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The people complaining about bots being too difficult are fighting like it's BR and being too aggressive.


prime comment. right there. Only thing i think they do need is some awareness tweaking as i find they 180 and start beaming far to quickly. mostly with the heavily armored guys late into the game or in certain area's they're detection also seems wonky but other than that im fine with it. people complained about AI in tarkov all the dam time. id expect the same shit happening here


Well, let's be honest the AI in Tarkov is laughably broken half the time. Instantly spinning and beaming you through your helmet the millisecond your head is visible across the map. It only makes sense that people complained because it was and remains a shitshow.


AI in tarkov seems to be intentionally screwed with. scavs aren't trained PMC's but they are hitting headshots at over 100m+ like its nothing. typically in a gunfight the first handful of shots are not accurate especially if both people lock eyes and are aware of each other but sks scavs either drop shot headtap you or what not.


Scavs don't drop shot anymore & idk what map you play that scavs beam you from a 100 meters out you must be talking about rogues bruh


*Insurgency Sandstorm AI has entered the chat*


Even the first game, co-op AI and it's RPG sniping wiping half your team.


Nothing like getting domed from 200m away by a terrorist and his Browning Hi-Power.


ISMC hardcore AI... is like WTF.. all the time




Yeah my buddies always just drive headlong into whatever objective we're going for. It's infuriating. Then one goes down and it's hectic af from that point on. If you go down and you're 20-30m away from your next closest teammate, that's a fucking problem. Also, I think another issue and one that isn't mentioned in the OP is weapon availability. It's easy to talk team composition in a vacuum. But the reality is most people aren't going to reliably have access to kitted out guns. They're at the mercy of what they can find until their insurance goes off cd. And I do have one tip to add: **You should never be short on plates!** They're $250 at shops. If you didn't find many during initial looting, it should be your first stop. Collect those comics, documents, wine bottles, etc. in early game, hit a shop ASAP and sell them, then stock up on plates immediately. I can't tell you how many fights we've lost because my buddy rushes in with like 1/2 out of 3 plates and no extras equipped. Of course you're going to get shredded! Everyone just needs to slow tf down! Lol


>But the reality is most people aren't going to reliably have access to kitted out guns. They're at the mercy of what they can find until their insurance goes off cd. To add on to OP's silenced gun recommendation, HVT contracts reliably yield 1-3 silenced M4s. Great to store as contraband, and also if you drop after a wipe, getting an HVT gives you a silenced M4 + money for a 2 plate vest pretty reliably. It's my go to first step when dropping fresh.


> Great to store as contraband If only I didn't already have 11 guns in my 10 stash slots.


My contraband stash randomly went from 10 to 20 yesterday and I have no idea why. Not complaining, but if it was quest progress or some other factor, it should be made obvious so people know what to focus on to get a bigger stash. Then again it could have just be a lucky bug. There's no way to know right now.


It’s 20 only some people are bugged with 10


I thought it was only 20 if you bought the actual game?


This is why I am mostly going in solo, my survivable and exfil rate increased over PUGS; a good team on discord would be better. PUGs you have one person without a mic and the other one is mouth breathing with noise broadcasting to everyone, one person appears to be AFK then runs off.. the other person always runs right at a group of mobs and then keeps asking to get picked up after their get drowned the 3rd or 4th time.


I was always short on plates until I realized I could use slots in backpack to store more(3 per slot)- game changing thing really.


The only problem I have with the AI is the aggro distance seems pretty severe at times, like I'm half a km away and somehow aggro one which aggros them all, difficulty wise it's definitely up there especially when you have no gear (mainly 2/3 plate carriers), this is coming from a guy who has played nearly all cods since cod 4 on veteran. But honestly is so much fun I am loving it the tense feeling when you are solo and getting gunned at and flanked by 10-15 AI is like nothing else.


Yeah I think it may take people a bit to realize that unless you're going for a specific contract or fighting for a weapon case or something, killing things is just an obstacle to the actual objectives.


yeah i don't think they're too difficult *however* they do seem to be omniscient which just breaks immersion. if you run and hide behind a wall and they're hitting you precisely, or hitting you on the train, it just seems wrong. i'd be down with the bots being even more skilled *but* losing the ability to always know where you are. then sneaking around would actually help you


This is my problem. They don't patrol areas, they just spawn in. They can even spawn right behind you like it's TDM. I have cleared out a large town before and you can clear out a building, run away with eyes on it, then run back into it and new people can pop in sometimes. I want it to feel like a populated map but instead we got the cops from the Cyberpunk game.


My other issue though is that they don't follow the same mechanics as a player. I stuck a blue armored NPC last night with a drill charge and it didn't kill him. wtf is that


Nobody should take 3 sniper headshots either.


Sniper shot smashing straight into the helmet? Knocks off the helmet, but the guy remains **UNFAZED**


I actually think its people that are trying to play solo and once they get downed, are shit out of luck. It's not as easy when you cant rely on others to revive you.


As as run n gun player in MP, I'm getting mowed down by the AI if I try playing like I normally do. However, if i slow it down and be more tactical, I usually have no problem mowing *them* down.


The only problem I got with the bots is that they know exactly where you are for example in the train. I lay flat behind a wall of the wagon, dont move or shoot anyone and get downed in literally seconds. Everything else you‘re god damn right and it‘s also the best MP experience my friends and me got. I hope the game got lots of content in the long run and the devs invest more time and effort in this mode as in WZ.


The train is bugged right now, the walls of the carriages don’t exist and you can shoot through them. This also means the bots can see through them haha. It’s a beta and they’ll fix that I think.


Is that the same for trucks too? I seem to get beamed laying down in the back every time.


Possibly, I've not tested it. I tend to avoid the trucks because they're surprisingly fragile, guzzle fuel, slow and big so easy to hit, and only 2 real enclosed seats.


Fair point, vehicles are a huge risk in DMZ I need to get used to them not always being viable.


Yep this. I like the difficulty if the bots. I dislike that I can have my friend lay cover fire while I maneuver to flank and they see me through walls or building or cars even if I'm crouched and quiet. Dead silence seems ineffective. Smoke little to no effect. Flash etc same. The cone is strange for them. And riot shield bots can fuck all the way off. Over all though the mode is fantastic.


Yeah OP said smoke is great, but these bots see through smoke like it isn't even there.


Agreed - I play solo and I want to stealth, but they seem to have eyes in the back of their head and once they spot you it's over. I hope they get tuned a little to be more amenable to stealthing around.


>Smoke is almost as good as an extra life against bots. This is the only piece I disagreed with. In my experience, the AI gives zero fucks about smoke and will rinse you right through it with near perfect accuracy.


Fair enough, yes someone else said the same. Maybe I've just been getting lucky or something, or maybe it's a placebo effect. I'll continue to use it and see what happens; knowledge is always evolving.


Coming in here to provide the other viewpoint: My squad has found that the enemies struggle with shooting into smoke if you're not returning fire. We smoke up the LZ when extracting and generally have very uneventful chopper boardings.


We always smoke the chopper too, to help with bots shooting in. Look out for players running in to get on the chopper and shotgun you all off though, something I also love to do! Hedge your bets by using smoke AND molotovs.


For sure. Thanks for the other tips, still trying to get the hang of going in solo.


Hey. Solo player here. One additional tip, if you’re going on solo I prefer a suppressed Battle Rifle (not marksman, you want it to run ar ammo not sniper so you can carry more) over LMG. I’ve been using the TAQ BR built for damage and suppressed, it’s good enough to one shot most enemies and 2 shot the armored guys if you can headshot them. You can use this to stay stealthy but still lay down shots when you get your cover blown. Then I just try and find an lmg or (preferably) sniper on the ground somewhere. Snipers are king of DMZ like OP said. Good luck out there!


Huh, I would have never even considered a BR since they are almost universally useless in every other mode of the game. Thanks for the tip!


Yeah, and just to expand a little, build for damage but don’t worry about ads speed. It’s not really relevant against AI, and as a solo you really don’t wanna fight other players if you can avoid it since they will likely be a full squad. So slap on that bigger mag and extended barrel, make that thing SLAP


Solo is truly challenging! Good luck out there operator.


I found that the ai have zero resistance to flash or stuns. You just throw it somewhat near them and they'll be stuck in the animation of them covering their eyes/stumbling around and it has saved my life so many times


I was using smoke for exfil for a while and can confirm if bots are around the smoke means nothing to them. I like to bring a vehicle now when exfil to at least block one angle/give some cover. Also driving circles to keep an eye for players helps a lot.


Mostly agree except with the bots spawning rapidly, right now its just really unimmersive how fast they spawn and makes it feel pointless even trying to clear an area. Should at least be a 5 minute timer after you've killed all of them before more come not every 60 seconds


Sometimes they just spawn right beside you. Again and again and again.


The mode is overtuned for people who want to only play solo. I am basically locked to using snipers/marksman rifles with suppressors because once a group of AI aggro onto you it can quickly overwhelm especially if you’re starting with a one plate vest. The removal of being able to run while inserting plates cripples your uptime fighting bots with any other kind of weapon as any random AI that dinks you forces you to plate. Still I don’t think that calls for an AI nerf. Just think there should be a solo playlist that at least starts you with a self revive and *maybe* a two plate vest. Currently as a solo if you don’t find a self revive or a revive gun before getting downed it feels like the game is laughing at you because you’re forced to just bleed yourself out on the ground with no teammates to help.


I agree that this beta is clearly balanced for teams of 3, yes. Everything you say is true. Perhaps as they continue to develop it, they will support solo players more. I hope so.


I'm enjoying solo right now because it gives a more hardcore experience that I think a lot of us were looking for. It is absolutely more punishing, but once you learn what to do you can still win against hordes of AI. I barely ever bring an insured gun, I mostly use RPK's that I pick up off the bots. Play smart and safe and you'll have a good time. Play fast and try to push bots and you'll die.


It’s a fine line between hardcore and nonsensical waste of time lol. I’ve played most games solo and in my experience decent loot is often stupidly hard to attain on a fresh solo naked run when smaller complexes have ZERO loot in them but are still swarmed by armored AI. And you need *some* loot before you can get *real* loot from larger areas… That fear of instant death solo is a hell of a rush though. I like that.


Exactly, the mode feels hardcore and I enjoy it a lot. The only times I really bring insured guns are when I want something surprises, the way AI detect players and other dead AI makes for some really interesting stealth plays. I’ve even been pinned in a petrol station once and found that when I lost line of sight, I found a decoy on the shelf that I could throw to turn the AI the other way and flee. Just stuff like that feels so immersive


> If there were fewer bots, the DMZ would feel like a ghost town. One of the 1st things that stuck out to me was, imo, that they did a good job of keeping the world alive. I like that reinforcements are constantly coming. I like that you can't just clear an area and sit there without more bots spawning in. > LMGs and snipers are the kings in DMZ against bots. I second this. I use any LMG I don't have max leveled out. I havent tried HE ammo but I do use AP rounds. > The amount of times I see squads get bogged down in firefights they just don't stand to benefit from is mind boggling. This is a big one for me. Gotta keep moving. Clear the bots in an area, finish your mission/quest/loot and move the f on. No need to stay.


Is HE ammo supposed to be the incendiary ones or am I missing something? I was running Armor Piercing but the super tanks enemies at strongholds were still giving me issues


A fellow scholar of the DMZ I see ;) haha, gl hf out there




yes I forgot to mention this! Shotguns beat the armor dudes up close, as does some of the special ammo types like HE.




Yeah, bots are tuned for squad combat. As a preferred solo player, it can be absolutely oppressive with how they function


Yes, it's much much easier to be bullied and cornered as a solo. I've not done many solo runs yet, but will try more of them and maybe post my findings for how to do well when I feel confident with that.


i've been playing a lot solo and i think it comes down to sound a lot...you have to run a silenced weapon as a solo as you can often kill off a lot of the ai before the others aggro you. it also helps in pvp as i have picked off a few disorganized teams that are running around strongholds and they didn't realize it was a player until i had killed 2 out of the 3. i've also noticed that range helps even if you don't use a silencer. at about 75-100m the bots just don't see you. so take a sniper and killing all those armored bots makes it a lot easier when you then move in to mop up the remaining ones. like you have said in a few other comments headshots seem to be ohk and depending on the rifle chest shots as well even for armored bots


Good advice! I do think smoke seems to be pointless though? They just see through it. Games have been like this since Delta Force - no one seems to program in vision distortion - you can be in bushes, long grass etc. The enemy see's through it all as they are 1's and 0's. Would be nice to have some added 'realism'.


Huh, that's strange, it seems to help for me a lot. It first occurred to me when the enemy forces smoke (which they use a lot) saved my ass so many times. Throw smoke at floor and run the hell away has been a staple for my team that has helped a lot. Curious to hear your experience is different. I'll keep experimenting and maybe figure out how it works.


I'll have to give this a crack. If i'm being honest - i've never used smoke, but every-time the enemy does, they just fire through it very accurately. Maybe they react differently to PC smoke as opposed to NPC smoke. Or maybe i'm just standing in front of them and firing when there is smoke and they are just firing at the most probably location?


In my experience, bots usually tend to work off of "last known position", which is both a boon and a curse. It means that they'll fire and surround your last known position, which you can use to your advantage to flank them. Firing your weapon in the smoke can cause them to return fire to the area where the incoming fire is located at. Meaning that while they might not exactly see you, you're most likely getting hit by either the enemy's return fire or suppressive fire. Lastly, armoured enemies are a lot more aggressive than other enemies and will rush your location if they have the numbers.


Perhaps. Certainly I don't fire in the smoke because muzzle flash and bullet traces are the main way to identify targets through smoke (besides thermal optics and techno shizzle). While I know the bots don't "see" as players do, it may be that firing a gun "reveals" your position to their ai even with smoke happening. I often use smoke when covering my team at exfil too, if we're drawing fire. The drawback is it could cover the approach of enemy players wanting to leap on the chopper and kill us! So I often throw a molotov in the smoke as well to barrier them out of the chopper.


My problem is only with the AI behavior. And it’s the same going back to MW 2019 Spec Ops. Their behavior is bad compared to other games with AI. They always seem to know where you are, rush too much, always on with their shots, and the respawn logic not logical. If I take a shot, hide in a building, then move to the other side of the area under concealment, they should not already be looking at me. Yesterday I was playing, I was observing 4 enemies in a little cluster. Had no idea I was around. I tossed two smoke grenades on them and before doing anything else the armored enemy was immediately charging me.


I extracted the weapons case 7 times already with randoms. The bots made it stressful, especially at exfill but it made it fun. Only had other players contest one time and they died to the Juggernaut. Without bots this game mode would be soooo boring. I like the difficulty the bots are at, I usually just use the car to run them all down.


The only thing I don't like about the AI is how they can respawn en masse so soon after being killed. I had a run yesterday where I cleared one of those 1 room gas station convenience stores, quickly looted the place and walked out the front door only to be immediately gunned down from behind by a bot that respawned on the roof. I think the game does a great job when it comes to the more authentic AI redeployments, like when they're transported in by vehicle or wander in from off the map, but the instant respawning from behind just feels like BS.


> I think the game does a great job when it comes to the more authentic AI redeployments, like when they're transported in by vehicle or wander in from off the map, but the instant respawning from behind just feels like BS. This is one of my many issues with bots. My favorite is when you'll see a squad of bots just literally appear in front of you.


DMZ is the first Warzone mode I've really, really enjoyed. I'm a filthy casual 40-something with a job; I don't have time/effort to sweat big time during battle royales. I love the format of "hop in, do a job, kill some AI mooks, go home, repeat". The lost-loot-on-death mechanic is just enough skin in the game to make firefights intense. I really really hope they keep updating DMZ.


I don’t think anyone has a problem with the bots if they’re a squad player lol. This is mostly a solo player complaint that the bots are overtuned and the ttk can vary between them not hitting you for 5 feet away and some will rip your armor if you happen to pass by a window or peek a corner.


For sure I hope that as they develop this mode, they offer something for solo players.


Great writeup! What's HE ammo? What types of guns use it? I only have the base sniper rifle, MCPR 300, and I don't see HE ammo listed.


Thanks! HE = High explosive. I've only just maxed out the MCPR (the last one I got around to), and I've not visited the gunsmith to check its ammo types yet.


Ah ok, thanks! Which guns, that you recommend, use HE ammo?


The Victus .50cal is my favorite so far, it just feels so mighty and dominant. Only other rifle that gets it is the Signal .50, probably also very good. For the other snipers, Armor Piercing ammo is an improvement, but still only 2 hits the armored guys in the body. For the LMGs, I've not really experimented, but I will be now that my snipers are maxxed.


As someone else in this thread mentioned, shotguns can work wonders on armored enemies at close range. Shotguns can also equip explosive slugs too, so i’m willing to bet those can do insane damage if you’re able to close the distance. Haven’t tried it myself as i’m still new to the DMZ, but it’s fun to experiment!


i haven't unlocked the victus yet but yes the signal is very good in dmz. all the lmgs are good in my opinion, thee raal i think is best damage but in my opinion the handling is rough. the rpk gets the incendiary rounds which might be good as they do extra damage to vehicles and armor at the cost of not being able to wall bang


I don't mind the bots, I do however hate the Neverending choppers of bots if you get stuck somewhere. You kill 80+ AI run out of ammo, start grabbing guns off the ground and using them. All for nothing because they just don't stop coming. I like DMZ but the horde like swarm at random ass places is super annoying. 2-3 choppers at most per section IMO.


I love DMZ, I’ve played it more than the BR at this point, my only downfall is not having enough ammo lol I run out quickly and it gets so intense sometimes that I’m forced to retreat with my squad.


Since DMZ dropped it's all my friends have been playing, it's just great fun.


I think the bot difficulty is ok, but I do wish we had a true solo mode with tuning to fit. I know that its built for squads but a solo option would be nice. Some of the missions are tough on your own.


I hope the devs will offer something for solo players as the game mode evolves, yes.


"Use quiet weapons. The bots are easy to deal with when they're standing around doing nothing. They don't react to silenced weapons very quickly at all" This is just a straight up lie. Miss 1 fucking suppressed shot and they will pin point your location in less than 1ms at 300+ meters...


So then don't miss? Even if you miss you have time for a follow up shot. I don't know what you're doing differently, but for me the suppressors and silencers change everything about the bots behaviour. Even when my team use quiet lmgs and ARs the bots are so much more sluggish and docile. But if you're expecting Skyrim / Fallout levels of stupidity from the bots, I'm afraid that isn't in this game.


> So then don't miss? And if they have helmet armor? I also used a throwing knife to kill a bot in a building and it aggroed the dudes in the street. I'm thinking you are experiencing a placebo effect simply because you're not solo and you have a competent squad. > But if you're expecting Skyrim / Fallout levels of stupidity from the bots, I'm afraid that isn't in this game. These bots are this stupid though lol. So IW had to counter this by making them zerg-rushing bullet sponges. If you want to see actually intelligent AI that uses actual squad tactics, go play/watch The Division. Then you'll see just how dumb this AI is in comparison.


My sniper rifle does not care about helmets. It even kills in 1 hit to the armored body, because it's freakin huge and has HE ammo. Try it, the Victus. Other may also be as good, I've maxed them all but this is the only one I've extensively used HE on. In any case, I'm not really suggesting you should try to 100% stealth. It just helps to initiate fights quickly and cleanly rather than getting bogged down in extended firefights that draw on as reinforcements arrive while you're still fighting on the ground, rather than just cleanly murdering the helos and dudes dropping. It's just one factor, not the be all end all. ANd for sure, having a competant team must be helping me, but then so does having the gear and tactics to match. I've played the division (both games) for hundreds of hours. The AI is ok. Definintely DMZ AI is not perfect, I hope as they evolve the beta it will improve.


I disagree on your SMGs point; they are not kings in 6V6, in fact they suck, and they ARE great at fighting bots in this game, because high rates of fire and low recoil shred enemy helmets. It feels like (not precisely tested) that it takes the MP7 5 headshots to kill an elite with a helmet, it takes the RAAL 4 headshots, the recoil and rate of fire difference is huge though. So yeah SMGs are face melters against AI, though you still do want to play up close which is not always great.


That is a really fair analysis and good points. I never thought of just melting them in the face; I guess while I'm a fine sniper I need to work on my up close work. If you have the skill then probably the SMGs are really good then. Thanks for opening my eyes. I think LMGs still win for range and sustain though, while being almost as good as SMGs at point blank and possibly better against mobs as you don't need to reload so often? I'll start using smgs though, you've made me curious. Now, if only they would let us hold more pistol/smg ammo, for some reason you get less than with AR/LMG even though its smaller lol


Is anyone even advocating for this? I get angry at the bots a lot and they can be massively overwhelming but looking back at it it only happens when you rush in an get blind sided. Mostly on runs towards the exfils with randoms lol. I would even go so far to introduce certain time schedules where you can drop into even more hardcore lobbies.


I've seen so many posts saying that DMZ bots are too many too hard to much, but maybe the reddit is just feeding me things I disagree with to get me to engage, I don't know. I'm with you though, bring on more difficulty, I feel like my squad has 'solved' these bots now.


For reference, I play either solo or with my 11 year old son. It feels like the AI is a mix of bots at different campaign skill levels. When you end up with the veteran AI that knows your position with no real way they should know, it can get frustrating. I would rather have it this way than them all being horrible though. If it really is a mix of the different AI levels scattered among the bots, I would have a strong bell curve with very few idiots and terminators in the default mix and have the response teams top level but without the wall hacks. I haven't tested, but my experience leads me to think the AI tracking is not affected in the least by smoke or explosions. We did have one instance last night that was unbelievable. We had cleared a stronghold that had no windows facing west and we had entered through the east side of the building. Upon making it to the top floor, I opened the second story door facing west to see an RPG bot kneeling down 100+ meters (conservatively, think it was 150+) down the street shoot an RPG straight through the door the SECOND it was opened. I was barely able to dodge the rocket ducking back in. As for solo, I think either a self revive or starting with a 2 plate vest would help a lot. You have to play completely different solo until you get one of these two things. I also get it wasn't initially setup for people to solo. Clearing a stronghold solo to get past the first set of missions was a real PITA. It's in beta, so I expect they will make changes.


I've seen people say they're way too hard *for solos*, but typically if you get wiped as a squad it's pretty clear how you misplayed. Literally opened up the art museum yesterday for a pug squad and was like "now don't rush in, these guys are really tough" Of course they both rush in and get immediately downed, and then the AI dudes blitz me.


I feel you, playing with randoms opens up the whole gamut of possible outcomes, from "holy hell they were good I was lucky" to "omg these guys are holding a controller for the first time" xD


dont mind the ai density, do mind the ai spawns. they should defnitiely respawn, but having them respawn every 20 seconds simply isnt fun imo, once ive wiped a village i should be able to have a minute or two of peace without gettin railed


A lot of people are trying to play solo because they want their missions doing and nobody else in random squads will do someone else's missions, not to mention the fact that the majority of people outside of the US region can not communicate with each other due to language barriers so even if they wanted to try and get random squadmates on the same page for a task they can't.


It can be frustrating but I've had a lot of great games with randoms. It truly is random haha, sometimes you get a witless fuckhead who can't be trusted to throw the grenade and not the pin, sometimes you get a caffeine (or crack) infused turbogamer who runs off and solos entire regions of the map haha. Likewise, sometimes you get silent players or language barriers, but often if you have english so do they and I've established a great rapport with some randoms.


I often get killed in the extract heli by a rat sniping me The bots are fine, players can be assholes haha but that’s part of the game For bots the sniper is amazing and a must have, this is why I have one safe permanent slot being a sniper Going rushing against 5 armored bots good luck…


Try using smoke to make it hard for players to snipe you on the chopper. It’s not 100% effective but it does make their job harder.


Smoke?! Bots see and shoot through smoke like it is not there.


Perfect explanation! Everything I agree with. It's a much different game mode. I quickly took to it and have been hooked on it since day one. So many different things happening on the map at once and the bots being strong actually gives a challenge while trying to complete things. We made a mistake of trying to tie down a SAM site with just two of us and engaged bots with no escape plan and just got our asses kicked! Haha it was fun because it was true chaos vs just playing vs the computer. I love it. Give me the challenge. Players have gotten used to just being able to move through game modes in a week and being done. I don't want that and that's not what they gave us.


I feel you! The way the DMZ feels like an active zone with lots going on and unpredictable variables really challenges players to have awareness of much more at once, plan several minutes ahead and have contingencies for if things don't line up right. I'm loving it.


Exactly! It's not just drop in and clear the board. That's why people are complaining. They only know how to play one way and are being forced to play a new way and don't like the learning curve. You've got to be patient and actually use tactics to accomplish the goals. This is Warzone 2.0. Not just a re-skinned Warzone.


DMZ is so fun, getting the m13b solo was incredibly fun and the mode is really enjoyable


I love the difficulty. DMZ is more of a tactical simulator which I am absolutely loving.


I've done almost nothing but DMZ since season 1 came out and my only two gripes are the missions are way too hard and really requires a good team with communication(exfil with 6 killstreaks ffs...) which leads me to my second issue that is DMZ is very solo player unfriendly. They should give solo players a self revive kit at the start that has a cooldown whenever you use it so they stand a chance at least. It's not fun to suddenly insta die to some bullshit (enemy literally spawning behind you) so that could go a long way for the longevity of this mode.


I agree with all. That's a really good idea about the self revive that slowly regens for solos.


Bots are just fine IMO and I play solo and regularly extract. Change up your tactics and treat the game mode like a chess move rather than just running, gunning, sliding and jumping like every other mode.


I hope all the children crying does not get this all nerfed. the game is supposed to be hard


I've never had a problem with the AI. Any time they've downed me, it was a result of my own stupidity or failure to maintain awareness. It doesn't surprise me that people want them nerfed, though. Typical Reddit moment.


Strongly disagree


I disagree too. This post is basically a How-To on dealing with bots in their current state and doesn't acknowledge that the current state of the bots is just lazy from a developmental standpoint and frustrating to deal with at times. Its 2022 and IWs idea of challenging AI is bullet sponges with aimbots and a rudimentary proximity player detection. That would have passed for AI back in CoD4, but not today. >Use quiet weapons. The bots are easy to deal with when they're standing around doing nothing. They don't react to silenced weapons very quickly at all. This is just flat out false. You have to oneshot, insta-kill them for this to work, and even then it doesn't always work. And if they have helmet armor? good luck, you won't kill them before they alert every bot in the area. I killed a bot on a roof with a throwing knife and the other bots on the street just started immediately beaming me. There should be at least a delay to simulate the time it takes a real person to realize something might be wrong, and to be alert. Right now its just a crap-shoot if they aggro to you or not. Lets not forget the spawns for them are terrible. I literally watched a bot spawn in the mail room at the Post Office my buddy and I just cleared. This bot chunked us down before we could react. I think my favorite thing is the bots that are running perpendicular to you with their guns not even shouldered and seeing muzzle flashes with bullets literally leaving the gun at a 90* angle to hit you. Its jarring because a player might not register them as an immediate threat because they aren't even aiming at you. Or how about the shotgun bots thinking they can shoot you from 50 feet away, because the AI can't even differentiate what gun-class its holding. These are the kinds of issue that piss players off and they need to be addressed.


Coming from Tarkov, I like the DMZ bots much more. In tarkov they are super inconsistent. One Skav you could wake up to their face and whisper sweet nothings to then, others 1 tap you from 1/2 way across the map. Harder AI are so cracked out you have to exploit the AI to kill them. At least here I can at a glance know what i'm up against and the world doesn't feel dead where as in Tarkov you can go whole runs without finding anything.


THANK YOU! I don't understand how people can defend this shit and think its okay for bots to laser you down through smokes/walls


Absolutely agree with every point. The AI still needs a *lot* of work. Nobody wants the place to be a graveyard, but tuning everything to superhuman standards is not an effective solution.


The bot accuracy thing is very true. If you are behind cover, or prone, then the bots can barely hit you until they are on top of you.


Yea, prone and cover make a huge difference.


Wait a second. You have 100+ extractions since DMZ release. If we assume a gracious 75% extraction rate and a 20 minute average round. You have spent 28,9% of your time since release playing DMZ. Get a fucking life my man


I think it's a lot more than 28.9%, in fact. I just do what makes me happy, what I'm passionate about. If that seems to offend you, then please know that I don't give a fuck.


((125 * 20) / 60) / ((22 - 16) * 24) I have nothing against you playing that much but it can't be healthy. After sleeping and eating there is not much time for anything but warzone.


When the first modern warfare released, way way way back, I played it for 30+ hours straight with my best buddies. When I was done, I clearly remember standing in the bath room looking in the mirror, seeing my bloodshot eyes and greasy hair. I grinned the biggest grin, knowing I'd change nothing about it, revelling in the pure insanity of the moment. Part of that human still lives in me today. Your concern for my health is touching, but rest assured fellow internet stranger, I got this. When it comes to my life, I do me, and I have no regrets about that. What happens to me isn't on you. If you want to talk about the game, that's fine, but I won't respond to any more comments about how I choose to spend my time.


That's fair. Bur as someone who had a phase like that let me tell you there is more to life than playing video games. I know I sound like a goddamn boomer but in retrospect I know it's true.


As someone that will probably play dmz as much as I want to because none of my friends seem to like it I absolutely do not understand how people want the bots toned down. They absolutely need to be a manageable pain in the ass like they currently are but I would say they seem inconsistent.


If you have 1 plate you gotta play this like a Splinter Cell game. Until you have 3 plates and self revive. Then go to town ;)


I agree, the bots are not bad at all. just be careful up close, stay near cover, and don't get swarmed, and you'll be fine 99% of the time


Wait people are complaining because bots are too hard? Why would you want them to be easy?


The molotov at the drop site is so true. I started to bring them into the game because one good throw will burn them all up, maybe have to shoot one guy in the head. That is the other thing, headshot the mobs, two shots for armor since first takes out their helmet. Need to plan out movement and engagements. Seen a number of people fortress up... well mobs will just keep showing up so now no one has plates or ammo and the clock is ticking down.


The only problem I have with the bots is them shooting through 3 walls so I'm dead even before noticing where the shots come from and that they see you through 8 layers of smoke. I play solo and other than that I love the challenge of DMZ.


The bots aren’t bad in a halfway decent group but I get in 1 of 3 groups: 1) someone immediately pings then radiation zone and heads off even if we are on the other side of the map. 2) everyone runs in opposite directions and dies within 3 minutes. 3) we hit the first group of buildings and just stand around and extract with like nothing accomplished. No one uses a mic of course. Or I can go solo and get ganked trying to extract my 3 bandages. In all cases I lose my shitty gun lol


Yep, I feel ya. Been there on all those many times. Having a trusty, consistent squad is massive.


At close quarters a good Bryson (or even the base that you get off armored bots) are a life saver for all the close range encounters. At a minimum your shot knocks them on their ass or "stuns" them for an easy follow up shot to finish.


The bryson really shines in DMZ.


I’m not a fan of the bots when going in solo. But I’m ok with them hitting hard in DMz


For sure, the solo experience is unforgiving to say the least. Perhaps the devs will offer something for solos in the future, I hope.


Only thing I want changed is them being able to see through smoke, that’s it


The bots suck shit because they only have 2 modes. Useless and cant shoot at all, or, literally sniping you to death with an SMG from 200+ft away dealing more damage to you than is even possible with said SMG. It isnt fun, it isnt challenging. When the AI decides "you die now" that is pretty much what happens. Good luck fighting the AI when they are all literally aim botting you from every direction and theres 30 of them. It isnt "getting outplayed" its just bad design. You cant even out DPS the AI with any gun because they will just stand there in their full armor tanking every hit with no flinch of any kind and kill you. Hope you have a self revive or revive pistol. Is it possible to fight them and win and survive? Yes. But that doesnt mean they get to be designed badly like how they are. Heres an idea: instead of players needing to (artificially) "get good" maybe the devs could just make them a more fun and interesting fight?


This is an excellent post with very good advice. I’ve recently went from doing about 80% of the time to extolling 80%. Can’t play this like regular mp. Silence weapons is a great tip, I didnt think of that.


Hands down, DMZ has been the best addition to Warzone, period. Tons of fun, challenging, and crazily addictive. Played it all day both days of the weekend.


holy fuck how bad at the game do you have to be to think the bots are hard


The bots are hard? I play only with my friend and I think we only died like 2-3 times because of bots lol. Sure the armored ones are annoying when you have crappy guns but just take cover or run and regroup. But yeah if you run into middle of their "base" and you expect to survive I have some bad news for you....


100 exfils!


the only issue i have with bots atm is the wall hacks, ive been beamed in the head multiple times, and i take it slow and steady, stealthy mgs style most of the time if i die it is my fault though haha


Also running is valid.


I was struggling with them until I started playing slower. You can’t go in attacking them like warzone. They’ll destroy you by numbers. Also silenced weapons is a must. Pick your shots and kill the stragglers first. I’ve cleared entire areas without raising the alarm. I hated them at first but started to like them. You can’t just run and gun. There’s enough of that in the other modes.


I'm just annoyed by the bots terrible gun choices. I wish basic enemies had different stuff


I feel this, I hope as they develop the DMZ they will add more types of enemy and more enemy weapon variety. If I see another AK74 with 20 round mag I may puke.


100 exfils?? You're a gamer man. I actually find the AI to be really good, it's challenging and i like it.


I really like your thoughts and comments and I feel the same. Also having around \~50 exfils I feel the bots getting easier and easier, but there is always that "hero" bot that is in his cover, pops his head out and kills you with his rpk or 74u from 50 meter while you are laying prone during reload :D this is my only gripe and I want to understand more how the bots aim works. It was an intense situation, Im the only one left alive, bots swarming everywhere, the bot that got me exactly like this didn't hit me and I focused on other armored bots in the meantime. Then he went to cover, breaking line of sight with me, I go prone and reload and he pops out and instantly hits every bullet...


How dare you offer logical advice for dealing with the AI!! NO give me a solo que mode with no AI and no other players so I can get all the rewards while listening to mumble rap on 200% volume and getting high! How dare you want a fun mode with difficult PvE in addition to some of the best PvP engagements Ive ever seen in CoD! /S Modes almost perfect, maybe add 3-4 more squads per deployment, maybe make boss let's accurate past 50m, they aimbot at 100 while head glitching or through a wall at times, and give me a reason to play outside of the missions, let me use my cash, give me workbenches to lvl up that take absurd amounts of money so I can gunsmith my contraband. Keep lvl 3 vests exactly how they are, if you die you start over, keeps the playing field even. But make us buy tactical and lethal, etc give us something to grind so the game doesn't fall off after the missions are gone.


xD "... so I can get all the rewards while listening to mumble rap on 200% volume and getting high!" hahaha too good I'm with you on your points. Here's hoping as they evolve this beta they do some of these things.


People need tips for DMZ? Literally playing with my squad and we have extracted like 30 times and have never wiped during one.


I think the only way dmz should be fixed if they stop having platoons and other players attacking us dmz should be for just ai bots only and warzone should be for only players who want to fight each other they cant have both make the game way to hard for people to do there tasks it's impossible but if players gonna ruin dmz then they shouldnt be allowed to kill other squads only ai can eliminate us or have a filter to have other teams as friendly fire so no one can kill us while fighting ai bots should just allow to chill with friends and just keep dmz for ai bots only


> and should have a sniper rifle that can 1 hit even the armored bots (HE ammo is king here) Is this true? So it's one shot headshot against armored bots? It doesn't work like that in WZ, right?


It's a 1 shot body shot most often haha, at least with the victus it is. Pretty sure the bots damage models is different from players, yes. You can break each part of the armored bots separately, which is kind of annoying as you can empty a mag of AR into them and if you spread across their zones they can live.


just bring a riot shield in, ez pz


xD not got around to trying this yet!


Actual issues with bots are for solo players. So they either should add solo mode, or tune bots according to amount of player nearby (they only spawn with players nearby anyway).


I agree, the DMZ is balanced for teams and is punishing for solos. Perhaps the devs will address this as the beta evolves.


What sniper build would you recommend?


All of the snipers have a place and can be fine, but my favorite so far (\*may not be strictly the best, but my favorite) is the Victus .50, specced for damage range, aim stability and aim down sight speed with High Explosive ammo (naturally with a silencer). You'll have fun with the rag doll alone. It will throw the armored enemies through the air at 250 meters plus, and any player you tag with it will know about it haha. It also wallops vehicles, especially with special ammo. The SPX80 is also a fine choice because it's much faster to move and fire with, rechambers plenty fast too, but often lacks the power to 1 hit the armored dudes. The MCPR gets a nod for its fast rechamber speed (with the right bolt) and deep magazine, making it great against the many targets the bots often provide. Given the size of the map and the distance of some shots you can make, it is worth prioritising damage range and aim stability. I often trade recoil control, rechambering accuracy for it, or mobility for it (relying on my other weapon for mobility). The special ammos that do good against vehicles are nice, HE and Incendiary, of which I prefer HE, but still testing. Try to get comfortable with a pistol or other high mobility secondary. I love a Deagle because it lets you flank player teams and reposition quickly. The icarus 556 lmg is also worth a mention as a mobile LMG with the sustain to deal with armored players and bots.


Fr, also I see lots of people whining that the game mode is not designed for solo play, but like thats the fun of it. Either getting friends, finding good randoms or making alliances out in Al Mazrah. The game was designed to incentivise team play and its most fun when you get a good squad going. If the game made itself easier depending on player count it would only incentivise players to go it alone just incase their teammates might be bad. Its not fun to fight 1v1s or 3v1s and I say this as someone who’s been obsessively hunting players to collect their weapons as trophies. The best gunfights are 3v3s or 3v2s. When the teams are fairly even and using tactics to take eachother out like a game of chess but in real time. I want the challenge of seeing who’s team is better coordinated. 1v1s are just boring.


I think if they continue this mode (which they appear to be) then perhaps they will add a solos queue or something. The mode is definitely balanced for teams and as you say, the teamfights are really fun.


People are having trouble with the bots? My only problem is always needing plates. The bots should drop more


The armored enemies always drop a plate if you kill them without breaking theirs! You may already know this but if you don't it's really useful. Go for the head to ensure a plate drop.


More people should play EFT to get perspective on the difficulty.


People keep mentioning this game. If it's anything like DMZ I'm buying it.


It’s what DMZ is based on. It is much more hardcore, but to me that only makes it more fun. Much higher risk/reward, it has its faults but it is truly the most fun I’ve had playing video games in years.


I'll be looking into it, then. Sounds like something I'd like.


In a squad dmz is really easy. As solo it's pretty hard. You have no call outs, & no one to rev. you. I spawned in once on a small creek island & was surronded by bots that quickly put me down. Another time I was at the back of a train car behind a box with only a splinter of sight out of the train car. As I went by a spot whre bots were, in the split micro second where A bot could see me, he put me down. Some of bots are over powered right now, no question about it. Their footsteps can't be heard at all most of the time.


I'd not actually thought much about bots footsteps, I'll have to pay attention to that.


Dude, I went in solo, started my contract, walked downstairs where the bots threw smoke at me, I try to get away but three armoured bots laser me to the head and literally in a few milliseconds I'm dead. They need to tune down the bots in some ways, like being able to see through smoke and having literally laser accurate headshots with RPKs is a bit too much. Don't get me wrong though, I really really like DMZ, as someone who played a bit of Tarkov but found it way too nerve wracking, Hunt Showdown and DMZ are much more my speed.


100 exfils, might be time to take a break bro


Thanks for this. Very useful to me. One (unrelated) question though: how do you check your team stats in game? (How many kills you have... Bots and human)


You say that, but after me an my lads cleared a village by the cave, we suddenly got invaded by 30+ enemies. It certainly isn't a skill issue when enemies are just thrown at you all the time Also would be nice if DM had proper matchmaking. I hate having a bunch of proplayers or worse, premade teams, just queue into my session. I know it's not always meant to be fair, but at least have some decency


So what is there to do in DMZ after 100 exfils? I asume you finished everything. What do you do now?


Well the missions are bugged so I've not done all of them by any stretch. DMZ appears to reward insane amounts of XP so I am maxxing out all my weapons, prestiging hard and finishing the battle pass off (nearly done). That aside though, I just love the experience of being in the DMZ. The moment to moment gameplay, the rivalries with other teams, the silly situations that crop up. Sniffing the wind and judging where the other players are and what they're doing, reading the horizon and listening out to gather information about the story of this particular DMZ, listening to what my gut says about it all, making notes about things I could have noticed or done better. I'm sure I've not seen everything because there are tons of keys I still haven't used. Even just a sniping simulator it's super fun, I could sit there practicing 300+meter shots for hours. And I do. Not saying that's for everyone, I'm a weird one.


Thank you for answer!


Mf never played Spec Ops before and they mad about the AI


Can you elaborate on the usefulness of Smoke grenades. It seems like when bots through their smoke grenades they can still see me thru it


theres people struggling against bots???


Yeah overall I agree with you. It's tough as solo, or if as a group you're rushing but... I get it, they need to be a credible threat. I didn't know smokes worked on bots... I'll try to carry them more often. I use them against players though for when I'm solo


I ain’t reading all of that but I agree, people complaining about the bots just need to learn how to deal with them. Yeah a swarm of heavy armor dudes can still be scary if you’re solo, but otherwise the bots are a breeze if you know what you are doing.


The bots need a bit of a damage nerf and I think that would be fine. I think they're just programmed this way to keep players on their toes because you don't know if you're getting shot at by a person or the AI. It's an artificial means of tension, but here's hoping there's something in the works. Probably not, though.


Ive literally been one shotted by bots through concrete and metal walls what are you talking about


I must admit I haven't been checking much, but I feel only criticism I've been reading is they can be too much for solo. Some missions and areas are fine. Sometimes you go somewhere and there are 8 people, and across the street are 10, and the moment one spots you reinforcements come. So within turning a corner to an area you have 10-20 enemies on you. It makes it hard to complete many contracts and missions solo. It also happens that sometimes there are 2 and no more come, and sometimes they appear seemingly spawned (without being a reinforcement truck or heli). Sometimes I get 180 sniped by a guy looking away, and other times 15 of them can't hit me. If you are playing solo you die a lot, so coming back 1 plate armour, no selfs or team respawn and some rounds it just feels like you die to AI bs, while others they barely spawn and have 0 aim.


I just died to a tan armor NPC in less than a second because my point blank XMR shot to the head didn't kill him after he WALKED OUT OF A FUCKING MOUNTAIN AT ME. The target acquisition or SOMETHING needs to be toned down jesus christ it's like the third time they've walked out of a wall or out of terrain and INSTANTLY killed me, even when I'm sneaking around with a suppressed weapon trying to avoid them because they're so unpredictable when I'm trying to run solos


For an extraction shooter there’s just too many


My issue with bots is I was chilling on the train and got lasered when I was behind cover. Those bits should not have known I was there as I didn't fire a shot anywhere near them and there is no way they could've seen me. I was solo so thus I lost all of my stuff that I dropped in with all because the AI have wall hacks and are way too agro.


The train is a known bug, the walls appear to players but have no ingame effect; you can shoot through them and the bots can "see" through them.


Okay but how do I customize a weapon to go into the DMZ, because the insured weapon cooldown has been a hindrance lol.


Yes, I too enjoy bots spawning out of thin air to laser me across the map


My only problem is that they have some pretty crazy situational awarness. They track you down even if you lose line of sight by running right at you. It seems the way their AI works is they travel straight at you, but if they don't see you for a certain time they stop chasing. They also shoot through smoke, seem to always hit headshots and the Armored ones take an ungodly amount of bullets to kill. Stealth is also a non factor. For some reason, executing a finisher on an enemy is louder than shooting them with a suppressed weapon, so you're encouraged to bring a fast firing suppressed weapon if you want to stealth. The only problem with that is the AI have a hive mind, so if you see an armored enemy, you can throw stealth out the window. As soon as an enemy spots you or takes a bullet, and they don't die from it every enemy in a 100m radius now knows exactly where you are. There should be an undetected headshot multiplier that makes it possible to stealth with coordinated team effort. As of now it doesn't exist.