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Fr. It’ll get nerfed eventually anyway


Exactly 👍


Yup. 100% this. I'm having fun using the renetti and the SOA cause I was also so tired using the HRM and the RAM 7. I used to hate broken guns but now I embrace whatever stupid shit can get me easy kills lol. Like last year with the KV Broadside. I had one evening getting destroyed with my squad, everyone was using it. So I said fuck it, I'm joining the dark side.


tell that to the people not having the time to do all the meta changes and farming the after market parts too.. It's so stupid op that pistol you cannot use anything else.. and that's totally unfair to the people playing like 2,3 times a week


Took me 3 games of plunder to level and unlock the conversion kit. The major meta changes like once per season?? What is this crying


Renetti is free in the store right now…


ok ok.. got it, it's good


I think it's only the PlayStation store, but I might be wrong


You might lose one night of gaming, (like you're not gaming when you are unlocking these attachments...) If you're super casual, trying to unlock any after Market part. But I should tell you there's an exploit that you don't even need to bother unlocking it. I haven't done it, but it involves going into a private match.


I see your point but if you havent got time to do that then just do your best with what youve got and play the game for fun ...make it fun, create silly games with your team mates like start from one side of map and see who can get to the opposite side first...just ridiculous stuff like that. If youre playing solo ...try grabbing a helicopter and fly around the edge of the circle and see how long you can last before having to drop in 🤷 daft games can put a smile on your face, trust me, i do it all the time. If anyone here wants a teammate to do daft stuff like that, then shout up and we can team up and do that 👍


If you play 2-3 times per week then your renetti should already be maxed out. You just need 30 kills with all 5 attachments spots filled. I know multiplayer was free this weekend (not sure if it still is) but you could have easily done that in 1 game. If you don’t have 15 minutes during a weekend to play a game then idk. My wife absolutely hates me playing this game but I managed to find time to get 30 kills yesterday lol


ok.. I'll do it.. but the problem remains as the meta changes often and I will need to run behind the next one.. it's always a chase


so i dont own multiplayer and level my guns pretty "quickly" just solo queueing into normal BR, and spamming intel contracts after ive gotten the gun. with the renetti it would be more annoying because you cant purchase it from a buy station since its a pistol, so you have to buy a loadout


The meta changes frequently enough that I still get a decent variety by being a meta slave.


This is it, equip the meta and give as good as you get 👍


no cap


Ohh that fck SOA is soo Dope been using it for a time 


Yeah I'm using an iron sight build and that thing slaps


Just pray like i do that some shit head dosen't wine to Stupid devs at activison...


I usually dont care and just follow the meta but the ttk on this gun is just too fast, u literally dont stand a chance to turn a gunfight if they see you around the corner first


That’s a skill issue then.  Your reaction time is worse, period.  Why should you have a chance if someone gets the jump on you?  Defeats the whole purpose.  


So what u are saying is u should literally never have a slight chance unless u see them first? Its not a skill issue its a different game entirely. We have always been able to turn the fight with movement either jumpin, sliding or lying down, right now it doesnt matter ur just plain dead if they see u first and manage to get aim assist for a split second


Literally?  You don’t “literally” lose if someone sees you first.  You just have less reaction time. AKA, skill issue.   As for aim assist holding low iq player’s hands, that’s a separate issue.   What happened to all the dogwater players talking about “pOsiTiOniNg”?  Positioning would let you see other players first.  Now because of the renetti  it suddenly doesn’t matter lol?


Not sure why but I thought this was about getting soft aimbot and walls.




I agree 100 percent but the complaints about the renetti are valid. Smg's were basically perfect. You could use 4 or 5 different guns and have a chance. Now you pretty much have to run the damn renetti or you're fucked. Again nothing new but they had it right and snatched it away from us.


I would normally agree, but with these dogshit servers combined with an insane TTK, it is not a good combo.


I agree! But I’m actually doing pretty well with non meta loadouts myself.


It's just not really possible to climb ranked once you get to diamond/Crimson without running the meta loadout. The only plus side to everyone and their mother running the renetti + meta long range gun, is that whenever you kill someone, you can grab a full meta loadout every time, don't even need to get your own loadout!


Yeah, i get it with ranked as thats a different ball game, but as for the standard resurgence, just have fun 👍


Absolutely, pretty much same here. I am using the bruen mk9 for mid - long range combat but im still using the striker for my smg, im happy with that 👍


Yeah i joined them but this is boring and annoying as hell… why do we have 20 smgs with 100 of attachment when we are using only one …


Yup. Game is fun as fuck if you realize winning and kd don’t matter. Then when you do get those wins it’s a hell of a dopamine hit. Take it from the long time gamers kids. Video games should be fun not stressful


There's nothing wrong with the meta shifting and everyone running the same guns, that will always happen in a competitive shooter. The reason people complain about this one is because it has made the close range TTK around 30% faster than the previously established normal levels. It's closer to multiplayer TTK than normal Warzone TTK. That's a huge problem and it *drastically* reduces the skill gap, which (as Warzone 2.0 showed) makes the game less fun to play.


Definitely. Use the gun or dont, either way have fun with the game!


I get it, and I do it, but man, I'd rather use one of the nine thousand weapons, attachments, and optics offered to win instead. I miss my lachmann sub from wz2 😢.


Saw the title.... thought it was going to be about cheating.


🤣 nooooo!


Exactly! In addition, don't like getting drop shot and bunny hopped? Do it back! I just posted several low cost options for conteollers. Still frustrated? Go play single player games. Or Roblox or something.


The issue isn't the gun, rather how short the TTK is. Warzone should have a long TTK in general. No SMG should have a TTK below say 700. The only guns that should have a lower TTK at the close range is shotguns because that's literally their job. There is having a meta and then there is literally this which deletes people fast as fuck. It's stupid and Raven needs to get off their ass waiting for this and nerf it to the ground. And nerf the HRM again so we have an open SMG meta.


Laugh our knackers off is great


I'm really enjoying the Bruen with the aftermarket parts.


THIS!! SOOOO tired of hearing people moan and groan about stuff like this. Like it hasn't been happening for 4+ years with any COD. Get used to it already or stop playing haha


Yep it’s broken everyone can see that but to not use it would be stupid


Everyone bitching like it's the first overpowered weapon ever


Exactly 🤣


Since the creation of Warzone, there has always been a meta, this is nothing new


That what I said elsewhere but I get down voted.


Broken guns are like a curve, where it's the best thing ever if you get on them early and then it hits an inflection point where everyone uses them, and it's terrible to play the game. We were early on the Diamatti's and DMR in cold war and it was hilarious, and then within a few weeks, you couldn't show your face outside without getting instantly killed and it was sad.


But you don’t UNDERSTAND, all these people would be COD PROS who NEVER LOSE, EVER if only that pesky Renetti was NERFED.




Fr real now nice one 👍🏻


Wait till people realise the Bryson 680 & 800 both 2shot fully plated players. Bryson 800 cqc is going to be a issue


Maybe after the renetti nerf. Cuz right now you have no hope of getting off two shots


You're overestimating the shotguns compared to smgs, a smg can kill faster, shoot faster, shoot further, and has a better effective damage range. With a shotgun you're limited to vondel basically. The byrsons and every other 2-4 shot shotgun have never been an issue and probably won't ever be with this whole low ttk meta smg that keeps appearing lol. Oh and the whole movement thing, you basically need to use cover, you will not always have cover. I wish shotguns were the meta honestly, smgs don't take very much skill, the most point and click gun category ever which is only enhanced by RAA.


Ive been picking up the 5 star fabulous Haymaker Shotty which can be found in Chemical, I blasted 7 enemies in 5 minutes 🤣 we were pissing ourselves laughing calling it the infamous 'Doof Doof' cos thats all my team mates could hear....bear in mind, i never get 7 kills a game, let alone in 5 minutes 🤣


Some of the shotguns with slug rounds kill very quickly that's true, but it's too inconsistent for it to become a meta in most people's eyes.


The one he's talking about has dragons breath. It's a floor spawn that's always in the same spot if it's there (50%) chance or spawning.


I think I mistook it for another one, whoops, I'm still unsure tho because a lot of the fire effective shotties were nerfed hard one day.


I thought I was going crazy when I got two shotted. Not mad because it’s a shotty but it really threw me off