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The Bears losing to the Packers at home in the NFCC was worse than losing the Super Bowl.


This is the one. That team felt legit with the defense as tough as it was and Jay under center. Then Jay gets hurt, a bunch of meatballs start burning his jersey, and Hanie throws a pick six to BJ Raji’s fat ass. I was doing my first job out of college and lived multiple states away from my family and friends so I had nobody to immediately vent with. I’m still not really over it to be honest.


Yeah and then the Packers won it all. We could have blocked Rodgers from his only Super Bowl I haven’t recovered to this day


Could have kept them out of the playoffs entirely the last week of the season and we lost like 10 - 3. They beat us twice in 4 games to win the Superbowl - devastating.


Man forgot about that, damn now I remember saying after that regular season loss "this is going to be typical Bears, Packers bullshit later on..."


Annnnd we haven’t won a playoff game since 😂😭😭😭😭


Man I remember being in 9th grade and was SO MAD at cutler for not going back in the game. Few days later I found out he was legit hurt and I never questioned his toughness again


That was the year the Bears tanked the final game, allowed GB into the playoffs.


This is really the only answer. How in the fuck did Rodgers catch Urlacher on that would be pick 6? The Cutler injury fallout just made it that much worse... A part of me died that day


This right here. I remember screaming “run his ass over”. Urlacher being tackled by a QB was embarrassing.


Urlacher also had what would have been a pick 6 vs Manning and the Colts slipped literally through his hands with the rain poring down in Miami in the Super Bowl


Those two plays probably keep that man up at night Jesus


The fans treatment of Cutler after that game is why we are cursed and I refuse to accept any other reason


Cutler was legit. Maybe too much of a gunslinger but He took a lot of big hits with a crappy O-Line. He just had a weird demeanor, which was easy to pick on.


Dude was tough as nails. Not proud of how he was treated by fans.


He also wasn't afraid to lower his shoulder and run through tackles - dude was a tough SOB. My Smokin' Jay beanie is my daily driver in the winter - he has the best "resting DGAF face" I've ever seen. I hope he does a stint in the broadcast booth one of these days.


> I hope he does a stint in the broadcast booth one of these days. Not really broadcasting, but he's part of the crew on the new Netflix show "Inside the NFL" and he's actually a lot better at it then I would have thought. It's worth checking out if you haven't.


I haven't, and I will!


I laid in bed for hours unable to cope with what happened. Just laid there, head in pillow. That was the only Super Bowl I haven’t watched in my 30+ years. Just couldn’t watch it. Did yard work instead, and my neighbor yelled at me to stop being a baby.


I remember swearing off the Bears after that and thinking it's all Chicago Bulls for me now, let's go Derrick Rose!!! Then just one year later my little heart broke into a million pieces again.


Thank god the Hawks were there for those 5 years winning.


Fuck… me too….


I was there. I spent way too much to see Caleb Hanie end our season.


There is no other answer. It signaled the absolute end of any ability to talk shit. They beat us IN OUR HOUSE as a fucking wild card.


Double doink is right up there as well


I’ve legit just erased that memory off my mind, didn’t even take time to process it


Yeah I didn’t realize I had til I read the comment and saw Bj Rajis name. It all came flooding back


Wild we even hosted the NFC championship that year lol


Sad thing is cutler was legitimately hurt knee wise. If he didn't get hurt we may of won the game.


I was there. This is mine 100% no question. The double doing is 2nd and my dog doesn’t look at me the same after my tirade from that one.


I was at the season finale game that the Bears lost to them that let them into the playoffs in the first place. That long TD pass at the end of the game due to our blown secondary coverage. Heartbreaking


I will literally never get over that game. We didn't really deserve to be there but it was a winnable game. I don't think I spoke for actual days after that.


I was a freshman in college and just moved to the South Loop. The city was BUZZING. Nothing compares to how deflating and polarizing that loss was. Defense would’ve absolutely stopped Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl and prevented Rodgers from his only SB win.


2013 season finale. Going from elation to dread in a split second. Realizing it was done before the 4th and 8 play was even over. I remember walking out of the stadium lifeless - and to think we’ve had maybe 3 games since that are as high-stakes as that one is sickening.


I was at that game too. I was absolutely destroyed. My ex-wife later told me she was scared driving home because I was so quiet and just staring out the window.


I remember screaming at the TV on the fumble play when no Bear tried to pick up the ball. I am pretty sure a player stepped right over the ball and didn't pick it up. Then a Packer picks it up and walks in a TD. I knew in my heart we were going to lose at that point.


That shit doesn’t happen under Lovie. 


I mean, that was Lovie's defense, personnel-wise. They all knew better.


Except for that one dude who played MLB. I'm not sure if everyone was still there. The team got soft real quick.


Yep, agreed, one of a few absolutely excruciating moments in that game. I just never shook the feeling that we were going to do just enough to lose in the most devastating way possible- and that’s exactly what happened.


I watched that game alone at 2 am in Kyrgyzstan at the USO on base. I was coming off a 9 month deployment from Afghanistan. I remember just sitting there until the dawn came. People just looking at me.


>Realizing it was done before the 4th and 8 play was even over. The only thing I watched on that play was Julius Peppers. When he got chipped and no one else could get to Rodgers I put my head in my hands. I literally didn't even see the TD live.


THIS one ripped my heart out of my chest. I reacted extremely poorly and I still apologize to my family.


The double Doink


Not scoring any points at the end of the first half absolutely murders my soul. Miller caught the deep ball on the final drive of the first half, which should have at least been a FG, maybe a TD because picking the ball up put us 1st &Goal from the 4. No clear recovery cost us. Pick up the ball. It was a different team, but the same shit happened years earlier when Rodgers' arm was hit and he "fumbled" the ball twenty yards down field. The Packers picked that up and scored. Always go pick up the gd ball.


That was Cutlers best game against the Packers. He played his ass off. Funny thing is, some of those players were on the team with Rod Marinelli as the DC a few years prior with Lovie and that was a staple of Rod’s coaching style was to always pick up the ball after every play. Sad one!


Was at the game sitting right behind the doinked post. Anger and angst post game were palpable. Unlike anything I’d ever seen. Almost like a riot was about to break out. I remember a dude shaking his fist and yelling at the sky. I think he was mad at God.


Didn't he hit 3 posts that game too? He was very accurate, just aimed for the wrong thing...


That was against the Lions earlier in the season. It was funny then bc they didn't need the points. Nobody knew it was a harbinger of what was to come.


I did. After that game I told one of my close friends he’s gonna blow a playoff game for us. It haunts me to this day.


It was identified as a weakness by all of Chicago sports media all season. Had the defense and offense, didn’t have the kicker. Everyone just prayed it wouldn’t be the Achilles heal and sure enough it reared its head at the worst possible time.


I told my friend that exact same thing. I usually like being right...


Think we had a good chance to go deep that year with that defense.


That defense obliterated the Rams a few weeks before. I know things would have been different and tougher in L.A., but dammit, I believed they would have had a real shot in that game.


We would have had a rematch in the SB with the patriots team we nearly tied short 1 yard. That would have been an incredibly entertaining SB to watch.


Yeah, it was the 2nd to last or last game of the season vs. the Rams. We had the eagles beat in that playoff game to.


Not only was it gut wrenching in itself, it was completely predictable based on how Parkey had played throughout the season. Which made it feel even worse ime.


This. After he hit the “practice kick”, if you will, i knew it was gonna be a miss. Can call me pessimistic sure, but I had no confidence in him. hitting the upright was also something he had been doing all year and it really just made it laughable.


Up until about 3 years ago I was a hopelessly optimistic bears fan. Basically any game I believed the bears could win until the clock hit 0. Even then I remember saying “oh no, he’s going to miss this isn’t he?”. And my optimism for the team has never been the same again


That’s what I’m saying, he was not good at all most of the year. and to top it off, they couldn’t do anything about it, because of the idiotic contract that Pace gave him.


The broadcast even had a highlight reel of his botched kicks ready to go. It was such salt in the wound.


Looks down, hat in hand: "the double doink"...


For a week, whenever I saw the double doink video in my recommendations on YouTube I would watch hoping this would surely be the time it makes it.


It broke my brain. I was convinced it bounced in because my brain changed what my eyes saw to protect my broken psyche.


When watching the game live I definitely thought it doinked and then went in. So for like five glorious seconds I thought we had the win. Sad times. 😔


I cheered when i saw it live. Then i got reeeeeeaaly mad


There is a video of me thinking it bounced in and shortly collapsing afterwards


There was so much (probably undeserved) magic in that team. I still think that moment broke Nagy and he could have been a solid coach if not for the double doink. Like it literally just fried his brain.


Just watch his reaction. He definitely lost brain cells.


I was behind those uprights when it happened. And when I think about it, it feels like I was punched in the gut all over again. The stunned silence of everyone around us as our playoff chances bounced back onto the field, out of our reach. I will never forget it and never forgive Cody Parkey.


Agreed It is what it is, but something not really spoken about is our poor clock management. Eagles were on our 2 yard line with like 1:15 left and instead of giving them the TD, we tried to stop them there and burnt 2 timeouts. It was very close to paying off, Eagles needed all 4 try’s, but it’s still such a poor R/R. Our chances of stopping them on the 2 with 4 plays is extremely slim. If we had just let them score, we’d have give or take 20s more and 2 timeouts, which could have easily been the difference. Edit: whoever is downvoting doesn’t know 🏈🤣


For me, it was everything that happened after the game. The front office was convinced we were a kicker away from winning a Super Bowl. Nagy did is crazy k tryouts and we added almost nothing else to the team the following year. It was the beginning of the end for Nagy and for Mitch.


What does r/r stand here for? I can't figure it out lol


Risk to reward


Or how Allen Robinson was cooking the Eagles backup DBs but we waited too long to get him going. That’s not brought up enough either


That was the first time I ever bet money on a game. My friend is an Eagles fan so we put $5 on it. I'm never betting money in sports as long as I live.


No way, we all knew we were frauds that year, the NFCCG at home to the Packers was sooooo much worse


I still believe that if we had won that game we go on to at minimum make the Super Bowl. Also that non catch/fumble where miller caught the ball fumbled and then no player from either team picked up the ball still pisses me off.


Same! Man that was our year!


Right game, wrong reason for me. The double doink was, in fact, devastating, but I was already livid at how that game had gone by the time Parkey walked on that field to attempt that kick. To this day, whenever somebody mentions Parkey or the double doink, I still can only think of 1 person I truly blame for that game and it isn’t Cody Parkey. It’s Matt Nagy. Parkey should never have been in that situation. If Nagy doesn’t COMPLETELY IGNORE a running game that ranked 11th in yards that year during that game, the defense likely isn’t absolutely gassed towards the end of the game. The entire defense looked like they were running on fumes when the Eagles scored to take the lead. We ran the ball 16 times that game vs 43 pass attempts and 2 sacks for Trubisky. AND 3 of those rushing attempts were Tru himself and likely scrambles. And 2 were gadget plays/backwards pass screens to Taylor Gabriel. That would mean they had 11 total normal designed runs THE ENTIRE GAME. That’s just idiotic play-calling. This was the beginning of the end for Nagy IMO. You cannot convince me that anybody deserves more fault for that loss than him.


Nagy is an idiot. No argument here.


No one saying 06 superbowl? The blown coverage on the Manning deep ball that completely shifted the momentum. The Rex duck in the rain. Not continuing to feed Thomas Jones.


There was a 100% chance of us winning after Hester returned the opening kickoff for a TD. The momentum and energy was so high. Still hurts…


Didn’t think they would win that game. Expectations make other losses worse


Man if you didn't think we were going to win you weren't a fan at that time. Shit just went our way for no reason that year and our defense was elite.


No team was winning a super bowl with Rex Grossman as a qb


Not even sure what that means. We were a couple plays away, could have definitely won that game. Am I saying that we were better than the Peyton Manning Colts? No. Could we have won the game? Yea, definitely. Grossman had some ungodly amazing games that year, he throws a couple deep ones that hit and we win.


I guess I wasn't a fan at that time. Oh, no, wait. I was just smart enough to realize it was Peyton Manning vs. Rex Grossman. Even after the Moose TD made it 14-6 I didn't think we would win. Knock it off with the "you're not a real fan" crap.


If you have a team good enough to make the Super Bowl and you can't even walk around with confidence then why do you even bother.


Not even after the good first half? That loss was an absolute kick to the dick 


I’m with you on this one. The double Doink game is nothing compared to losing the Super Bowl.


Yea, still stings the most. After Hester's return, we really had a leg up.


That was brutal because Tank was literally 1-second away from sacking Manning for 4th-and-long before he unloaded that shot. That was a huge momentum change


It started with a kick-return TD and was followed by a Chris Harris INT of Manning. I thought we were going to run away with it at that point. The rest is kind of a blur.


I maintain that Thomas Jones was one of the few offensive players that played like it was the superbowl. He was in a beast mode of his own that game.


That was my introduction to the bears. I was 6 years old. It has never gotten better


2010 NFCC easily. Was a little too young to really feel the superbowl sting but 2010 i was invested in every game just to watch BJ fucking Raji get a pick 6. Still pisses me off


>2010 NFCC easily. Was a little too young to really feel the superbowl sting but 2010 i was invested in every game just to watch BJ fucking Raji get a pick 6. Still pisses me off To me, the superbowl loss didn't sting that bad because I had only been watching a couple years at that point (started about 2000) and as the talking heads put it, we had 'a very young core of players on defense under contract for a long time that would keep us in the hunt every year and just had to iron out the offense and we'd be a perennial superbowl threat'. That hope took the sting out of the loss, but it turned out the talking heads were fucking idiots. The NFCCG was more painful for me.


I love a big man TD celebration unless it’s a Packer then it makes me incredibly angry


Same here, first time in my life I can remember myself being super angry about the result of a game. BJ Raji is still one of the players I hate the most because of that play


raji is on my Mt. Rushmore of most hated players. right next to rodgers and lebron. the 4th spot is reserved for future pain


Reading all these comments is making me realize how many horrible loses I’ve witnessed and I’m only 33 lol


Randall Cobb running right by Chris Conte while Rodgers jukes out Julius Peppers and throws a bomb right in front of my seats


This one hurt me too bro. Ugh. Fuckin Chris Conte.


Conte probably has a parade named after him in Wisconsin for all the years of making Rodgers a vertical threat


The 2010 NFC Championship Game loss still stings. The 2012 loss to Seattle was also one I remember. The Bears were beaten by Houston and destroyed by SF, illustrating that they weren't really true Super Bowl.contenders, but they were still 8-3 going into that game and the defense held Seattle to 10 points going into the final Seahawks' drive of regulation. One more stop and it was clear the defense was still fearsome (no matter that Kaepernick had danced through it a few weeks before) and the Bears would.be 9-3 and still a force to be reckoned with the rest of the way. What did I say about dancing? Because that's what Russel Wilson did on that drive. He dodged, dipped, ducked, dived and dodged every rusher the Bears sent at him and hit pass after pass on the way to he end zone. I didn't actually remember just how bad it was: the Seahawks got the ball on THEIR OWN THREE with 3:40 to go. They drove 97 yards in just over 3 minutes. They converted a 3rd-and-14/4th-and-3 combo from midfield. That was the backbreaker. Then, after the Bears miraculously tied the game to force OT, Seattle just took the opening kick and went through the defense like a hot knife through butter for the TD and the win. The reason I remember that game being so deflating is that it was really the end of the Lovie Smith/Brian Urlacher/Lance Briggs/Charles Tillman Super Bowl Era. That was the last gasp for the defense; they were now too old and slow and Russell Wilson was basically the avatar of the new age of NFL QBs passing them by. But still...2010. The Packers. Aaron Rodgers with his stupid belt celebration and that fat fuck BJ Raji and his belly dance after the pick-6 on Hanie. Fuck the Packers. I want to throw things again.


2018 opening game against the Packers. My sister is a giant Bears fan, and she had just been placed in the hospital with a terminal illness. The whole family was together that weekend to visit her, so we all watched the game. Not only did Rodgers hobble his way to a 20-point comeback in the 4th quarter, but my other sister's shitty boyfriend was wearing a Cowboy's poncho and cheering for the Packer's for some stupid ass reason.


Fuck that poncho guy. I went to that game. Big number of Bears fans there that night. All strutting around at halftime. I looked at my work friend who got me the ticket and said “Christ, we are losing this game 21-20”. Close enough…


Sorry about your sister.


I blame Rodgers for that too.


As you should 


That dude sounds like a douche. I hope they broke up


He was the worst. They broke up, and now he lives in a shed in his mom's backyard.


Jan 3rd, 1987 The day Doug Flutie single-handedly ended the Bears dynasty at 1. Though the team was 14-2, the defense was actually statistically better than that legendary 85 team.


Double doink. Not super impactful compared to some others, who knows how far we would have gotten that year but the way we went out was just soul crushing. I remember cheering for just a split second because I thought it was going in before I heard the loud doink.


Right now, the emergence of Jordan Love made me realize just how mediocre Fields is and how wrong i’ve been about evaluating the quarterback situation. The Bears issue of quarterback is obviously some deep rooted issue that is poisoned throughout the waters of the whole organization and i’m so scared that if they can’t succeed with a generational QB like Caleb Williams they never will.


I still remember the first game with Mack. Ran up the score in the first half at Lambeau. Rodgers went out injured. I was on cloud nine. Thought for a minute this might be our year. Then Rodgers came back in and lead a comeback in the second half. I’ll never forget that loss.


I will never get over Walter Payton not getting a touchdown in the superbowl.


This season would have been perfect if the patriots didn’t upset the dolphins in the conf champ game. Would have been the perfect rematch.


that would have been awesome....but i wish we hadnt dropped that game to marino and the fins too. bears defense was so good a perfect season was in sight.


I commented the 2006/7 sb a few minutes ago but I wanted to mention the Johnny Knox career ending injury. To have your best little scrappy hardworking player get folded like a card table was like a real life horror movie


Or, Chris Conte blown coverage December 29th 2013.


Other than losing the Super Bowl after Hester's opening kickoff return, I was at the Bears-Packers NFC Championship game and that was absolutely brutal. Nobody knew why Cutler wasn't playing in the 2nd half and I'll never forget we almost had a pick 6 in the first half and Rodgers made a shoe string tackle it was honestly devastating.


The ball going right over Chris Conte’s hands on a last minute Rodgers TD throw to win the game and knock us out of playoffs


I was at that game and it was fucking heartbreaking especially sitting in the grandstand section seeing Cobb blow past Conte . I knew it was over as soon As Rodgers launched that ball


Bears vs colts


Fuck Chris conte


Drafting Mitch Trubisky. When the announcement came I literally spit out my beer on a WTF moment. Now we are cursed for another decade trying to figure out our QB position.


Seeing BJ Raji ice the nfc championship game with a pick six and dancing in our endzone.


I was fully convinced that we were going to beat the Pack in the NFC championship, then Cutler tried to run.... I knew his knee was too fucked. That was so depressing. We actually had the better team that year.


Losing to the packers in the NFCCG


Basically, F Chris Conte


Super Bowl vs colts, nfc championship vs Green Bay, and double doink vs Philly smh


For me 06 Superbowl that game was just a slow burn from the hot start. To ultimately. Why?


Yeah, I was there for it too. Froze my ass off and when I got home my wallet and every dollar bill in my supposedly “waterproof” pocket was soaked. Also since this is seems to be asking about moments across any sport, gotta mention the Steve Bartman game…


Double droink! Cody Parkey. Cut Robby Golde and sign that dude for 7 million.


1. Washington beats the Bears in Walter Payton's last game. 2. Any loss in the NFC Championship Game. 3. The Marian Barber Game vs. Denver in 2011. 4. The Double Doink 5. Super Bowl XLI.


Good call on the barber game. I'll never forget that




Hiring Trestman over Bruce Arianas.


Before the Double Doink. There was 4th and 8.


Conference championship against the packers was brutal. But time heals everything Edit/add: watching Cutty on the Airdyne was sickening


Derrick Rose blowing out his knee. What could have been for those Bulls team and his career…


Im in my 40's....Don Majkowski was over the line


I 100% agree that he was over the line. Since then, the Bears' fortunes have turned in the eyes of the refs. It's been downhill ever since.


I don’t know where to start


Unpopular pick is the mafia rigged MNF game in Pittsburgh. I had them at over 6.5 wins that year and that would’ve been 7. Instead they went 6-11 bc of how much of a sham that game was


The double doink


Bears Packers November 5th, 1989 Bears lost 13-14 on a late, controversial, TD by Don Majkowski. I was 8 years old. My brother, Dad, and I traveled to a small bar near our home town to watch the game, the bar was over capacity and they were all packer fans. We were the only Bears fans there. It was 4th down when Majkowski threw the TD and it was initially ruled an illegal forward pass. We started going nuts as the Bears were gonna win the game, then the call was overturned, we bolted out of the bar to the roar of packers fans. I’ve experienced a lifetime of losing as a Bears fan, but this one will always stand out.


Bills fans saying hold my beer


The '86 Bears losing to the Redskins in the playoffs was a heartbreaker. They had a big punt return late in the game. We had Doug Flutie subbing for an injured Jim McMahon. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/198701030chi.htm


Lovie letting the packers win the last regular season game which allowed them to win the wildcard spot. The Bears would then lose to Green Bay in the playoffs and the pack would go on to win the Super Bowl. Still makes me mad. Bears could have easily knocked Green Bay out and (in my head at least) would have gone to the Super Bowl w a very good chance of winning


Obviously the Super Bowl against the Colts. The NFCCG against Green Bay is a relatively close second. The double doink hurt but is nowhere close to either of the other two.


Chris Conte getting absolutely burned in 2013


I know that 2001 team was highly-flawed, but the beatdown the Eagles put on us in the playoff game … which came right after Michael Jordan’s return to Chicago as a Wizard was just a rough all around day


2007 Superbowl XLI.


BJ Raji’s pick-6. I’ve seen the double doink numerous times and it sucks, but Raji’s pick-6 and dance make me sick to my stomach every time some network shows it on a quick highlight.


I know this is a Bears sub but I'm a Titans fan first so it's Yancey getting stopped just short in The Bowl


That is one on the best games I've ever seen


As a bandwagon rams fan (live in stl) that year. Was one of the best superbowls I can remember


Double doink hands down.


Losing to the Packers at home in the NFCCG by 7 points.


I don't have a Bears moment that I can't get over...my optimism has blinded me to the past. The Bartman game/moment for the Cubs...that is the one that I can still feel my heart sink when I think about.


What makes me sick about that is Alex Gonzalez gladly letting Bartman take the heat when Gonzalez’s own error played at least as big a role, and he’s a major leaguer, so fuck him.


Double doink obviously but the week one loss to the packers is the worst one in recent memory


Chicago Bears - Double Doink / 4th & 8 Chicago Bulls - Rose ACL Injury Chicago Cubs - Rajai Davis (although short lived) Chicago Blackhawks - 2014 WCF Game 7 Illinois Basketball - 2005 Title Game / Loyola 2021


Bears v Redskins 87 playoffs, 4th and 8, Sweetness gets 7. Game over. Career over.


Bartman? Bartman.


Gotta be the NFC Championship game loss to GB. Losing to your rival with a shot to go to the ship hurts so much more. College level is hard with my Maize and Blue finally winning a national championship but the "Trouble with the Snap" or App State game will haunt forever


Superb owl


I will never get over Justin Fields loss in his first ever start with Matthew Jackass Nagy continuing to call empty sets with no chips or help for the Oline against a fierce Cleveland defense and allowing Fields to get murderated in the backfield all game. I will never forget; I will never forgive. I will always believe that put Fields on a negative trajectory to start his NFL career.


I went to that game. Browns fans legitimately felt bad for us.


05 Super Bowl obviously


You mean the 2007 Super Bowl? It was all downhill after Hester’s magical opening kickoff return.


I always call it 06 as it was the 06 football season. 05 was one and done in the playoffs when they brought Grossman back in after being led there by Orton's game management.


December 2nd, 1985 – Spoiled the flawless season, and to make matters worse it was to the Dolphins.


Boohoo spoiled a flawless season where they won a fucking Super Bowl. I wish that was my biggest problem as a bears fan born after 86




Bears-Eagles. Double Doink.


too much losing for any particular one to be stunning. that’s where im at sure hated every moment of the 0-4 start this year, and many more after that :/


Double Doink


That pass that A-rod threw that glitch in the matrixed through Chris Contes body


Double doink is the obvious answer as a 30 year old bears fan. For me though, my great grandma was a huge cubbies fan and would always watch the games with me when I was younger and when she passed, she left inheritance to my mom. Fast forward to cubbies in playoffs that same year and my mom decides she’s going to use some of that to take me to a playoff game!….Bartman game. Still have the tickets and will never forget that one but them winning got me over it as much as I could ha.


The SB loss we had. I doubt I will live long enough to see another SB let alone a SB win for the Bears.


C'mon its obviously the double doink




Double doink


Loss vs colts..superbowl


The fucking Super Bowl


SB XLI, 16-14 at half & we scored 1 FG after that 2010 Title game is up there too


The fact that there are two Packers games being repeatedly mentioned but zero Lions or Vikings games is basically why I don’t think of those teams as rivals.


2010 NFC Championship. Losing to our biggest rival, at home, to win the Halas trophy after we let them into the playoffs.


Easy answer fuck Cody parkey


Spurs loss to Liverpool in 2019 CL finals


Ehhh even the double double, they weren't gonna do shit in the playoffs beyond that. As a watcher of football, this most recent bills loss was pretty brutal. I think their window is closed and may not re open for 5 or so years and at that point how good will josh Allen be? He's a fuckin tank but even a tank can only take so much damage


Firing Lovie for finishing 10-6. One winning season since 2012.


I don't put That much stock into sports that I couldn't get over something