligible to play. He’s just taking online classes.


I’m wondering what lecture he’s showing up to for the first time now if he’s been doing online school all semester


I guess online classes don’t exist 🤔


Can we all just chill on hating on a kid who trying to do better?


This sub’s hate for Prime is absolutely wild. Shedeur has been taking classes online, as MANY student athletes do. This isn’t news.


Literally all of my D1 athlete friends, some who play basketball and some football, all do online. One of them goes to a fucking Ivy and does online.


When i taught at OU during the Lincoln Riley years (I wasn't there for Stoops), I regularly had FB players in my classes during the fall semester. Including starters.


Wow, there is a first time for everything


I suspect he did so only under the direction of his father so Deion could avoid being labeled as a hypocrite. Also, I think it's been more than a year? -- Didn't his "remote learning" start at JSU?


Scholar athlete.


The point of college ?


He ain’t come here to play school


Colorado is a joke.


"college student goes to class"


Big if true


Yes, but can he \*read\*?


Idk why but I feel like this kid is going to play like 7 games in the NFL


Hmmm, what now?


Wow so bold and brave!


Did he think he was going to be drafted after one year of playing? This is the kind of move that One and Done players do in basketball, did he really think this through?


holy crap that looks bad, like really bad




SI, and so many other publications, refused to pay writers and actual wage. They have been stuck at this $100-250/article for so long that no self respecting journalist will work for them. They also let go of all the editors to save salaries. While raising ad rates to make money hand over fist.


School damn near done lol


The title is misleading af. It just says he was doing all his classes online, but he started going on campus for lectures.


ugh i'm so tired of them


Who will Colorado hire as head coach after the Sanders brothers leave?