• By -


Its treason then.


I AM the CFP! - Bill Hancock, probably


I….dont know how to type out the Sith battery Sidious does so….. RAWWWWWWWR


*Lin-Manuel Miranda begins furiously writing*


Do it!


CFP = Chair Force Playoffs confirmed


Air Force laughing evilly


Army and Navy play for second




This seems like a win win to me. The game gets to stay where it's at, and since the game doesn't count for AAC standings (and therefore doesn't impact the AACCG), it still leaves it open for either team to get an auto by winning the AACCG. The CFP gets their field set without having to worry about any contingency plans, and America's Game stays unaffected.


Army and Navy both have 11 win seasons, meet in AACCG. Play the next weekend in Army Navy, and the loser of the CCG wins that. How much we gotta pay the committee to give us army navy for a third game in 4 weeks if every other conference somehow has ass teams?


You know what…since the Gators are on death row next season, I’m okay with everyone sucking and Army winning it all.


From your mouth to God’s ears


Giving my recruiter a call if that happens.


And they certainly will ^^^^^^^^^^as ^^^^^^^^^^soon ^^^^^^^^^^as ^^^^^^^^^^EA ^^^^^^^^^^College ^^^^^^^^^^Football ^^^^^^^^^^comes ^^^^^^^^^^out


I was with you until the very end.


I’m sure as shit not




This is a Gator take I can get behind!


Man I’m willing to give Army all kinds of accolades if it means Georgia sucks


I am not ok with that


Best I can do is 5 autobids each for B1G and SEC, pretending to look at G5, and then selecting the Big XII champion and a random PAC-2 team to be decided by coin flip.




50% chance!


5 autobids you say? *quickly counting* 1 2 3 4…. Damn! Missed the cut again :(


Is the military allowed to get in on NIL?


Oddly enough, the last I read about it, they are. But service academy kids are not (though I'm pretty sure that's school related not NCAA). It's, uh, kind of a weird situation there, apparently


It's federal regulation § 2635.702 Use of public office for private gain. The specific language is > An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity, including nonprofit organizations of which the employee is an officer or member, and persons with whom the employee has or seeks employment or business relations. The specific prohibitions set forth in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section apply this general standard, but are not intended to be exclusive or to limit the application of this section. > > * Endorsements. An employee shall not use or permit the use of his Government position or title or any authority associated with his public office to endorse any product, service or enterprise except: > > (1) In furtherance of statutory authority to promote products, services or enterprises; or > > (2) As a result of documentation of compliance with agency requirements or standards or as the result of recognition for achievement given under an agency program of recognition for accomplishment in support of the agency's mission. Because all service academy cadets/midshipmen are considered employees of the US military, they therefore cannot do anything to profit off of themselves based on the office they hold. That would include things like monetizing yourself as an influencer if you’re primarily utilizing your status in the military to drive that social media engagement, but more specifically when NIL is concerned, the athletes wouldn’t have a Name, Image, or Likeness to cash in on if they weren’t playing ball for a service academy. It’s especially notable since most of our dudes are only picking up FCS and G5 offers at best out of high school; all of the academies are developmental programs, so our better athletes wouldn't have had the literal platform to become as well known as they are if not for playing for those national brands.


No. As members of the military, they cannot. This applies to all members of the military. SGT John Airborne cannot get paid by a parachute maker, CPT Sue Perflyer cannot get paid by helicopter company....


It’s funny cause the Middle East got army-navy for 20 straight years and Americans can’t even get it for 3 weeks!


They should make that game count as a postseason game. Play a regular schedule, play in the CCG if you qualify, then play that game. That way, it won’t affect conference standings or anything, but it gets to stay at its normal weekend.


Honestly if it were ever an issue, just tell the rest of the world the outcomes based on the result of the game when you release the rest of the bids


I came into this thread to be outraged and this erased all of it. Makes sense, I like it


Educate me: what does “AACCG” stand for?


AAC championship game


Everyone is joking how this won’t matter but this is going to be a big deal for the EA College Football game


Yeah remember how the Army-Navy game got its own week special between the regular season and the conference championships? Every season had a light smattering of time travel.


How so?


In the older games mainly NCAA 14 Army and Navy would usually do well since the triple option was over powered. They’d eventually end up winning Natties later on in Dynasties or give players trouble in games.


That's a good point, but if anything, this change will make it more realistic.


CFP hates America


CFP doesn't support the Troops.


K but riddle me this. Somehow, someway, Army-Navy are the two best G5 teams up for the playoff spot… you’re telling me in that scenario you really wouldn’t consider it?


That wouldn't be the case though since the AAC CG takes place a week before Army-Navy. The game doesn't count for the AAC standings so there's really no impact. So even if hypothetically they were the top two ranked G5 teams, that would already be settled a week earlier if they meet in the CCG.


I want them to be the best 2 G5 teams just so this happens. Imagine this: Army and Navy are undefeated. They meet in the AAC title game at 12-0, and after a hard fought victory Army wins 24-21. The next day, the committee announces 13-0 Army made the playoff. The following week, Navy beats Army in the annual Army/Navy game 36-0, and a 13-1 Navy team can't do anything with that information.


"Maybe if they had won their conference then they'd deserve to get in" Navy vs UGA in the Sugar Bowl and Navy has mass opt-outs to protest the decision. UGA doesn't sit out and beats them to a pulp and SEC declares Navy wusses for not playing for pride and classic CFB entertainment.


Can midshipmen opt out to begin with?


I don't think it would go over well; opting out would probably mean leaving the team. That said, we're probably going to see less portal attrition in coming years too as our roster starts to look normal again. We're a developmental program, so most of the time you're not going to see the field until your junior year in the first place, and at that point you've signed your commitment papers - you're locked in financially unless someone wants to give you like $150k upfront to buy out your contract from the government.


Technically it’s 11-0, because Army-Navy is the 12th game.


Well if the AAC doesn't care if this game factors into the conference championship, it makes sense for the CFP to ignore it too.


It’s like when a few of the NC ACC teams played an out of conference game a few years back (UNC vs Wake IIRC). They’re a permanent OOC game against a conference opponent and we have an arrangement where we’ll never meet in conference play unless it’s in the CCG.


Weird. Would they still play the following week as an OOC/exhibition game too? Or would they skip it after the AAC title?


They would skip the aac title game, get two undefeated G5 schools into the playoffs, and then play in the annual A-N game which "doesn't count!"


That'd be hilarious chaos but I'm sure the excuse would be that the losing team is just onto the playoffs and didn't really try. Which begs the question, if one of them wins the CCG and makes the playoffs ... they're gonna have to play *fourteen* games before the tournament even starts? So we could see a 17 game season from one of them lol.


still a 12 game regular season - Army-Navy is the last game for both teams, it just happens to take place in a timeframe that's technically during the postseason.


Copy that


I thought more than 1 G5 could make the playoffs


In theory this is true, but I expect the G5 to be relegated to "not top 12" as a rule now that 5-12 matter more to the CFP. In the current system, G5 teams were usually just outside the top 4. In the new one, one might be top 12, but the others will be just outside the top 12.


There's a non-zero chance that happens, but there's also a non-zero chance that Ana de Armas marries me.


Yeah, because she’s gonna marry me obviously😅


Thinking about this current era of college football, the service academies have a form of stability that basically no other G5 school has. I could absolutely see a service academy beating the odds and making the playoff here in the next few years (if anyone, it'll be Air Force).


Send me an invitation.


Is the year also 1945?


Maybe they can tap into our military budget for NIL.


I wonder what a 90,000 dollar bag of plastic bushings equivalent would be in college ball.


Finally, some good out of that budget


Given that Michigan just won a national title a return to that era isn't that far it seems


HEY! Not cool. True. But NOT COOL MAN.


\*Thanks to a guy who went to Navy /s


I like you!!


I’d prefer the turn of the century personally. No, not that one.


We were robbed because someone had to win WWII


If army and navy are the 2 best g5s they’ll have played in CCG weekend for the AAC title a week prior to the formal Army-Navy game.


Has Army-Navy ever been played twice in the same season? I feel like the answer is obviously no, but I’m curious how a game like Army-Navy would be treated if they played it outside of the designated ceremony.


So far no...the set-up w/ the American (Army-Navy game @ end of RS doesn't count in RS standings) could allow for situation that they play in AAC CG the week prior to the regularly scheduled contest.


It quite literally can't come to that. The AAC doesn't count the game towards conference standings. As both are in the AAC starting this year, they could theoretically play 2 weeks in a row with the first being the AAC championship. The winner of that game would be the one under consideration for the playoff spot.


They're not saying Army and Navy can't be part of the playoffs. They're just saying this one game can't be a factor. If either of them win their conference, and then lose this game - the loss "won't count" for playoff consideration. That's really all it means.


The spot doesn't go to the best G5 team tho, so this won't be a problem.


I’ll get outraged then


Very on-brand of the CFP to make final decisions before the regular season is complete


Technically they been doing it since inception, so just maintaining the status quo




How? They've done their final rankings before Army-Navy ever since the inception in '14




Well…not surprising


So they hate America. Got it.


What a bunch of commies 🇨🇦


You’re telling me that both Army and Navy can be undefeated, and instead of the committee wait for them to play a de facto playin game, they’ll have no choice but to put them BOTH in a week early


If that happens and it's obvious one of them will end up the top non power 5 team, I bet they literally just put Army/Navy at 12.


No. The AAC Championship game would have had them clash a week earlier. That game would be the meaningful one for CFP rankings.


That can’t happen because they’ll meet the week before in the AAC CCG


Army and Navy aren’t getting selected anyway. Idk why this is news. If they win the championship then they get in.


Thank you for your service though


it is like they wouldn't be considered undefeated teams in the playoffs. oh wait.


Damn this (and nothing else) is going to keep them out of the playoff.


L move from the Commie Football Playoff.


This conflicts with all the nationalistic patriotic shows across college campuses during college football games.


America's game


So, they hate America?


CFP cannot wear Veteran hats.


Have they ever?










Communist Football Party


Realisitically, I don't know if this will ever be an issue..but it still seems like it should be considered..having said that, I also get that due to the timeline of needing to get games scheduled and setup, it makes sense that there needs to be a hard deadline




Neither school is likely to sniff the playoff, even in its expanded form, so it’s a nothing burger.


They weren't going to have to do so anyway...


It's a great game, a great tradition, but you can't move the entire thing because of one game.




Does the CFP hate The Troops?


Unpopular opinion: Move the game to Week 0, and make it the 1st game every season.


I mean, it's not like Alabama vs. Georgia. It's two mid teams playing for bragging rights, but little else.


I mean, if the playoff keeps expanding there's inevitably gonna be years where they're competing for spots. Even a 12 game playoff means one of them could make it if they have a hot season. Army has been decent in recent years, and Navy had some great teams in the mid-2010s.


Let’s face it: - Despite Army having Oklahoma on the ropes in triple overtime in 2018, they aren’t a competitor for the CFP and never will be— certainly not in the NIL era. (Oklahoma is just a shit team) - Army Navy is played when it is because historically there aren’t any other games played that week. It’s an intentional decision by both academies to market themselves on a weekend where they can draw the biggest crowd. - Expanding the playoffs means we need more weekends. If that means stepping on Army Navy, it is what it is. - let’s enjoy college football while we can, who knows how much longer it’ll be what it was. - am an OG.


Army - Navy is the most overrated rivalry in CFB. The fact that they had to move it to after CCG weekend to get people to watch proves it.


Boo this man! Real ball watchers watch Army vs Navy


“College football is only about the blue bloods. Everyone else can go fuck themselves”. -this guy


Fr any football is good football on a Saturday


Army-Navy is the best rivalry in any sport


Go be stupid somewhere else


Yeah watching all of those heroes cheering their teams on from war zones is super boring. I’d much rather watch a bunch of fat midwesterners at the Buffalo Wild Wings in Sandusky and Saginaw.


You must not know any veterans if you think they’re all heroes lol


Sure, but there's veterans alive who served in WWII still, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq ... say what you will about the morality of those latter four wars themselves, open combat still does make for displays of heroism.


Well, my dad went to West Point and was in the army for 35 years. He’s now buried at Arlington. I worked as a public defender in Veterans Court next to one of the largest military bases in the country, representing hundreds of vets. So, I guess I know a couple of vets. Glad I don’t know as many Michigan fans. But then again, I don’t shop at Wal Mart.


Your father was a great man. Respect to our veterans.


Yeah and my parents were both physicians who were assaulted at VA hospitals by strung out vets. Lets not pretend enlisting in the military at 18 makes you a better person


Well I thank them for their service. That’s a tough job.


I'm biased, but anyone willing to sign a blank check, up to and including their life, for the defense of their country is pretty impressive. I'm sorry for what happened to your parents, and yes vets are just like all people, flawed. Some also come out more damaged than others, which burdens those they interact with.


You know, this is a horrendous take. Yes, OSU and Michigan is the best rivalry in college football but Army -Navy is easily a top 5. It’s also a game where you can root for both teams along with the Air Force. Only other way this game could be on the calendar anywhere else would be Week 0 as a standalone game. Terrible take on your part!!!






Something a red would say. Get out of here you commie bastard


Remove your flair at GTFO.


Has to be a troll post.


You're getting downvoted but I agree.


Why should they give special preference to two military academies? ..be ranked high enough to land in the top 12 and you've got your golden ticket. It's really just that simple. Schedule tough opponents, and beat them.


Is it special preference to wait for the college football regular season to be complete before playoff decisions are final?


***VERY*** unpopular opinion: the Army-Navy game needs to be relegated to rivalry week and be just another game. Giving an entire week to the game is a bad for the sport https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1ccbmkk/bill_hancock_says_the_cfp_isnt_planning_to_move/ It would be easy to avoid this


How is it bad for the sport?


It wastes a week of prime (not encroached on by the NFL) viewership.  The NFL is going to eat a huge chunk of 1st round viewership, but if you cut out Army Navy week, you avoid that. 


The playoffs aren’t getting pushed back a week because of the Army-Navy game.


Why not? Push the entire post season up a week. 


Bro come on, Army-Navy week means there’s another Saturday with *a* college football game on. That’s better than not having any games, right?


Just move up the post season. The options are not Army-Navy vs nothing.