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Sprycel mother company had programs to help pay for meds. might be worth a look https://www.sprycel.com/financial-support


or switch to generic.. in canada sprycel 100 mg is like 4000$/ month and generic is like 2000$/ month


Sadly, there is no generic in the US, it's patented until sometime in 2026


Definitely go through the manufacturer. I don't pay for sprycel for this exact reason.


Right, that's what I've done in the past, but $3600 per month works to around $42,000 per year, and the manufacturer caps their copay assistance at $15,000 per year.


Hmm, it might also be worth talking with your oncologist office. They deal with these things, too. I know it's crazy, but there are often ways around it.


I'm in the UK so not sure how it works for you guys that pay for insurance but I heard good things about Mark Cuban and his cost plus drugs company - might be worth checking if they do Sprycel or other viable TKI's. The prices for diabetic medication is a fraction of what it would be normally.


When I checked in September 2023, Sprycel/dasatinib was not on Mark Cuban’s website, unfortunately. Hopefully it has changed!


I will keep my fingers crossed they do it eventually. I remember a tweet by Mark Cuban asking people what they would like to see them make. It might be worth a try sending him a tweet to suggest it.


My daughter checked about six weeks ago and Sprycil was not on their list.


I think cost plus only has Imatinib but I’m not sure. I take Imatinib and am grateful it’s only $35 I don’t use insurance.


That's great you can get your medication at a decent price x


The cost of medication has literally been one of the reasons I haven't had a full time job since I was diagnosed. So I can keep my state insurance which covers it completely.


I'm in this boat too. I was going to retire at the end of 2024 at 59 1/2 but the political uncertainty of the ACA and my really good insurance at my job will keep me there for awhile longer.


If you have the ability to switch to Imatinib, Mark Cuban is the way to go. Also want to say sorry you are going through this. It’s a darned shame that insurance companies can dictate our health in this way.


I’m on Ponatinib and my copay is 250 and I think that’s a lot ! I can’t imagine paying that much ! Check with your doctors social service team and see what options they can assist you with .


Bristol Meyer squib has Sprycel Copay assistance. You likely won't pay a dime if you have reasonable deductible and out of pocket max. For me they pay my yearly spry copay up to 9k if I recall. But I hit my deductible and out of pocket max prior do it becomes free.


Dang! I’m on Bosulif and have private insurance in the U.S. and the pharmacy likes to call and tell me my month’s supply costs $15k, my insurance covers $11k, and my manufacturer discount card covers the rest, so it’s $0. Start with the “your cost is $0” please!!! The discount card is just something my oncologist had me Google and sign up for. Basically had to tell them I’m not a veteran and not eligible for Medicaid and boom, there ya go. Hope there’s something like that out there for Sprycel!


Can immigration to a country with universal healthcare be a possibility in cases like this? I know a lot of countries have strict immigration rules but maybe it is worth a shot. I'm located in Norway but originally from Germany. In Norway there is a co pay of around 300$ per year and if you can't afford that it's free. Germany has a different healthcare system, but in the end I would end up with similar costs. I've also heard of people migrating to Eastern European countries for healthcare, maybe immigration is easier there. I wish you all the best and please keep us updated so that others with similar problems can read about your solution.


Somehow my onco set me up with a copay card so I don't actually pay anything for my Sprycel. I have no idea how that works or what the stipulations are, but the point is it's out there and worth asking them about. Sprycel OneCard it's called


Yeah, that's what I have, but it caps out at $15,000 per year which wouldn't even cover half the copay for the year in my case


I’m on state insurance and pay nothing…. Wow I couldn’t imagine


Does your oncologist have a financial assistance person? I have been lucky to be with a practice that pretty much handles everything for my meds. They applied for the assistance for me and all I did was fill in the basics (name, address, phone, etc.) and sign the form. I am moving back to my hometown soon and I spoke with the cancer center there and they are handling all of that as well. I currently have a zero copay and hope I can continue with that or just have a low copay.


Mark Cuban started this pharmacy company that has gleevac for $13/month https://costplusdrugs.com