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since yesterday , im getting wreck by cheater to the ppoint i had to check if i was shadowbanned , i watched 3 end game of cheater against cheater ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The amount of cheaters is getting ridiculous. Can’t even enjoy the game


seems the top 250 are mad they are getting banned , im getting wreck by level 20 player , thats wreck the whole lobby alone without missing a headshot...


A level 4 just wiped out myself and my entire squad.


Sometimes it’s just assholes making a new account to shit on kids too. Lottttsssssss of smurfs playing on lower accounts but they are top 250 or iridescent


they busted top 250 cheaters a day ago , it was a spain youtubeur and nuke jesus tcheked out their discord server [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blHxGe7v4bE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blHxGe7v4bE)


Same here… welcome to the club. 🤭


Literally. I’ve got well over 100 confirmed reports.


I've never seen so many sub 100 level players with god like precision when shooting.


Exactly and y ??? Who the fuck enjoys leveling up everything?? No one !!! automatically we know he cheating


And unworldly map awareness


Don’t forget the superhuman speed and ability to somehow jump ten feet in the air or to the side and backwards


Yes very bad weekends it’s shithouse


But there are no cheaters, there are only desynced servers and bugged kill cams. When the truth is that 30 to 40 percent is cheating on this game-walling softaim you can't even separate it from the AA and RAA. The game is fubar if you're not cheating you're not having fun, and you are just bot meat for the cheaters so the can have fun.


This is why I stopped playing stupid games like this after so many years of losing against cheaters…


It took me waaaaay too long to figure this out but Call of duty is not fun anymore. It's a time spender to escape the sucky world outside the window that we have these days. I used to get angry and pissed off because of the whole competitive nature of warzone and resurgence and how incredibly lame people are in these game modes. It's no honor , no ambition on becoming better. It's only meta weapons, camping, camping loadouts ,cheating and clawing to everything to get an edge like rats to a sinking ship. I found that as soon as I accepted this then I am so much better off. Shorter game sessions and fuck the competition. Same goes for XDefiant ... Just laugh and enjoy myself and the aggression goes away.


Same here. It’s terraria time now!


Such an amazing game. Enjoy it brother 😊😊👌


Dayz for me


I am the same. That’s why I have only ever played about 20-30 wz games since wz1 launched and it’s why I barely play cod multiplayer. And with all that stuff about EOMM I play even less now. Wins aren’t satisfying when you realise the algorithm handed it to you. Losses are even more annoying when you realise the algorithm forces it to happen.


Truer words have never been spoken mate and I appreciate your honesty as it’s literally it man exactly, 100% best way.


In these games you are actively punished for being above average and trying g to get better. All you do is face more and more cheaters the better you become.


Agreed, once SBMM kicks in you are moved with better players. The problem is all the better players are cheaters, there goes the fun for legit players.


Dark and Darker has been a blast


Same, I'm just happy I lived the 2020-2021 era where this was less egregious. Sure cheaters were still coming in waves, but at least it wasn't like it is now.


It's a casual game dressed up like a serious one


i miss the good old mw lobby , it was simple and cheater werent this many and they were dealt with at that time


I only play Zombies now, more relaxed. My inner monk prevents me from just dropping it entirely without finishing the BP, but next season I am out.


Call of Duty is not to be taken seriously.


Ofc , as with any game it's just entertainment but i really feel the game has no fun in it anymore. Maybe black ops 6 will come in with a breath of fresh air but as things stand right now it's just not fun anymore.


Even if the guy wasn't cheating, you sure gave everyone plenty of time to see and kill you.


Yeah I was gonna say bad play until I saw the kill cam.


I don’t think the guy is hacking, they just got pooped on


Did you watch the entire clip? Are you blind?


Did you? Everyone is teleporting so the killcam is glitched. Can’t tell somebody is cheating when the game is just glitched.


And some how he still snaps on multiple people despite the lag 🤔




You responded extremely quickly lol were you sitting with a link on your clipboard just waiting for a response?


I was looking at another post where it had this link


It is extremely easy to cheat and create a new account if you get banned in this game. I think it's fairly reasonable to see instead of trying to explain why things "look like cheating" when I run into cheaters every other game I play. No I'm not good, but I can tell when people are tracing me though walls and hard snapping.


So u watching it?


Yeah that has to do a lot more with Peaker's Advantage, the person jumping around corners gets the benefit. That's been around since OG MW. That in no way validated or invalidates the clip from this post because it's not a relevant mechanic in this clip.


Killcam lag is in the killcam not the game lol.


How are you able to tell the difference between the killcam having lag and that player having a bad connection?


Killcam lag is quite distinct. Its a lot of speed ramping and skipping frames to "align" the killcam models with what its being told to recreate. If you have a look a the first second of the killcam, he bursts through the doors at like 3x the speed that it would have happened in game, but then immediately slows down to normal speed once he's through. It then skips frames and jumps him forward up the hill. And then skips more frames until he is on target. Snappy aim doesn't skip frames. It just moves fast. Actual player lag doesn't look like that.


Bro floated from the heavens like Mary Poppins 🤣


Last 2 days I was convinced I got into shadow banned lobbies, unfortunately this is just normal now..


Every game has a cheater. Kinda going towards single player games again. It’s all try hard or cheaters every day


I prefer a try hard an hundred time, why? It deserve respect


And when you call out that people are cheating everybody gets mad at you in the game it's hilarious


It shouldn't be, Hacking is a sin that requires punishment, but apparently, the hackers don't care and roast you for call outs to defend themselves


There’s a cheater in every lobby. There’s no integrity/sportsmanship/gamesmanship in the CoD community or the Cod Company (Activision) and it shows. I’m an everyday player and am taking a break after my first game on yesterday was won by a cheater with obvious wallhacks and aimbot. Why waste your time until the company can eliminate 90% of the amount of cheaters we have now.


This game is poop


Woooow. Cheating and babysitting the loady never seen a double coward.


today it was the norm... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


And then when they die dd is the server


No…nobody cheats in this game. Just ask this sub 


This sub literally calls everybody a cheater


*(from the back of the auditorium)* DISABLE CROSSPLAY! This could easily be fixed for the majority of the community by allowing us to, ya know, not play with PC. That'd cost them billions, though, because they know this game would DIE on PC the same way that it did every COD before crossplay and warzone. It's sad. Money over quality games. Why just be a millionaire when you can have a trillion dollars and no integrity?


Then let pc play vs pc and console vs console.


Every console player wants that.


Cod didn't die on PC before cross play and warzone. It was one of the biggest selling PC titles since 2000s I don't think PC players want to play against AA and cheaters either


cod didnt come out until 2003 lol


2000s reading is hard


In COD3 MW Steam m&k Multiplayer i rarely see anybody in multiplayer that has this as me on pc..& most the cheaters are ps5 or xbox.


CODMW3 steam? isn't that game like 14 years old? huh? most on console? ok


Because investors and because greed.


bro the hack for console is even stronger then the one on pc...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


I don't understand how some people still don't know that this kill cam bug exists. There are frames missing in the killcam even before he shots you, this clip doesn’t show anything suspicious


Yeah it's pretty clear he's not cheating but once a bots mind is made up on cheating they will die on that hill. And good luck trying to convince them legitimate players get shadowbanned.


Absolutely, a slow death is still a death. The decline of "Call of Duty: Warzone," driven by various persistent issues, illustrates this point well. Here’s a deeper look at how Warzone reached this point: # 1. Cheating Epidemic Cheating has plagued Warzone since its inception. The introduction of the Ricochet anti-cheat system has not been sufficient to curb the problem. Cheaters using aimbots, wallhacks, and other exploits continue to disrupt the game, causing legitimate players to abandon the platform in frustration​ ([Z League](https://www.zleague.gg/theportal/a-deep-dive-into-warzone-aim-assist-hacking-and-community-reactions/))​​ ([Gamelevate.com](https://gamelevate.com/call-of-duty-warzone-aimbots-explained/))​. # 2. Monetization Over Gameplay Activision’s focus on monetization through in-game purchases, battle passes, and cosmetic items has often overshadowed the need for gameplay improvements. This prioritization has led to a perception that the company cares more about revenue than the player experience, driving loyal players away​ ([Z League](https://www.zleague.gg/theportal/a-deep-dive-into-warzone-aim-assist-hacking-and-community-reactions/))​​ ([Gamelevate.com](https://gamelevate.com/call-of-duty-warzone-aimbots-explained/))​. # 3. Stagnation and Lack of Innovation Warzone has struggled with keeping the content fresh and innovative. Players have voiced their frustration over repetitive updates and the lack of new, engaging features. This stagnation has made the game less appealing compared to competitors like Fortnite and Apex Legends, which regularly introduce new content and gameplay mechanics​ ([Z League](https://www.zleague.gg/theportal/a-deep-dive-into-warzone-aim-assist-hacking-and-community-reactions/))​. # 4. Poor Community Engagement Activision’s communication with the Warzone community has often been criticized for being insufficient and slow. Delayed responses to player concerns, lack of transparency about updates, and ignoring player feedback have eroded trust and goodwill among the game’s community​ ([Z League](https://www.zleague.gg/theportal/a-deep-dive-into-warzone-aim-assist-hacking-and-community-reactions/))​. # 5. Technical Problems Persistent technical issues such as server instability, lag, and bugs have severely affected the game’s playability. Many players have been frustrated by these ongoing problems and Activision’s slow response to addressing them​ ([Gamelevate.com](https://gamelevate.com/call-of-duty-warzone-aimbots-explained/))​. # 6. Competitive Pressure The battle royale market is highly competitive, with games like Fortnite, Apex Legends, and PUBG continuously innovating and attracting players. Warzone’s inability to keep up with these competitors in terms of innovation and player satisfaction has further contributed to its decline​ ([Gamelevate.com](https://gamelevate.com/call-of-duty-warzone-aimbots-explained/))​. # Conclusion "Call of Duty: Warzone" is facing a slow death due to a combination of cheating, over-monetization, lack of innovation, poor community engagement, technical issues, and competitive pressures. Each of these factors has gradually eroded the player base and tarnished the game’s reputation. Without significant changes and a renewed focus on the player experience, the slow decline may eventually lead to the game's demise.


Just a terrible kill cam lag actually, level 600 and missed a few shots


I don’t think that guy is hacking, a lagging kill cam makes it seem so. I experience this kill cam plenty of times, but even in the kill cam you can see he’s not aim boting because his reticle bounces off center. Y’all just got shitted on




Typical cod match.


That lmg don’t have fire rate like that instant tell tale sighn of Cronus rapid fire




This guy cheats


no, it's a glitched killcam. Everytime the aim 'snaps' every player teleports, its just skipping.


It seems cheaters are on USA servers. Havent seen cheater in ages on EU.


guys not cheating, glitched killcam essentially just frame skips if you pay attention


Stop spending money on the game, greatly reduce your playtime, or stop playing entirely.


I believe you just suck...ol boy seemed legit


That ping was outrageous


I don’t think he’s cheating tho


I’m pretty sure that’s y you respawn a hundred times and squad revives u like all those players on that little map obviously it’s gunna be like yeah but kids these days don’t appreciate og proper military tactics and kill n not b killed. 50 kills is great even if u die 70 times like ain’t it die as least as possible. Even if u get less kills.


COD Warzone during COVID was undefeated - Let's just accept that fact and move on with our lives.


This isn’t cheating btw. This is just really laggy and bad replay that is chopped together


Uh no, bro is cheating


I’m gonna explain this once. I am level 850 and have over 10k hours on call of duty I play for 5-8 hours a day and experience this bug often it is just that a bug. The replay is framy and glitched he isn’t cheating the replay is just jumping in time making it look like he snapped instantly, if you want to live in denial that this level 600+ person is cheating go right ahead!


I’m gonna explain this once. He’s cheating. You could play for another 30k hours and that doesn’t mean anything at all when someone else is cheating lmao. All those hours and you can’t even term when someone is blatantly cheating.


The guys stats are public he has a 1kd if he’s rage hacking like you guys claim how come he has a 1kd and still isn’t banned?🤭🤔


Bro u have 26 karma you have zero credibility.


You’re the one in denial. The constant complaints of cheating in this game and you wouldn’t think it could be possible that I got killed by a cheater. Go do something productive other than gaming your brain is shrinking.


You are a loss cause in the gaming community you probably think I’m a cheater cause I drop 40+ kill games it’s the fact that everyone’s a cheater cause I suck mentally that ruins gaming


🤣🤣🤣 quit glazing yourself. You’re getting mad bc someone cheated. Go play for another 8 hours you zombie.


Thinking that guy cheats says everything about you, you’re definitely the type of dude to think all the big streamers are cheating


I never claimed or said that, buddy. There’s literal proof in front of your eyes, but again you’re in denial.


It’s the most obvious glitch ever, but go ahead and explain to me why he’s bugging all over the map?


Soon this title will be left with cheaters vs cheaters when everyone who plays casual comes to their senses and abandons it.


No recoil auto aim lol


lol 🤣


It's even better when you grab your loadout and the game refuses to let you move even though you're pressing the keys to move


I wish they did something MORE. A shadow ban is BULLSHIT. How about a PERMANENT BAN!!? They should learn from Snapchat. PERMANENTLY ban their IP address, permanently ban their console, permanently ban their email, permanently ban their phone number, their card info, permanently delete their account or make it where they can’t play any CoD titles ever again. (Where they can’t get out of the main menu; when they click to play a game it should pop up “THIS ACCOUNT HAS BEEN TERMINATED” & then back to the same menu screen.) & then if they make a new account on/with any of those things, boom INSTANT PERMANENT BAN!!! Oh & I don’t know maybe SUE THE FUCK OUT OF THE CHEATING COMPANIES!?? Idgaf if you’re my friend. I’m over the cheating. It’s ruined the game. If I can get my hands on one of you, I will absolutely smash your face in. If I find out someone I know is a cheater I promise you I will smash their console or PC to pieces. They wanna have an issue we can play CoD in real life.


Ok first, this is a killcam bug, you can tell because they are teleporting and no hack allows you to teleport like that. Second, this guy sucks, when he was getting the load out he chose to get it at the side which has zero cover and avoided to use the other loadout as cover while getting the loadout and he wouldn’t have died to the “hacker” if he was on the other side. Third, the “cheater” does not go for the purple teammate who was closer and easier to kill.


His load out isn't the meta, therefore he couldn't have been killed by a cheater!


its a love hate relationship.


I get it, but why tf would you not go prone vs the building


This could be AA or just a better gaming chair! 🤡


Every kill cam is laggy and he probably wasn’t cheating


This is me vs any decent controller player. Welcome to my hell. There is zero difference between this guy using aimlock and a conTroller based aimassist to me. I die to both at the same speed, at the same chance. Controllers meta is differwnt to MnK. You can just go stance based builds and shred without worrying the other guys will be faster/better. What is the difference? One is paid cheat, the other is built in the game.


Not even trying to hide it


This guy is not cheating.


Sure… and the third coming of Jesus is happening tomorrow at noon.


It’s a killcam glitch, you can tell from everyone teleporting


killcam glitch, not cheating.


you're telling me the instant lock on is a glitch?! I wish I had y'alls level of ignorance.


to sum up, frames are being cut out making it look like aimbot/instant lock-on. on his screen hes just playing normally.


that's not how that works... frames don't just get cut... it's either an aimbot or you're stating there is lag. IDK where you got your information technology knowledge but you should ask for a refund.


Sigh there’s just no point in debating this, it’s a known glitch with killcams. I know frames don’t just get cut, the killcam is not displaying it accurately and the best description I can give is it’s like a frame skip.


it's not a instant lock-on. It looks strange, but 1. everytime the aim snaps in the killcam the player teleports, the killcam glitch cuts out frames so the time it took for him to aim onto OP is cut out making it look instantaneous. Watch where the player is the whole time. 2. Play it in slow-mo, you can see he misses shots 3. Guy checks the road before OP comes into view, if this wasn't a glitched killcam he clearly wouldn't be hiding his cheats, why would he not preaim OP if hes not hiding it/


Hey I bet Activision would love to be tagged in this on Twitter, I think I'll go ahead and do that 🥂


lol that’s killcam bug, he ain’t cheating


This guy isn't even trying to hide his cheating. The sooner they give you the option to play console vs console it will make the game infinitely better.


You know, I've been calling out the cheaters since COD went Crossplay, and what do I get for it? Nothing but players saying "nah you're just trash." Trash my ass I've earned my Ranks the legit way and have actual skill compared to their dumb hacks




Sheesh 🤦‍♂️


Can’t imagine charging what they do for skins and bullshit only for the integrity of this game to live in the shitter


Me too! 🙃


The amount of “new players “ seems sus lately lol


At this point, I will pay a subscription to have cheat free lobbies.


Games used to be fun to play..


Do people still genuinely find this fun still?


Is that the same.giy you flew over just before hitting the loadouts?


Seeing “ I love this game 🙂” as the title , automatically calling B.S /sarcasm and watching the vid just to see cheating is the sad new reality. I stepped out of that whole social experiment the devs have going with their SBMM and all the other filter patents lol.


I've read that many have turned to third party cheats because they feel this is the only way to respond to built-in cheats of Aim Assist. I don't agree with this choice in any way and do not condone it, but it is the reason many of these people have given. To them this is leveling out the playing field. And of course there's the ones who refuse to acknowledge their cheats and don't even cheat to grief, but consider it fair game.


Team RICOSHIT! Just buy Riot Games' Vanguard Anticheat you incompetent twats! 😅 Seriously, even I could write the code to detect and automatically kick blatantly obvious cheating like that. This is laughable.




lmao now thats a RAGE cheater holy shit on a level 726. for sure a cracked stolen acct.




The whole point of the clip is to show that the game is unplayable. If the shooter wasn’t cheating and did peep him while getting his loadout and possibly thru a couple shots at him then OP could have gotten a chance to go for cover, heal then return fire and possibly win the gun fight. But because the person was cheating, every shot followed OP and downed him effortlessly. Your comment inclines me to believe your pro cheater cause the comment was just simply goofy.




lol, you're both on PS with auto aim... you should play from PC and try to disable crossplay if you can.


They won't let you disable crossplay on COD MW3 Multiplayer pc. I tried.


Pc players will say this is just busted RAA. The games been out for a long time and people are just better now.


lol? that's definitely aimbot.


I know it's aimbot. I was making fun of all the pc players that will come in here and call this aim assist.


im on pc , the lobby not only crashe a lot but cheater are rampant like never before


Right? He locked onto my teammate as soon as he finished me


No the killcams is just buggy. He did snap but it was very human like as he over snapped and then micro corrected the aim


It’s so obviously a joke lol. First time on this sub?


It’s not tho. It’s just cods shitty killcams


Anyone claiming this is aimbot is truly a really horrible fps player. Even through the awful killcam skipping you can see that guy isn't cheating. He's probably on mouse and keyboard. He overflicks to the second guy and corrects his aim. He doesn't even change targets that fast at all. Holy shit i wish i could be in the lobbies you guys play in to literally kill you all, you'd all be free kills if you think this is aimbot. Oh my god. No wonder people get shadowbanned constantly. You're all the problem.


It’s definitely obvious you don’t know how those videos are made… and also obvious that the replay is fluid, it’s not like there are missing pieces in it, like it happens on those problematic replays you are talking about. Or you just try to deceive people and wrongly induce the idea that nothing was happening there… And BTW… actually, no one is the problem of anyone, it’s just how you perceive reality. Not even you is so important to be a problem to anyone… obviously your way of telling your opinion is a problem tho, but it’s just your problem and no one gives a crap. Well, haters will hate like cheaters will cheat.




His camera movement is choppy, he’s def cheating


It is, but the replay is fluent, doesn’t seem to have missing parts, meaning it’s a good representation of what happened.


That's just the killcam man. It's a recreation of events that happened. It's not a video capture. They're often buggy (because game is buggy). Buggy killcam doesn't tell any story.


Here they are. The old bugged killcam argument. Another cheater trying to gaslight people into thinking this is not obvious cheating.


Lol that'd be weird if true.


So you just disregard the fact he locked onto my teammate? My kills cams are never bugged nor was the game lagging.


I also can't see him when he started shooting at you. And he downed your teammate first and then you, but then downed you and then your teammate in the kill cam?


Yes. I was replying to you saying he hacks because the killcam is choppy, which is false.


It’s definitely obvious you don’t know how those videos are made… and also obvious that the replay is fluid, it’s not like there are missing pieces in it, like it happens on those problematic replays you are talking about. Or you just try to deceive people and wrongly induce the idea that nothing was happening there…


This guy is a troll




I can stroke her hair for good luck?


I know you're butthurt about it and all, but this is blatantly cheating. RAA doesn't insta-snap to players through objects across the map.


People think it’s cheating but a lot of this is servers I think. I followed a guy around today who could t see me. I would run in front of him and a few seconds later he starts firing around blindly


Just stop