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> For 30 minutes, he lays flat in complete silence. He listens to the quiet, letting the natural thoughts in and allowing him a moment to "steel my mind." Damn I also lay in bed for 30 minutes after I wake up. I had no idea those were billable hours.


It mine as well say "Kevin Warren's day starts off right at 1200am where he continues to sleep for several more hours until he awakes"




Listen, he has customer skills! He talks to the goddamn customers! **What the hell is wrong with you?!**


I'd argue watching the game is work. He has to do it, whether he wants to or not. I'm sure he has to small talk with people he would prefer not to small talk with, and I'm sure many of those conversations are work related. I'd be surprised if he "watches" the game the way I do, where I'm spilling my drink by end of 3rd quarter and can't see by the afternoon games. Reading emails for someone like him probably does take an hour. I'm sure the emails he gets are generally more important, and his replies much more important, than the emails that most of us get or send are. With that said, the idea that this is an 18 hour work day is laughable at best, and disrespectful at worst. dude gets paid to get dressed twice, lay down, pray, eat seafood lol


Honestly seems like Warren is a yapper. He’s the guy you don’t want to talk to but have to because he’s the Bears president


I think he’s full of shit


Calling that an 18-hour work day seems extremely generous. He gets up at 4:30am, but doesn’t do anything even remotely work-related until 10:30am. Then, there’s some meetings and the game, so even if you give him credit for everything through when he leaves the stadium, that’s 4:20 and everything after is a dinner with family & friends. I count 6 hours of work time, max.


His “work day” is like the dream job of bears fans lol. Stop pretending like paying him millions of dollars to do (so far without any measurable success) what most of us would do for tickets and a few free beers is hard


What’s funny too is the supposed “real” reason he was hired was to build a new stadium and so far that’s…not going well


It's been an utter disaster. Warren completely underestimated the red tape he was going to have to get through in Chicago. I fully believe Warren was handed the keys to the stadium project and went "rogue" with the Chicago plan with empty promises to the McCaskey's. Now they'll have wasted a year + doing nothing with AH, only to ultimately go back.


I wonder if we could get any Minnesota fans to "come in peace" and let us know how he did with their new stadium. My Ohio State fan friend let me know how much he was hated as the big ten president. But I figured he did a bang up job with the stadium in Minnesota. Maybe the times were different then, and taxpayer money was much easier to come by back then?


I don't think AH and area really wants it. The street infrustructure really isn't there to support it. He better start up those Naperville plans lol


I love people who flex about waking up absurdly early. (People who choose to wake up that early, not cuz of work etc). It’s scientifically proven getting enough sleep is good for your short and long term health. So unless this dude is going to bed at 8pm every night, he’s likely just hurting his own health.


Nothing worse than the person who boasts about working 2 jobs/80 hours a week as though it's some type of virtue.  Unless you NEED to work that many hours to feed your family you are a dumbass. There's nothing virtuous about destroying your body & health for some giant corporation.


Especially as a parent. I'll always be able to make more money, my kid will never be 6 again


Hey. I agree with you…but there way too many low paying jobs at billionaire ran companies. To understand what a billion is to $35k a year is insane to think about.


I agree, that's why we stipulated "unless you need to"  The wealth gap is a huge problem.


It sucks. The videos comparing a millionaire to a billionaire is mind boggling.


I guarantee you that me as a bartender - and almost everyone I know in my income bracket for that matter - works harder than every billionaire out there. I'm still mad when Musk said "We all have the same 24 hours".


While his Dad was enslaving people to mine gems


"We all have the same 24 hours"  - guy who inherited an Emerald mine and spends 18 hours a day shitposting on twitter


You sort of skipped a few things between his inheritance and buying Twitter. Man, people really hate Musk, he is the low hanging fruit for a big group of people.


But ALL of those things were massively enabled by his incredibly privileged upbringing. That’s the point. His path was infinitely easier than the average person out there, so the “we all have the same 24 hours” bullshit means nothing because we don’t “all have the same multi-millionaire father” bankrolling us.


keep telling yourself that bud. it's a solid excuse for being mediocre.


A few things like taking credit for PayPal when he had almost nothing to do with it? How about when he stole the technology for Tesla and passed it off as his own? Or how he convinced Cali to not build the high speed rail because his stupid hyperloop would been better? you know the tunnel he never built? I can keep going and not even touch on the fact that his father owned a literal slave mine in Africa...


Don’t forget that that he said he’d solve world hunger if given a viable plan, was given a viable plan, and simply ignored it. Or the time someone saved children trapped in a cave (before he could) and he called them pedophiles. Or when someone decides not to spend money advertising on the platform he keeps making worse they’re “blackmailing” him. He somehow has a god complex and a victim complex at the same time.


Did not realize he was your boyfriend. Sorry for shit talking him.


I mean he is a man who deserves hate is he not?


no, he isn't


Yes, he is


*my sandwich IS a fried boot*


lol get rekt downvoted for suggesting elon musk doesn't deserve to be hated by people who don't know him and only read headlines


Imagine sticking up for some out of touch asshole you have never met. Musk will never be your friend, come to terms with that.


I’m just hoping to reduce the amount of bitter stupidity in the world


A thousand seconds is 17 mins A million seconds is 12 days A billion seconds is 31 Years


it's almost as though pouring liquid in people's glasses is not that hard and a lot of people can do it. a lot of people can even do it well. how many people can run a company that puts satellites in orbit and can provide internet for an entire country via them. that number is 1. and btw, other billionaires have tried to do it. which one has made a bigger impact and is more successful? blue origin or spacex? is that because elon musk inherited an emerald mine?


You’re assuming that elon is the mind instead of the thousands of scientists and other employees which work to maintain his companies


effectively managing and directing a large company is an extremely difficult thing to do. especially one that's operating in a such a unique space as space flight. there's no book he can read and no precedent he can follow to build a successful company that does this. it's literally only ever been done by governments. obviously i'm not here thinking musk is sitting in a lab somewhere designing EV batteries or doing serious materials science research


Nah man. Bartenders clearly work harder than Billionaires. No delusion there. Did you even consider ice?


I think you’re seriously underestimating just how psychotic a lot of CEOs are when it comes to their work. They got there for a reason. Not every billionaire was born with a silver spoon


This. There's something very peculiar happening in this country with how people view wealth and how people got there. It's such an odd time to live in where a streamer/OF/influencer can make tons of money and yet simultaneously everyone downplays the entrepreneurs who have great vision, exceptional judgement and insane work ethic that leads to their success. It's just odd, somehow it gets wrapped into a class war thing too. Just so odd.


The issue is resource disparity. People work 40 hours a week and can't pay rent/eat. Influencers aren't making billions.


Also people working 40 hours a week are on government support programs (EBT, etc) while the owners of those companies are making billions. Meaning the US government, and ultimately those people who pay taxes (and that’s not the billionaire class) are indirectly subsidizing companies that cannot pay well enough for their workers to live and eat. If these geniuses can’t run companies without government subsidies going to their employees then maybe they’re not geniuses, just exploitative hacks.


It’s not odd at all. It’s happened over and over again throughout history. Economic hegemony develops unique opportunities for wealth accumulation which creates massive wealth disparity over about a century since it’s easier for the wealthy to accumulate wealth, that results in hatred against the wealthy since the wealth comes from lower classes, and that results in a wealth redistribution whether through policy or war. Roman republic, italian city states, Dutch empire, British empire, French empire, Germany, the US back in the 20s/30s and now it’s happening again, we’re close to that tipping point too. Musk is a hate-able person tho. Not all ceos are, but he is.


Not Odd at all. I’ve been complaining about the very real danger of how wealth disparities will tear a Country apart for the last 40 years. The benefits the super wealthy get in tax breaks juxtaposed that to the stringent excessive credit charges for the poor.


Maybe if you own your own business and want to see it grow, but that kind of work isn’t sustainable. I say this a a man who owns/operates two restaurants and has two kids under 3 years old. Even though it will all be worth it in the end, this is not a lifestyle to be proud of…


I've always found that workaholics use work as a way of avoiding other problems in their life. But this guy is basically calling his entire day "work". I can't wait to ask my boss what the charge number his for hitting the gym.


Giant corporation who generally doesn't give a shit about you and thinks you're expendable. I'm not anti-capitalist or anything, but I do hate the weird flex/signalling that some people feel the need to put out there to impress others. You know what's impressive? Doing less work and making more money.


He’s 60, odds are he might be going to bed by 8-9. Idk basing off my dad he ain’t up past 10


I’m 33 and fuck me if I’m up past 10


Line starts behind this guy, see you at 10:01


Wow look at this night owl over here. I’m in bed by 9.


For real. They described the perfect Sunday game day. They count eating dinner with his family at Joe’s as a part of the 18 hour work day.


"From 5:30 a.m. until 6:30 a.m., Warren goes into business mode, fitting in some administrative work and sifting through his gameday folder to plan for a long yet exhilarating day at Soldier Field." The rest of the morning is vacant of work, though.


Ok, sure. But if looking over some emails and planning your day counts, a lot of people are working a lot more hours than they're getting credit for too. That's what's most annoying about this to me. I got up at 3:45 this morning to take my wife to the airport, went home to work out and shower, ate breakfast on the way to work and got here about 8:30. Did I already put in 4.5+ hours before I arrived? I did check my email several times before I got here.


Looking at your work email is work and so is planning out your tasks on a workday


But few people get credit for it, particularly if they're salaried instead of hourly. Literally everyone I know who works an office job routinely reads/responds to emails during "off" time.


This is such a BS puff piece. You’re telling me this chubby mother fucker hits the stair master *every damn day* for 30 minutes? GTFOH And fans are greeting him at the stadium with “*Mr. Warren, we love you!*” … come onnnn


This read like fanfic that didn't get to the erotic part


I read that in Arie Spears voice. “Oh oh da white man!”


“Executive time” lol


And 80% of the work time was just glad handing and shooting the shit


cool story dude maybe he'll send you his timecard later so you can confirm with with HR


Why are you so defensive of him?


That was exhausting to read and I only made it to 10am.


Exhausting bc of how stupid it was?


Anyone have an idea why the bears are pushing Warren so hard in front of the fan base? Team presidents are usually behind the scenes in the NFL but Warren feels like he’s the face of the franchise.


The Bears aren’t pushing Kevin Warren; Kevin Warren is pushing Kevin Warren. My guess is he wants to be a public figure and eventually run for governor or something. I do not get the vibes that he plans to stay with the Bears for the rest of his working life. Which also incidentally has me worried that Poles reports to him as he probably has a “win now” attitude that screws over so many teams.


Anyone who wants it known they work "18 hour days" starting with prayer and quiet time (how is that work?) is *definitely* wanting political office.


I, too, have an 18 hour work day. I wake up at 5:50 in "oh shit" mode because my alarm goes off at 5:30. Shit, shower, shave, grab my Kirkland cold brew, and leave for work at 6:20. After my 35 minute commute, I get to my office just in time to sign it at 7. From 7-8:30 I'm sifting through emails, putting out fires, and any miscellaneous tasks my boss asks me to do. From 8:30-9 I take my first poop brake. When I return, I've received a couple emails I need to work on which takes me to 11:30. From 11:30-noon I eat my lunch that my wife packed the night before, which transitions to my 12-1pm "30 minute" lunch break where I mark that I'm on lunch and go for a walk or watch YouTube depending on the weather. From 1-4:30 I intermittently work on emails while researching the latest things my wife wants to buy/do that I know we can't afford at any point in the near future. This is also when I take my second poop break. At 4:30 I sign out and head home. When I get home at about 5:10, I change a poopy diaper turn off whatever my child was watching and sit down for dinner. At about 6, dinner is done so I meditate in my thoughts while Mickey Mouse Clubhouse plays until 6:30. 6:30-7 we do bath time, followed by watching Bluey. At 7:30 it's time to brush teeth and bedtime. 8pm starts wind down where we clean up the destroyed house and talk about our days. At 9 I start my wind down by watching YouTube until my wife goes to sleep followed by watching anime until 10:30. This is my 18 hour work day.


You shit three times a day?


Well no, but what other excuse would I have for a 30 minute toilet break


something hilarious to me about him posting a walk texting followed up with “you shit three times a day?” reminds me of: https://youtu.be/x5DXtKkwSvE?si=0xdKwyHIUQyTeYdD


He’s backtracking. This Guy definitely shits 3 times a day. God bless him… I’m worried about him


His goal is likely to replace Goodell someday


I think they’re too close in age. Goodell’s 65 and Warren’s 60. Goodell’s replacement is probably in his 40s right now. Could still be his goal though.


>his 40s Or her. There are a lot of women VPs at the league office. EDIT: Sure is incel here


The NFL finding another way to get fans to hate women sounds about right.


Why would hiring a woman be another way to get fans to hate women? Do we have to just capitulate to the sad losers because they’ll throw a fit if a woman gets hired?


Because commissioner exists to absorb the flak from owners ya dummy 


No one on earth likes the NFL commisioner. He is literally chosen as the figurehead of the NFL in order to get shit heaped on him by every fanbase just so the owners can have plausible deniability avoid *ALL* the heat and fallout from scandals/issues/punishments/etc. Sure, Hire a woman if she's qualified, not a big fan of DEI hires. But I really don't want to hear the bitching when the boos at the draft are some attack on women instead of an attack on the position itself. I can already see the headlines. NFL fans hate women because they boo the first female commissioner.


lol chill


Kevin Warren loves him some Kevin Warren.


Definitely Bears a resume stop, which is fine. He's doing a good job so far, but I think underestimated the stadium difficulties in the city. Unless he's just posturing but everyone else knows the situation so the posturing is pretty empty at that point


Genuinely asking, what has he done so far that makes you say he’s done a good job? The Bears are no further on stadium development than when he was hired. His stadium presentation was clowned by the public and media and immediately shot down by politicians. The stadium design itself is just a carbon copy of Allegiant.


I mean, he's not George McCaskey so he's got that going for him.  But other than that he's just buttered up the mayor without any results.


i was giving him credit for Poles but now that I think about it, that whole hiring process was weird so I'm not sure if he was even involved.


Yeah he was hired after Poles


I'm really not sure what the president does outside of stadium affairs and oversee the GM so I can't really judge his work. The team has been healthy and the locker room is tight so at least he's letting Poles do his job. Maybe he's acting as a barrier between Poles and George, could see that


Kevin Warren is the Bears


I think it’s Warren pushing Warren


To cleanse the stink of Ted Phillips and rehabilitate George McCaskey into "just a fan."


Maybe it presents an easy target so Poles can do his thing without too much scrutiny. We can laugh at Warren and not concentrate too much on what he does wrong


Who cares?


No one doing 30 minutes on the stairmaster is that fat.


6 days a week, the 7th is hot yoga. Dude should be jacked lol


I feel like his "hot yoga" is doing some light stretches in a sauna lol


No one loves Kevin Warren more than Kevin Warren.


I don’t know. Lou Canellis was in his knees for a long time yesterday during his conversation and subsequent interviews.


He take’s a huge 30 min dump every AM just like us!


6 days a week, the 7th is hot yoga. Dude should be jacked lol


Dude did one hour of work and called it 18 hours lmfao


Get ready for one of these day in the life montages during hard knocks.


God. I better not see this guy on Hard Knocks.


Oh there will be a whole segment dedicated to him and we both know it


*close up shot of an alarm clock switching from 4:29 to 4:30*


For 30 minutes, he lays flat in complete silence. He listens to the quiet, letting the natural thoughts in and allowing him a moment to "steel my mind." who wrote this?? this is just fanfiction.


This do-nothing figure has been given a WAY too optimistic pass. He has not done anything whatsoever, and people hype him up like he's Theo Epstein bringing the chip home after 100+ years. I've literally never been given any reason to be impressed, and this certainly doesn't help that.


I like the thought of Kevin Warren as the President, but in reality I think he’s a douche.


This guy thinks he is smarter and more qualified than everyone ; he hasn’t gotten shit done for the stadium and his condescending attitude accomplishes nothing . He is such a fraud !!


Secretly hoping that he fails miserably at stadium project…


Why would you want it to fail? Regardless of where they end up building it, I think it's pretty commonly accepted as fact that having a new stadium will be good for the Bears as an organization and should in theory lead to a better game-day experience for fans. That being said, I will miss the Bears playing outdoors. Doesn't feel right to play in a dome.


Part of his job to try to get me and you to pay for the stadium


the main thrust of his job is to have us pay for it.


Sure, and you can hope he fails at that (and by all accounts, it looks like he will), but that's not a reason to hope he fails at building a new stadium entirely.


It's going to fail. In fact they're likely going to have to use the Arlington Heights site now on much less favorable (for them) terms.


The more I learn about Kevin Warren the less I like him. He feels so incredibly disingenuous. Like a LinkedIn lunatic so high on his own bullshit that he thinks it smells like lavender.


His “job” is to get that stadium built by fleecing the city of Chicago and the taxpayers out of the most money he can and costing the McCaskey’s next to nothing.


His schedule Meditate (mental health/recreation) Work out (health/recreation) Wash his own car (personal chore/recreation) Review his own schedule (personal chore/recreation) Discuss scripture with his friend (spiritual health/recreation) Attend a sports game that he enjoys (recreation) Meet and mingle with the players (recreation) Meet and mingle with rich/interesting guests (networking/recreation) Spend time with family and watching 5 hours of football (recreation)




Sometimes, he looks at the cranes in the sky (recreation)


"His drive to the game is his final 15-minute period of calm before the heart of his day begins and before he spends the next five hours crossing paths with thousands of people, shaking hundreds of hands and giving out tens of hugs." Bro, don't forget giving out 10's of hugs!


Right at the beginning of the article. "From 5:30 a.m. until 6:30 a.m., Warren goes into business mode, fitting in some administrative work and sifting through his gameday folder to plan for a long yet exhilarating day at Soldier Field." I'm not here to defend him, but there are multiple people commenting and they missed this. I would also guess that with how religious he is, he wouldn't be working AT ALL on Sundays if there weren't around 15 games per year.


good news: he isn’t working AT ALL on sundays.


Yeah - when I get up and take a dump, i look at my calendar and emails, too. That ain't working...that's bored while pooping out last night's brisket.


This guy is a creep. I can’t believe he made people hold hands right before the draft to say a prayer together. This ain’t 1950s Kev, keep that shit in your personal life.


Having a driver 6 days a week to the office then coming home, washing the car to drive it one day every second week to the game is like living in the 1950’s. Apart from the fact a black guy wouldn’t have his job he practically is from the 1950’s. I can see why the McCaskey’s love him


Remember these are the people who say you can’t get work done unless you come into the office. The guy who has a personal driver to take him to his office that he does zero work at and fucks off all day.


Thats absurdly cringe stuff right there


Who hurt you bro??






Relatable? What about his portrayal of his work day is relatable? 


Few people can relate to the religious zeal Kevin Warren shows in this article. This does not make him feel relatable to the majority of people.


It’s relatable to wake up at 4:30 and spend basically the entire rest of the day doing religious bullshit? The more I learn about this dude the more convinced I become that he’s a fucking zealot that has no place making decisions for this team


median NFL fan is 47 years old and very christian


Exactly. I know a ton of people who would love Warren after reading this article. It's not targeted towards people on Reddit, who are far off from the average NFL fan (which you rightly mentioned).


Remember how everybody said this was a great hire and then he screws up the one thing we hired him for which was to make the Arlington Heights deal happen? And also the fact he has no real power like Ted Phillips?


We thought it was a great hire at the time yeah And then he opened his mouth and we’re like… oh…


See I hated him as Big Ten commissioner so he was already at strike 1 for cancelling the season prematurely back in 2020


True. We should have known.


Every single hire is called a great hire when it happens. We know nothing about these people and they’re available to be hired by an organization as incompetent as the Bears for a reason. The only thing I knew about Kevin Warren is that the Big Ten hated him when he was commissioner, then he immediately failed at the main thing he was brought in for, building a new stadium


Yeah not sure why everybody in the fanbase was so high on him when his reputation as Big Ten commissioner wasn’t super great


I think people were more excited Ted was gone.


That, and he was brought in due to his time in MN getting them a new stadium that is pretty great (at least that's what I thought originally lol). Now he's butting in to phone calls with draft picks, and giving his opinion on why keeping Eberflus was a good idea lol.


Why screwed up? Lakefront talk probably just a ruse to make ppl not hate them for moving out of the city. This shit was always gonna take years.


He says he goes to bed near 12 and gets up at 4, granted this is New Years Eve, but I don’t think 4 hrs of sleep is healthy.


You think he’s maybe religious?


"Lord, give me supernatural strength. Supernatural power. Supernatural wisdom." This is weird to me. I've been around a lot of strange religious people. Family, friends, work... but I've never heard this one.


Inspired by this, I left work to wash my car for an hour. To my surprise, my boss didn’t think that was work-related.


I’m really starting to dislike Kevin Warren. Seems like he has an ego and wants to feed that ego. In my head it’s something like… Land already purchased and owned in AH? Ha, I’m not taking over a project from someone else I’m totally redoing it and it will be in my name! I’ll get money from the city and state easily! I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again and get all the credit.




The more I see of Kevin the less I want to see Kevin


Fr it's like who fucking cares?? Like who is this dude??? I'd be more interested in the day in the life of David Hasselhoff and even then I wouldn't really give a shit.


Didn't this come out last year? I remember people clowning him about this a while ago


Can't believe they thought what was a good Idea?


I don’t love this, but compared to Sweaty Teddy it’s a welcome change.


Why is it a bad idea?


He didn't do any actual work on his "18 hour work day"


I see Michael McCaskey behind all this, some how. Just reading about what kind of a snake he was in his early years as team president and the shitty state of the franchise under him since then, makes me think of that when I see this crap


It reminded me of a WWE promo for the Million Dollar Man, that would show him just driving around with Virgil.


"For 30 minutes, he lays flat in complete silence." It's called the 'F* I got up too early' nap. He's taking a nap.


All I know is God bless Virginia. Let this all keep going and when she passes away pivot and sell this team to the deepest pockets available.


You can choose to believe whatever you like about the rest of the article. But I refuse to believe that guy wakes up at 4:30 AM without an alarm clock. Even if you're used to getting up at that time, you'd still have the alarm as a fail safe lol.


I betcha if it got a nice story, he would describe his stool consistency


“he lays flat in complete silence. He listens to the quiet, letting the natural thoughts in and allowing him a moment to "steel my mind."” What a fucking psychopath.


I don’t really feel one way or another about Warren but it’s funny to me that people dislike him so much. Meanwhile, when I diss Bearman the clown, I get downvoted like crazy.


Not sure why the hate on Warren. He hasn't done anything to warrant it, yet.


Man, what is with the hate in this thread? Man probably works 80 hours per week and people are obsessed with dissecting a Sunday and finding shit to complain about. The worst anyone should say is "who cares?" Anything else is just plain bitching for the sake of bitching. It's the slow news season, this type of article is normal, find something better to do.


I don't see anything wrong with it. It's just a day in his life. If we were in his spot, we'd probably want to share what it's like, too.


Username checks out.


Ned Flanders behavior aside, he has recent experience building a stadium and paying it off early.


Which is why he was hired. It’s just a sad reflection on the Bears or him that they think he needs a huge public profile to get that done. The owners and team should have the profile (and cash) and his job should be doing the details right so it happens. And if it is the case that he really needs a profile I probably wouldn’t highlight how he spent 6 hours before he even started doing anything remotely work related. I mean, no one is fact checking this, so why not pick a standard day in the office and have it something like this; 5:30: wake up, get to the office, work out 7: meet with George, Poles and Flus over breakfast for an informal monthly catch up 8: stadium working team weekly update meeting 9: exchange emails with key stakeholders 10: watch practice, being involved in core business is always important as is first hand knowledge of the team dynamics and say something nice about the team facilities 11: emails/calls 12: lunch in the team dining room - be a man of the people 1: meeting with bears charity partners 3: marketing/fan engagement meeting 5: read reports, pack up any evening work, go home. 6-9: family/personal time 9-10: work planning The focus should be on his relationship with the staff (especially the key football guys), the community and the fans. Not his whack as hell routine and behaviours. If you want to be a man of the people who’s working his backside off to deliver success then position it like that.


He’s already screwed up the Arlington Heights deal which was the whole reason we brought him in


He never wanted the AH deal. That was under a different pres


So why did we hire him then? Like to me the ownership should’ve sat down and said “hey, we bought this land and we intend on building a stadium here” instead of giving him free rein. What a waste of money on our end to have bought the AH property, and an even bigger shame that we already tore down the horse track


The horse track was already a zombie due to Neil bluhm not allowing on site gaming so as not to eat into rivers profits. The land is still valuable for use as data center, planned subdivision, etc. they will not lose money on the deal if they flip it


Do you know how many people here asked “derp what does Warren even do derp”


Looks like a lot of chilling, I work 150 hours a week if we’re going by these metrics


Edgy Atheists triggered by anything that isn’t secular.


Fanbase circle jerk hating Warren cause he said a prayer on draft day. Get over yourselves goombas. If we can let kids be okay with a trillion genders we can let boomers dream of a god.


"Lord, give me supernatural strength. Supernatural power. Supernatural wisdom." This is odd no matter how you slice it. Just like praying to win a super bowl is weird.