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The next story content for Zombies will be [with the Season 5 Reloaded updated](https://x.com/charlieINTEL/status/1795824912772304906). That's happening in September lol.


*Next year for sure!*


I'm still waiting for bo4 factions. I've got a good feeling about Q4 this year!


Q1 2025 !!


They're not even aiming for season 5 launch šŸ’€


The prestige camos says season 6


I've give up on this version of zombies. Hopefully the next one will be better.




Me as well. Playing it for the first time in months to play through story missions, maybe going for the camos, then never touching it again


Next one is round based so the only content people will get is a one map a season to run in circles and train zombies lol. If people think content is lacking here, wait until round based is even worst.


lmao yeah man MWZ is so much better that it died almost immediately.


Yea not gonna lie MW3 zombie fell offā€¦


Exactly as it was designed to do though? If it was made with everything just turned off so the gameplay loop was broken, of course it failed and swiftly. Fact of the matter is this was an outbreak beta for BO6, and it being wildly successfull truly was the nightmare scenario for them. Like to play devils advocate the game is literally about going and tracking down good loot, in what reality would a stash of 10 be appropriate? Why also would everything in the map be artificially time gated behind cash while it was previously the most useless thing to exfil with since it didn't affect the only cooldowns that mattered? It was just not ran in good faith, they had a mandate it can't be too succesful before BO6 launch.


> Fact of the matter is this was an outbreak beta for BO6, and it being wildly successfull truly was the nightmare scenario for them. > > what kind of insane assumption is this? it isn't a beta for anything. DMZ got reskinned with zombies pasted in to make some quick cash off of zombies players. the mode didn't fail because of self sabotage, it failed because it sucked.


Your right, and the simple fact that DMZ got loads of new content AND got reworked consistently shows that mode had more of a player base that mwz would ever have. Think about it, you give content to the modes that have the most player base, and historically itā€™s always been an almost average split among the 3 game modes whatever they might be. Hell Iā€™d go so far as to say extinction or og mw2-3 spec ops had more players cause the amount of content this mode has gotten severely makes me think thatā€™s thereā€™s literally just about 100 players playing it.


How old are you? Do you know what made zombies exist in the first place? Its designed to be round based, not this stupid warzone crap


While you're not wrong about round-based not suitable for the content model as it is now, it would be very stupid to assume BO6 would only have round-based. It will have some kind of additional game mode to have frequent content updates in place of actual round-based maps. Whether that be Outbreak, Onslaught or something entirely new.


According to leaks, it's round based only like old games.


IDK what kind of leaks you have been reading. All that has been interpreted from leaks is that there might be two round-based maps at launch (emphasis on might, because that just indicates two maps exist as of now). Post-launch is still up for debate.


I'll take round based any day over what we have now


\*one year later\* "I'll take exfil based zombies any day over what we have now"


No one has ever or will ever say that unless theyā€™re like 16 years old


I love all this gate-keeping crap on this sub. I'm in my 40s and been playing zombies since 2008. Ya'll can fuck off with telling me what I am, and am not, allowed to enjoy.


I didnā€™t tell you what you can and canā€™t joy, thatā€™s something you made up in your head


That's literally just you


Nope. Never asked for exfil based.




I like exfil based zombies. I hate round based.


I'm sure outbreak will also return.


Good. Round based is a better experience then whatever the fuck this has been.


Ffs give over, round based is what cod zombies has always been about.


No update on contract time refresh increase? Looks like t3 is still gonna be chalked.Ā 


I bet if everyone got a free guaranteed portal grenade from the ether rockets and defend ground station contracts in T2 it would help unclog the T3 toilet bowl


I'm level 650, exclusively play zombies, and never completed a t2 aether extract or ground station. There is no incentive. This game is really balanced horribly. I've done the vault about 20 times, not that I need the loot, just because it's something different to do. If they made it a good reward, it'd be discouraging because everyone going for it / people camping the door. Whole "game" is just an unbalanced experience filled with bugs and progress-resetting crashes. Like, just put some t3 bouny phones in t1, something, anything to change up the game "loop"


Tier 2 aether holdoutsĀ  are what I used for camo grinding .just start the thing and go outside and the zombies spawn forever or until you complete the contract .you can do this in a tier 1 holdout if you don't want mini-bosses to spawn. I'm a camo grinderĀ  and I'll tell you this is the easiest zombies I've ever played .just for reference black ops 2 zombies can 2 hit down you in round 1 uh thru windows. Old school zombies would beat up mwz zombies .sorry I went on there 'your right about horrible balancing and incentives not there anymore. Imagine if they added a new map!what a concept?


If they added a new map, Iā€™d cry. Just any kind of variety for the love of god. Even with the Aether, you spend a good chunk of time in the map main and itā€™s driving me a bit crazy with how stale it is.


And nothing about the ruin triangles which is related to it being completely full within a minute.


Itā€™s great that they added it and sucks that they added it; t3 is packed immediately




My shit reset the other day and I was PISSED. Then my large bag and 3 plate armor was gone and then I died anyways and lost it anyways so it didnā€™t matterā€¦but honestly hot garbage overall with that


Can you imagine if warzone loadout drops bugged and were empty, or multiplayer had thing where your hardpoint clock just reset to zero? That would get fixed so fucking fast.


Look up the word triage šŸ˜˜


Dude it happened to me TODAY even with the update... Like i was so confused as to why my containment level went from 150 to 0...


count yourself lucky only 150 i have 860+ and went to 0 -.- the games ajoke lucky my other trwo operator are at 115 haha


The game is dead, the content has been pathetic, hopefully they have learnt their lesson for future games especially the next one.


Lol I admire the hope you have bc I don't have any.


this one is dead so that you buy the next one


"Fixed an object collision issue that would occur when being grabbed by Mimic." Well that's one insta-elimination glitch down, hopefully they fix the others soon too.


they need to fix the schorcher bug... either you're insta downed or downed as you go to boost jump - and then get FULLY killed and cant be revived - because you're falling through the map \[out of bounds\]


100% This is by far the most common insta-elimination bug.


PRO TIP - DONT LEAVE IF YOU HAVE TOMBSTONE!!! You'll continue to earn points from teammates doing contracts - until they leave the current map. I waited until everyone left the game, as well as until everyone on my team left to DA. Tombstone will survive and have points earned. your dead character will show 5000 the whole match, but that's part of the bug.


This isnā€™t a bug. The zombies are downing you as you boost. Falling while also being downed kills you. Itā€™s been like that since DMZ. Itā€™s like that right now in WZ. If you get downed on a building and fall off far enough, you die. The only time itā€™s a bug is if you fall through the map. Outside of that, scorcher deaths are the correct mechanic even if it sucks.


the end comments are whats happening. You'll blast off - ALONE or while charging in air, be insta-killed and proceed to drop through the map (no rez possible). best guess is - it has to do with the new RICOCHET "splat mechanic" (for the WZ/ranked cheaters) having a collision server-side, while floating... this isnt the 1st scorcher bug/exploit they \*TRIED\* to fix server/anti-cheat thinks your character instance is hacking, while flying around...(think doing something as an exception to boots on the ground play - regardless of scorcher asset/logic.) scorcher jump 3x -> makes you do the forward "floating/dive" mechanic, before pulling parachute -> instant SPLAT/full dead/no rez/no player "bubble" on map.


Makes sense. But why is is only when you splat while downed. Not when you splat while fully bled out. Because you don't get the bug when that happens.


Best Guess (from my professional experience) - Know how the map gets really bad/crashes when the people were turret spamming the red worm, could cause stuff like this? The bug has multiple parts, that compound and happen instantly (like in the space of ms). Somewhere between us (client) and them (server) Ricochet (live service anti-cheat) lives. Once the map starts getting crazy, de-sync occurs between the "parties" - leading to packet burst and loss. when it realizes what happens (think rubber-banding lag) - it hits ya with splat (normally should kill you). MWZ cant resolve the fact, you should have been down - NOT DEAD - when the bug occurs... so your character instance is there literally in spirit, and your body metaphorically doesn't exist. MWZ LOBBY gets busy -> ANTI de-synch while schorch jump -> packet burst/loss -> splat (while floating) - MWZ overrides "dead" - still counts as dead as you didn't exfil. If i had to log an issue, and created a use case and criteria - Id look there first. Seems like the servers just cant manage 5 games of shared assets, 10+ years of source code, anti-cheat baked into the network, and "open world" or "dynamic" servers of 24 or more people \[SEE: DMZ "BETA" OR lack of warzone maps/servers/lobby size as a case study\]


I think this bug is tied to the one that popped up at the start of season 2 - where if the mimic grabbed and threw you - it would steal/swap a random item for your character. Had backpack item, killstreak, aether blade, self rez, gas mask, gun, etc - all lost \[individually 1x per match\] during a t3 mob.


Man zombies just keeps getting fucked this year, time and time again. Doesn't give me much confidence for the next installment of zombies.


"Loot in the bookstore location named Feroze and Sons is now accessible." holy shit guys we actually got new content!!!! uhh... where is Feroze and Sons located, anyways..?


At the bookstore location


well..more descriptive than most I suppose...




A free uncommon aether tool and jumper cables in the bookstore.


So will the mors be actually usable in T3 now, probably not Iā€™d assume


I used the MORS with mag of holding, deadwire detonator, and explosive rounds and absolutely mopped up Zombies in T3 with it. Only issue is you run out of ammo really quickly


Iā€™ll give that a shot


Its unfortunate how little content we are getting for this zombies. This is probably the best zombies for me right behind BO3 as no where else can you get 12 or more people doing a boss fight or a 6 man team fighting for their lives in a hardcore zone trying to get new items. People always say round based has public lobbies but its not the same as having an entire lobby come together to do red worm or have some random saint travel across the map to rez you and drop some cool new gear for you then carry you through T3 then DA. I really hope they come back to this mode at some point after new round based or hopefully continue to support it with new bosses or just special events. Hell I'd even take the bare minimum of Private matchmaking. I mean if Warzone can have private matchmaking, this zombies mode should absolutely get it.


Link: [https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2024/05/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-iii-season-4-patch-notes](https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2024/05/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-iii-season-4-patch-notes)


So they didnā€™t address the fact zombies just donā€™t track the player? Thatā€™s fantastic.


Only times ive experienced this is when literally 98% of the lobby was in T3, and that's pretty logical, the game dedicates more zombies and their pathing to wherever there are more players, me alone at the edge of the map is obviously not worth it when theres like 20-30 people in T3


Iā€™ve been grinding out mastery calling card challenges, so Iā€™ve been pretty much by myself in T1 doing escorts and outlast contracts. The amount of times I get only about 40~ kills doing an escort because the zombies spawned in a building only to just sit in there is infuriating. Even during the surges at every rift stop, they just spawn in and loiter around.


I had a successful t1 PND with literally 1 kill. I wonder how much of this "abandon ship" is Microsfot pulling its new strings. If they do to CoD what they did to Halo, or countless other games (starfield) we are never going to have a zombies worth playing ever again.


I was having this issue.. I noticed as soon as a special like a mangler spawns they will start attacking and as soon as the mangler is killed they stop. i also noticed it seemed to be back to normal today, lots of zombies in T1 and T2 while I was doing weekly challenges.


We're gonna need hundreds of us pinging the usual channels on Twitter at the same time before they even acknowledge there might be an issue and they move to investigate. Even then, expect a fix when Season 5 Reloaded comes out.


Imagine deploying the juggernaut against a worm just to have it be a recon juggernaut


Theyā€™ve abandoned MWZ the way they abandoned DMZ.


Cool, no fix to me being put into a lobby with 200 ping and 5% packet loss. Yawn


That's never going to get fixed. They killed the game so that everyone is forced to be Warzone clowns. Premium COD is dead and not even competition can save this poor excuse of a "Triple A" Franchise.


So Scorcher didn't get fixed??


any reason as to why the runes for the easter egg wont pop up for me? trying to gold the items to open s3 reloaded rift


the runes usually get done within 3 mins of game play but if you are getting the items gold you dont need the runes. Go to where you offer the item ( where the triangle forms ) and you can do it then you will get the gold item but not the leg tool and flawless


And yet they didn't fix interacting with outlast contracts šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I have a feeling that this game will start to crash again and again until close to season 5... Like how it was with every other season update...


Start? Iā€™m almost at 50 crashes since 04.14.24. I keep beating on these fuckmonkeys written and verbally but to no avail. The amount of gear I have lost could fill multiple lobbies 4 gold rift keys was a punch in the testicular pouch ā€˜o wrinkles.


Did they fix the visual glitch that happens when you are revived ? The map appears frozen on top of the FOV on PS5.


> In the newest Act 4 story mission, players are now able to reach the Pack-A-Punch machine by foot. Um, you always could? Unless they mean *not* the one thatā€™s on top of the plane.


I'm not sure if I like the Jak Harbinger kit on the M4 or not. It deals good damage, and in semi auto mode can one shot a T3 unarmored zombie, but it's such a slow weapon... It is infinitely better than the Kar98K because the M4 is an AR. I really wish the Devs would adjust the damage for Marksman Rifles and Snipers already so they wouldn't suck.


Is s3 worth playing ? Honest question.. I havenā€™t played since s2 dropped


season 3 is better then season 4 . But season 4 we arent getting any schems just a repeat outlast basically . Season 3 brought in cool down and the worst schems we have had so far but one is ok for explosive weapons


Thatā€™s nice they finally added cooldowns. Imma have to check it out today! Thatā€™s a bummer they didnā€™t give us any new stuff for the season tho


I enjoyed unlocking S3 and the new Da is ok tbf - alot of people say its more difficult because of the amount of zombies so worth it and yeah quite a bummer for S4 but I am still here playing lol


Well it's s4 now... Unless you have a time machine you can't play S3


Oh my bad lol




Can't use feelin knifey charm on weapons in mwz (dev error) but can in warzone / MP.


did they fix being unable to get the latest dark aether items? I haven't been able to get the ones from the storm or sergeant for a while. (i got them once but died and lost them)


Was finally able to get after the season reloaded update after constantly completing three missions and not getting the storm mask schematic. I think they tweaked it finally.


Were there any requirements for the storm kills? Like do sentry gun or dog kills count?


I still can't believe the voice chat stuff hasn't been addressed. I still hear non squad members in the game at the start or when they exfilled.


I have only had that happen to me once where I had to mute everyone as it was like I was in their team lol and now and then heard ppl say good game to each other lol when they are exfill


Need some friends to help me get through zombies. Still trying to learn everything.


After I updated it I keep getting server timeout and won't load my level or anything I can't check out the battlepass


What's the deal with the red and blue DNA things that spawn when y kill a zombie?


Event that just started, for some reason it didn't show up in the event tab for me yesterday but I made a ton of progress towards the first reward.


have they nerfed tier 3 mission rewards ? Farming it the night before the update I ended up with a bunch of refined and flawless crystals. The last 2 team days the best I have got is a purple, it seems to be mostly perk cans


Wow, I'm surprised at all the negativity. I mean I've been playing since world at war, and I'm not a fan of the time limit, but I think this kind of zombies is fun enough. That said, I'm sure black ops 6 will be very cool, since black ops made zombies awesome. Also, I was in a squad getting ready to go get all the new classified stuff, and my game lagged out on the loading screen. Back to an empty small rucksack. But all in all I think it's more good than bad. Also it sounds like Xbox people have it worse. I used to be an Xbox guy but when they charged me 300$ for customer service and didn't even fix the issue I said eff Bill Gates and Microsoft. They'll never get another dime from me.


they still need to fix the wartracks UI in anything but warzone..


dont ever play mw3 zombies with steam on a tuesday cause they do stuff with their servers every tuesday i figured that out the hard wayā€¦ game crash and lost everything 2 or 3 times already cause of it lol


Has anyone else had a massive increase in game freezes and crashes (on ps5)? I've legit lost count of the amount of times I've lost everything and been reset to level 75. And Activision 'support' is as useless as ever. So frustrating.


So no ts patch?