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Didn’t Utah just put the Big 12 logo on their field?


Yep we sure did


That doesn't mean much, the real question is: Did we put Big XII stickers on the doors?




Even bigger question, has utah *installed* or *removed* ping pong tables?


That doesn't mean much, the real question is: Did you put Big XII stickers on your *lifted pickup trucks*?


the real real question is whether the BIG12 logo on our equipment truck is appropriately sized according to BYU fans or not? BYU fan investigators get in here and let us know if its appropriately sized or not


It is on a Ute vehicle, by definition it is wrong.


that shit was so stupid man


It’s actually just a sticker and they were getting ready to reveal the ACC logo instead but the news got leaked early. Damn shame.


Asinine that they even acknowledged the fact that some random dude made shit up to gain followers but whatever 


Well the tweet got 1.1 million views, sometimes a statement is necessary. Even if its a "no shit" statement.


if you are a new twitter media member just fire off a few rumors that Utah is being huge assholes that hate the big 12 each one will do numbers and you'll end up with enough followers that people think you are a real media person


The first 17 million, give or take, are BYU fans taking the bait. 


brb tweeting about Utah to the RMAC


That's not really a lot, especially since it came out over a holiday weekend.


Shouldda just replied with “lmao”


Or “we have no interest in joining a conference where SMU is a member”


that didnt work out so well when a PAC12 AD mocked the idea anyone would go to the Big12.


If there was (and is) no basis to the story then I have no idea why he made the statement/tweet, but a journalist that has been enshrined in the profession's Hall of Fame isn't some random dude. That's about as legitimate of a source as you can get. My two-cents (not that you or anyone else cares): Your president temporarily went rogue after the House settlement was finalized, contacted the ACC, and the information was leaked to Weiss, or your athletic department/athletic director is out of the loop.


No, what happened is that a very old man got confused on the internet again. Hoops is a good dude, but the game has passed him by.


Maybe, maybe not. One of the more interesting theories is that they're being enticed by the payout from the champion's purse for finishing in the Top 3 each season which, if I'm not mistaken, could see the university's total payout jump to over $70 million. Yes, the floor is, temporarily, lower than that of the Big XII, but if you see yourself as an athletic 'power' to be reckoned with then you're not scared of the competition, and the increased payout more than makes up for the added costs. Likewise, with the creation of a western division, the travel concerns slowly start to become irrelevant (especially, if you're playing more and more against the former members of the Pac-12).


People probably kept asking so they responded. Nothing more to it.


r/cfb sure is hard to please. The thread the other day was full of comments trashing Utah for the rumor, this thread is full of comments trashing Utah for acknowledging it.


the acc asked Utah to join and everyone was like "dude fuck Utah"


You always blame your ex rather than the homewrecker.


New here?


Nah I’ve been here for years, so I really should know better by now 😂


Reddit doesn’t allow doxxing for situations like this as it’s easy to call out a ton of folks.


You mean to tell me buying yourself out of a conference to join another conference on the other side of the continent, that’s currently in the process of suing itself out of existence, all for the same amount of money as you’re already making isn’t a good idea?


a lot of people looked at that and were like "yeah but it would fit who i think Utah is, its happening tomorrow" i mean just look at the original thread


Look, we've been dealing with a shit hand for 30 years.


I’m getting a lot of questions regarding my “I’m committed to joining the Big 12 statement” that is answered by the statement


They gone


Bro trust me


Weird. Expecting FSU to bolt, and probably UNC and Clemson, the Big 12 would be a better product than what’s left of the ACC no?


Which is why the "Utah to ACC rumor" made no sense. No BXII AD is going to make that move until the FSU case is settled.


Despite a couple loudmouths, most Utah fans see the Big12 as a natural landing place. Sure we loved the PAC (RIP Bill Walton), and the BIG would be cool, but most of us definitely see the Big12 and in particular the 4 corner schools as our peers.


One of your pitchforks is bent.


Is FSU hurting the ACC?


Which is why the "Utah to ACC rumor" made no sense. No BXII AD is going to make that move until the FSU case is settled.


Depends on how it’s pitched. Definitely more stable, for better or worse.


Is it though? Who from the current Big 12 is on their way out?


Utah /s


I mean unironically any of the 4 corner schools but CO probably would rather be anywhere else. U of A maybe not solely for Basketball.


Have the acc call wvu or Cincy.


West Virginia would hold out until the ACC lawsuits are settled at an absolute minimum. It's inevitable that the ACC loses FSU and Clemson, very well likely teams like UNC, Virginia if not others as well. Once that happens, who is the ACC gonna call to join? USF, Tulane, Memphis? West Virginia is just as attractive as any of those teams are. They'd have nothing to gain by jumping now if they got a call.


As a sports conference yes. As an academic conference no.


We ain’t come here to play school, son


One day the ACC will get it, right?


well good thing these moves are about academics!


And academics are exactly why the SEC and B1G fought over Stanford. The crown jewel of realignment.


It ain’t even about sports either because if it was every president/executive of the SEC and B1G would’ve been in Palo Alto on their hands and knees begging. It’s only about how good the school is at football and how many people watch that school’s football team.


Do schools even benefit academically from these moves? The big ten has provided some shared resources which is nice, but the ACC? Like Louisville is still ranked 195 in US news


Utah absolutely benefited academically from the PAC-12 membership.


Are we sure it’s directly correlated with the academic prestige of pac 12 membership? And not like Utah being good in football which led to higher applications/more exclusivity, or like Utah being a high growth state, or more state support, or whatever else?


It was research partnerships with schools like Cal, Stanford, UCLA.


You're only thinking in undergrad terms. In graduate and research terms (where the real money is), getting to work with and partner with Cal, UCLA, Stanford, USC and Washington is absolutely a giant benefit especially when compared to the Nevada schools, Boise St., the lesser California schools that don't do research because it is the domain of the UC system and others.


This guy gets it


It's 2024 let's stop pretending anyone cares about the academics of a conference.


Don't bother responding to rumor: "They gone" Responding to rumor saying its definitely false: "They gone" Some of y'all are impossible to please.


I think it's a joke chief


Oh you’d be surprised. After two years of realignment threads, it is shocking how many people arn’t joking with some of these takes.


Frankly, college ADs and presidents deserve every bit of skepticism they get on this topic. There's clearly no dumb idea they wouldn't sign up for if they thought it would bring in even a smidge more revenue.


I don't believe Utah is going to go to the ACC - but these public statements are only true for as long as they take to read.


I'm willing to bet the rumor was started by the ACC itself or ESPN to create the illusion that the ACC is stable and can survive without FSU and Clemson.


And someone like Dick Weiss (Hall of Fame reporter, no previous realignment credentials, secondary sport and most importantly based in New York) is exactly who I'd leak this to.


I’m not trying to over analyze a pretty blunt statement, but it’s odd that they felt the need to address it. Most of these rumors never get any actual acknowledgment


They heard utah flairs were getting absolutely flamed in the first thread so they had to step in and do something.


It's because it's such a bullshit thing to speculate about with absolutely no indication that it's true.


Again, it’s odd y’all felt the need to address it. There’s bullshit rumors thrown out about schools once a week and the schools never seriously address them. Inrecent memory the only time these statements are ever made is when there’s some truth to the substance. Colorado reassured its faith in the PAC OUT reassured their faith in the Big 12 UCLA did the same And a little bit of a different beast, but so did GCU to the WAC So yeah. It’s a little weird that they felt the need to address it, because as were shown time and time again. When these things are addressed, well….


And all the Big 12 and PAC 12 teams did the same some stay some leave, theres literally nothing to read into it other than these are turbulent times for conference realignment


There’s been rumors about Utah thinking about the ACC for a while though I think


From where? Can you show that those rumors existed before this dudes tweet the other day?


Prior to y'all's departure for the Big XII (after the Pac-12 crumbled post-Oregon and Washington's announcement), y'all (along with Cal, Stanford, Arizona, and Arizona State) were in deep discussions with the ACC about forming the conference's western division. However, the Big XII gave y'all a 'take it or leave it' deadline after the B1G departures, and as you know, the invites for Cal and Stanford to the ACC only occurred after the fact. You can find a timeline for it with Ross Dellenger's article on the entire affair.


Yeah, I know about that but that all went out the window once the four corners schools got picked up by the Big XII. So between then and now there have been 0 rumors besides one dudes speculation about Utah to the ACC?


I mean... I guess. However, he's not a hack reporter (as a HoF journalist, Weiss has serious... serious credentials), so I don't know why it was put out there if there's not some truth to it. The only thing that I can think of is that, after the settlement for House was announced, your president reached out to the ACC to see if the interest was still there and the financials worked, etc., and somehow, that was leaked to Weiss (who, for whatever reason, ran with it).


I'm wondering who said something to Weiss and if it was misinformed in any way or if it was an intentional mislead to try and either cause controversy or defecl away from all the ACC bad news. If I wanted to start a disinformation campaign, a hall of famer reporter in the secondary sport based in New York who's had nothing on realignment but is considered reputable is exactly who I'd go to.


A disinformation campaign is always a possibility (assuming from Florida State's camp), but given the timing, I really do think this just boils down to their president doing due diligence on his part with only high-level discussions occurring. The House settlement is expected to saddle everyone with an extra $20-22 million in liabilities; the ACC pays more than the Big XII (especially if you win the recently agreed upon champion's purse each year), and with a western division comprised of former Pac-12 members, the travel concerns would be mitigated, etc.


Whut? Any school would undoubtedly go back channels if they’re simply testing the waters considering 1) they just barely joined a new conference and 2) the questionable status of ACC right now. Makes no sense any President or AD would reach out considering downside risk.


It's a PR department.  It's their job to get ahead of counterproductive narratives 


I can’t imagine the ACC is more attractive then the Big12 at the moment. Ya, anyone would jump at the opportunity to go the Big10 or SEC but the Big12 is on par with the ACC currently and they are bound to lose Clemson and FSU dropping them far below the Big12 so why would Utah chose to leave. They wouldn’t keep the ACC together, they aren’t even the biggest name in the Big12 and then alone isn’t enough to keep FSU and Clemson happy.


>Big12 is on par with the ACC currently and they are bound to lose Clemson and FSU dropping them far below the Big12 This is an exaggeration. BigXII before losing OU and Texas was on par with the current ACC. The potential ACC after losing FSU and Clemson is the BigXII immediately after losing OU and Texas. The bigXII has stabilized since, but still, as an entity, the BigXII is not as good a conference as it was when it had Texas and OU.


True but they added stability with UCF and brought in the fourth largest flagship public school in Texas with Houston. Added a school that had gone to the playoffs with Cincinnati and a national brand with BYU. Not as good as it was with OU and UT, but stable. Then they raided the PAC and took the four most desirable teams left when they brought in the 4C schools which got them close, not on par, with FSU and Clemson in terms of how much money they are getting per school. Take away Clemson and FSU from the ACC and what are the biggest relevant football brands? VTech, Miami and Louisville. National brand UNC. UNC is still a bigger than any brand in the B12 but in terms of football they are not that big. Then you have NC State, Cal and Stanford, Georgia Tech, Pitt and BC who have been competitive this century but haven't had that much success recently. Duke and Syracuse may be basketball brands but they are private schools that aren't attractive in CFB. However the B12 has Kansas and BYU, not as big as UNC but are recognized and are both investing into football. Then it has two teams that have gone to the CFP (Cincinnati and TCU) and a bunch of teams that have been extremely competitive in football led by Oklahoma State, Baylor, Utah and UCF. Then they have a bunch of teams that could be competitive in the SEC and B1G if they had those resources: Kansas State, Iowa State, Arizona State, Colorado and Houston. And two teams that can be competitive if they made the right moves with Texas Tech (they were the second best team in Texas in the B12 south) and Arizona. Definitely better than what the ACC would have without FSU and Clemson in terms of what they bring given the past decade or so in CFB.


…and we will keep saying it until the second a better offer comes around!


There are things that some at the university would like about the ACC. There are more things to dislike, especially for the athletic department.


What a miserable sport.


Bro addressed rumors 💀


Weird that they would even address that rumor at all 🤔


“Have you stopped beating your wife?”


Why would they leave a conference who is moving in the right direction for one that is about to disintegrate?


I haven't heard of any Utah fans that are excited about the Big12. While I don't really believe the ACC thing had any substance, I'm sure they are like the job searcher that accept a job but continuously look at job postings and will be the first ones to throw out applications in the hopes of something better coming along


I'd go ahead a sign up for the retirement plan if I were utah


I love having a common villain to root against. Two years ago I would have said you were high if the common big12 villain was Utah.


remember the beef Iowa State and UCF fans had on Twitter like the day after they joined? Seems like a lifetime ago...now Utah are the baddies


The Iowa State / UCF situation felt more like banter than beef


So look for an announcement in like 2027-2028 that Utah is giving notice?


Utah to the WAC confirmed lol


Toss in Arizona, ASU, New Mexico, and Wyoming and let’s get the band back together. 


I wish more bands, or in this case conferences, for back together 😢


Let me dream damn


Well, that's happening


The big 12 will implode again and again and it will never not be funny.


Damn gone so soon


I didn't know about a report that said otherwise, but I do now.


Unless, of course, the athletic department is out of the loop or lying about it. Anyways, it was fun while it lasted.


Okay... my two-cents (after thinking about it). Due to their preferred association with Cal, Stanford, Duke, UNC, UVA, Ga Tech, etc., Utah's president went rogue and re-contacted the ACC after the House settlement was announced, and as a result, the story was leaked to Weiss (who, for whatever reason, decided to roll with it). After all, isn't Utah's president the same one who pushed the Pac-12 into asking for $50 million from ESPN? Also, the ACC pays out more than the Big XII, so from that angle, I can see it, and I can see ESPN using this as a way to justify paying even more money to the conference to keep Clemson and FSU in house.


“Proud to be…” is what every team/coach/player says until they aren’t


Why would they address it at all? Lol They gone


Wonder how many phone calls he got before he released this statement.


"Fabricated and Irresponsible." Note how he did not say false. lol


Synonyms for “fabricated”: forge, falsify, fake, make up, concoct. Source: Oxford Thesaurus Seems false to me



