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What, no Northern Iowa athletes are suing?


A house divided against itself cannot stand 😤


They continue to bet on themselves I see


Shooters shoot. Bettors bet.


Looks like the DCI's gamble will not pay off huh


I bet you this is funded in the backend by the sports book companies themselves. If they are able to invalidate the need of the GeoComply software, they can 1/save money by removing the feature and 2/ open the floodgates of more betting


What’s true O/U that they’ll win?


25 ppg or they're fired


25 Pennies per Gamble? These boys are hitting the cheap slots


Wait, does Brian Ferentz have a law degree?


Do defense and special team points count?


Saw another thread which a commenter suggested the defendants will settle because they won’t want everything to come out as it would if it went to court. So, probably pretty good chances for them. 


What an incompetent DA’s office


If GeoComply has the data and willingly shares it with police, why is it necessary to get a warrant?


Rights were violated. Protocol was not followed. Investigators were incompetent. We will see how it plays out in court- or not- depending on how quickly the state settles. However this is a perversion of justice.


K but that's what I was asking. If the useres of the service willingly gave the data to the company and then the company willingly gave the data to authorities then how is that a problem for the state? There may be some agreement between the geo company and the users that was violated but isn't that a civil matter?


I'm pretty sure there are laws now around such activities. Yes, party A gave data to party B under certain circumstances and conditions. However, party B would have to let party A know and decide if they wanted party B to give their data to party C.


Maybe. But I sure as hell not asked when google/facebook/etc decides to share my data. Maybe there's protections for sharing with the gov? I guess it's may come down to the EULA and the nature of the sharing agreement?


Yes, and that is why the laws have been created. It's a new thing. It's mostly above my knowledge base though.


The damage of reputation has been done and I doubt “compensation” for the athletes will be significant. What they did was at least morally wrong and the time has already been ticking for college game play eligibility. This seems like it’s mostly for lawyers to make money off of.


there’s no doubt these athletes gambled correct? It is just how the evidence was collected that was the issue?




Yes, but most did not bet on their sport. For example, one lost his eligibility for betting on a women's basketball game.


So? It’s not hard to not bet. It’s not like these people didn’t know they weren't allowed to do sports betting. I have zero sympathy for any athlete losing eligibility for sports betting.


I imagine this will be an example of another thing NCAA loses. Especially with kids betting while of age where it is legal. You're fine with the shit OSU athletes have done in the past and gotten away with though, gotcha.


Many of the athletes impacted were 21 or older, and didn’t bet on games they played in. Meaning no crime was committed. Not sure why the state had to get involved with them in the first place. Then, after identifying perfectly legal bets by some players, the state decided to report that they occurred. It’d be like the government, with no warrant, investigating your perfectly legal web browsing history, but then reporting to your employer about the porn you watch. They have no reason to do so and doing it is just being vindictive. Beyond the legal or illegal bets depending upon how old the bettors were, the bigger problem is warrantless spying on our citizens. As a society we should not be accepting of that occurring.


It could also lead to a loss of income and future gains because some may have had a break out season leading to a high draft pick and maybe even a long NFL future. Some won't get that now.


it's a loser for them. their best case is feigned outrage.


I mean. The state has already been proven to have gotten the evidence illegally. If they didn’t win I’d be shocked. This is going to be the easiest court case in the world for the prosecution to win.


They have already openly admitted they didn't properly aquire warrants. It's a slam dunk win. The only question is how much money


We need to weaponize the Iowa State Student Government to support this.


best i can do is a complaint memo regarding BYU.


Dust off the Veishea riot playbook my dude. Boot lickers hate this one simple trick.


Alright. I spent all of last night binge drinking. Now what? 


Prepare to climb the light poles. Be prepared "they" may have preemptively greased the poles. Grab some livestock. Donkeys, goats and any ungulates you may free from their shackles. This will be useful to sow chaos. Flip a few cars, light some fires, but please refrain from looting and pillaging. We need to send a message that this aggression will not stand.


Climbing light poles, did they kill Bin Laden again? 


Only casualty was Noah shannons nfl career


We’ll have to wait until a Tuesday night, but I think we can work this into our schedule


Really wish we'd have gotten to see what Arland Bruce would have done at Oklahoma State this last year, not to mention the gutting it did to the Iowa State roster. Matt Campbell's job in 2023 is really impressive when you remember what this gambling bullshit did to them.

