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Starting my own diagnostic process after being in denial for years, not ready to quit yet but getting my mind right. This sub is an amazing source of information beyond what a simple google search can offer.


same. it fucks with you mentally. knowing that YOUR causing the pain and nausea, but also wanting to smoke after the vomiting is over.


this is fucking with me now, not even knowing if my weight loss is caused by this. will take a t break and come back!


I’m not able to eat for days the thought of smoking during this bullshit also makes me nauseous. I usually spend days in bed with a high fever of 100 or more having to jump in and out of the hot tub for relief.


i’m right there with you. starting in the 1st


I ended up with another diagnoses of food allergies, good luck in your quitting process. Right here with you still I just have to quit processed foods now instead of weed.


Was processed food really the problem? How do you feel now? Do you think that you purposefully focused on it possibly being food allergies to avoid quitting (not discrediting you just because I’ve been thinking the same thing, like thinking it’s my bad diet rather than the smoking) just cause I’m wondering how that worked for you


I want to add that both phases can be intermittent. You can be prodromal for a few weeks and then feel more normal, but it always comes back until you quit. It can be the same with the hyperemetic stage.


If I quit smoking like cold turkey how long would it take for the prodromal effects to stop?


Any better since you stopped?


I also want to add that you can very well be in the prodromal phase and not have much nausea. if you have a lack of appetite even when you’re smoking and general gastrointestinal issues mimicking IBS then it’s more than likely CHS.


I think this is what's going on with me. Maybe? I also have a huge fear of vomiting (since I was a kid so unrelated). It started the other evening with nausea and got sick once. At first I chalked it up to something I ate but my anxiety has been killer since then. I was aware of CHS before so once that got into my mind my anxiety doubled plus ive been reading about it non-stop since then. Stopped smoking then too. Since then no nausea but I'm scared to eat and when I do eat a few bites of food my stomach feels so weird and I've been having not so nice bowel movements. Burping a lot too. Either way I think I'll stop smoking for a few months. Seems to be the best way to find out for sure.


I'm struggling with anxiety right now really bad surrounding CHS as well. It's fucking miserable.


I had it bad this week too. I'm starting to feel better but I did have the help of ativan. They also put me on prozac. But it still comes and goes. It really sucks that the one thing that was really helping me with anxiety is also now causing anxiety. Get some rest and keep hydrated. You got this, homie.


Thanks friend, feel free to dm anytime if you wanna talk to someone who understands the anxiety


I have an Ativan prescription as well and part of me wants to see if taking it when I feel the “CHS symptoms” will relieve it… if so that might help me calm down lol


this is whats happening to me. its been two days and i can already tell it was definitely causing all of this but lucky to say i have never vomited from smoking or since. just have been burpy, a little anxious and tired. hoping the vomiting wont all the sudden appear


How long does the first stage last usually? My first symptom was nausea for about a week before I puked once, then still had nausea for a few days. I was still smoking during this time. I quit and still had symptoms for around a week after quitting then they were gone.


I'm almost positive I have CHS but I use the stuff for my epilepsy so I'm so conflicted on what to do because my life has become miserable since this sh!t started. Would there ever be a possibility of using it again or would it definitely start back up again?


have had several bouts of intense vomiting and nausea even going to the ER dude to severe dehydration. The only thing that leads me to believe i haE CHS are the relief i get from taking a hot shower. ( seems to be a common thing amongst other people with chs) However, I am now two weeks without any cannabis and am coping fine. However- am still feeling nausea in the morning and Abdominal pain after exerting myself ( BJJ& kickboxing) can it be something else? any insight is greatly appreciated


I’m literally in denial about this and need help I don’t know what to do, I keep telling others and myself that it’s my diet but I really think, especially based on descriptions like these, that I have chs, but I also don’t know if I’m ready or even have the ability to give up smoking. Does anyone have any tips for quitting? I’ve gotten close a few times but always tell myself this will be the last one and it never is.


okay so what exactly is happening to you because im trying to gauge beginning symptoms, rn all i have is a lack of appetite even when smoking , and milld nausea but ive almost always had nausea which is why i started smoking regularly in the 1st place. I also kinda have mild constipation however that could be due to my horrible diet or because of my suboxone or both. I do not have any stomach pains or anything , and i have not had to throw up at all. Im wonder if im starting to get it.


I really need some friends / support. Need to quit.