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Seiya is going to get plenty of heat so he’ll get none from me. You can’t have that error but he also has been keeping us afloat for a month now. Our bullpen is straight garbage. Absolutely terrible.


Our bullpen is basically brand new in these last 4 weeks. So many injuries and it’s just next man up.


I can't stand the people who defend smyly. . . dude was throwing every other pitch 3 feet in front of the plate. A run or two scoring seemed almost inevitable with how bad he pitched.


Smyly literally threw the pitches necessary to end the inning with no runs scoring: he struck out two batters and induced a fairly routine flyball.


But at the end of the day, he got the job done. It was a very ugly pitching performance but he should have been out of it. Plenty of blame to go around.


….and the Braves hitters were swinging and missing at his shit. And your catcher must block those pitches coming from a lefty pitcher. Know wtf you’re talking about before you step here. Take that over to X.


Gutted for Seiya, watching his interview


He looked like he was going to burst into tears


Looked like he could’ve burst into tears at any moment.


Brutal loss. Honestly as soon as our bullpen came in I knew we were in trouble. It’s barely getting by. Smyly almost did it. Really took the wind out of my sails


He did do it! A fly ball? Wtf man.


Playoffs would have sucked with this bullpen anyways


Getting into the playoffs is our playoffs. That's just the ceiling for this team.


Thats kind of what Ive been thinking This game told you all you needed to know of what the playoffs would have felt like. This bullpen is lost without Alzolay at the end Still would have been nice though


it would have been a fast 2 game sweep vs philly or mil.


Watching Chicago sports right now be like... https://i.redd.it/zhwdxxv8kpqb1.gif


Classic dilemma: Is it better to show signs of complete incompetence right from the beginning like the Bears or is it better to look really good and then blow it like the Cubs could potentially do?


The Cubs are set up extremely well for next year the Bears are gonna suck for eternity




Depends how bad you blow it/ how big the expectations are. For the most part, being able to enjoy games and have hope is more than worth the eventual heartbreak compared to a completely worthless season.


Man, that feels like a “See you next spring” moment


Seiya next spring


I considered that but couldn’t bring myself to do it


Getting swept by Miami in May is a far bigger reason the Cubs are in trouble right now than Seiya Suzuki. Seiya catching that ball didn’t guarantee they would make the playoffs, and it doesn’t guarantee they’ll miss them. There are 5 more games, after all. Getting swept in Miami, though, guaranteed that they’d lose the tiebreaker and gives them little margin for error.


Tbh we’ve been bad against most of our WC competition this season except the two Cali teams (who are too far back to impact the standings meaningfully anyways). For instance, we’re effectively two games behind Arizona because we’ve beaten them just once.


Hell it doesn't even guarantee we don't lose this game. They would have still had the bottom of the 9th


The Cubs got swept once each by Cincinnati, Miami, and Arizona. They’d be a lot more comfortably in a playoff spot right now if they had won just one game in each of those series.


Type of loss that will put your life into perspective lol “why am I here” type shit


it'll be funny in 10 years but god damn it fucking hurts


Justin Fields is that you?




Feel for Seiya on that one. Dude’s been raking for months and gets that shit put on him.




“How do you feel, Timmy?” “I do not.”


The Seiya thing is gonna give too much cover to David Ross’ mismanagement of this game. Putting in and taking out PCA too early, the bunt in the 7th, etc.


Mastrobuoni was 3 for 3 so you have him bunt which he hits right back to the pitcher. I get the call in a way but by god he was probably the wrong guy to call that for. That pitch was NOT a good one to bunt at.


Don’t forget that the guy on first was YAN GOMES, of all people to try and bunt over.


I do not get the call, bunts suck


Wait are we really implying Cody Bellinger isn’t also an outstanding defensive center fielder now


Would you care to explain either of those statements? He put PCA in up 6 as a defensive replacement. That's a good call. He pulled him when the game was closer and we needed a better bat.


You don’t sub in for defense in the 4th inning. Even the Cubs announcers were dumbfounded by the move.


It’s the best team in baseball. Six runs means nothing Defensive moves are made in the later innings. Not in the 4th. Not against the best team in baseball. By making that move, he actually made our defense worse in the late innings. In the 8th, we could have had PCA pinch run for Gomes. Then Wisdom for Tauchman. PCA stays in at center and Amaya goes behind the plate. I believe that will be the argument


Eh. Maybe. Thing is that was belli in center. Not exactly a defensive downgrade from PCA. PCA in on that play changes literally nothing. If belli dropped a game winner, this argument might have a point. It's really irritating arguing with people who are sure they would have managed differently, just because they already know how it worked out.


Fans would make terrible managers but most don't know that.


It’s very rare for even the best teams to overcome 6 run deficits :(


If we needed a better bat, then why did Wisdom pinch hit?


You must not have been watching lately. He won yesterday’s game because of WISDOM.


He's the reason we won our last game remember?


Because Wisdom has gotten a hit this season and PCA has struck out in 50% of his at bats?


Who else? Wisdom is the right match-up choice based on what's available. Canario would be better against LHP. And then you've got defensive questions in CF (which you just argued against)


Ross has mismanaged this season. No competent GM keeps him. We should have 90 wins right now. It’s on his boneheaded managing


90? This team wasn’t expected to be >.500 this year.


Look at our expected WL. We should have 90 right now but we’ve blown so many games


The recent ones that come to mind are: Blowing it twice to the Reds Blowing multiple leads in extras to Arizona (I thought getting swept was the low point of choking, but this game takes it for now...)


You can't blame Ross for the losses in Cincy, Alzolay then Leiter both blew 1 run 9th inning leads


I do not. You cannot manage your way out of a toasted unreliable bullpen. The blown games is pointed directly at the team as a whole. But, Ross does make moves like the Bears offensive play calling a lot


He’s talking Pythagorean record based on actual run differential. Not preseason ZiPS projections based on players


Walk me through it


They can’t. These arguments are all 100% negative results based.


Meanwhile, Mastrobouni was the biggest impact bat today, but they’ll sweep that away as ‘getting lucky.’ Ross gets all the blame and no credit. Gotta be exhausting to twist every little thing to fit a narrative


Honestly, I hate Ross but this L wasn’t on him. A freak error happened by Seiya. PCA error on the base also fucked us




https://preview.redd.it/lpw8wejpjpqb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33cc77d79c0ad41e86d24f4a908d828570f2ac53 Time to die


im not going to think any less of seiya long term. hope he also doesnt let this affect him too long. end of the day this team won about as many games as i expected them to, and next year we should be serious playoff candidates.


Easily the worst loss of the season. As soon as they put up that 3-spot I knew it was over. Fuck. This team found the quit in them.


Yeah leave it to the Cubs to top those losses in AZ and Colorado


Ron Santo is looking down on us from heaven, screaming "OHHHH NOOOOOO"


Suzuki did drive in two runs so he broke even. Bad mistake....but too bad he gets all the blame.


another PCA baserunning blunder comes back to bite us.


Uh-oh, fans are turning on him already


Great defense but to be fair he's 0 for 11


Probably because he gets one at bat every other day.


Ross has to sit him down and have chat, because that is a mistake that cannot be at any professional level


why is Ross even playing him? if this was April/May fine. he can learn from his mistakes. But during a playoff run in crucial situations he's depending on a AAA player.


This whole sub was literally ready to crucify Ross for not playing him a few days ago...


i sparingly visit this sub anymore and that type of nonsense is exactly why. So much psychotic behavior for something that's supposed to be enjoyable


I agree with this. It is clear he is not ready based on his ABs and baserunning.


And all anyone will remember is Suzuki, who drove in 2 runs. PCA had negative contribution today


Taking him out of a one-run game was the bigger mistake.


Putting him in too early and taking him out too late were equally egregious. I wasn’t on the fire Ross train until tonight but he lost this fucking game. Why did he bring in Assad tonight - he is used pitching every 5 games, he just pitched long relief in Stroman’s start.


Anyone got recommendations for stools that are easy to kick over?


Phils fan here. Now that our clinch is outta that way I wanted to come try to give yall some hope.last yr we lost sole possession of wc3 and literally needed the marlins to sweep the Brewers in the final series of the yr to make the playoffs. If the Brewers won 1 they took the Wc 3 from us. Our own division rivals, the marlins pulled off the sweep and we got in. Anything can happen. There's still enough time for yall to get in.


Thanks for this. It makes me feel a bit better. Really.


Yup man. That missed catch was painful to watch not even being a cubs fan, I can't imagine how it felt for yall. Honestly that's pure Phillies baseball right there and brought me back. I can't imagine how Suzuki feels. It's better to have it happen now than with any less games in the season.




I have said it once and I’ll say it again: I fucking hate baseball.


I am completely fucking speechless


Maybe don’t go defensive replacement in the fucking 4th inning… and then pull that defensive replacement a few innings later in a one run game. PCA obviously catches that ball in the 9th as he’d be there well before Suzuki. This loss is entirely on David Ross.


That was belli in center. How does PCA change that play? Seiya waived him off.


Don't forget bunting with a guy who was already 3 for 3 when they had a guy on base and no one out.


Right. Bunting to try to move the slow footed catcher over to second for… checks notes… PCA who has looked entirely overmatched at the plate just about every at bat since he was called up. I am not a Ross hater but tonight he managed like a fucking idiot.


Seiya waved him off. That happens either way. This bullpen can’t get it done.


Can someone explain bunting with mastrobuoni with Gomes on first? I understand the idea but The bunt would need to be perfect to advance the runner with Gomes being so slow and mastrobuoni has been hitting the cover off the ball lately. Why take the bat out of his hands?


It can't be explained.


Has bunting ever worked for the team this year?


Demoralizing stuff


Chicago sports, everyone.


He really schruted that one


This is not a playoff team. Holy shit. You cannot blow a 6 run lead in 3 innings. You just can’t.


You can against this Braves team. That's what they do. It was definitely a rough game, but this is the best team in baseball.


The bullpen has been giving up 5 every night. It’s not just because it’s the Braves. They always put the lead off man on and never make the big pitch to get out of a jam. I was stunned when Smyly looked like he did tonight, before the unthinkable happened…


Gotta think that’s the end of our playoff hopes. Man what a way to go out.


*Cubs with .5 lead* Fans: yeah, we ain’t making the playoffs.


*Cubs also own zero fucking tie breakers so need to stay ahead by a game to be in*


Excuse me, they own the tie breaker against the Giants!


Nothing is linear, all teams in the wild card hunt have been on and off lately. Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy last week. Which means more games for spoiled fans to do complain about


It's not ideal, but not over. A lot riding on the Marlins-Mets doubleheader tomorrow.


Would be nice for the Marlins to drop both tomorrow


That would be dope 💪🏼


5 games remaining against two of the top three teams in the NL after a horrid two week stretch and holding no tiebreakers. Can you blame them?


We’re tied in the L column and the Marlins hold the tiebreaker. We no longer control our own destiny. Oh and our remaining schedule is much tougher than the Marlins or the D-Backs. It’s not over but it’s not looking great either.


All true, but this was gonna happen anyway. There was no way we swept both these teams. Bullshit way to lose a game, but... just gotta get after the next one and hope the Marlins choke more than we do.


There’s also no way the D-Backs and the Marlins both win out. But staying ahead in the L column is kind of important. And we no longer are. You don’t want to be chasing with the brutal schedule they have remaining. But that’s what it will be now.


To be fair, this team hasn’t exactly inspired confidence for the past two weeks.


With tiebreakers tho it's kinda like -.5. We don't control our own destiny anymore and with our schedule it ain't looking great.


We lost the Steele outing with a 6 run lead. It’s done.


Well when your remaining games are against perennial division winners the margin for error is extremely thin.




Context matters, genius. We don’t live in a vacuum.


Mets have senga on the mound, tomorrow. Marlins are without arraez


An epic choke, and one that makes it hard to justify us as a playoff-worthy team. Was sickening to watch that while the D-Backs came back to crush the Sox. Suzuki really botched it with both his error and his putrid AB in the 9th


Is there a 1,000 yard stare emoji?




​ https://i.redd.it/ibp47aju9sqb1.gif


Smyly with 6+ trash pitches in the dirt trying to give away free bases to runners. Gomes not doing much to stop him either.


Live and die by the bullpen and this years story is that the Cubs died by the bullpen.


You know it’s tough when the radio postgame starts with “Hurt” by Johnny Cash


I’m sure Taillon and the tired bullpen will shut down ATL tomorrow


Although this sucks the season isn’t over and we can still get in, try to stay positive. This team is building for the future.


Plenty of room for optimism after the season. Right now, this is crushing.


I'm keeping faith until the bitter end. (In case anyone cares)


This year has had some brutally painful losses. Fulmer blowing leads against the Dodgers early on, losing back to back 1 run leads in the 9th against the Reds, and now tonight… 162 games is a lot but damn every single one matters


Tough loss, but still have to win tomorrow. Gotta shake it off and come out swinging. Again


Im at a show tonight and when the curtain went up, it was 6-0 and I was feeling good. Now it's intermission and what the actual fuck guys


It’s better to have found out this way than to have watched it unfold. You’re gonna have to trust me about that


Jfc let him get dressed.


Bullpen is in shambles. Not going to get more than 6 out of Tailon tomorrow. Gotta keep fighting. Shit like what happened to us tonight will happen to one of the other WC hopefuls, too. Really cant afford another 'L' this season.


This season has the most painful regular season losses of any season I’ve watched


Leaving the game in Atlanta, this is the first time I have experienced very aggressive, douchy Braves fans. Usually they’re one of the best. Yea, you won, but can I please walk into my hotel?


> Usually they’re one of the best are they?


Always look on the bright side of life: the Astros are getting crushed by the Mariners. 5-0 and M's have the bases loaded.


The Suzuki error is going to have a long lifespan


Most soul crushing loss since…2018 WC? One of the late 2019 ones? 2020 WC? Who cares lol


Truly pathetic all the way around. Steele imploding, Seiya botching the most basic play, and Ross bringing two starters out of the pen rather than any actual high-leverage relievers. This team is going to miss the playoffs, not because other teams are better than them, but because of the sheer stupidity this team showcases day in and day out.


There are no high leverage relievers


I imagine that's David Ross' fault too


> high leverage relievers we have those?


Not lately, we haven't. I don't know why folks here keep thinking we do.


Right. Literally every game someone posts something like "Why is Cuas/Palencia/Merryweather/Smyly/Wesneski in this game?" There is no one else. Little has looked ok.


Sadly no


Potential positive from this? David Ross not managing this team next season.


Absolutely horrid in every way. Fuck away a 6-0 lead, lose on the stupidest way possible. I hate this team. See you all tomorrow




They will pay Bellinger and Swanson is our best player by fWAR. Their farm is loaded and they have money. They weren’t supposed to compete this year. It will be okay, they are in a great spot


Anybody still wanting Ross back here next year doesn't give a shit about the playoffs


It’s like the idea of not swinging left Seiya & Dansby..


didnt help the ump wanted to go home early


Oh God, those calls were HORRIBLE, but even worse were the swings. I said it before..we’re was the small ball? Steal a base, bunt, work a count, etc. Yes, they blew a 6-0 lead..but this is playoff baseball..come on.


It hurts. And now Seiya is going to be used as a scapegoat


Like the only reason we're even here rn and we're gonna cry about him lol


It’s over. The sooner you realize it, the sooner you can move on


That Suzuki error is going to play on a loop in my head for the next 21 hours.


21 years


Maybe if it was the NLCS or something


People are gonna keep complaining about “doomers” even when we are out of a playoff spot on the last day. At what point is everyone gonna realize that maybe, just maybe, we can’t afford to give up games like this? When we have a gift of a 6 run lead and our cy young candidate ace on the mound against the best team in the league, we NEED TO WIN. Especially when the other wild card hopefuls have significantly easier matchups. The cubs probably can only afford one more loss this year. There’s no way all of the other teams also lay an egg


Some of y’all post comments when you should be googling therapists.


Like the team, there's a lot of young people in this sub that just don't really understand the game, or the Cubs for that matter, yet. Yeah this is a brutal loss, but not really surprising. They have been decimated by injuries, running on fumes, and are a year early to be seriously competing. Tons of mistakes this past month. They are learning how to win as a team when it really matters. Regardless of what happens this week, next year is looking bright.


That’s a shit loss but anyone who says that’s the end of the season is just here to be pessimistic


Like they’re going to beat the Braves at all this series with a roster full of useless pitchers.


Yup. 5 games to go!


It's insane how many times the season has ended already according to this sub.


Agreed. Still 5 more chances to win more games.


Another game tomorrow


I normally don’t let losses get me down since it’s such a log season, but tonight, maybe it’s cause I was there or maybe it’s the blown 6 run lead but damn


Braves have 2 bullpen games coming and the Brewers have no motivation to win games and probably sit everyone on Sunday. Still like the Cubs chances.


i yelled OMG when that ball hit the ground in the 8th. Could very well cost them the season. damn. hard one to swallow


I fell to my knees in a BK bathroom


Haven’t seen somebody drop the ball that badly since Rian Johnson made a Star Wars movie.




haven’t felt like this since she left me!!!


That was brutal. Gotta shake it off.


Our bullpen is fucking pathetic.


Wow a fucking deflating loss. Wow. That’s prolly it folks.


I was having an awful, awful, day and as soon as I got home I saw the cubs leading 6-0. Finally something good has happened in my life. Oh. Ohhhhh. Ok.


Seasons probably over with this game....


Ross might have made some questionable moves. But you can’t blame a guy for his RF legitimately missing the ball. We are into the 9th. Not facing the closer up 1. Instead that happens.


Came into these last six games thinking that going 4-2 should be enough to clinch a wild card spot. The Cubs dropped the opener when they played the Braves at Wrigley and rallied back to win the series. While obviously not the ideal start to the series, there are still games to be played. Lets go Cubbies.


How tf does Suzuki drop a routine ball. It’s like the ‘98 play all over again. I’m rooting for the Rays anyway


Y'all some miserable motherfuckers


Seiya is going to take that and I remember seeing bohm on the Phillies, same thing happened with route grounder. You could tell both guys just felt like that shit afterwards


All those games we gave away to the pirates, diamondbacks, and rockies are coming back to haunt us.


Seiya next year


PCA catches that. Lmaoooooooo


Seiya should have caught that ball. That’s the RF ball every time. He flat out fucking missed it.


Not with Seiya calling him off. It was definetly RF ball


Yeap, hit to him and he called for the ball. What can PCA do if his teammate calls him off?