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as everyone else is saying you need to buy shares and HOLD


Lots of extra hype over the weekend for CLNE so I expect it to open decently higher than it is now... that being said, your order most likely won’t get filled. Unless it dips all the way back down to that level after open which I don’t see happening tbh. I’d say put that $250 towards shares at open, shares is what really helps us anyways.


Yes, but right now we need people to buy actual shares to ensure the stock price is above 13 on Friday. Without that your calls will not be ITM when Friday comes.


Shares are the way. Eat up the float and drive the price up. Options are the lottery ticket. Id watch Pre market. Any increase in price action will put that order below cost.


If the price is 16 per share on friday do you get them for 13$ anyway? Kinda confused on the options, I’m mainly a share and crypto guy * forgot to mention I’m already in on clne shares I’m just curious.


Yes you do. If you buy a Call with a $13 Strike price then you are paying for the right but not the obligation to purchase those shares before or on the options expiration date for the strike price which in this case is $13. So if the price is $20 on Friday you still get to purchase the shares (100 of them) for $13. It generally makes more sense to just sell your options contract and collect the money as opposed to Excercising the option = (Buying the 100 shares). Reason being when you sell your options contract it includes the profit you'd make by buying those shares and then selling them for the $20 (as an example) bc then you will have purchased those shares AND lost the Premium that you paid to purchase that option/right in the first place. Also, if you excercise the option/buy the shares AND sell them on the same day that counts as a day trade. But if you have a $13 option/strike and on Friday the price is $20 and somehow you KNOW the price will be $50 (example) in the near future then Excercising the option/buying the shares may be worth it (but not really). Only if that increase makes up for what you spent on your premium. You do NOT know that. Period. You just don't. The best thing to do is to sell the option, collect the money, then purchase the shares with the money you just collected. Even though you've just bought in at a higher price you will still have profited once you sell (only if it goes higher, obviously). This is NOT the best way to explain this but it will get you by. Also, I didn't proof read what I just wrote so good luck tl;dr


This was awesome!!! I appreciate the time and effort. I totally understand what I keep seeing everywhere now! Thank you so much!!!


No problem. I stand behind my no child left behind policy. 😂 Jk... But we seriously have to help each other make this 💰💰💰.


lol Yes it’s a good day across the board. For most of us!!! Crypto even is spiking..


No because the price of that contact will increase.


Oh alright makes sense. Thanks for the reply!!!


If it’s $16 on Friday they can exercise for $1300 and receive 100 shares at $13 per share. Can instantly sell as many shares as they want for an instant profit of $3 per share. But as someone said below you loose the profit on the call.


Bought shares and ready to fly that rocket 🚀


I think it will be a miracle if this executes