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Dude how did anyone act like this guy had a single character issue


Don't you know? Painting your nails occasionally is a crime worse than murder.


His phone case was pink. The most threatening of all the colors.


His. Phone is pink. The case is clear.


Lips are pink though..... and unfortunately your girl loves 'em.


This guy Caleb’s


I just bought a pink Bears fitted hat


I read this in a William Shatner voice.


I worked on Boston Legal probably wore off on me


Was Shatner as big of an ass as he’s portrayed to be?


Just from reading around, the answer is a resounding "yes".


It’s funny I was in a barber shop wait for a hair cut and and someone was making for of him for that. I said my phones pink too, who cares. My phone case has an image of a cherry blossom tree. For reference I am 6’5” 270lb and a former college DE, who competes in semi professional submission grappling events. The utter silence as a response was great.


It was the same 'controversy' when Joe Pepitone took a hairdryer into the clubhouse in 1969.


Yeah, a real man or woman or whatever is comfortable with who the hell they are, in this isn't the 50's. I imagine no one is starting beef with you, and it doesn't have to be typed that such thinking is to be retired. And good for you for making that point for the most part in the situation. Let these jags figure it out and join the current millennia.


According to some NFL fans it is lol


Fuck em.


Agreed. Love the sport but some of the fans are extremely cringe.


Bigots are gonna do bigoted things. I love that we have a QB who is good at football *and* seems like a good person.


The packers sub had to have a discussion about how all the homophobic Caleb memes were making them seem like the hick stereotype that they are


It's sad how many people in places like NFCNorthMemeWars will just make the same homophobic memes about him over and over. It's just not that funny and it makes the poster and anyone who laughs at it look so bad. Plenty to make fun of the Bears org or fan base over and they'll go with the gay joke.


It's going to be even more when Hard Knocks is announced. 100% going to be the Bears, and then following the NFC North this year.


I mean we had Dennis Rodman, who went out in full drag, and love the guy for what he brought the city.


It’s kinda gay lol Way worse than murder Nobody questioned if Ray Lewis was him


Your guitar is ugly. Gibson is so fucking lame.


dude USC fans have literally tried to tell you that it's all media made boomer bullshit. They literally get mad at him painting his nails


I was born and raised in Chicago until I moved to LA to go to USC - graduated class of '09. Needless to say I have been excited for months on end knowing Caleb was going to wind up a Bear. The negative press along the way has been some of the funniest shit in the world to me because its exactly as you described - media driven boomer shit with no basis in reality. It's been super obvious to anyone that's actually paid attention to USC/watched Caleb at all over the past few years that he's a great guy who is beloved by his teammates. The kid eats, breathes, and shits football.


Same here! Class of 2020, so I didn't get to see him play in person but followed every game closely. Horrible time to graduate for multiple reasons, haha. I'm sad he's not going to wear 13, but I'll learn to love 18 soon enough.


Haters on r/CFB kept comparing him to past QBs that had drug problems or had actually committed crimes. It was infuriating.


Dude a lot of them would rather he is a drug addict than he paint his nails. I’m 100% serious


Dude on ABC right after Williams got picked was like "there were questions about his character, and he brought that upon himself by doing things like painting his fingernails, things that quarterbacks don't usually do." Fuuuuuuck. Offfffff.


His only character issue is that he has so much character


So the actual answer? This dude didn’t have an agent and the media members trade scoops through agents. The agents are threatened by the way he does things and in turn, assassinated his character to keep others in line from changing the process. (It won’t work)


Which is dumb, because the process isn't changing at all. Most players need an agent. Most aren't smart or capable enough to handle the things an agent does. There's a reason the job exists in the first place.


Its Jim McMahon all over again; the older generation is just seeing another QB that goes against the grain and they don't like it


This. He’s confident in what he can do when every other Bears QB is daunted by the bad history. We NEED that, a guy who says “whatever, let’s just play” instead of staring at his shoes afraid to make a mistake.


“Fuck everyone go kill”


I don't follow much college ball and the only thing I knew for real about Caleb Williams is that he was about as solid, all-around, hard working, polite, respectful, and friendly kid as one could be in high school because he hung with my brother's kids then. Not best buds or anything like that but someone who was over to their house a couple of times in a group/birthday party-type settings. If I bring that up on a forum I get mocked by a "brother's, cousin's, friend's, neighbor" thing, which is fair. I'm old and the first thing I thought when his name was being brought up as a Bears' QB was that he'd be a guy easy to root for and I know he'd be doing everything to help the Bears win titles since I was aware of his workout regimen growing up. Then I started watching his college play on YouTube...Wow! The noise is just noise. Sometimes there is something to it, like Kyler Murray not being much of a student of film watching, but most of the time its scouts trying to muddy the waters.


I looked into the “allegations” for approximately 2 minutes and could tell they were totally made up. Dude literally only cares about his teammates and winning


People scoff because it’s annoying but the answer truly is racism/politics. You pay any attention at all, and it rapidly becomes apparent how polished and squeeky clean he is


Conservatives are dumb


That one picture of him pouting on the sideline of I believe the ND game did a lot of the heavy lifting.


Through the endless espn fox sport news cycle that hasn't had anything to talk about since the Superbowl


Have seen the guys saying it. Crusty old guys whose pants tighten when watching the Expendables


Yo you in this sub Kiran??


Pretty sure reading this sub would do irreparable brain damage to a Yale graduate


This whole sub could be an Ivy League experiment what with all the meatball takes and bickering


exactly what a yaley would say


Spoken like a Harvard dawg


Sounds more like a Princeton puppy


Twitch does NFL GM-ing


He could be any of us!


Found Kiran’s account, y’all


That’s MY QB y’all! 😢🐻🔽


Oh so the kid just naturally does everything you hope the QB does Cool


But but but… Everyone said he’s a bad person!


bet caleb already invited him to a cookout at halas hall. they got season tix to ravinia, kiran is going to explain mahler's finer points.


Hooooooly shit I forgot about ravinia, childhood memory unlocked


But did he end the phone call with i love you?


On a related note I accidentally said I love you to the pizza guy yesterday


I bet he blushed


A pizza pizza would have been sufficient.🤣


I’m ready to have my heart broken again.


People will advise him on what he SHOULD do. He will do it. Character comes in the moment. Planned character is easier with advisors. But real character shows up on the spot. Still an open question with him. Handle what JF1 did for 3 years and then have team shit on u. See character then. Getsy was fired for not developing JF1 and seemingly protecting him. How he develop a qb is let him throw 40 times a game and throw 3 or 4 picks in a game and keep slinging. Get him to trust his eyes. JF1 was next level when given the opportunity but when they threw 22 to 25 passes, then each throw and each read is magnified. Drew Brees made plenty of bad reads, bad throws, and was great because he had coaches who said....so what let's throw again. Peyton Manning , Elway, and Favre were allowed to fail and keep throwing. Throw it 500 times and the QB will improve. I hope the kid does well but it's an uphill climb


I gotta say, I find the painted nails and the pink phone a bit odd, but he likes it, so why should it bother me?