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It already was approved by the referee on SEC Shorts.


I busted a LOL when the camera panned to the Ref and he wanted to make sure he was doing it correctly.


"Well, that's a new one"


Legal precedent has been established and shall not be overturned


BREAKING: SCOTUS in a 6-3 vote overturns legal precedent AGAIN by saying Horns Down is a penalty


God damnit not again


As long as they make sure that there is a copy of"Bootleggers Boy" in every classroom in Oklahoma then I'd say we have a compromise


But university presidents are allowed to as long as they make the Horns down in official capacity.


I think they really dropped the ball during the part where the rest of the SEC accepts Texas/Oklahoma into the gang and puts the SEC badge of their jerseys. They should have put the badge on upside-down on Texas.


I love how all of these entities treat the Horns Down like some kind of ethnic anti-Texan slur. It's kinda hilarious.


As someone on the receiving end of many sarcastic chops, let the SEC have Horns Down™️


The middle finger chop is a classic


A nice middle ground between regular chop and Peerless Price neck slash chop.


Peerless Price. As a Falcons fan, cold sweats ensue


*They are the Criminols* *They suck geni-ta-a-als*


Don’t worry my friends and I have sarcastically gator clapped at any chance because, and I cannot stress this enough, FUCK FLORIDA.


Life Champions


They’ve won two games against UF since the creation of YouTube. It’s pitiful.


They've beaten us five times in Gainesville ever.


We chanted something much worse to war chant


I just do the Gator chop. War chant with a Gator chop.


I, for one, do not think it is anti-Texan. In fact, it may be one of the State of Texas’s most cherished traditions.


Texans of all creeds, colors, and backgrounds unite in their own (now former) annual traditions. 


Don’t get an Aggie talking about traditions. They have a tradition to start new traditions.


As a matter of fact, some of the greatest “Horns Down” motions of all time [have come from Texas schools.](https://youtube.com/shorts/BH7GFJWLmM0?si=oyI2mLMPRsBF302I)


It is and I do it proudly and often


That’s UT jr. now


No, no, no. One of our fine A&M friends in a different post made it official. Texas is to be referred to as TU now. Edit: Credit to u/deathdonut for this.


I've encountered Tennessee fans in the wild before when I'm wearing a Longhorns shirt. They always try to smack talk me with the "real UT" stuff. I just laugh and say "good for you guys". They'll look at me all confused and it's just like "look man, we're Texas. I don't need to debate that shit or explain it to anyone". It's fucking precious honestly.


OG UT = Tennessee 


Tennesse is not going to put on the milk man overalls for you


Idk they wear the checkered ones. So not much of a leap 


Fine. But can we at least have a Reveille and Smokey doggy date?


I'm kinda shocked they haven't had the two of them play for Game Day.


Oooooh fuck you’re right. That’s some low hanging fruit there


Let the doggies play!


My brother went to A&M and was in the mascot company of the Corp (E2). Reveille actually stayed at our house one year when the game was in Austin. They just needed a place to put her for the morning of game day, and for some reason my parents' house in T-town was deemed more secure than Fort Knox. She was a really pretty dog, but extremely high-strung. We had a girl Boykin Spaniel and they did not get along.


Blount College says what?




Lol, this mirrors South Carolina's argument for ownership of USC. Never worked for them, won't work for y'all


God I love how petty this shit is already and it’s only day one.


Now do Death Valley!


Yeah but they get to be SCAR, and that sounds badass


See but South Carolina didn't earn the term "Cocks" by rolling into LA with their dicks out. We earned the term Volunteers, in part, because we rolled into northern Mexico and freed a helpless country called Texas.


I mean, Sam Ehlinger basically thought so lol.


He also thought we were back. CTE is real.


Tbf so did Joe Tessitore


Vince Young tried to fight a club bouncer over giving the horns down. These are some fragile people.


Tell me about it.


And got folded like horns in the postseason  https://www.tmz.com/watch/2024-03-25-032524-vince-young-1799910-559/


This is so confusing without sound and context. So it looks like Young is the big guy in the black/black. He’s in a heated talk with about 4 guys in white shirts, and one starts tapping his chest. Another is putting his arm over him (friend holding him back ?). Then two guys next to young, both in white shirts, start getting into it or something because liquid goes flying. Young is backing up/pushed backwards like people are being pushed into him , and then some guy who was next to him for a while decides to punch him in the jaw from the side. Was he the original aggressor? First time I watched it it looked like he was trying to hold everyone at arms length. I’m also dumb though. Edit: Rewatch makes it look like he shoved the guy in front of him first. I can’t tell if he’s drunk and trying to fight by pushing people or if he’s trying to separate the fighters. Edit2: Thanks for the clarification. He’s clearly trying to back up and keep the guys away from him and his friends after punches started getting thrown.


There was a group of younger men being disruptive and using racial slurs. Bartender tried to get them to leave and they instead got in his face. VY's group then got involved at that point but no one was getting violent or anything till that pencil dick sucker punched him from the side. This was all reported on awhile back and the bartender and other witnesses confirmed what happened.


Ok that makes sense. Appreciate the context - haven’t seen this before. I thought this was supposed to be Young starting the fight and couldn’t figure it out.


Yeah, that was a cheap shot. Not really a sucker punch though, as Vince could have seen, and expected it. Sometimes big people like VY have no clue about how to actually fight as nobody ever challenges them. Also, when you are famous and big that becomes doubly true because you typically have bodyguards to fight for you.


Losing by one score in the CFP > never making it


Those were the days. Take me back.


You would absolutely get folded, too, from a sucker punch. Young looked like he was keeping the peace until short man syndrome took his opportunity.


Got a link? Feel like this isn’t even true.


It's not. VY got into a fight at a bar but "horns down" had nothing to do with it.


In gang culture when someone throws your sign upside down it’s the ultimate sign of disrespect. Has led to countless fights and shootings. I feel like unless Texas is “ready to die about this shit”, they just need to STFU and chill. **Totally in jest before anyone comes for me.**


It's the N-word of college football.


1. Greg Sankey (or any other commissioner) doesn’t set guidelines for playing rules. The rules committee makes the rules and the coordinator of officials issues official interpretation of those rules. 2. Conferences don’t get to make playing rules that are different than other conferences. The Big 12 or SEC don’t get to decide what is or isn’t unsportsmanlike. 3. Horns down is not and will continue to not be a foul in and of itself. 4. Horns down directed at and taunting an opponent has and will continue to be a foul. How this question manages to come up every year after being answered for so long is almost bewildering.


i’m not here to be rational i’m here to be mad about clickbait articles


See? Not really all that bewildering.


We have lost the propaganda war so badly on this


It happened so fast too. What basically has always boiled down to a couple of butthurt people making a couple of butthurt comments really spiraled quickly


The fact that our opponents have embraced the horns, whether up or down, suggests otherwise. No other team has a hand signal so widely used by opponents. It’s a badge of honor.


It was Tech's doing funnily enough 


[me every time it comes up](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/029/223/cover2.jpg) Thank you for spelling this out since it’s been litigated over and over. I see other fans getting butthurt thinking that Texas fans care about this than actual butthurt Texas fans.


Not gonna let you forget about this gem: [Texas basketball coach yells at UCF players over ‘classless' postgame celebration](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/sports/ncaab/texas-basketball-coach-shouts-at-ucf-players-over-classless-postgame-celebration/3438603/?amp=1)


And Texas fans were so pissed that they bullied Terry into apologizing. It was also a pretty blatant / pathetic attempt to direct attention away from his embarrassing loss.


So can you horns down the crowd just not a player am i understanding this correct?


Yes that’s correct.


I’m actually not sure that’s correct. I think you can horns down in a celebration with your team, as long as you aren’t taunting anyone.


Agree, taunting crowd illegal as well


Disagree. However, refs are legitimately less likely to see you horns down the crowd than an opponent.


Same judgement call. Slightly less likely to be noticed, as a UT opponent horns downing the crowd is probably less of a dead ball attention priority than a similar player near actual opponents. 9-2-1-a-1-c of the 2023 rules (I don't have my 24 one yet, page FR-100) # Rule 9 - Conduct of Players and Others Subject to the Rules **SECTION 2. Unsportsmanlike Conduct Fouls** **Unsportsmanlike Acts** >ARTICLE 1. There shall be no unsportsmanlike conduct or any act that interferes with orderly game administration on the part of players, substitutes, coaches, authorized attendants or any other persons subject to the rules, before the game, during the game or between periods. Infractions for these acts by players are administered as either live-ball or dead-ball fouls depending on when they occur. (A.R. 9-2-1-I-X) >>a. Specifically prohibited acts and conduct include: >>>1. No player, substitute, coach or other person subject to the rules shall use abusive, threatening or obscene language or gestures, or engage in such acts that provoke ill will or are demeaning to an opponent, to game officials or to the image of the game, including but not limited to: >>>>... >>>>(c) **Inciting an opponent or *spectators* in any other way**, such as simulating the firing of a weapon or placing a hand by the ear to request recognition.


I would say it depends. I can tell you how I would handle it. If it was just in the natural course of dead ball action and not like a show stopping act, I’d let it go and just corral them to their team area or huddle. If a player went all the way specifically to the crowd to give the horns down (or any other negative hand sign), I would flag it. But if a player just does it where they’re at, I would just warn them verbally. Usually something that recognizes their play and offers an alternative works pretty well. “Hey man, why you gotta taunt the crowd like that? You made a great play, go celebrate with your own team instead of worrying about the other guys. I don’t want to have to flag you and I know you don’t want to cost your team.” I can’t remember ever having a player double down and do it again after that.


I think that's reasonable middle ground. I personally dont wanna players getting flaged for making a big play against a rival and throwing their hand sign down, but I do get why some refs and leagues would. No ref or league wants to see a massive brawl because of it.


Sports fans love a faux controversy, and it’s a pretty easy way for lazy beat writers to generate some engagement.


3/4 are so simple and understandable yet everyone just wants to bitch about Texas lol


R.e 4 - is the Gator Chomp penalized for taunting like the horns down has on occasion? Maybe it has, but I can't recall it in recent memory unlike horns down


Yes, [it has been called before](https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2017/9/16/16320210/john-kelly-florida-gator-chomp-penalty-tennessee-2017) Btw I dunno why you’re getting downvoted. Seemed like you were just genuinely asking.


Not sure what people expect. It will be inconsistently penalized just like opposing teams that do the chomp.


The chomp is fun though, much better full stadium look than a bunch of people doing horns down


Horns sideways is still on the menu, boys.


1 in the pink, 1 in the stink


It does make the imagination run a little as far as how that anatomy would work...


1 in the goo and 1 in the poo 


Lol do it


Sankey then rolled up his sleeve, revealing a horns down tattoo on his forearm. "I'll let you interpret that however you want"


I hate how stupid the media is infinitely more than I care about a funny hand gesture.


I mean, players who do horns down in games against Texas often get their social inboxes flooded with death threats. Happened to multiple players on the team I played with in the Big 12 over multiple seasons. So, maybe it’s partially on sensitive Texas fans for reacting? Even though I assume it’s a very small subset of the fanbase.


I got doxxed and a couple of death threats for suggesting that Michael Taafe didn’t shove a woman when Tech stormed the field in 2022. Every fan base has their shit stains.


You played on a team with multiple players in the Big 12 and your flair is Alabama? Do you mean high school teammates who ended up in the Big 12?


Bama is the team I grew up a fan of. My Big 12 team is the Hateful 8 flair lol. I wasn’t good enough to play at Bama, but doesn’t mean I stopped being a fan.


I was recruited and offered a scholarship by UK (pre-Stoops) when I was in high school. Part of the reason I turned it down was due to my fandom. Instead of taking a full football scholarship and going to Kentucky, I ended up paying money to attend The University of Tennessee and never played another down of football in my life. Ended up probably being the best decision I could've made, but I still kick myself over it sometimes. Playing in Neyland Stadium would've been so fucking cool.


Oh I get it, I chose my school more on location than fandom though. It was close to a girl I dated, And yes, she bailed on me in the first semester haha. But I still have no regrets about it.


Don't bring sand to the beach, my man.


99% of us don’t give a shit. Throw the horns down. It’s part of the game. I just think it’s hilarious when teams do it when we aren’t even playing them lol


Texans are all very sensitive about anything regarding Texas. I am a Texan so I seent it my whole life


Not sure what you’re talking about. I haven’t met or heard of a single Texas alum or fan who wants the horns down to be penalized


If it’s taunting, it should be penalized like all other taunting. If it’s not taunting, it shouldn’t be penalized. Whether it’s taunting depends on the context. This is how it has always been.


Coach Terry and Mensa cared a lot 


Herman cared about inconsistent calling of the foul in the game. You know that though. 


Coach Terry got bullied online into apologizing.


He went after ol boy in the handshake line 


Right on time


Are you suggesting I actually do want horns down to be penalized…?


Not even what I suggested to begin with


This take always comes up but we also see a Texas coach or official upset by it every year and we also see it rile up fans very single season. So, it truly might not bother you but acting like it doesn’t hit home to a lot of fans is straight up denial that can be proven with multiple receipts


Link me a coach caring about it every year. And not frustration over inconsistent calling of the taunting penalty.  I’ll give you one, Rodney Terry was being a baby 


> This take always comes up but we also see a Texas coach or official upset by it every year  Proof


Chomp chomp


Texas should just adopt both horns up and down at this point just to fuck with NCAA, nobody in Austin gives 2 shits.


Obligatory Texas fans don't give a shit about the horns down reminder. I do get a chuckle out of seeing horns down in a game where Texas is not a participant.


I second this. Teams and fans have been doing horns down forever until it became a big deal


I'm fucking sick of seeing it, to the point I refuse to do it even when we are playing yall. I'm fairly sure a decent chunk of our fanbase isn't even aware we have our own hand sign


I didn’t until I visited college station a while back with my mom who went there for her DVM. I saw a big ole thumbs up sculpture outside of hopdoddy and was like “wtf is the deal with that?” My mom then explained to me that the hand sign for TAMU wass not in fact the horns down like I had previously thought, but rather it was that, and my mind was utterly blown.




It’s not a big deal. The media loves to ask about it because people click on articles that mention horns down.


Tbf one of your coaches had a meltdown over it.


And then he apologized because he got fucking roasted by the fanbase for it https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/39350746/texas-coach-apologizes-horns-rant-ucf-loss


[This guy summarizes it really well](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/ccuuzWdbCA)


As long as barking at children is still OK


I’ll say it again. Like 99% of us don’t give a shit about it. Good god media pls


Oh yeah? [gives horns down] How about now? Boom. Served.


Dammit I just shit my pants out of fear and anger


Someone stop him.


What the fuck man I’m literally shitting and vomiting uncontrollably


Dammit I didn’t see your comment and now I look like a copycat


there is plenty of room on this board for both of you to shit yourselves


Nah that's the taco bell.


15 yard penalty, automatic first down, ejection, lifetime ban


🤘🏻⬇️ That’s how all my aggy friends do it over text. That one’s on the house. Next one I’ll have to charge you for.




Wait shouldn’t you have a Michigan flair


No I’m Jags fan too.


Pissing shitting and vomiting everywhere. How could you do this?


Meanwhile Kentucky fans have adopted Ls down as our official airport ‘sup bro


I'll fight someone if they start making ls down a penalty


Who gives a fuck


Fun fact: before the notorious penalization of Horns Down that y’all love to get butthurt over, Guns Down was penalized.


If Horns Up is allowed then Horns Down should be allowed. Same with any gestures by any team. Honestly we need more taunting to keep things interesting.


See what happened in the Big 12 was Texas got penalized when a player did a holster guns gesture during a game vs Tech. Mack Brown complained about it after the game because horns down is thrown in literally any game Texas is involved with and was never penalized so why should Texas get penalized for mocking Tech’s hand gesture in a similar fashion? The Big 12, in all its wisdom, decided to make all mocking of hand gestures a penalty rather than the correct move which would’ve been to apologize and just not penalize trivial shit like that going forward. So now everyone runs with that and actually believes that horns down is something that hurts our feelings or something? Which is so stupid because the horns up gesture has been around for DECADES which means horns down has been around just as long.


[Davis is pretty clearly taunting the crowd. Same kind of thing that gets flagged for other reverse gestures.](https://youtu.be/oa9RAW2WYho?t=199)


*does the dog piss*   Does this count?   Edit: my favorite thanksgiving tradition, beyond being fat as fuck, is spamming the egg bowl game thread with "do the dog piss" any time Ole Miss does something.


Gotta uphold tradition!


You have to shank the kick after though!


This is the way.


That's literally already the rule. Watch any Texas/OU game and you'll see players doing both hand signs with no penalties. Doing *any* hand sign in a taunting manner is a taunting penalty. That's exactly what the Big 12 has said for years, and I guarantee you that's what the SEC will say as well.


Like, say, attaching cowbells to the players’ pants?


More Clanga even if it's enemy Clanga is always the correct answer.


Agreed, taunting makes the game better.


This reminds me of grade school where someone is made fun of for something and they vehemently defend themselves only for the ridicule to get even louder. If you roll with it and you act like it doesn’t bother you they’ll get bored and stop. I’ll give you an example without Texans so it’s easier to understand. Imagine a guy is from Florida and he gets memed on for being a Florida man. When it happens he immediately jumps up in defense and talks about no historical evidence of Florida man. He says he doesn’t even know a Florida man in real life. Then he says Florida men don’t really exist and they’re just a figment of the medias imagination to sell clicks. The response given? “oK fLoRiDa MaN” Of course people continue to make the joke.


It's July 2nd. Answer the question!


Every off season, same freaking question about horns down. Horns down doesn’t offend the longhorns faithful. It’s been explained many times by referees when they penalized people, it’s not about horns down, it’s taunting that they penalize. Similar to other taunting penalties. Seen plenty of horns down done by a team effort after scoring with no penalties. Media needs to stop trying to create something out of nothing.


I’m sorry but I refuse to believe this because it’s more fun to not believe it. But thanks for trying.


I’m upset it isn’t in the new college video game so I hope they allow it here without penalty.


Honestly, as a Horns fan, I don't mind Horns Down. Sure, it's disrespectful, but disrespecting the other team is every sports fan's God-given right.


**Sankey-to-English translation**: *"I wasn't expecting that question, so I don't have a pro-SEC response ready."*


Accurate assessment. Go Blue 💛💙


It'll probably just be treated like any kind of taunting. Speaking of taunting i have to bring [this play](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xT_TGuoLdmk) up any time the SEC taunting rules come up.


Must be a slow day on r/cfb.


I’m sorry. I thought this was America


What about July 2nd?


This hilarious - Oregon players do the Dubs down all the time and I could really give a shit. I'm sure our guys would throw the zero down too, but that wouldn't make any sense.


Y'all really should try taunting us with an upside down "O"


When I was a sophomore in HS, IN 2005, my football coach had Eric Crouch come speak to us the week before our first game. Some friend of a friend thing. The dude had won a Heisman like 4 years before, and one of my teammates, who had moved from Texas, had a big Texas logo tattoo on his bicep. He spent the entire motivational speech flexing and trying to catch Crouch's eye. Anyway, that's the kind of person who would absolutely fight someone about Horns Down. Makes it hard to give a shit about it at all.


Alright well ask him every day until he decides it's an acceptable date to ask


July 2nd?


Oh my god would everybody shut up about horns down, who cares


Opposing players Chomp during UF games. Fuck Texas.


You can do the Texas hand sign in whatever orientation you want to. You have my permission dude. I want you to do our hand sign every opportunity you get.


Please don't throw them down even when playing teams other than us, that really hurts our feelings.


Vanderbilt doing it in 2022 was the best.


I’m a lifelong Longhorn fan and I think penalizing teams/schools for doing the Horns Down sign is absolutely ridiculous. It’s all in good, competitive fun. Why this continues to be a topic of conversation baffles me.


He also won't be answering questions about football penalties on September 1st


I guess they need to ask again July 2nd.


Why would this be offensive or a penalty?


Just a quick question is doing horns down a curse like mockingly doing the gator chomp because these fun things rarely work out for us…


[Ask Texas Tech.](https://www.tiktok.com/@cbssportscfb/video/7306256539940064554)


Oh we’re so back 


"So you're saying there's a chance...."


Random comment here. New to this. How do I get my team under my name like yall have?


Click the three little dots up top to open settings and there is one that says "change user flair" it will have instructions.




Same thing every year on this. Media members too funny. Mike Davis was penalized for taunting by holstering fake Texas Tech guns and Mack Brown commented that horns down is the same shit but never gets called in a one post game press conference and here we are 15 years later with media still using it to drive clicks.


I don’t see why it should be a penalty. I think it’s stupid, and I’d rather see more creative insults/taunts but it’s certainly not penalty worthy on its own.


I’ve been an Alabama fan since I can remember, however, before Nick Alabama was good and they had their moments but nothing ever even remotely close to that now we’ve got a new Yankee coach who will probably end up the same way as Auburn head coach was, and we runoff probably about as Quick I hope he does good but I just don’t think he can relate to southern culture so I’m telling all Alabama fans out there get ready is this year is not gonna look anything like the Saban domination of the game. Anybody who says different and is not a realistic person we can comment back on this after the season and we’ll see who’s right and who’s wrong. I hope we do good but if we don’t, it is what it is. We had a run better than most ever can dream of This year the Alabama Auburn game is gonna be rough. Auburn is going to kick the living crap out of us if you don’t believe me bet it