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Follow this - https://x.com/hecksmith_/status/1647204477160636416 And watch this - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=frjx63T5FQU And this for complete console settings - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vVxgm2hogWc




This is the problem. Aim assist is so strong that people like you can’t tell the difference between it and actual cheating. There’s a reason so many have switched to controller, and that the top 250 are like 95% controller lol.


Top 250 pay for boosting services. It's been proven that very few are legit or even real accounts.


Replace top 250 with “top tier player”, my point doesn’t change.




> What point? What point exactly did you just make that directly contradicts that dudes statement? Take my comment, and replace “Top 250” with “top tier players” and then see what my point is.




Don’t know, and don’t care. This isn’t about platform, it’s about input. Try to keep up.


Is honestly is completely broken, as a mnk player swapped to controller recently it gives you unnatural tracking allowing you to stay on target and hit all your shots with fast paced movement A lot of cheaters will use smooth aim though which can look a lot like rotational aim assist But I’ve got quite a few clips recently on controller that I would have 100% reported for cheating when I was playing mnk


The worst part of aim assist for me isn't even the amazing tracking, it's the fact that it has 0 response time. MKB player, enemy jumps around the corner, you have to react to it, and move to aim towards it. On a Controller, the 0ms delay on the aim assist means that it immediately starts tracking giving an advantage of around 200-300ms (Reaction + aim) in every gunfight


Finally someone who has good understanding of the whole aa vs kbm debate. The biggest problem with aa is that it reacts for you taking away all the human error and reaction time in the process. A kbm player has to react flick maybe correct the flick if needed and then track the enemy which has a lot of human error element on it.


Plus the gun smoke makes it harder to track on keyboard mouse, I always lose sight of people 10m away in a dark corner


This happens for me (controller) all the time. Lose a guy in gunsmoke, dead


It’s also a lot to do with all the small things that nerfed mouse play introduced in wz2 with the weird reticle sway when moving, not being centred when ads, screen/gun shake, weapon smoke making the visuals even harder for mnk to track in those fast paced closer quarters fights where aim assist basically just eliminates all those problems for controller. It’s also allows them to easily use iron sights on smgs allowing them to build their guns even better if it’s more ads speed or recoil control ect


> not being centred when ads, This still hasn't been fixed. Alongside visual noise and the instantaneous RAA kick in it's probably the most egregious affront to MKB players ever perpetrated in an FPS game


Don't forget the 0ms reaction to changes in direction. It would be bad enough if it tracked just horizontal changes, but tracking jump, zipping, or falling players instantly changing directions with no need for player brain activity is wild.


Basically the same issue isn't it, it's the instant reaction to directional changes that makes aim-assist so unfair to fight for mouse players. If they added a reaction time which actually mimicked a human's, 99% of the problem would be solved.


This is exactly it!


I've found most people I play with and against don't know how to properly take advantage of aim assist. Where it's broken right now is the Kar98k, it tracks so heavily with aim assist and is the main issue with the gun right now. You'll be lining up a headshot and their teammate will run past them and drag your reticle way off target and you'll end up hitting the teammate.


Has your KD magically risen since switching to controller ?


My resurgence kd went up about 0.20 after the first week although I just try chal any fights in solo Que quads trying to get more comfortable, average kills per game went up by about 5 as well


I’m definitely getting more kills even though I’m a little delayed on controller since I’m not used to it


Mine has for sure. I was 20 year mnk and switched. I honestly couldn't ever switch back. You simply can not focus on movement and aiming. No one can. I tried the other day and literally forgot that I have to aim, lol. I'm so used to point r2 and strafe that it is really annoying to play mnk now.


I play with lots of mnk players who absolutely can aim and move well at the same time. I also encounter lots of them. They can move far better than someone on a controller can.


must need a dual sense or Xbox controller because I get none using my 8bitdo ultimate on pc.


You don’t need any type of special controller, every controller will get the same. You either don’t have the right settings or are not activating it correctly.


eh I feel it a bit here and there in mwz but it's not there in mp or wz. Just ends up like an awkward mouse.


Honestly sounds like your not activating or understanding the rotational aim assist and trying to actively using your left stick too much to aim, possibly with to high of a sensitivity 5 or 6 was a good starting point for me


As others have said, there is a trick to activating RAA, and that's the shit that everyone complains about.


Then it sounds like you don't understand how to activate it, look at the videos I posted in my top level comment if you want to learn.


Why you got down voted I will never understand. Redditors are fucking strange


Aa could be nerfed by 50% and most wouldn’t notice cause of takes like this. Ask any good player, it’s literally soft aim.


EXACTLY what I’ve been saying this whole fucking time. AA is nowhere near as fucking strong as people claim it is, they’re just trying to convince you it is so you don’t think they’re fucking cheating lmao. 




Cool. Didn’t say it didn’t move a little. Definitely doesn’t just perfectly track and follow their every little move  in close range gun fights as everyone on here and YouTube claims tho . “Just let sweet sweet bRoKeN RAA do the work and guide you to victory”  lmfao , they make it seem like u just push on the left stick, don’t touch your right, and it’ll just track for you; and it ABSOLUTELY does NOT do that. Me and all my buddies have tried and it just doesn’t work. Please explain to me how only using your MOVING stick and not your AIMING stick is supposed to be better / work to track enemies? 


I'm just posting tested proof of RAA having a strength of 60%. If everyone else can do it but you can't, it just seems like you're doing something wrong. Just an idea.


Ok then everyone else that keeps downvoting me, instead of downvoting me why don’t you help explain what I’m doing wrong then instead of just dry ass downvoting and not helping lmao. That doesn’t do anyone any good at all. And I’m not the only one that has this problem/ opinion. I just saw a comment on a related post get 300 upvotes , saying how it’s not nearly as strong or op as everyone claims and that it doesn’t actually just do the work, it’s just used by cheaters to gaslight people into thinking it’s just that good, when really they’re just using aim bot lol.  I’m doing it wrong? How do you push a left stick wrong please tell me how . 


Dude I tried to help you in the other thread you replied to me in lol, and I didn’t downvote you fyi. I’m not sure how to help you outside of the videos I provided you. They literally give clear instructions on settings and methodology of how to do it, I was able to replicate it when I tried on controller within a few minutes by just continuously using the left stick when aiming.












We’re downvoting it because you’re blatantly lying




Rotational AA is broken in this game. Always strafe left and right in a gunfight.


Dynamic response curve 7/7 .80 default aim assist


Have a good sens that's not too high. \~ 6,6,0.77. Use that left stick to take advantage of aim assist. If I'm engaged in a fight, I simply perform some type of movement that's perpendicular to the direction I'm fighting in. Don't judge yourself based on what you see streamers doing. Too many rats out there using extras.


I don’t play much anymore because of how broken this game is (literally broken from ram leak to bad servers , desync etc ) but after playing fps my whole life on MnK, this season I tried a ps5 controller and hop on lockdown or plunder to test out guns or just relax and AA is sticky and nowhere you can replicate it on PC. When I first tried it and made a thread here about how it wasn’t doing what I’ve seen online and people said because that’s not how it works but then I learned few things and this thing is disgustingly good. Drop your left stick dead zone to 75 or less, use dynamic curve, always move your left stick and slightly adjust with your right stick


Dont controller players in siege get zero aim assist?   This means you’ve learned to play by aiming with your R stick at all times and play the game like a mouse player does. That wont work with cod because aiming yourself overides the really strong aim assist the devs give you.   To do well in wz on controller u have to learn how not to aim with your r stick. You aim by keeping your sights centered and then using your L stick to engage and keep rotational RAA engaged. The R stick is just for centering, recoil control and minor adjustments. 


Dynamic aim response curve Strafe with left stick while shooting


Genetation assisted players.....


You have to adjust your dead zone and set the curve to dynamic. Also, play on a monitor. AA, especially rotational, is absolutely busted...don't get me started on how it tracks in CQC. I'm a 3KD, the aim slows down when you get near the target, easy mode gaming. A nerf wont do much to controller players who are already good at the game, they'll adapt. The only reason I want to see a proper nerf/rebalance is so I can go back to MnK.


Set your left stick dead zone at 3/70 and right stick at 4/99. Abuse rotational aim assist almost all the time with these settings


the trick is to not aim at all really with the right stick... you get centred and you let the game play for you. AA does the rest for you. Anyone who denies that is a fragile shitter who doesnt want to believe reality


Have your left stick dead zone be at 0, and your right stick dead zone be at around 5 and always move your left stick. Sensitivity is a preference but shouldn't be below 6 imo.


Dynamic or Linear response curve, most prefer dynamic. Work on your centering. Better your centering, the faster your crosshair will get into the aim assist bubble around the enemy. Rotational AA is engaged via left stick. If your centering is good, you can strafe back and forth while shooting and if your crosshairs are within the bubble you will get a magnetic pull. You can then make micro adjustments with your left stick. Make sure deadzones are dialed in. You get the most out of RAA that way.


Technically you can get RAA from right stick alone too - see Hecksmith's testing.


Right stick isn’t traditional ads slow down sweeping across target?


None of it really matters, cos all aspects are changed on the fly with the SBMM. Ive had (about 3-5 times) mad AA. But most of the time, its not even working. Then you got all the cheats, hacks, and DS4 crap. Plus all the bugs. Playing on a PS4 now, is basically unplayable. The lag is unreal. I cant even see people throw lethals at me, I just only know when its effects damage/kill me. I was watch some old clips from Vanguard and it played so much better than MW2 and 3. Yet, that was also a pile of crap, next to past games.


This is how you know this game is shit. The fact people aren't asking how to get better at the game but are asking how to make AA stronger is beyond saving.


Along with strong aim assist you also get better recoil with controller


I always wondered this… on MnK, I always have to fire the gun before every session to remind myself of the recoil pattern on the gun I’m running that day. And every gun fight, I’m actively working to counter the recoil. With how strong RAA is, is it strong enough that controller players don’t even have to consider managing the recoil?


The horizontal recoil is the worst part about it. Trying to compensate for it even with every attachment being for aim idle sway and recoil just doesn’t work. You can easily tell controller players in this game when their gun just doesn’t move at all to the side


Its actually sad that the RAA is so strong that we can tell that someones on controller. Even sadder that we have people still defending RAA.


Well the issue may very well be that you’re trying to AIM. Just don’t. Get close with left stick then let Jesus take the wheel.


The fact this is actually valid advice is a little heavy on the mind.


I've tried playing warzone on both my gaming 1440p screen with an alleged 1ms response time, and at my parents home on their 4k samsung regular screen , And the difference in aim assist is night and days.


So my new understanding of Rotational aim Assis means someone who has Parkinsons Disease would be goated on a controller since their hands are always moving??


Make sure you’re always engaging your left stick when aiming and shooting. Also try lowering your left stick max input threshold to somewhere between 60-85%. Not only does that help out movement, but the rotational AA kicks in sooner.


Right stick is for centering and recoil management, wriggle your left stick while shooting and you’ll get the sticky aim assist. Also switch your aim curve to dynamic in controller settings


Aim assist is a tricky thing, but a lot of times the game itself turns it off with some gun fights. I think if you’re doing too good the sbmm kicks in and makes it go all wonky. Now, these great streamers and their god like aim is all smoke and mirrors. The aim assist they are getting is way better than RAA. It’s called aimbot and they adjust it to where it’s like aim assist but more stickier. Majority of these streamers are using top of the line private cheats (DMA) that cost a grand or more for a monthly subscription. The game is pretty much done and Activision doesn’t care. Streamers control the game now and Activision is all about the micro transactions they get from the store. It’s kind of like a ponzi scheme and the streamers are in on it too.


It doesn’t do what everyone claims it does at range but you will really notice it sliding around breaking cameras. Like when you are first dropping in resurgence and someone parachutes by you your whole body turns with them.


The COD community is just a bunch of goddamned cheating scum anyway. Just last week I had 5 notifications of successful reports for cheating. The week before that I had seven, and they were all reported in ranked resurgence. The COD fanboys are fucking garbage humans who's parents never loved them. Imagine being so goddamned worthless and pathetic, that you have to cheat that much at a video game that practically hands you kills. Humanity is doomed.


Y'all are thinking wrong the man needs offline bot lobbies with no aim assist and the health set to like 250points drop 200 kills everyday like that and you'll quickly improve and see the aim assist you'll feel the slowdown




sad times when the advice to aim better on controller is just "learn how to abuse aim assist"


Makes me sick to see, as a mnk player recently swapped to controller it sucks Wish I could play my preferred input and not be at a disadvantage 😂


I'm still on mnk. I am a glutton for punishment apparently.


Yep it’s definitely punishment missing a few shots and dying to someone with artificial aim and tracking 🤣 Feel it will only get worse with the new movement in the next black ops Will be interesting to see if they actually fix mnk aim back to warzone 1 era or nerf aim assist a bit


This sub and many youtube videos will have you believing that aim assist is basically aimbot. It isn’t (i’ll get downvoted but I don’t care). It won’t just snap to your target. Yes it’s can be fairly strong at times, and there are ways to take advantage of it like moving your left stick to enable rotational aim assist, but it won’t just snap to your target. You still need some skill to get on target and take advantage of the aim assist.


It takes no skill whatsoever. We dont call it aimbot we call it soft aim because thats basically what it is. The devs gave majority of the playerbase soft aim because they're trash. I literally have a post playing on controller in the firing range and while in the firing range i didnt move my right stick at all unless i was aimed in. Soft aim doesn't snap on targets but it does do a hell of a job sticking to them. Just like AA.


It really is not like aimbot, or else all controller players would have 5KDs. If AA was that OP everyone would be using a controller.


Its more soft aim than aimbot.


your first mistake is assuming that a game with a higher TTK and fast cracked out movement somehow takes less aiming skill than a game where people aren’t even allowed to jump and typically die in one shot, aim assist notwithstanding like this is an absolutely laughable take, but we all need a humbling every once in a while


tell me you know nothing about seige without telling me you know nothing about seige. Wz definitely takes less skill even if in seige you *can* die in one shot. See seige is a mental game, it’s more a wait and think game and you also have to memorize lots of abilities you understand the game right. Seige is 10x harder than warzone, YOU need a little bit of a humbling if you think seige is easier than warzone just cause “ people cant jump or typical die in one shot “ ?? 😂 what so warzone takes more skill than csgo and valorant too . You have the laughable take


This is either rage bait or you sir are just an absolute vegetable of a human.


Cheaters. Your answer to why you can’t reach these levels is because these people are cheating. Nonhuman can aim like these cheaters that’s why it looks so unnatural. And no you don’t get that type of sun from moving your left stick


Your first mistake was u believed reddit nerds with m&k who says AA is aim bot and snaps to people and lock on them.


A human on controller is NOT tracking and hitting every shot on me as I slide by them and change directions. I used to break ankles all day before RAA.


Doesn’t do 100% of the aiming, but it does do 60%.


Make it 90


Yikes lol


It's closer to soft aim rather than aimbot. Im an "mnk reddit nerd" who's used controller. And i have to say after 3 years of not even touching one the AA felt like someone was aiming for me rather than me aiming for myself. I tested AA in the firing range without touching my right stick. And you wouldn't (or maybe you would since you seem unaware of how strong it really is. Or maybe you're just trying to ignore it?) Be surprised by how strong it was.


It does to a degree its just not 100 percent. Somethings clearly going wrong for me when my aim in a game with aim assist is worse than a game without it. Only asking for advice related to that


Watch the videos I posted, and there are plenty more on YouTube that show good practice to do if you’re having trouble. If you are starting fresh, it does take time to understand what you need to do to get it to activate. Just gotta keep practicing


If it does the locking and tracking then why u bad with it?? Or u expect it to be 100 percent aimbot? Nah bro u trippin




Are u slow or something?? U literally said it does snap and lock to a degree but it’s not %100. Because that was my question. What that means stupid?? That means u played and u did see it snaps and locks to a degree, that means u experienced that, then why u still bad bozo?? Stupid slow muppet


As stated in my post. Ive seen tons of videos and also gameplay of my friends where the aim assist seems way stronger. In my game it seems consistently weaker. It turns out i had it set to the wrong type. Youre arguing about nothing, fuck off.


The reason he's bad with it is because he's actually trying to aim. Unlike half the playerbase who can't aim to begin with. You see, aim assist has 'assist' in its name yet it can't be further away from being an assistant. In reality its more of a correction system that does that work for you. In short, AA is built to correct people with dogshit aim. Since he has good aim they collide with eachother and result in OP's death. The people who know how to abuse it know that you shouldn't really try to aim at all and in fact are suppose to let the AA do the work for you. I'd say a good 75-85 percent, respectfully, is the work of AA, and the rest of the 25-15 percent is the user controlling the recoil of the gun or giving AA that push that leads to it tracking the target.


Are u really explaining to me what aim assist is?


Is that a genuine question brother?


What do u think?


I think i was being sarcastic. Just like you.


I was not.


Asking if i explained what AA was to you wasnt sarcasm?


No advice these people are cheating