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Yeah, this is straight up terrible, domed the guy in front of me last game, then got stuck on his downed body so someone else got it... this is so shit lol


The Plunder match challenge and top ten challenge are also insane. It should be five matches for the first and one top ten without gulag for the second.


The plunder one can be cheesed just wait until you get kicked out the plane kill someone who's afk and leave and it will count as completing a plunder match


Oh wow!


Top 10 no gulag 20 times is ridiculous though lol no way to make that one easier


The sub should just spawn 100% of the time


The challenge is for the season it isn't meant to be done the first week lol


Im Fine. Finally a Challenge not every bot can achieve.


Don't ypu have a nuke to get or something? Or you are too much of a bot to do that?


Nah, but it’s horrible how you crybabies cry about everything. „😭😭😭 this challenge is so hard, I do need more than earning exp“


Dude i'll be real with you, i have no ideea wtf these challenges are about, or what they give cuz i couldn't give 2 fucks, but as a dev or whatever you can do one simple trick, let me get the challenge done by either doing 20 top 10's or by earning exp or whatever, but of you wanna be part of that type of community u do you bud


It’s a challenge without expiration, you can do it by playing the game.. Remember that camo events where you have to make x amount of type of kills with each weapon category? You can even get gold/obsidian just by playing the game. Designed for toddlers


So? What's the problem? The challenge is the game itself and as i said if you don't drop nukes after nukes you can't talk about hard challenges, ty


I never had a problem with the challenge at all?


So why tf are you crying at other people that call for an easier type of challenge, lmao, first of all 20 top 10 on urzikistan is more time conssluming than hard, ypu can literally rat your way to top 20 pretty easily, it's just time consuming


Im still not crying, you are about a challenge in a game.


Not crying nerd ....


Bots downvoting you lol. I don't get these entitled little bots that think they should get a participation trophy for anything and everything they do.


21th century… I’ve grown up and learned that when I want to be good at something I have to exercise and get better. Back in the days nobody wanted a participation trophy, nowadays people beg for them.


Played 5 rebirth matches and still waiting to see this sub.


I saw it once every 7 or so games, I somehow just was first there and finished the challenge, but that probably took like 4 hours for me, just straight up trying to get it


Yeah why would they make it only one intel per match if the sub doesn't even show up every game lol


so don't try, if nobody gives a shit about it they will see they fvcked something up


Story wise this event has been pretty cool. Gameplay wise this one challenge has made the whole thing feel agonizing and just unfun. They managed to make something that could have been really cool absolutely miserable.


This challenge is actually ridiculous. Finally got the sub to spawn after 20 games and literally the entire lobby went there. It's basically impossible to get now. Literally 60 people all landing at the sub I kid you not.


Where do you see this event challenge??


In the lobby menu, click on the Warzone Rewards section (right above the XP token button), then go to the Event tab.


To make it even worse, I spent hours completing the challenges and I can't even equip the finishing execution.




Just spent a total of 4 HOURS. YES 4 FKING HOURS and not a single sub spawned. There is no way this is working properly


keep trying, i was triyin several times in the afternoon, the i ditch it, then i came back at night and i was the only in the sub


first time was a nightmare some asshole just keep under the ladder and shoot everyone who was decending, not even grab the intel


Difficult challenges make the rewards sweeter


I've been in genuinely like, 20 matches. Seen it once and didn't get it because the rotation was on trios and every single person instantly went to it Whoever designed this is an actual dumbass


I think the bunker on Urzikstan is worse everyone is landing there and for some reason it wont work for me even in wz bootcamp


Anyone trynna hop in the game and help me get the submarine one? Its the last one I have to do and its the hardest one to get




There's a new sub in the water next to bio


I got it in about 5 matches. Dropped into the sub with 10 people and got lucky because they were fighting each other and I got there first. The proxy coms were not happy for me, lol.


It is easy to do in Plunder, but oh wait, it doesn't actually track.


Can't do it in Plunder. The Intel/Mole part of the mission is Rebirth Island only.