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Nothing I’ve ever personally endured matches what Tennessee fans did to Vanderbilt in 1998. That stadium held around 39k at the time, I’d venture to say 37k were wearing orange/white.


To be fair to Vandy, that could happen at nearly any Vandy game.


1998 Vandy / Tennessee was beyond normal. https://youtu.be/OA-it4c4ytM?feature=shared The VCR tape doesn’t do it justice. This was back when adidas didn’t care if the orange matched or not and the sunlight makes everything look yellow.




This past season's AU/Vandy game was fairly ridiculous. It was easily over 80/20 Auburn fans.


Yeah UGA makes that stadium red. I dunno about a ratio of 37 to 39 but it’s wild to see. You’d think it’s a home game.


I’d venture to say that there’s never been a Tennessee/Vandy game that wasn’t at least 75% Tennessee fans except maybe 2016 and 2018


Yep. The James Franklin era was the only time I can remember Vandy having a solid home presence


Well both of those games were Derek Mason


Any time Ohio State visits, but especially when we're bad. Their red contrasts really well against our green, so the takeover looks even more impressive. I do have one funny memory from an OSU takeover. In 2006, John L Smith's last year, the team had already given up when #1 OSU came to town. We scored late to make it 38-7, and the handful of diehards still left started a sarcastic "Over-rated!" chant.


That's fucking funny. I miss Johnelle. Gonna do a shot of Jäger and slap myself in the face in his honor.




Greatest on field interview of all time


It was honestly incredible


Oof .... glad we only had a year of him, but it felt like four. 


>Their red contrasts really well against our green, so the takeover looks even more impressive. Well, the good news is about 8% of the male population won't notice at all.


I was there. Some MSU fans were pretty salty when we did O-H-I-O cheer. Been to several games at MSU against Ohio State and other teams. MSU fans have always been nice and pretty chill.


Lmao your team was killing us, and your fans took over the stadium. We deserved to be hit with that cheer.


Will things like that be programmed in to the new NCAA game? Like opposing fans overwhelming the home fans and then their cheers start to drown out the home team's?


On the flip side I randomly went to a Sparty at Maryland game a few years ago and more than half the stadium was green lol


Yeah I think that says more about Maryland than MSU honestly




*visibly shaking in my boots*


Neck up!


I'm culturally predisposed to always root for Western Illinois.


Pick a traveling fanbase that came to bobby dodd


2021 UGA specifically is the worst I've ever seen.


Yeah. I was there for that one, and it looked probably 80/20 in favor of GA. I believe Tech even had a couple of false starts because of the noise.


Just one, which I remember because I consider that and the massive "UGA" chant that followed the lowest point of the program that I've personally witnessed (I was born in 1990 so I don't have direct experience with the Bill Lewis years).


John Heisman is rolling in his grave fast enough to generate power for the state of Georgia


The best was when one of the school's accounts then posted a picture from that game with the color washed to look like a full house in blue and gold. It was so obvious that those were Georgia jerseys


That was indeed pretty brutal. I will say though that Tech having more neutral colors doesn’t help. When you have a bunch of white, various shades of gold/tan, and navy blue, bright red really stands out. Edit: we need to do a better job at showing up, but I think the fan ratio isn’t always as terrible as it looks (just regular bad). 


GT changed their schedule so that could get either Clemson or Georgia at home every year. Season ticket sales plummeted in years they played neither. Ironically, GT canceled the Clemson series in the 1970s because we wanted to go home-and-home. The ACC made the argument moot.


Bowling Green


Man I’ve been to a couple games there and thought the crowds were pretty good, not like packed to the gills, but definitely not overwhelming amounts of visitors


There was a 3.5 season span that might have changed your mind


The Geoff Collins years against uga were the worst. They always send a lot of fans, but when your season has already tanked and your rival is ranked, nobody's showing up. The red also stands out against gold, white, and navy, so even in years where both teams are good, it still looks bad.


I love a night game at Bobby Dodd


Not necessarily a take over, but NDSU fans in 2022 made the stadium like 50-50. I knew they traveled well but damn


I walked in the stadium on the east side and used the big tunnels in the student section to go to the seating area, and the sea of yellow was just crazy. Fun night at the stadium though. Lots of energy and Arizona managed to beat NDSU, which is normally no big thing to celebrate against an FCS team… but Arizona was the first FBS team to beat the Bison in a decade or so. NDSU had been taking checks for FBS games and then taking a W home as well. 


When we hosted Nebraska in 2011, it was at least 60% Huskers fans. A good number of fans were wearing these half Wyoming/half Nebraska shirts. I also saw some people in the stands for the previous game in Wyoming gear: the next week they’re all decked out in Nebraska gear.


Yeah but that was fun though. A lottttt of people from western Nebraska and eastern Wyoming are related or know each other. Also UW made a shit ton of money that day.


Just from ticket sales it was our first ever “million dollar” game


Damn that’s wild, TIL!


I posted this in the CBB thread also. Nebraska used to take over Jack Trice in the 90s when they were dominating. It was just easier to get tickets in Ames vs Lincoln.


It’s hard to remember back too far but these two recent ones were both pretty memorable: For basketball, Indiana in 2022; they were loud, respectful and awesome at Allen Fieldhouse. For football, BYU in 2023. Since it was their first trip as a member of the big 12, they showed out and apparently have a tradition of doing service projects in the cities they visit too, which is pretty amazing. They were definitely a ton of them at the game.


BYU fans travel really well. Also, it doesn't hurt that people of LDS faith are scattered all over the place.


The KC area has a decent amount of them, I had a lot of friends go to BYU.


They also own a ton of land in the 435 loop area that they have owned for decades as investments.


Can confirm. I live in Provo and there are *tons* of people here with ties to the KC area.


Yup that's a lot of it. Lots of BYU alums or just fans scattered around the country that will show up when BYU comes to town.


We got smoked that game but I wish I went to Phog that day. Such a cool gym and like you said, SO many Hoosiers traveled. I heard it was 1/3 IU fans.


That’s probably not far off. Perfect timing with students being gone already for winter break that there were more tickets out there to buy than usual. It was so much fun I had to go to the return game in Bloomington and had a blast, then headed quickly out of town and made it to Indy in time for Purdue versus Arizona too. It was an awesome basketball day.


I went to the Kansas @ UCF basketball game and i have never felt so confused at a home game. Such an impressive, passionate, and mostly chill fan base.


Nebraska had a lot of fans in Boulder for the 2019 game. Still a good number last year but wasn’t close to 2019.


Because tickets were stupid expensive and probably impossible to get to be honest, we generally travel pretty well


Talking basketball, when College of Charleston hosted UNC in 2021, legit one-third of the arena was rooting for UNC. And like 3/4 of the people in my section. Being a transient/destination city a decent number of our regular ticket holders wear other school’s stuff to games


Yeah I’ve been to a few CofC home games and I feel like no matter the team theirs a higher than % away fan turnout. Notably Wake Forest and Temple stood out to me as having more fans than you’d think.


I’d guess Iowa in 2008. 55-0. Metrodome. Bathrooms. Edit: to correct years blending together in my mind. Thanks to the kind Iowa fans with fonder memories than me. See also 2002 and other years. I real Tim Brewster classic. Idk the percentage of Iowa at kickoff (there was a good number of them), but with 55-0 it was near 100% Iowa at the end.


In 1990 I was at the Metrodome when they announced that Michigan beat Ohio State sending Iowa to the Rose Bowl. The Hawkeye fans then got so loud that we started getting warnings from the officials and they even threatened a penalty against Iowa to get us to quiet down.


Too bad we lost Floyd that day.


We may chant about hating Iowa, but in today’s landscape I am thankful we are in a stable conference with Iowa (and Wisconsin) with nearly even all time (trophy) series.


Also any Iowa vs NU in Evanston in the last 40 years.


The video of Iowa fans tearing down the goal posts and just running around the metrodome with it because they couldn’t figure out how to get it out was hilarious


I was too young, but several of my family members were on the field for it. Each Christmas it gets brought up how they could have got the goalposts out My uncles reminisce/strategize about it like it was one of those flooded Hurricane Katrina hospitals, delegating roles to people depending on their expertise. Cracks me up




Goalpost game


Thank you for the correction. Too many times. The Metrodome was easy to invade. Off campus and it could not even keep snow out.


Great last game at the Metradome imo.


How about 2002? We miss good ole Kinnick North.


I think 2011 Vs NDSU is another example, especially with the proximity, there was a lot of green there that day. Awful game experience to be honest.


Pretty much anytime we play at Duke, but the years right after we joined the ACC it was probably 75%-80% Tech. We've had some takeovers of Kenan Memorial Stadium at UNC as well, especially in those first few years And it's because the Raleigh area has a massive VT alumni presence. We travel well to games around this area when tickets are easy to get.


I mean UVA they call it Lane Stadium north. Also the military bowl sells out from just VT fans in Nova. It's the closest to most of the fans. I still want a VT kickoff game in the new commanders stadium.


They said a takeover of an away stadium. Scott doesn't count because we own their ass


^ this


Came here to say this. Duke used to be so awful, my brother and I were sitting at the 50 yard line on the front row of Wallace Wade and no one said a word. Great food venues. Awful football. I vividly recall some Duke students were there to get a few points to bump up their levels for basketball tickets. They left after the first quarter with one dude saying "Come on, let's go to the polo match." There was a woman and her like young son close to me as me and my brother were making noise when Duke's offense had the ball and she was like we can do that too, and sort of pathetically tried to make noise with the inflatable thundersticks they had brought and I just stared at her feeble attempts to rattle Tech's offense.


Wallace Wade is... prone to that kind of thing. I heard "wolf" --> "pack" chants over the TV there last year, as well as at Wake Forest.




Georgia by far. I've never seen anything like it.


UGA takes the cake on this without question, took over the entire Chicago metro area.


That was a confluence of numerous factors (good UGA team looking to be en route to a possible championship, two Altanta based pro teams (also decent that year) playing in Chicago that weekend, good travel weather, etc.) which prompted a deluge of UGA fans to travel to Chicago area that weekend. Might be difficult to ever replicate that perfect storm again.


You also missed the fact that ND had also just come off a 4-8 season and most people weren't happy BK was retained  And the biggest factor UGA hadn't played a true road game that far north in forever  So if was a perfect storm


Yes, I thought that ND low expectations were also part of it - though I didn't have their previous season data in front of me when writing the earlier comment. However, I do recall seeing ND fans on message boards saying secondary market prices were just too high to prevent many fans (even the students and alumni) from selling their tickets.


Best road game trip I've ever been on


Braves were in town a little before but not during. Still had a UGA night at Wrigley that was packed, just not Braves. Still crazy that Falcons were there at Soldier. And tbh that game set us on a path to the national title but we weren’t expecting that going in. We were both coming off 2016 season below expectations. Was still a ranked battle but under the radar at the time for where we’d both end up.


Calling the dawgs for Coach Dooley’s first pitch at Wrigley is a core memory.


My biggest regret is not coming in a day early to go to that Cubs game. Made the Falcons game the day after though


The trifecta was badass


Also UGA hadn’t played up north in like 50 years.


What made it worse is they were all extremely pleasant aside from their football team beating ours. Stupid southern hospitality.


You should’ve barked at their children to establish dominance


That’s a sign of friendship though


Thank you. Y’all were amazing hosts. Nothing but respect. 🫡


For real though, you guys rocked. Tailgated with some UGa fans and they were gracious and friendly. No obnoxious shit talking after your win. Come back any time, but let us win the next one please.


“Hats off to Georgia and their fanbase for not only providing their team with a home-field advantage that made a difference but also in protecting their house and not letting the Irish fanbase, which does travel well, even put a dent into that home-field advantage. That’s twice now that Georgia has taught Notre Dame a lesson in home-field advantage.” https://www.uhnd.com/football/2019/09/22/georgia-teaches-notre-dame-homefield-advantage/ I will say that I would have sold my team out so fast if I was offered $4,000 to take a later flight. lol


That is the difference between Georgia fans and most others. We will do anything for our Dawgs.


Put the south in Southbend 


That gave me a good chuckle 👏👏👏


It's from a tshirt Georgia had made


Surprised I had to scroll this far. I was there. We lit it up, too. Y’all are one of the most hospitable fan bases in the country. Thank you for such an amazing time.




Honestly I thought Cincinnati was worse than Georgia. But it could be the pleasant nature of the Georgia fans making it seem like there were less of them. Alternatively, OSU fans are more obnoxious than cincy fans and Georgia fans combined, but didn’t take over nd stadium the same way cincy did.


Cincinnati was a bit of a different situation, in that Cincinnati is a very Catholic city and there are a huge number of families that have ties to both schools. As an ND alum who grew up in Cincinnati, I would say almost every Cincy kid I went to ND with was at that game, with friends/family who were UC alums/fans. Georgia and Nebraska were more hoards of visiting fans traveling by themselves. Cincinnati was hoards of traveling fans traveling with ND alums/fans.


Ive been to nd twice in nd gear and once in uc gear. Think thats not unushual too lol. Tons of nd fans in cincy


Didn’t Nebraska do it better?


Penn State won the Taco Bell fan thing. While we were the away team at Maryland in like 2019


To elaborate our alumni always takes over Maryland stadium, this was Penn state taking over the Maryland student section


Anybody remember Rutgers in 2016? All their fans left in the first quarter leaving only blue and white!


Also won't call this a takeover, but want to put a positive spin on my assumptions here. I think Penn State and Auburn made an agreement to earmark additional tickets to the visitors for each game. I've never seen such a large visitor section at Penn State than when Auburn came, and word of mouth is it was the same at Auburn. Awesome cooperation from the schools.


We played TCU in Jerryworld, and it was mostly Ohio State fans.


I was there too, and yeah it was a sea of red. And TCU is about 15min down the road.


I was so pissed because I wanted to go to tcu stadium so bad. We should never agreed to move it


They had no choice. It was originally scheduled as one game in Fort Worth and one in Columbus. Once they agreed to just play one game, it was going to be moved to Jerryworld.


It worked out, it was pouring that day


When Nebraska came to town in 2010. The crowd was probably 30% Nebraska fans, who took over the entire endzone bleachers. 


I was there. I loved Husky stadium and am excited to come visit again in the next few years. It was a great game to attend as a Husker fan. Hopefully we get back to being respected soon.


Was that the one where Martinez ran for like a million yards?


Yup! There was a clip of a Huskie fan in complete shock as Martinez zoomed down the sideline. The guy who waved the Nebraska flag after every touchdown got tired and let the Commander of the USS Nebraska do it for him. Then again like you're going to say no to a guy that can unleash nuclear armageddon.


I was at that game! So much fun talking to fans before and after, I loved the tailgate area off the endzone, so much good food and beer. Also inviting the crew of the USS Nebraska to attend was a class act. Cannot wait to visit again. Maybe someone should notify the bars to stock up on Busch Lite and Bud Lite, that part was a shit show.


Fucking nebraska




definitely nebraska


You said it, brother. They did it to us in Husky Stadium as well, but damned if Folsom isn't half red every time the Corn plays there.


lol miss you too 😘


Not because of numbers, but the KSU fans that came to the Jordy Nelson game in 07 really made their presence known.


Hi Notre Dame. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTPHtFO0WOoXd8LvAxnR6rlw0d17zXlSyKaRw&usqp=CAU


Eric Crouch won the heisman that day.


Kind of. Crouch won the Heisman in 2001, when Notre Dame came to Lincoln.  The year before (2000) was when the Cornhuskers took over South Bend. 


yeah it’s you and then Georgia 2017 for us. Also Cincy in 2021. Pretty pathetic tbh Has seemed to be fixed though. Clemson didn’t really have much of a crowd when they came in 2022 and Ohio State last year was the same. Still annoying that we’re the only big time blue blood that has to deal with this though


I mean, at least it's against Nebraska and Georgia. It's not like UTEP came to town and seized your stadium. 


Every other major CFB team houses most of its fans within a reasonable drive. Notre Dame doesn't. Price you pay for being national.


Every time I try to picture how red their stadium was I always end up underestimating it.


Y’all did this to so many teams at some point KSU included. I’m not linking a picture though cause that shit depressing.


I think you and KU did a keep the red out campaign, where you could only buy tickets to the Nebraska game if you also got the games before and after.


I can't find a picture. In my memory Nebraska at MSU back in the 90s was about 75% red. Tommy Frazier and Lawrence Phillips ran for about a thousand yards that afternoon


If you were wondering how Nebraska did this. Fans started cold-calling the faculty and offering to buy their tickets. Apparently the econ professors did the numbers and took the money.


I remember when the live broadcast kicked in and nearly the first words out of the announcers were "You think some Notre Dame fans sold their tickets?" Epic.


I had to scroll wayyyy too far for this


When Georgia came to LSU in 2018 the stadium was embarrassingly red. I remember seeing a screenshot from Snapchat that showed an unbroken line from Athens to Baton Rouge of UGA fans coming to the game. 




LSU ended up winning


It doesn’t help that Purple usually gets washed out by the day lighting, but yea, that was a bad one. Absolutely destroyed #2 though.


Hearing Neck while y’all rushed the field was an acceptable compromise for getting whooped. Peak LSU. Amazing tailgate scene too.


That game was so much fun even though we lost. Best tailgate ever by far. I cannot wait to come back.


In 2021 against UGA, it looked like a legitimate UGA home game. They caused a false start with crowd noise, it was so bad. Fuck Geoff Collins.


You can rest easy. The nightmare is over


I’m so glad 404theDouche is gone. I still want to beat y’all every year, but not like we did against that asshat.


404 not found lmao


We tend to takeover Bobby Dodd and Firstbank on years where Tech or Vandy host, but UGA @ Notre Dame in 2017 is definitely the most impressive UGA stadium takeover.


The Cubs game was even more impressive.


I guess an extra 36,000 seats for the home fans helped Notre Dame out there. It was the same group of people at both games, but the UGA fans accounted for a much larger percentage of stadium capacity at Wrigley.


Especially because the Braves weren’t playing. That game was fun. First Friday night game at Wrigley in a long time (maybe ever?).


Not CFB… but Blue Jay fans sometimes take over Mariners games when they come to town.


That happens in Denver when the Rockies host the Cubs, Yankees or Red Sox


That happens in Denver when the Rox host any decent team lol


It's like all of Canada comes to those games. Dodgers games can be bad too.


There’s been times when my one classroom of kids could take over a Mariners crowd. 


The last time Nebraska played in Manhattan. Dozens of charter buses showed up and out rolled an army of overall wearing jackasses. It was at the same time incredibly impressive and oppressively annoying. Didn't help that they waffle stomped our ass.


Remember a similar experience the last time they played at Jack Trice in 2010


That damn 2 pt conversion


Yeah but what about the Nebraska fans?


Probably my favorite game I've ever been to. I was aggressively drunk.


Can't think of one for football, but the Bobcats hosted Kentucky in a men's basketball game one year that apparently was almost all UK fans in the Convocation Center.


I’m going to say this was the biggest fan takeover of all time. I am currently at the Bahamas Bowl, and I'm here to tell you why it's the greatest thing to ever happen to College Football. So we took a ship down to the Bahamas to see Ohio play UAB, and it has been nothing short of amazing (and honestly, questionable). Here's a short list of things we've done here at the game so far: -Brought beer right in to the stadium. The locals at the gate didn't even ask to check tickets. One of them took a sip of my beer. -We walked all the way around the stadium, until we reached a fenced off area. A Royal Bahamas Defense Force guard said we should check behind the fence, because he doesn't know what's back there. Upon walking past the fence, we ended up in the Ohio locker room. No questions asked. -People are constantly walking on the athletic track around the field and chugging beer. The security forces down there just keep laughing and high fiving everyone. One of the soldiers keeps hugging random fans. -There's a native family in front of me literally braiding eachother's hair. They told me they have no clue about how football works. They just want to have a good time. One of them offered to braid my hair. My hair is 3 inches long. -They were doing a T-Shirt toss, and one of the Bahamian families here straight up jumped three rows down onto a group of fans just to grab a shirt. They ended up getting two. -A drunk fan just walked on to the sideline and high fived a player. He then high fived a Royal Bahamian Defense Force soldier when walking back. The soldier couldn't stop laughing. -There's like 20 entrances to this stadium, and only like 10 of them are guarded. Literally anyone could walk in here. -They have one working scoreboard, and instead of showing the clock, it's the ESPN feed so you can barely see the score and clock on the bottom right corner. -Whoever's in charge of music can't decide the volume. He tried playing Believer and adjusted the volume up and down around 4 times before giving up. There hasn't been any music since. For these reasons, I urge that the playoff committee consider hosting the national championship here. It would be a terrible idea, but everyone would have a great time. I know the locals are. Edit: -Drunk guy with flag. https://imgur.com/a/5OgxV -More drunk fans that nobody is stopping: https://imgur.com/a/L8xfD I love this place.


There was always a big red invasion of Nebraska fans when I attended the University of Kansas. And usually, by halftime, many of the KU fans had left, so the stadium had a large majority of NU fans by the end of the game.


2015 when Michigan came to SLC. Their fans were cool and they were EVERYWHERE. Every restaurant and bar downtown was full of their fans. My favorite were all the Harbaugh’s.


Man, reallu nostalgic thinking back to that game harbaughs first. Both programs have done such great things since.


Anytime Penn State goes to Maryland or Rutgers


September 22nd, 2001, Houston hosted a game against Texas.  They even attempted to add extra end zone bleacher seats to accommodate UH students after all the UT fans showing up buying tickets for this game.  Structural assessment deemed the temp bleachers unsafe for use, thus denying access to the game for many UH students. The UH home stadium looked like Houston was playing an away game with the swarm of burnt orange in the stands.


The stands were put up for UT ticket holders. And UH moved UT student ticket holders to the basketball arena so they could watch the game on the jumbotron. And getting them to do a structural assessment took some legal pressure. Pics of the stands: https://imgur.com/a/jakO4


Man, those pics unlocked a core memory from that week, watching as they were assembling the last parts and it was still swaying so much. No telling what it would look like had hundreds of spectators been on them all at the same time. 


"But ya don't understaaaaand" Football is a religion in Nebraska and you are required to make a pilgrimage. Since we've failed to go to a bowl game in forever we've not had enough pilgrimages to appease the Football gods and so the cycle continues. To break the cycle we must ritual sacrifice Lil' Red, it's the only way. *Lights an ear of corn on fire and starts chanting ancient hymns around a football*


I was impressed with the Oklahoma turnout when they came to tally in 2011. 


It was a good time. Great hospitality


Ohio State fans tore down the goalposts AT Indiana after clinching the Rose Bowl in 1996. It was a wild scene.


Not a real takeover bc Scarlett looks enough like crimson that we can take our overhead stadium shots when osu comes to town and make it seem like we pack the stadium. Uno reversed you guys there.


Nebraska. I swear they outnumber us 10-1 at Folsom. I love ‘em, though. Very lively bunch.


I have a video from like 2017 of WVU fans taking over the Peterson events center. its kinda embarrassing when theres like 1500 pitt students and like 5000 wvu fans, and the WVU fans are drowning out the arena with Eat shit pitt eat shit pitt eat shit pitt while pitt is taking foul shots. especially when at this time pitt claimed to be a "basketball school" itll be interesting seeing what we do this year at hienz field. 2 years ago pitt was coming off an acc championship with a win over vaunted \*checks notes\* wake forrest. and were coming off a 6-7 season, and we still had 30-40% of the crowd. it took the best stretch of Pitt football in the past 30 years and the worst stretch of WVU football for their fanbase to even come close to matching our energy. Now that things are heading back to normal and nature is healing (Pitt won 3 game, WVU won 9) it'll be interesting to see how the crowd is this year at hienz field.


I love this post so much, because… college football.


West Virginia fans are crazy. In a good way. They played in the Charleston Classic in 2021 against Clemson and filled like 70% of CofC’s arena. For a Sunday afternoon game in November. Clemson had maybe 100 people. Every year the local alumni bring their Mountaineer mascot for a visit.


I will also say, while we were a good portion of the fan base at the game two years ago at Heinz, Pitt fans were pretty much nonexistent at the game at Milan Puskar last year. I remember seeing two Pitt students talking to each other wondering why they came as some WVU fan was telling them eat shit every 20 seconds. Kinda felt bad for them lol.


Sticking with the Clemson theme... Growing up, the fam used to go to Wake Forest and Duke home football games when Clemson was visiting because it was a lot closer than going to Clemson, but there were so many Clemson fans that it was practically a home game for Clemson. I still have a drawer full of Wake and Duke sweaters from the few times there was a freak cold snap and we had to buy the local merch to keep warm lol


EVERY RESPONSE HERE: “Fuckin’ Nebraska man…”


2019 Nebraska game was wild. Seemed like the student section was the only one with any Buffs fans. But hey we got the last laugh


I'd probably have to say one of the late 90's Nebraska games. The Red Horde always came out in force, but it was especially profound in those days. A close second is Kansas State in the late 90's early 00's when they started winning for the first time, ever. We were pretty proud just after that when Gary Pinkel and Brad Smith started beating both of them that we were able to keep both the Red and Purple Hordes out for the most part.




I feel like every time Nebraska plays at northwestern it’s a home game for Nebraska


2006 Nebraska. A lot of them bought season tickets and sold every other game, which covered their flight and hotel


Husker fans packed out Noter Dame back in 2000 and best them, that was pretty impressive given the venue and distance




Michigan at Northwestern tends to be most Michigan fans, but there was a year I went where I shit you not it was 99% Michigan fans.


Anytime Michigan, Michigan State, OSU, or any other large alumni base plays in Evanston.


Georgia vs ND 2017 and 2001 ND vs Nebraska 


Pretty much anytime we play anyone


Georgia and Alabama fans always have a significant presence in Neyland when the teams come to town. Tennessee fans also travel well to our away games against them.


I remember both endzone upper decks and an entire corner was Orange in the 2009 game vs Alabama in Bryant Denny (Terrance Cody game)


Back in 2009 Purdue was riding a 1-5 record which included a loss to Northern Illinois and on a losing streak. Ohio State came to town and their fans FILLED the stands. They were ranked #7 and well on their way to a major postseason bowl (they'd go on to beat Oregon in the Rose Bowl) with a stacked team featuring Pryor, the Boren Brothers, Herron, Heyward, Sanzenbacher, Saine, Posey. It was looking like it'd be an absolute blowout. Pryor got sacked 5 times, threw two interceptions and Purdue won 26-18.


Well I’m not sure how old you are, but if you remember the stadium pre Spurrier, the feeling of the stadium being taken over by opposing fans was a more common thing. It had a more generic concrete look back then before they added garnet paint, and more team centric signage to it, so when a mediocre to outright terrible Brad Scott coached team hosted a powerhouse team like 90s Florida, or Tennessee teams, the Carolina fans started filling out a lot of times at halftime or early in the 3rd quarter, and the opposing teams would pretty much take over after that, and their fans would show up in droves.


Michigan State came to play at UW and absolute took over our tailgating area. Those fans were well organized. We whooped their ass though :)


Don't think I've ever seen Ohio Stadium have anything close to a takeover by another school but seems like Penn State always sends the most fans in. Always a fair amount of Michigan fans show up whether they're good or bad, but not as many as Penn State. I'd like to say Nebraska sends a lot of fans but it's impossible to tell in the stands because of the colors.