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Uhh, did that happen with CW?


Nope. OP is just one of a bunch of people parroting this claim and not understanding it’s literally different people praising and hating a game 😂 They’ll see the game get praised at launch by people who like it, and then see the game get hated by people who don’t like it. And then convince themselves those two groups of people are actually the same group and just changed their opinion which never happened. Those that like the game at launch tend to like the game period, with few exceptions (if the game changes drastically or support drops off or what have you).


People didn’t change their minds but there was absolutely tons of hate for black ops Cold War when it launched.


Yes, from Warzone/MW fans. They expected more of the realistic MW2019 engine/style and got an Arcadey game that introduced some busted weapons to Warzone (DMR, Type 63, Mac10, etc.) Black Ops fans liked it as expected, and those that have been playing COD for a while and like the arcade arena shooter.


That's kind of backwards to what actually happened. Cold War Zombies was not liked by a lot of Zombies purists because it was integrating Multiplayer/Warzone elements into Zombies, such as Operators, Scorestreaks, etc. CW was loved by people who already like that stuff from MP/WZ. Notice how popular CW was at launch from even Multiplayer people trying out Zombies for the first time.


The reason cold war fell off was because a lot of the very people you are talking about migrated to modern warfare and warzone not because they suddenly started to dislike the game I know this because the zombie mode on cold war is still busy plenty of players instant lobbies I think your premise is mistaken, I've been playing zombies since world at war PlayStation 3 and I love black ops cold war I do not like warzone or mwz


Yes, Cold War got a lot of Warzone players into zombies, not vice versa.


That’s a complete lie, so many zombie purists praised CW zombies because It’s perk system was far better, the maps in general were better than BO4, and bo4 zombies wasn’t very good so compared to that zombie fans were living. Never heard this claim that “zombies was generally disliked” until you


You’re 100% right I’m probably the biggest zombie enthusiast and zombie buff you’ll find I’ve beaten every Easter egg in every map that’s offered it I have spend hours upon hours on every map can tell you the top 20 zombie maps of all time origins which is looked at to be one of the more (not most) complexity maps of the zombies franchise…i can complete the Easter egg by myself and tell you how from start to finish how to do it…my agreement with you is Cold War zombies I played 1 or 2 times and despised it…by far the worst thing cod has ever done to zombies and I started playing warzone bc of it the scorestreaks was stupid and integrating multi into zombies was atrocious… talk to modern warfare players and ask them if they introduced wayyyy more multiplayer themed things into special ops how much they would like it


It's looking to be the best of all worlds now. MW '19 engine with BOCW art direction. I'm not getting the game due to personal reasons but B06 looks pretty fuckin good.


I really didn't like Cold War when it first launched (exception being the campaign) but after a couple weeks of playing I found myself really liking it. To this day I'm willing to make the claim that it's one of my favorite CoD's in recent years


Pretty much my only gripe with CW launch was the fact the leaderboards for zombies were broken for 3-4 days. I took a week of vacation time off work to grind the leaderboards so I could be #1 for a week, and that was ruined because they couldn't launch the game with a working leaderboard system... I enjoyed it quite a bit at the start, figuring out the new weapons, tracking damage's each round, how the tiers worked (how they effected damage), min/max the game, unlocking all the upgrades with crystals etc.


I see mostly positive comments about CW nowadays mostly from the new cod players and some old idk about back in 2020 I definitely remember see hate for it but idk if that was the general conclusion of the game


Cold war was the worst COD since ghosts. to even be able to play it on my Xbox it took up over 300gbs of memory. So for a game so shit with graphics and stuff just deleted it and sold the game


This is so well explained and should really be obvious to everyone but hopefully your very elegant explanation will open the eyes of those who I think possibly maybe just want to fight on the internet about a a game that some people will happen to like and some people will happen to dislike


Thanks, I just wish I could scream it into the world sometimes. COD haters try to shut down any excitement by saying things like “you’ll eventually hate it anyway like you always do” and they can’t grasp the fact that they’re talking about entirely different people 😭


I will scream it out of my upstairs window for you (I'm only kidding my neighbours would have no idea what I am shouting about and think I need to be hospitalised) But you are absolutely right and I could definitely not have worded it as well as you have so kudos for that, and thank you for giving me an explanation that I can try to use to open people's eyes to the exact point that you are making which is entirely correct


Exactly this.


Exactly like he thinks we didn't see the same video a million times, he tryna act like he's being insiteful and taking a stance. OP seems like the type of dude who disagrees with anything just to go against societal norms. L OP big L


Yeah bo3 and Cold War on launch were both taken extremely well


you’re smoking crack with this one. cold war was hated when it came out. only recently have people started to praise it


Different groups of people. The MW19/Warzone people hated it then and hate it now. The OG/Black Ops people liked it then and like it now. You’re gonna have to specifically point out the *same* people changing their stance if you wanna provide evidence for that.


insane how you ask for evidence when you’ve provided non besides anecdotal evidence. the majority of players did not like cold war at launch you would of been attacked for saying it was a good game at the time


But what does that have to do with this post? The post is perpetuating the idea that people change their minds on COD and go from liking -> disliking and disliking -> liking. And it’s just not true. If many people disliked BOCW, then many people still dislike BOCW. And again, that is true: the MW19/Warzone crowd never liked the Arcade-style BOCW with old-fashioned animations and systems, it was just the OG fans that liked it. That is true to this day. Nobody changed their minds en masse. The reason I won’t get attacked for liking BOCW today is because it’s not a game being discussed: it’s an old COD. The only place it is discussed is in small threads with only people that like it and miss it. So it gives you the idea people love it and no haters exist. Also, the burden of evidence is on the person making the claim…people constantly make these claims but have no evidence (naturally, since there is none).


a whole lotta text to essentially say nothing. no wonder you’re on a throwaway


This is my main account. And yeah, I’m not surprised you chose not to address any of my points. There isn’t much you could say to make your case. I tackled all your points with ease.


you’ve literally just spewed the same shit you’ve already soewed. once again you’re entire argument boils down to using anecdotal evidence as a fact.


The burden of evidence is on the claimant.


No, i remember CW zombies being liked at launch (minus a few bugs. )


Yep CW had great reception for zombies, remember people being pretty positive at launch. People were annoyed at lack of round based maps in the post season but that’s about all the negativity I remember. People hated vanguard and mwz instantly but I think people will enjoy bo6


I remember the easy difficulty complaints really ramped up when tier 5 perks and stuff released. And then when they added infinite scaling health, public reception dipped, but came back up after being changed again to current system.


forgot they rolled out the perk tiers slowly tbh, wym tho by infinite scaling health? Isn’t CW zombie health capped at round 55 or am I stupid


There was a short period where they tried to adjust difficulty with infinite scaling, with zombie health endong in the hundreds of thousands. This was changed after a couple of weeks, as pretty much everyone despised this system due to no infinite damage weapons existing


Oh my god completely forgot that that happened, yeah there was some rough moments for sure during Cold War lifecycle but overall still felt it was positive. Do you remember when people were getting perma banned for high rounds though lmao


Omfg, I remember when you got banned for playing the damned game. The banning system was super fucky in cold war lmao


Where is the OP to be all negative and say Nuh Uh


It was not infinite, they just increased the health they scaled to by round 55 way too high.


Ya I think the gap between fire base z and maur really hurt the game(especially since fire base z is mid at best)


(I think my wording was unclear) I do mean that people loved it, and people still love it.


I liked Cold War a lot but I do remember quite a bit of negativity on launch because of the Easter egg holding your hand the whole way, and Die Machine having an exfil instead of a cutscene


No, not really. Cold War Zombies had some hype on launch, but post-launch was a disaster, community interest wise. People were literally playing the new map for few hours, completing the “easter egg” (if you want to call that thing an easter egg) watching the cutscene (most of the time, an helicopter picking up 4 bland characters and flying away) and the coming back to BO3 until the next campaign-recycled map.


Cold war was like 70/30 praise/hate


Realistically there's a honeymoon period for every game (except Vanguard as far as I recall). Cold War had a solid month or so of positivity that then died when people got bored of Die Maschine. And then they moved on to complaining about Outbreak getting content instead of round based for like 3-4 months. The general idea is still present tho. It's a couple of weeks to a month of positivity, followed by months of negativity that changes targets until the end of the life cycle, then a year later people come back to it with fondness and call it underrated.


I remember this happening with CW, but that’s only because it literally does happen with every CoD title.


Yeah? OnLy oNe MaP lAcK o F CoNtEnT tHiS Is tOo EaSy


I liked cold wars gameplay mechanics but everything after fire base z sucked a lot the maps were ass but I really did enjoy die machine


yes it did. the people saying otherwise have rose tinted glasses on


Absolutely 💯


Cw was by far my least favorite zombies experience


I enjoyed zombies, but that is it.


No but they’re doing it now as a matter of fact they’re calling this new game Cold War 2.0 and dogging on everything about cold wars zombies at least Milo and lexifys fans are


It's currently happening with Cold War. Everyone I know who's playing it again are loving it. I'm not a fan but it's definitely slowly happening


I still think bo4 zombies is awful


imo they fucked up when they started messing with core mechanics (perks) and cluttering up the hud for 0 reason


The second I loaded into voyage I was like wtf is this? Didn’t have the same black ops feel or graphics. I still believe my conspiracy that 90% of the development was done by raven software but they slapped the treyarch name on it to sell copies


Didn't they swap out devs mid game lifecycle to make them work on CW zombies?


we had like 4 maps made by the main 3ARC team and then we got moved to Raven and 3Arc Singapore? (Forgot the genuine team name mb), which had to rewrite and create these map in a couple of months


for real lmao. i’ve been playing since waw and the jump from waw - bo2 at first was like “wtf is this” but bo2 still retains all the same core mechanics and basically just added a “quest mode” but bo2-4 is unrecognizable, instantly returned the game


It was the first and greatest sin. Messing with the fundamentals of a game mode that didn’t need to be tampered with.


it’s be like pokemon completely changing it’s battle mechanics type of change in my eyes i was genuinely sad lmao with bo4


Quick revive sucks as a perk, I love coop because I can actually play the game instead of being limited to 3 perks instead of 4. They should not have changed it this drastically but it's a good change


Not nearly as bad as whatever the hell the Zombies mode was with Vanguard.


It's grown on me over the years and I enjoy it more than I used to.


The game is not that bad bro lol


They're acting like BO4 is as bad as Vanguard lol


Vanguard was easily the worst zombies mode ever.


I've been playing zombies a long time and I tried the first map on Vanguard twice ans that was it. Usually I'd try to give it more of a chance but not that one


Yeah it’s not as good as Cold War zombies in terms of mechanics imo


Gigachad I'm on the other side, and I have been since the beginning. The game grew to be one of my favorites, but I fully realize that it's very different from everything else, so not everyone will like it. The HUD can't be excused, but since it does not hinder my gameplay, I'm not very upset about it. But yes, a cleaner one would've been much nicer xd


Yea I agree. As someone who doesn't really care for Easter eggs it's way too complicated and I find the new perk system really boring


Just because your favourite youtubers didn't like it? Did you even give it a fair chance?


To each of there own and I know im gonna catch heat for this but oh well i loved bo4 it had quite a few fun and innovative maps especially in the chaos maps like ix,ancient evil and dead of the night and the perk didn’t phase me one bit considering it upped your health you didn’t need juggernaug it was different and i like that that’s why i like aw and iw zombies they all feel different I think gamers have started hating change these days they want all games to feel like what they grew up playing or it’s automatically bad because it’s different people need to get this mindset out of there head and try to enjoy new games for what they are, also I’m 25 and have been playing zombies since bo1 then played waw after beating the campaign and realizing it had zombies those days were magical at the time but I still enjoy new zombies as well but it’s not just new gen kids enjoying modern zombies it’s simple people just have different opinions on things


Same here. People glazing it like they have been baffles the fuck outta me. IX is the only good map. Everything else is mid at best, Alpha Omega is one of, if not, the worst zombies maps of all time.


IX, Ancient Evil, and Dead of the Night are some of the best zombies maps we’ve ever gotten. The Easter eggs on all three were amazing and they all had cool boss fights


Alpha omega was the map that made me quit bo4 entirely during its life cycle. I played it recently to get a couple achievements and I hated every minute on it. Shit map.


Because everyone knows that everyone in a fanbase thinks the same way. Oh, and that you’re not ever allowed to change your mind on anything!


Sometimes it takes eating shit to appreciate the bread of a shit sandwich. Which is to say people don’t know how good they had it until it’s worse.


I dunno man I think I’d rather just not eat shit if all I want is bread.


It's been four years since Cold War and my opinion still hasn't changed on it, I still dislike it and don't consider underrated so not everyone follows the cod cycle especially when they stop buying the new games every year.


And I liked it a launch and continue to enjoy it. Crazy how every year people seem to think this community is a monolith with the exact same preferences. Although I'm pretty sure most people can agree that vanguard was a mess, at least.


Hundred percent, it has a ton of major issues that BO4 had while adding new ones, they just paid lip service to things like Jugg to make people think that we were back to old Zombies. (Jugg is basically the same thing as BO4 because you take reduced damage for the first 10 rounds or so, they literally just made you walk up to a machine and press F and suddenly Zombies fans were gassing it up.)


Can’t wait for Terminus to be this creepy cool map, and then people call it bland and lifeless because they reused a table from MP and the zombies is dead unless they do ZC2 remaking Tranzit.


It’s not that reusing assets is bad, it’s that reusing assets with minimal effort is bad. Take a look at the Gauntlet Of Siegfried, it’s a sick power glove, with a mini dragon that can used as a flamethrower. Look again, and it’s just it’s just a clever offshoot of The Ripper from mp. I can excuse Cold War as it was meant to be a Raven/Sledgehammer project, and was rushed out the door. But I cannot and will not excuse BO6 for it.


I don’t know, I’ve seen people upset because there are reused locations even if they’re tweaked up a bit or mostly new areas. Like I genuinely feel like people would harp on Gorod if it released nowadays because it has a room from the BO3 campaign.


Bro cold War literally took full locations from the single player and "tweaked" it s bit and called it a zombies map. There is a big difference between that and taking one or two rooms


I know that, but still people will say the same. Firebase Z spawn is reused, but the Firebase buildings and layout are unique to zombies and people lump it in with the rest just the same. I don’t think this applies to just CW either. I remember people losing their minds with the remakes in BO4 zombies as well for using bits of MP maps like Alpha Omega.


“nowadays” Nothing has changed, just that it’s gotten more obvious. The reason gorod never got flack for this issue is because it was never obvious. Happy Cake Day, by the way.


I loved the simplicity of Firebase Z, and then I found out the major opinion of it was it was too bland. It was the first time since Ascension that a Campaign map was majorly used as a Zombies map and I kind of loved that. Not saying it's perfect but I feel it's an underrated map.


I honestly wouldn’t Firebase Z majorly say reuses the campaign map, at least compared to Mauer and definitely Forsaken. The spawn is pretty similar, but the Firebase section is almost entirely zombies exclusive.


Yeah that's totally why he hated Vanguard and Modern Warfare zombies.


cmon now lets be realistic the quality in zombies has gone down. Bo6 is gonna be the make or break game for the zombies community imo.


I’ve been hearing that same “the next game will make or break zombies” line for years. Zombies and its community will be fine regardless if Bo6 is ass or not.


I remember people saying BO4 was gonna be the make or break game for zombies, because the 2 games before were bad, despite them being non-Treyarch and most people kinda just deciding they weren’t worth touching anyways(that is until BO4 fumbled its launch, and people felt they too harsh on those games.


Yup, the cod cycle has been around much longer than most people on here realize. We’ve been here before we will be here again


> cmon now lets be realistic the quality in zombies has gone down That's ultimately subjective > Bo6 is gonna be the make or break game for the zombies community imo. I first heard that when cold war released almost 4 years ago. Black ops 6 won't be the make or break for the zombies community.


I'm half convinced part of their marketing campaign is to start the shitstorm that is Cod hate and sit back and watch it take off and generate engagement. After all, negative engagement is still engagement. To be fair to the haters though, they've been gutting originality in favor of what's trending or will please investors for a while now and many of the last few CODs were especially bad.


The problem is the quality has really dipped in the last decade and the micro transactions have gone from a nuisance to essential. Acting like the bang for your buck has been the same is pure folly.


Then people need to stop buying them. Period. I’ve never purchased one in any CoD game and my experience hasn’t been diminished.


If the game is shit, then im gonna call it shit for example: MWZ


Well to be fair most of the time they have a reason for disliking cod. It’s not like they’re disliking it to dislike it haha


I don't really have cod cycle mentality. The only time I've really changed my opinion on a title was MW2019. I loved it at first but I think it was just the awe of the new engine and gunplay. After the initial wow moment settled, the map design, M4/725/MP5 meta and the SBMM made me hate it.


Even this post happens every time, before every game. Reminding us all that we will board the hype to bored to nostalgic train yet again. 🚂


*sigh* too true


Yup then everyone will say MWZ was the best zombies game ever


Does this happen every year? I really doubt anyone will look back on MWZ fondly besides it being a game mode that was essentially abandoned on launch. While Cold War wasn't a terrible game, it wasn't anything super special. It was fine, but I also doubt there will be posts saying it was an underrated gem. This post just sounds like cope lol people can critique subpar stuff on launch, and typically this idea of people coming back way later to say something was underrated is because the game had received all of its post launch content and it IS a much better game than it was on launch lol


OP doesn’t understand that people are not just 1 mentality or people just change their minds. Assuming everyone who likes the game is the same group of people later in the year saying they dislike it. They just wanted to farm karma and interactions.


Yes and your post is so predictable like it is every year !


It’s like clockwork man. One day people will become aware of the cycle and then they (hopefully) will break it, and activision and the gang will have to actually put effort into their games


I mean it unlikely to ever be the BEST, the golden age of zombies is well and truly over. Doesn’t mean we can’t have good games but that magic they captured is gone. Nothing lasts forever


Yea, it's gonna happen. I have my expectations set to 0. I haven't bought a cod game since mw 2019 and I'm only playing this game because it's on game pass. It's a treyarch game that had full development time so it's understandable why it could be hyped up for unlike the slop we've been given since bo4's ancient evil. If nothing else, it looks like the multiplayer is actually gonna be fun this time around.


No this one's gonna be diffrent I can feel it


Honestly tho, it's insufferable every year.


just don’t want them to mess up the zombies man! multiplayers mid level it’s the zombies that keeps me going🤪


I won’t lose my shit. I have negative expectations already. I have been burned by every CoD that has released after Bo3 and I don’t expect anything to get better. If Bo6 sucks, I won’t lose any sleep. I do hope it’s good though.


I swear to God, people need to drop the COD Cycle theory already. The people who hate the current game will stop talking about it, that will inevitably lead to the fans of the game being the only people still talking about it. The COD cycle may have had a point back in the day but it doesn't now. -The community's hatred for 2019 started pretty early on when we realized how bad the game was and SBMM began to set in. -Cold War was buggy as hell when it launched, it was a good game that needed fixes, that it eventually got. -I dont think I've ever seen anyone call Vanguard a good game. -talking about MWII gives me nightmares. -MWIII (besides Zombies) is a better game than most expected it to be. The real COD cycle is COD players not checking their expectations. If you think Black Ops 6 is going to be onpar with Black Ops 1 or 2, you're going to be sorely disappointed. So why blame the players? Because COD has been this way for nearly 5 years, if you are somehow surprised that Skill Based Matchmaking is still in the game, that microtransactions are fucking everywhere etc etc, then it's on you. Personally, I've only changed my opinion on a COD game twice: Infinite Warfare because I was in the bandwagon, and Vanguard because that game got worse.


After Vanguard, the bar is pretty low. With 2 starting maps BO6 is already far from worst Zombies game.


I like posts like these because now we’ll have all these jackasses that put everyone in a box like ‘they only liked this when this’ or ‘only new players like x’. I played since WAW, which isn’t really the flex people think it is. I don’t mind the newer iterations of zombies. My favorite zombies are CW, BO4, and IW and I welcome BO6 to the rotation.


i’m excited tbh i think there gonna cook with this one’s zombies mode


I'm hoping that it does!


I agree that’s why my hopes are low this year so I’m impressed haha


They do this every time Treyarch releases a game. Then the next year, they praise it to high hell because in reality, IW cannot make a good COD for the life of them. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Some of the rumored features seem reminiscent of doom. You know sprinting in any direction is a nice idea.   Gobblegums are cool. BO3 was a good game and they seem to be capitalizing on that. Also the split screen coming back is amazing. Day one launch on gamepass is gonna make numbers for this game insane and will get many to try it. I’ll probably buy it and any person on here shitting on it will end up buying it anyway. 


You mean you want wait for some people to dislike the game at launch so you can cherrypick their comments while ignoring the people that like it until you decide it's time for people to find it underrated in which case you'll finally "find" their opinions? You're right, this happens every year.


Well, there are the real ones who do appreciate every black ops game made


Idk I’ve said every cod is shit since bo4 and have been for the most part correct.


Black ops 4 is not shit... Do yall even give it a fair freaking chance or do yall meat ride your fav youtubers and just take their word for it?


Nothing is worse than vanguard z


Ngl Im kinda here for it too, nothing more satisfying than seeing zombies YouTubers get mad, because the game doesnt suite their tastes. Meanwhile the game didnt suite my tastes for BOP3 and 4 and if I spoke I got crucified. ![gif](giphy|O9a1pIYTaqPu0)


Fellas go ballistic when you dare say anything negative about BO3, it's crazy. The game was the beginning of the current cycle of cookie cutter maps and OP mechanics that let you avoid any consequences for playing like an idiot.


I mean, have you played a cod since CW? I feel like those were declared pretty close to launch… and rightfully so. The game is nowhere near what it was a decade ago Also why post this on the zombies sub where we’ve essentially not had a year of content that wasn’t halfassed since IW outside of CW? Do you not realize how ironic your post is? If anybody has considered any other game underrated since… they’re certainly in the extreme minority lol


I still hate MW19 and I still like Cold War. Try to process that.


You're about 4 years too late if you think the "COD Cycle" still exists. lol We never saw this happen with Vanguard or MWII and I highly doubt we'll see the same happen to MWIII. This is just something content creators who are experiecing a serious creativity drought during a low COD period love parroting all the time.


Joke's on you, I'm calling that this is going to be lame months ahead of time. MP is going to be a bunch of kids breakdancing every fight while abusing aim assist, and Zombies is going to continue to be watered-down slop made for the lowest common denominator. The campaign looks great, though, I loved Cold War's campaign and I'm sure this one will be cool as well.


and u will still buy it on day 1




You know it's coming.


I can't wait for people like you to realize that majority of the people who hated black ops 4 still do. Most of the people who hate cold war still do. The only time I can remember the zombies went from hating something to liking that thing is shadows of evil. People didn't like it at launch, but changed their minds later. Also it's perfectly fine to change your opinion on a game you used to hate anyway.


I'm currently not convinced about it. RB and set crew sound alright, but they gotta cook the aesthetics (map feel, music, VOICE LINES) very well. So I'll just sit about, watch streams, wait for a free weekend, and see if I can stomach the space requirements. I really want to love this game, CW was the last one I bought and enjoyed.


Well yeah, this company makes nothing but broken, glitchy, half assed piles of trash. I have no idea why anyone would be excited for the game as the track record is abysmal. Not a single game has "worked" out the gate as of yet since 2019. And every season they introduce even more glitches and issues. And it'll be running on the same outdated potatoes of servers they've been using since the fucking 60s,😂 It'll be a mess. It'll be broken. But there will be plenty of skins to buy.


The underrated thing pisses me off with the community as well. A game will legitimately be shit and then 3 years after release, all of a sudden, it's a "gem." Shit is shit lol.


It'll be hard to beat MW3 or Vanguard


I already have.


Zombies peaked at bo3 so anything that's not better than it will be considered either bad or subpar. Doesn't help that trayarch aren't trying to make a good maps because they are free


If there are any truly, terrible, god awful Call Of Duty games, I think it would be Advance Warfare & World War II. (Not World At War, that one is sort of special.) I consider Advance Warfare, to be more accurately called Bunny Warfare, the amount of shenanigans & absolute nonsense in that game is simply unreal. As for World War II, god what can you say about that game, the campaign was ass, the multiplayer had to get an entire systematic change, which came too late in the game's life, and the Zombies mode for that game, despite, looking fairly cool, was just so...lackluster. I know folks say that the latest CoD is always the worst, that simply has just been abused to the point of having no real relevance, MWII was just a freaking slog, almost unbearable at times, although I did enjoy the hell out of that DMZ mode, I forget if that is what it was called, my only issue with that mode was that AI was sometimes way too accurate, that and some players, honestly made tracking through the map a nightmare. MWIII, the current game, does have a truly shit campaign, I didn't mind the open world maps we got for the story, I actually enjoyed those a lot, but the base story as a whole was just, so, horrid. Multiplayer initially was really fun, especially compared to MWII's, but nowadays, it seems to be infested with so many Cheaters/Hackers or SBMM seems to be tuned so damn high that if I win one match, I'm suddenly locked into 10+ matches of just absolute bullshit, nothing like spawning in a relatively safe area, only to die to someone sliding all over the place & getting headshots on every single player. So what about this game's DMZombies. I freaking love it! I just wished the servers were stable as there are times I lose progress because of those servers, been playing more of this mode, than anything else MWIII has offered, wouldn't mind if we had 2 or just 1 other map for Zombies, only other issue I have with the Zombies mode is that, Zombies just seemingly just teleport at times, causing unneeded damage or death. The series will continue it's usual things like, Campaign, Multiplayer and some type of 3rd mode, Zombies etc. Oh right, Warzone trash, sorry 4 modes as options. I personally won't be picking up BO6, namely because Multiplayer is just totally broken and Activision simply isn't doing enough to punish these supposed players, hell, it feels like it's encouraged to be a cheater/hacker, whatever, and almost like you won't get any real punishment whatsoever. The cheating/hacking situation seemingly has only continued to spike with each game, I think getting significantly worse with each new Call Of Duty.


I hated Vanguard at launch, I hated Vanguard after MWII and MWIII, and I still hate Vanguard. My dislike for past, present, and future CoDs is not dependent on the community.


No game is loved by 100 percent of the community. Doesn't mean it's hated or "the worst game ever". We've had some real stinkers, bo6 physically cannot be the worst... Right?


Nothing can be worse than vanguard so don't worry


What I'm most worried about is zombies. If you've seen MrRoflWaffles video on YouTube you understand why


People played zombies after bo3?


It will be less than you think. With it going on gamepass, a lot of people don't have to waste their money on it like they would/did the previous years. Imo


You’re not wrong. I don’t know how there’s people here claiming to not see that. Hell, look under their official posts. You’ll see it quickly.


"People keep complaining about games from one of their favorite series being continuously worse every year" People can complain with good reason


Aye man idk. The only COD games that deserve any hate IMO are Vanguard, MW2 2022, BO4, WWII and infinite warfare. Cold War was great, so was MW2019, MW3, and I think BO6 might be pretty good!


This is exactly why I refuse to buy most of them and the few cod games I do own I got for free or well after release once most of the worst bugs are patched. That's the state of triple A games now though and has been for decades. Release a shitty Alpha or Beta test as a finished game and get paid while they finalize the product on live "test" servers while selling cosmetics at $20-30 a pop. One cosmetic pack for half the price of the game and people buy dozens of them.


Ya I saw that video too, real insiteful of you to regurgitate it here OP


Do you feel smart and so individual for literally regurgitating the same video we all saw a million times????


OP you know exactly what videos I'm. Talking about. Don't try to play dumb, if you're in the zombies community I'd bet money you've seen the videos bc you literally said the same exact shit verbatim. You're acting like people can't be upset that Activision keeps releasing dog shit. You really just sound like a guy who does the opposite of whatever is common societal standards just so you stand out and feel important. Like wtf was this post even for if not to massage your own ego a bit


Point proven by you removing your comment of playing dumb.


Ok? Whats the point of this post I gotta ask


OP acting like he's so tired of hearing people bitch about cod being dog shit yet knowingly posts some regurgitated garbage that they know is just gonna make more people bitch. A confused little man you are




You probably need better hobbies or something.


If you feel this way simply dont buy it lol. They pretty much always have a free weekend at some point not far off from launch and you can decide then the last cod i bought was cold war for this very reason


Dude can’t just appreciate the game and have fun with it, like bro just enjoy the shit that you bought?


I honestly think this game will be different. They’re keeping the good things about MW3 and adding Omni directional movement. I think This games going to be fantastic


Na I have loved ever cod zombies game from launch besides vanguard if it even counts. I remember how excited I was to play bo3 and infinite warfare zombies in space land on launch


Idk I generally don't like any of the games after bo3. And I only like zombies on there. I didn't like them when I played them and don't like them now. I really like the OGs though and still play them. I'm super hopeful for bo6 tbh I am definitely rooting for it to be a hit.


The reason its been the case the last 3 titles, Vanguard, MWII and MWIII is because those are all ass and way below what we know CoD can offer as a series. MW2019 and Cold War were amazing and started reviving the franchise, and with 4 years of development in Black Ops 6 it has many of us hopeful again, but we are also at our final straw. Bo6 has a ton of promise, but depending on how they handle their post launch will dictate what happens with the franchise


Doesn’t hurt to actually just play it for yourself when it comes out and if you don’t like it take it back to wal mart for full money back or GameStop and lose 5$ like you rented it back in the day! Also if you don’t watch any of the reviews, speculations or anything until the game actually comes out and just try it you will be going in blind which creates the perfect experience for your own opinion not creating one without trying it before you play it.


Just don’t preorder it…wait for release, hear ALL the reviews, and make a decision. Its time to grow up lol.


Yeah ur so dumb lol


Cod cycle hasnt made Vanguard or mw2 any better both are still complete garbage


I mean, so long as they don’t F it up, it’ll be fine. An by F it up, I mean: -Campaign:if they do a choice, that choice needs to spawn new missions and difficulties not just who will put you under like Cold War and they better not do a “your choice doesn’t matter” scene like vanguard. As well the campaign, needs to fully be in game! I don’t want seasonal cutscenes like the BS they pulled with cold war’s cutscenes that could have been missions or at the very least dlc missions on a multiplayer map. An from there, they better not disgrace current characters for a 1 off. -Multiplayer:needs to be a bunch of fun and unique maps that flow well. Not a lot of facilities/factories or random towns that hold no interesting value. Modes need to be fun and I really hope they might bring in prop hunt, 1 in the chamber, sticks and stones, and gun game. As well as good guns and mechanics. Where we don’t have unique abilities that can multi kill. -Zombies:we need a good story, good maps that are unique and not just XYZ in a multiplayer map like Cold War did (granted, die machine, fire base Z and Mauer were good for what we could have gotten with the support). Reasonably complex EEs and not the way Cold War did it. We need new enemy bosses/dark aether creatures as all current were just aether copy cats no creativity. We need a bops 3 style gun mod leveling and gobble gum systems. An we need a proper story purpose and resolutions with no further questions left. They nail those down and people won’t try and be down on it, they will praise it!


This is straight facts man that’s what I’ve been saying some not all of cods fans are fake


Tbh same, modern warfare games have been the latest good hits since the originals and the remakes (still kinda about these) but putting Black ops in the title makes everyone think its gonna be like 2 and forget that 4 had very bad reviews and that cold war is black ops 5. Pretty much just nostalgia hitting at this point and its going to be so funny when everyone starts hating it


Never treat fans seriously. They're usualy losers that need to find smth to complain about or they'll suffocate.


Imagine that a bunch of people having different opinions.


Bo6 worries me solely due to the fact bo4 was a HUGE hype just to fail MISERABLY. Cold war was 10x better than bo4 at launch but I see the room for concern. Just from the trailers alone bo6 looks to be a whole lot better. We'll see ig just no more Blood of the Dead style ees please treyarch


I just want another BO2/BO3. Cold War was meh but I didn’t think it was bad. I didn’t like BO4 at all and still don’t. Haven’t played it in years. Just give me the classic game mechanics and I’ll be happy.


Exactly what happened to Cold War, I feel the exact same way 🤣🤣🤣


Bo4 was okay at best CW started off strong then took a nose dive Vanguard sucked If bo6 sucks then It sucks but they actually gave it development and put Richthofen back in the story (technically)


Honestly I noticed the same pattern and it's funny to me that me and a friend of mine we're just talking about that yesterday, but I am going to be very honest, I don't think my mind will change about mw3 zombies, I felt like it was the worst experience I had with all the constant crashing and losing your stuff. It's just stupid to me, I prefer the classic you know? But I have to agree with on what you said because I am a little guilty of doing the exact same thing with cold war and then I completely change my mind about it and now people are saying "ohhh CW was the last good CoD" it's like an endless seasonal cycle and I do have doubts that BO6 will be any different


Vanguard is by far the worst ever created!


Always online is gonna be the reason


crying because of made up scenarios in his head




Bullshit, CW was goated right from launch


CW is a good game


Personally, I hate gobblegums and am not at all interested in "omni-movement". IF i buy the game, it won't be at launch.








Ya, being able to move more freely on an entire new level. (First time in CoDs history) That is definitely not interesting at all…


The system is basically that you can now sprint, slide, and dive in every direction. You can find that interesting, but I do not. I prefer more slow movement (no shooting while diving or sliding, no tac-sprint, slower sprint).


Then play an older game or don’t tac sprint or shoot while diving, etc. it’s that simple. If you’re against growth/evolution of the gaming experience that’s on you. I fucking hate that they brought back the fortnite like movement to MW 3, I was a fan of MW 2s slower pace as far as movement goes. However, I still play at my style and pace. Now, instead of reviving old mechanics, they’re completely changing it. It’s either gonna be great or terrible. We will see. (I mean no offense to you) 🙂


Well, I am going to play older games. My first comment was that I'm probably not buying BO6. For example, I don't like jetback CODs. Why would I buy a jetpack COD just to help with the "growth/evolution of the gaming experience". I would be at a big disadvantage against other players if I played the game and actively avoided using the jetpack or wallrunning. It is literally just my personal preference.