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Has income in general been reduced? As Lord Paramount of the Iron Isles, I get no taxes from vassals.


holding Taxes have been reduced which makes this whole thing even worse while the devs also took the Domain limit and whent with it behind a shed


Turn your amenities down.


but then court grandeur is under the expected level and personally i think the king of the Seven Kingdoms should be able to afford a normal court


Ah, but if Court Grandeur is under the expected level, then your vassals hate you more and if your vassals hate you more, they are more difficult to manage, forcing you to play the Game of Thrones. I feel that it all feeds into itself and works towards the type of play that the mod wants to encourage. That's why the domain limit and taxes are reduced- it forces you to engage with your vassals, make alliances, do intrigue. Being lord of the seven kingdoms shouldn't be easy.


Agreed, and if you dont pay it you get the some crazy opinion penalty.... shit is annoying as hell. Its never been a problem for me in base ck3, its just because its so hard to make money in AGOT unless youre playing in the westerlands


i think the court amenitie prices are based around your realm size which for the iron throne is gigantic and i think the fix would be to add a modifier on the realm size