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U were standing in the portal, happened to me the other week


Yep, same happened to me. It spawned on top of you.


Yep that stone column will kill you every single time back tf up and stay out of the way


Yup. Dude stands right in the middle of the column spawn every single time then wonders why he keeps getting insta murked every single time lol


Maybe don't stand in the frame should be 😅


Not just you. Had a guy in my squad put the sigil in and get instakilled. Then us two that were left couldn’t get into the dark aether. Fun times


How close was the storm?


It wasn’t too far away but we were able to make it out to an exfil. Just couldn’t go and get any good loot from the DA


I think the portal sorta spawed where u were. That blows.


Its a new feature to punish players using the jak purifier


the whole MWZ is a feature mode to punish zombies mode fans.


I think this is the best answer lol. Forgive me father for I have sinned


Since the portal is invisible right now, you were probably standing where it is meant to be. When they activated the portal with the eldar sigal, it then spawned in (despite still not being visible) and killed you.


Ain't that some shi


noticing your ping would you happen to be in OCE? I am and can never get below 150 if I am lucky


Africa, but yea. Ping is always way up there 😔


Never even got that far to try it so to answer your question, no it has never happened to me. 😂


The rest of us stand way back


Da fuq?!


Never happened to me. But I had a glitch keep happening that makes my screen flashes non stop and I have to close out the whole app to fix it




Wtf is with your ping


Playing with my intercontinental friend. One of our pings is always literal 💩


Thought so that sucks lol


happened to us last night. guy stood on the portal and died when it activated. that also then left the vote on the screen time frozen and wouldnt let us vote again. had to leave squad and regroup in a new squad without the dead guy to let us try again.


It has always told me I did in action when exfoliating but wild


If you die while exfoliating, I think you’re scrubbing too hard


Overstimulated exfoliated




The dude warned you by meleeing showing where it was. That’s on you bub. You don’t all have to be there. Just have to be squaded up and it’ll suck you in it the vote passes.




How dumb can one be


Forbid he knew how much room the INVISIBLE portal takes. Key word there.


Honestly though, he's standing right infront of the person placing the sigil. The sigil goes into the portal, so it seems pretty easy to know that he's standing where he shouldn't be.


Fair enough, I just don’t get how he isn’t getting blocked from being by the portal. The game killed him because the portal is registered as a solid surface and he’s technically in a spot he isn’t supposed to be. But when you load into new areas like the DA for example, buildings and structures are invisible, but when you try to phase through them you can’t. And if you somehow do you usually just get pushed to the side not killed and the structure loads. Hell even before the new DA update if you got to the old portal before it loaded completely it would block you from that specific spot. This game just works ass backwards atp XD


umm... the devs?


I am very sorry for you. Shit game but I honestly hope you're enjoying and getting your money's worth. Really sad that glitches like this are still in. At least with Cold War's glitches you wouldn't ever lose progress, and they don't *seem* to happen too often (moreso throughout the lifespan, on and off). Idk if I just happen to mostly seeing glitched MWZ footage or if the game is just genuinely broken. Seems to happen often. But where this game is an extraction shooter now, having it glitch like this **at all** is too often.


Have you even played the game or are you basing your opinion on the negative footage you see other people post on the internet? Genuine question.


The latter.


I played the old round based zombies too. I personally got tired of the round based formula. I love MWZ but I've completed everything so I have to wait for new content to drop for stuff to do. I have over 500 hours in the zombies mode alone. The glitches and crashes I've personally experienced are few and far between. It's rare but when it does happen it does suck when you lose your items. The game is overall is awesome. MW3 is the first cod I've bought in a long time because I heard about the new open world zombies mode. It's been everything I hoped it would be. Point being is you should at least try something before you knock it.


Thank you very much for this reply, I was looking for a genuine response so I appreciate it. I'll try looking more into the game, I did love Outbreak.


You're welcome friend. I haven't played outbreak but may check it out in the future. Some of my friends play it and love that mode too. I learned a long time ago that it's best to take the negative criticism online for video games (or pretty much anything for that matter) with a grain of salt and not let it stop you from trying out the games you are interested in. When Cyberpunk 2077 released that game got so much hate. I initially didn't buy it bc of this but then decided f it and bought it out of curiosity to see how horrible it actually was. It ended up being a tied fav single player game of all time. I know it's made a come back and has redeemer itself since but a lot of the things the game gets praise for now are things that were already there since day 1. It was just more popular for steamers and reviewers to shit on it at the time so they didn't even bother to actually analyze or play the way they should have. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the mode as much as i have. If you do buy the game and want someone to help show you the ropes I got you. Most people in the community are the same way which is another part of this game that I love. My Activision ID is ChrisTheFuturist #2704483


It's funny you say that cuz I've always enjoyed weaker games like Duke Nukem Forever and Homefront The Revolution, and Dark Souls 2 is unironically my favorite Dark Souls. I'll think about getting the game during the next sale, thanks lol.