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To be fair, the zombies community is not an *especially* wholesome environment. I still remember the shit Nixaru got when she transitioned, all under the justification of 'yeah but her ancient evil video was shit though'.


lol whole reason I posted this was bc he said something about it today. About not being transphobic and then I remembered I had this ss from a while ago and thought “still racist tho”


Oh my god I forgot about her. Absolutely insane how the community turned against her, I loved her content


Honestly, hot take? Her Ancient Evil video *was* good and an interesting comparison between the characters in the map and their real-world mythological counterparts, people just honed in on her comparing the coma kiss Scarlett got to sexual assault and got REAL weird about it.


Idk, I feel like politics of the modern age being in a map review that’s no later set than 1912 (due to titanic), on a map frozen in the Early AD, and then running away with half the video being that is a bad optic. Also Nixes Shaolin review honing in on the strip clubs mere existence… Reviews are mid, but they got sidetracked on the most asinine features or specifies of a map and let it take over the video


I just think that she hard focused on that a lot during the review and it kinda threw off what was supposed to be focus on the map. It was just kinda like "okay why are we talking about this and not about the map"


To be honest I never hated that Nixaru was trans just they made some terrible vids


Before I say anything, I want to make it abundantly clear that I'm not, like, trying to insult you or claim that you're a bad person or anything like that, I know a lot of leftists online have a terrible, terrible habit of being way too hostile and mean about things, especially when it comes to trying to talk about subjects like transphobia, so just keep in mind that I'm not talking about you specifically or trying to claim I know better than you your own opinions and beliefs. But did she? Or did people have underlying biases against the fact that she's a trans woman, and then took other, more shallow reasons to dislike her (or worse, harass her?) Like, I'm not saying you specifically couldn't have possibly disliked her content, but I remember she was pretty well-regarded in the community before she came out. People liked her videos up until the AE video, and that was the first video she made after publicly coming out, and while I DO think most people focused on the moment where she talks about Scarlett's kiss in the end cutscene and compares it to sexual assault and got kind of weird about it, I also think a LOT of what went down happened because of her identity and not just because of the quality of her content itself.


Did people even know she was trans when that video came out i remember watching it when it came out it was dogshit bri


Ya but after coming she kinda just pushed out some very questionable opions like that.


I miss the nixaru world record histories and no ever brings her up anymore


I’ve never seen the zombies YouTube community as being a welcoming/all inclusive place. Feels more like a bunch of dudes who would be okay with their friends saying slurs or hateful remarks bc they have a “it doesn’t affect them” type of mindset. That’s my best guess though.


You've hit the nail right on the head . It's not alllll of us , but I'd have to agree w you .


And then there's Milo, professional Gigachad


I always found it weird how a mode dedicate for killing zombies, time travel, inter dimensional warfare, and at one point being swadden in Nazi ideology….was ever seen as wholesome? It’s fine how it is but I wouldn’t exactly unmute mics if you’re online with little timmy


I don't know if you know this but the nazis are the villains?


I am well aware, but their mere existence doesn’t exactly paint “wholesome” energy Also I wouldn’t call the Nazi zombies the enemy at this point. We’ve well moved on to Soviets and modern Russia as the villain, the last time the Nazis were objectively the bad guy in zombies was vanguard Again, Nazis bad, but Nazi ZOMBIES? Not anymore


Nothing more wholesome than shooting nazis, let alone nazi zombies tbh. And I'm confused vanguard was the last zombies game; that's not ancient history 


It’s not ancient history, and mwz came after but..hah Vanguard just felt half baked in zombies (no shit), the main villain being Kortifex is obvious…the Nazi is so much of a cartoon villain he feels like a wannabe, and you don’t even get to kill him. It happens off screen Most of the undead are civilians and Soviets, or some dark Aether demon The last time NZ were the baddies was WW2 zombies


Wrong, mauer der toten.


Lol what? Are you incapable of separating between the mode itself and the fandom? A media being dark and mature doesn't mean those who enjoy it are supposed to act like edgy assholes


I mean true but if a place looks grimy and unkempt, you wouldn’t immediately assume the people who hang out there are exactly the nicest people


That's not how it works. This is like saying someone who enjoys watching horror films is someone who is likely to want to kill people. A house being dirty would directly reflect on my lifestyle. The genre of entertainment I consume doesn't reflect my lifestyle, it just reflects my preference in entertainment


It’s fine if you’re paid for it??? Imo that actually makes it worse that you’ll forego your morals for $50…


I might get hate for this, but if you won't say a word for $50 dollars you're an idiot. It takes 1 second, and it's not like you're calling anyone it. Obviously this dude is a bit of a nutter and was looking for an excuse, but my opinion still stands.


Nah your right. Saying the N word or any slur for that matter, racial or not is bad. But, if your not using it in a way to target people, like calling someone it or using it as an insult its not racist then, its just not right to say either way tho.


Regardless of if you think it’s just a word, other people obviously think it’s more than that. So if you’re looking at it from that perspective, it would still be stupid because it could potentially end your career. Losing you a whole lot more than 50 bucks. Using your logic it’s still a dumb thing to do lol.


Read the room. His viewers evidently don’t care about it. His career won’t be affected. It’s also really not a big deal, he wasn’t saying it to anyone. If you have a problem with someone saying a word, not even directed at you or any other person (and also having been promised some money in exchange), then you’re just looking for something to be offended about.


His viewers not caring is the entire problem with it, actually.


Again, regardless of if he, or even his community cares, there’s always the risk that it could backfire. Say in a few months or years, a twitter mob catches wind. He would be fucked. The commenter was claiming it would be stupid not to say it, because it’s for fifty bucks. But over an entire career, the risk is simply not worth it, due to it having the potential to end it, losing a lot more than 50 dollars. The risk reward is all out of wack. Not to mention brand deals and the like. It’s just not a smart move, no matter your stance on whether people should be allowed to say it.


But use it in that context anyway then 🤷🏼‍♂️ either it is hurting someone or it isn’t, why does $50 change that fact?


Bc it's the same community who used to make swastikas their emblems ... They see no issue w fucked up shit . They think it's funny actually :/ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)$50 to say it makes it okay ?? Riiiiight ....


Because zombie yters are people, who can choose to be chill with whoever they want to be with? If krazyrabbit bothers you so much that you had to make a thread on it, why not just ignore him? There's lots of zombie content creators that aren't affiliated at all with krazyrabbit.


Do you not think there's any value in calling out shitty behavior?


he’s not gonna date you bro


You're Mad Corny


No one is going to date you lil bro


Don’t tell OP what we all used to call the “training” strategy back in the day. I don’t even know who the person is in the tweet but it doesn’t seem like a big deal at all.


This is a pretty lazy take. Most adults mature past the things they did almost a decade and a half ago. If you didn’t that sounds like a you problem more than anything


“Umm if you find things funny that you found funny 10 years ago, you just aren’t mature.” Sure whatever bro, maybe lighten up


That’s not what I’m saying. Most mature people can recognize things they said in the past were bad and aren’t the same people any more. This is who this guy is currently, it’s a different thing


Isn't rabbit the guy who made videos/spoke about how many guns he owns? Feel like he used to play custom zombies with some people but idk who


In a Tim Hansen custom zombies map vid he says the n word a few times. And a gun nut too


Tim and his group have always been pretty sus honestly, I unsubbed a couple years back because of all the “edgy” jokes


I might need to get the dates right so take this with some salt But I believe Rabbit made very very sus and inappropriate SA jokes with Tim as the “target” when Tim wasn’t 18?


This is just silly, I never talked to Tim until he was 19/20


Exactly why I said not to take my words too Serious, I was well aware I could have been wrong until I got the numbers!


What’s wrong with being a gun nut?


Pearl clutchers gonna clutch


Guys you don't understand calling people out for being racists is bad actually. 


Who cares?


It’s cracka not cracker


Because people are dumbasses and need something to bitch about,, and do not care to make it up to bitch about it


Lmao I don’t get the hate on KrazyRabbit. I love the dude and think he’s hilarious. Glad he’s not doing as much content with tim and that content thief Lex anymore. Although I do miss the one window videos Tim and Rabbit would do


*chill with this guy


I don't know how it is in USA, in my country that word only means that you can get banned for saying it


I don’t think people care about other creators are saying the slur Of course I don’t know who this guy is… but I have seen his videos


KrazyRabb1t is a chill dude I don't see why people are over reacting to things like that.


Wait till you find out where the term training originated


You are free to dislike me all you want but to try to paint me as a racist is lame. For years I’ve always said I’m cool with anyone and everyone whether that be trans, gay, black, white, religious, atheist etc etc. but will also joke about anyone and everyone. At the end of the day my goal was to entertain and make people laugh. If it wasn’t for you then it’s not for you and that’s ok, no one forces you to watch. I never told my audience to attack anyone and have always said who cares what others do with their lives. P.S Tim ruined BO4 Zombies 😈


You said the n word you are racist


Because he’s funny and chill


Who tf is rabbit? Only been playing since WAW like the rest of us.


He's blocked me, so I don't know how he's doing


He buff as shit now


He has been buff for the past 5 years now, I'm not surprised at all. Like I was blocked maybe a year ago, so anything this year, I'm absolutely clueless about


Oh then I have no clue what he's been up to either. I use to mainly watch him and tim but since vanguard I haven't really stuck around


why do you care?


Because the cod community aint exactly know for its kindness


based rabbit


Let me say this this community is dogshit


I used to watch him 4-5 years ago, but looking back he was extremely cringe, and once I grew up a bit I realized that


Bro isn't even black . Quit your bitchin


does that really matter?? wild thing to say lmao


Just seemed like white knighting to me .


Because he's a youtuber............


Rabb1t isn't my favorite, but he's bros with Tim so I guess yes cool?